Sefer HaChinukh
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42; The commandment of the law of a Hebrew slave43; The commandment of designation of a Hebrew bondwoman44; The commandment of redemption of a Hebrew bondwoman45; That the one who acquires the Hebrew bondwoman from the father not sell her46; Not to reduce her flesh, covering and time period47; The commandment on the court to kill with strangulation one who is liable48; Not to strike father and mother49; The commandment of the laws of penalties50; The commandment on the court to kill with the sword one who is liable51; The commandment on the court to judge the damages of an animal52; Not to eat from the meat of an ox that was stoned53; The commandment on the court to judge the damages of a pit54; The commandment on the court to judge a thief with repayment or the death penalty55; The commandment on the court to judge concerning damages of destruction56; The commandment on the court to judge damages from fire57; The commandment on the court to judge the case of an unpaid guardian58; The commandment on the court to judge the case of a plaintiff and a defendant59; The commandment on the court to judge the case of one who takes a wage and of a renter60; The commandment to judge the case of the borrower61; The commandment on the court to judge the case of a seducer62; To not keep a witch alive63; To not oppress the convert with words64; To not oppress the convert regarding money65; To not abuse the orphan and the widow66; The commandment of lending to the poor person67; That we not demand the debt of a poor person that does not have with what to pay68; That we not give a hand between the borrower and the creditor with interest69; To not curse the judge70; The negative commandment of "blessing" the Name71; To not curse a chieftain72; To not skip in the laws of produce73; To not eat a torn animal74; To not hear the claim of a litigant when it is not in front of his fellow litigant75; Not to have a sinner testify76; Not to incline after the many in capital punishments because of one77; That the one who advocated innocence at the beginning of capital cases not advocate guilt78; The commandment of inclining towards the many79; To not have mercy upon a poor person in his case80; The commandment of removing a burden81; To not tip the judgment of an evildoer82; To not conclude the judgment by estimation83; To not take a bribe84; The commandment of the releasing of lands85; The commandment to rest on Shabbat86; To not swear by idolatry87; To not entice the Children of Israel towards idolatry88; The commandment of celebration on the festivals89; That we not slaughter the lamb of the Pesach offering on the fourteenth of Nissan while chamets is still in our possession90; To not leave the entrails of the Pesach sacrifice to stay overnight91; The commandment of bringing the first fruits92; To not cook meat in milk93; To not make a covenant with the seven nations and likewise with any worshiper of idolatry94; To not have worshipers of idols dwell in our Land
184; That the priests not enter at any time into the Temple, and all the more so, non priests185; The commandment of the service of Yom Kippur186; Not to slaughter consecrated animals outside of the Temple yard187; The commandment of covering the blood188; To not marry one of all the sexual prohibitions189; To not reveal the nakedness of the father190; To not reveal the nakedness of the mother191; To not reveal the nakedness of the wife of the father, even though she is not his mother192; To not reveal the nakedness of his sister, from any angle that she is his sister193; To not reveal the nakedness of the daughter of the son194; To not reveal the nakedness of the daughter of the daughter195; To not reveal the nakedness of the daughter196; To not uncover the nakedness of his sister from the father, and she is the daughter of the wife of the father197; To not reveal the nakedness of the sister of the father198; The nakedness of the sister of your mother you shall not reveal199; The nakedness of the brother of your father you shall not reveal200; The nakedness of the wife of the brother of your father, you shall not reveal201; The nakedness of your daughter in law you shall not reveal202; The nakedness of the wife of your brother you shall not reveal203; The nakedness of a woman and her daughter, you shall not reveal204; The nakedness of a woman and the daughter of her son205; To not reveal the nakedness of a woman and the daughter of her daughter206; The nakedness of a woman and her sister207; To not have intercourse with a menstruant woman208; That we should not give from our seed to Molekh209; For a man to not have intercourse with males210; To not lay with a beast211; That women not lay with the beasts
212; The commandment of the reverence of father and mother213; To not turn after the worship of idols, not in thought, not in speech and not in vision214; To not make idols not for himself and not for those besides him215; To not eat notar216; To leave over the corner of the field217; To not finish the corner in the field218; To leave the gleanings in the field219; To not take the sheaves that fall at the time of the harvesting220; The commandment of leaving over the corner of the vineyard221; To not finish the corner of the vineyard222; The commandment of leaving the peret of the vineyard223; To not gather the peret of the vineyard224; To not steal any money225; That we do not disavow money that is in our hand from another226; To not swear about the denial of money227; To not swear falsely228; To not oppress229; To not rob230; To not delay the wage of a wageworker231; To not curse an Israelite, whether a man or a woman232; To not make an innocent one stumble on the way233; To not vitiate justice234; To not honor a great person in judgment235; The commandment to judge with righteousness236; To not spy237; To not stand over the blood of neighbors238; To not hate brothers239; The commandment of rebuke to an Israelite who does not behave properly240; To not whiten the face of an Israelite241; To not avenge242; To not begrudge243; The commandment of love of Israel244; To not mate a beast, a species with not its species245; To not sow seeds of forbidden mixtures and not graft in any place in the Land246; To not eat orlah247; The commandment of the fourth year plant248; To not eat or to drink in the way of a glutton and a drunkard249; To not divine250; To not soothsay251; To not encircle the corner of the head252; To not destroy the corner of the beard253; That we not imprint an imprinted tattoo into our flesh254; The commandment of awe for the Temple255; To not do an act of ov256; To not do an act of yida'aoni257; The commandment to honor sages258; To not cheat in measures, and all measures are included259; The commandment of having just scales, weights and measures260; To not curse father and mother261; The commandment to burn one who is liable for burning262; To not follow the practices of the gentiles
