When discussing Jewish topics, it is natural to use certain Hebrew words to describe the ideas being discussed. However, readers of this book who are not familiar with these Hebrew words may have difficulty understanding the text.
This Glossary explains the meaning of the transliterated Hebrew words and is being included to help readers better understand the discussions within the text.
Adam HaRishon The first man (the ancestor of all human beings)
Aliya Traveling to the land of Israel (literally, "going up")
Amida Silent prayer said while standing
Ani Maamin Literally "I believe"
Anshei Kenesset HaGedola The Men of the Great Assembly
Arba Malchuyot The four kingdoms
Avdei The slaves of
Avdut Slavery
Aveirot Sins, or transgressions
Avinu Our father, or Our ancestor
Avinu Malkeinu Our Father, Our King
Avoda Zara Idol worship (literally, "strange worship")
Avot Fathers
Avraham Abraham
B’Derech Hateva In the way of nature
B’yechidut Alone
Ba’alei Hashkafa Masters of philosophical outlook
Ba’alei Keriah People who know how to read the holy writings during synagogue services
Barad Hail (one of the ten plagues in Egypt)
Baruch Hashem Praised Be Hashem
Baruch Hashem Yom Yom Blessed be God every day
Batei Knesset Synagogues
Bavel Babylonia
Bayit Sheini The second House (Temple)
Bechira Chofshit Free choice
Beit Din A rabbinic court
Beit Midrash A house of study, or a study hall
Bereishit The Book of Genesis
Berit Bein HaBetarim The Covenant between the parts
Bnei Yisrael The nation of Israel, literally "the children of Israel"
Bracha A blessing, recited as a prayer
Chalavi Permitted to eat dairy food
Chas V’Shalom Heaven forbid
Chazal The Jewish Sages
Cheilek A portion
Cheirut Freedom
Chillul Hashem The opposite of Kiddush Hashem
Chillul Shabbat Desecration of the Shabbat (the Sabbath)
Chukim Laws
Churban Destruction (of the Temple)
Churban Bayit Rishon The destruction of the first House (Temple)
Churban Shilo The destruction of Shilo
Chutz LaAretz Outside the land (of Israel)
Daven Pray
Davening Praying
De'oraita Of the Torah
Eishet Potiphar The wife of Potiphar
Eit Ratzon A favorable time
Eretz Yisrael The Land of Israel
Galut Exile
Gaon An honorific title for the head of one of the Babylonian Jewish academies
Geulah Redemption
Gevurah Strength
Gezeira A rule meant to prevent a serious transgression of a law
Gilui Arayot Prohibited intimate relationships
Hagada The book that is read at the Seder on the first night(s) of Passover
HaNavi The prophet
Hashem Literally "The Name", meaning God
Hashgacha Peratit Divine providence
Hashkafa Outlook, or philosophical perspective
Hilchot Melachim The laws of kings
Imeinu Our mother
Kal Vachomer An "a fortiori" argument; "even more so"
Kashrut Jewish religious laws regarding which foods may be eaten
Keilim Vessels
Keitz The end of an era
Ketuvim Writings (the third major section of the Jewish Bible)
Kevod Malchut The honor of kingship
Kiddush Hashem Sanctification of God's Name
Korbanot Animal sacrifices
L’Havdil As distinguished from
Luchot Tablets (of stone)
Machloket A disagreement
Maggid Shiur The teacher of a class
Makkot Plagues
Malach An angel
Malchut Hashem The Kingdom of God
Masechet A Tractate (of the Talmud)
Mashiach The Messiah (literally, the "Anointed One")
Medinat Yisrael The State of Israel
Mechanchim Teachers
Mefarshim Commentators
Mekorot Sources
Melech King
Melech HaMashi’ach The Anointed King
Melech Yehuda The King of (the kingdom of) Judah
Middot Tovot Good behavioral traits
Midrash Biblical Exegesis
Midrashim Exegetical writings
Migdal Bavel Tower of Babel
Mishneh LaMelech The name of a commentary on Maimonides' Mishneh Torah
Mishpatim Laws
Mitzrayim Egypt
Mitzvot Commandments, or Good Deeds
Mizmor Psalm
Mizmorim The plural of Mizmor
Navi A prophet
Neder A vow
Neis A miracle
Neis B’Toch Neis A miracle within a miracle
Neshama Soul
Nevi’im Prophets
Nevi’ot Female Prophets
Nevu’ah Prophecy
Nevu’ot Prophecies
Nissim Miracles
Okimta An exegetical technique for resolving conflicting sources
Olam Haba The world to come
Pashtanim Commentators who focus on the plain meaning of words in the text
Pasuk A verse
Perakim Chapters
Perek A chapter
Peshat Simple meaning of words in the text
Pesukim Verses
Pirkei Avot Chapters of the Fathers
Piyut Religious poem
Ra’ayah Proof
Rabbeinu Our teacher
Rambam Maimonides
Ramban Nachmanides
Rav Rabbi
Rebbeim Rabbis
Rosh Yeshiva Head of the Yeshiva (School Principal)
Ru’ach HaKodesh Spirit of Holiness
Sechar VaOnesh Reward and punishment
Sefarim Religious books
Sefer A religious book
Sefer Mishlei The Book of Proverbs
Shacharit The morning prayer
Shavua A week (7 days)
Shemot The Book of Exodus, literally "Names"
Shevatim Tribes
Shir Ha-Shirim The Song of Songs
Shiur A class, or a study session
Shiurim The plural of Shiur
Shlomo HaMelech King Solomon
Shofetim Judges
Shomer Shabbat Someone who observes the laws of Shabbat (the Sabbath)
S’neh The (burning) bush
Sugya A discussion within the Gemara
Talmid A student
Talmidim Students
Tanach The combined set of Torah, Prophets and Writings (the Jewish Bible)
Techiyat HaMeitim Revival of the dead
Tefillah Prayer
Tefillot Prayers
Teva Nature
Timtum HaLev Spiritual contamination of the mind (literally, "contamination of the heart")
Tosafot Medieval commentaries on the Talmud
Tza’ar Suffering
Tzara’at A surface disease
Tzedaka Charity
Tzefarde’im Frogs (one of the ten plagues in Egypt)
Tzibbur Congregation
vakma”l An abbreviation of Hebrew words meaning “This is not the place for an extended discussion of this topic”
Vayakom melech chadash asher lo yada et Yosef A new king rose to power who did not know Joseph
Vidui Confession prayer
Yam Suf The Sea of Reeds, or the Red Sea
Yamim Nora’im High Holidays (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur)
Yeihareig V’Al Ya’avor Dying is preferable to violating a legal prohibition
Yerushalmi The Jerusalem Talmud
Yeshayahu Isaiah
Yetzi’at Mitzrayim The Exodus from Egypt
Zemer Song