Leading rabbis and thinkers who lived in the 11th through 15th centuries.
Bechinat Olam
14th-century poem about the unpredictable nature of the world and the paths that lead to the world to come.
Iggeret HaRamban
13th-century letter attributed to Nachmanides instructing his son to live a life of humility, recited by many on a weekly basis.
Kad HaKemach
14th-century encyclopedia of select character traits, holidays, and commandments, incorporating commentary on the books of Job, Jonah, and Esther.
Letter from Ramban to his Son
13th-century letter of Nachmanides to his son focusing on the value of chastity, incorporated in the will of a figure named Shlomo ben Yitzchak.
Ma'alot HaMiddot
13th-century Italian ethical treatise that discusses 24 positive character traits
Menorat HaMaor
14th-century work by Rabbi Yisrael Alnaqua with practical legal instructions, ethical guidance, and discourses on the significance behind commandments.
Mivchar HaPeninim
11th-century collection of short maxims arranged according to behavioral categories, originally composed in Arabic.
Orchot Chaim L'HaRosh
14th-century work of short maxims on living an ethical life, composed by the Rosh for his children.
Orchot Tzadikim
15th-century work following the structure of "The Improvement of the Moral Qualities,” based upon insights from Maimonides and others.
Sefer HaYashar
Popular 13th or 14th-century ethical book based on the philosophical work “Duties of the Heart.”
Sefer HaYirah
Short 13th-century essay attributed to Rabbeinu Yonah Gerondi describing how one should act from the time they wake up in the morning and throughout the day.
Sha'ar HaGemul of the Ramban
13th-century treatise on the world to come, reward, and punishment; the last chapter of Ramban’s legal work, Torat HaAdam
Sha'arei Teshuvah
Popular 13th-century work of Rabbeinu Yonah Gerondi on repentance, punishment, and forgiveness.
Shekel HaKodesh
12th-century rhyming work of short maxims based on Mivchar HaPeninim.
The Improvement of the Moral Qualities
11th-century accessible analysis of 20 personality traits divided by the senses to which they correspond.
Tomer Devorah
16th-century kabbalistic and ethical treatise by R. Moses Cordovero with a focus on the concept of imitating God
Yesod HaTeshuvah
Short and practical guide on how to begin repentance, attributed to 13th-century scholar Rabbenu Yonah Gerondi
Yesod HaYirah
Short poetic work similar in style to and often printed together with "Shekel HaKodesh."
Leading rabbis and thinkers who lived in the 16th through 20th centuries.
Ahavat David
18th-century compilation of 17 sermons delivered by the Chida on the Shabbatot before Yom Kippur, Purim, Pesach, and Shavuot.
Ahavat Yisrael
20th-century essay on the prohibition of baseless hatred, by the Chafetz Chaim.
Cheshbon HaNefesh
Early 19th-century guide to self-improvement, modeled on Benjamin Franklin’s program of systematic refinement of 13 distinct character traits.
Davar BeItto
20th-century work by the Chafetz Chaim admonishing those who eat non-kosher food while traveling and encouraging them to maintain their standards of observance at all times
Iggeret HaGra
18th-century ethical will that the Vilna Gaon sent to his family before his planned immigration to Israel.
Kav HaYashar
Influential 18th-century collection of stories, ethics, and customs with frequent quotations from the Zohar.
Kuntres Chovat HaShemirah
20th-century essay on the power of speech and guarding one's speech, by the Chafetz Chaim.
Kuntres Sefat Tamim
20th-century essay on the prohibitions of lying, theft, and usury, by the Chafetz Chaim.
Ma'amar Torat HaBayit
20th-century work of the Chafetz Chaim on the importance of learning Torah during one’s free time.
Mesillat Yesharim
Widely-studied 18th-century work by the Ramchal, structured around a progression of ideal character traits quoted in the Talmud
Ohr Yisrael
Teachings of R. Israel Salanter, founder of the 19th-century Musar movement
Pele Yoetz
19th-century accessible work on fundamental ethical principles, organized alphabetically.
Sefer HaChaim
16th-century ethical work by Rabbi Betzalel ben Chaim of Friedberg, brother of the Maharal of Prague.
Shemirat HaLashon
19th-century ethical treatise on proper speech by the Chafetz Chaim, often printed together with his legal work on the topic.
Shenei Luchot HaBerit
17th-century encyclopedic compilation of ethics, mysticism, and law that profoundly influenced the development of Chasidut; also known as the Shelah
Shevet Musar
18th-century ethical work divided into 52 chapters, corresponding to the weeks of the year
Ya'arot Devash I
18th-century collection of sermons on ethical matters delivered by R. Yonatan Eybeschutz
Yesod VeShoresh HaAvodah
18th-century guide to prayer and ethics, based heavily on the Zohar and the teachings of the Arizal.
Ma'amar Mezakeh HaRabim
20th-century article on the importance of spreading Torah to all Jews by the founder of the Novardok yeshiva.
Ma'amar Tzipita LeYeshuah
20th-century work of the Chafetz Chaim on the importance of actively awaiting the coming of the Messiah and the final redemption
Ohr HaTzafun
20th-century compilation of discourses by Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, founder of the Slabodka yeshiva.
Sichot Avodat Levi
20th-century insights on the weekly Torah portion from the founder of the Ner Yisrael Yeshiva in Baltimore.
About Musar
Musar is a category of Jewish literature that provides virtue-based instruction for moral and spiritual character development. Some works focus on practical and systematic programs for improvement, while others are more theoretical in nature. Study of musar was bolstered by the founding of the Musar movement in 19th-century Lithuania, which encouraged organized study of musar and produced its own musar literature.
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