263; That a common priest not become defiled with a dead body except for the relatives elucidated in Scripture264; The commandment of the matter of the impurity of the priests for their relatives, and included in it is that each one in Israel should mourn for their six relatives the identity of which is well known265; That a priest who immersed that day not serve until his sun sets266; That a priest not marry a licentious woman267; That a priest not marry a profaned woman268; That a priest not marry a divorcee269; The commandment of sanctifying the seed of Aharon270; That a high priest not enter the tent of a dead body271; That the high priest not become impure with any impurity272; The commandment of a high priest to marry a virgin maiden273; That a high priest not marry a widow274; That a high priest not have intercourse with a widow275; That a priest with a blemish not serve in the Temple276; That a priest with a transient blemish not serve277; That one with a blemish not enter the entire sanctuary278; That an impure priest not serve279; That an impure priest not eat priestly tithe280; That no foreigner eat priestly tithe281; That the boarder of a priest and the hired worker not eat priestly tithe282; That an uncircumcised one not eat priestly tithe283; That a profaned woman not eat from the holy284; To not eat tevel285; That we not consecrate animals with blemishes for the altar286; The commandment of the sacrifice being unblemished287; That we not place a blemish upon consecrated animals288; That we not sprinkle blood of an animal with a blemish on the altar289; That we not slaughter an animal with a blemish for the sake of a sacrifice290; That we not incinerate the entrails of animals with blemishes291; Not to castrate one of all of the species292; Not to sacrifice a sacrifice that is one with a blemish from the hand of the stranger293; The commandment of a sacrifice that it be from eight days and above294; To not slaughter a beast and its child on one day295; That we not do anything through which the name of the Heavens is profaned among people296; The commandment of sanctification of the Name297; The commandment of resting on the first day of Pesach298; To not do work on the first day of Pesach299; The commandment of the additional sacrifices all of the seven days of Pesach300; The commandment of resting on the seventh day of Pesach301; To not do work on the seventh day of Pesach302; The commandment of the sacrifice of the omer of barley303; To not eat from the new grain before the end of the sixteenth of Nissan304; To not eat roasted grain from the new grain until that day305; To not eat fresh grain from the new grain until that day306; The commandment of counting the omer307; The commandment of the sacrifice of the new meal offering from wheat on the day of Shavuot308; The commandment of resting from work on the day of Shavuot309; To not do work on the day of the holiday of Shavuot310; The commandment of resting on the day of Rosh Hashanah311; To not do work on the first day of Tishrei312; The commandment of the additional sacrifice on the day of Rosh Hashanah313; The commandment of the fast on the tenth day of Tishrei314; The commandment of the additional sacrifice of Yom Kippur315; To not do work on the tenth of Tishrei316; To not eat and drink on Yom Kippur317; The commandment of resting from work on Yom Kippur318; The commandment of resting on the first day of the holiday of Sukkot319; To not do work on the first day of the holiday of Sukkot320; The commandment of the additional sacrifice on each day of the seven days of Sukkot321; The commandment of resting from work on the eighth day of Sukkot322; The commandment of the additional sacrifice on the eighth day of Sukkot, which is called Shemini Atseret323; To not do work on the day of the holiday of Shemini Atseret324; The commandment of taking the lulav325; The commandment of sitting in a sukkah
326; That we not work the land on the seventh year327; That we also not do work with the trees328; That we not harvest the aftergrowth on the seventh year329; That we not gather the fruit of the trees in the seventh year in the manner that we gather them in every year330; The commandment of counting the seven cycles of seven years331; The commandment of blowing the shofar on Yom Yippur of the Jubilee332; The commandment of the sanctification of the Jubilee year333; That we not work the land on the Jubilee year334; To not harvest the aftergrowth of the produce of the Jubilee year335; To not gather the fruits of the trees on the Jubilee year in the manner that we gather them in other years336; The commandment of adjudicating between the buyer and the seller337; To not mistreat in buying and selling338; To not mistreat any Israelite with words339; That we not sell a field in the Land of Israel in perpetuity340; The commandment of returning land to its owners on the Jubilee341; The law of redemption of houses of walled cities until the completion of a year342; To not change the open areas of the Levites343; To not lend with interest to an Israelite344; That we not make a Hebrew slave perform demeaning work, like the work of a Canaanite slave345; That we not sell a Hebrew slave upon the auctioning stone346; To not make a Hebrew slave perform oppressive work347; The commandment of work with a Canaanite slave forever348; To not allow a gentile to work a Hebrew slave sold to him349; That we not prostrate ourselves on a figured stone, even to God
436; To destroy idolatry and its auxiliaries437; Not to destroy things upon which His name, may He be blessed, are called438; That one brings all of his vows on the first festival439; Not to sacrifice a sacrifice outside of the Temple yard440; The commandment to sacrifice all the sacrifices in the Choice House441; To redeem consecrated things upon which a blemish developed442; To not eat from the second tithe of grain outside of Jerusalem443; To not eat the second tithe of wine outside of Jerusalem444; To not eat the second tithe of oil outside of Jerusalem445; To not eat an unblemished firstborn animal outside of Jerusalem446; To not eat higher level consecrated foods outside of the Temple yard447; To not eat meat of a burnt offering448; To not eat lower level consecrated foods before the sprinkling of the bloods449; That the priest not eat the first fruits before their placement in the Temple yard450; To not forsake the Levite, from giving him his gifts451; The commandment of slaughter452; To not eat a limb from the living453; To bring consecrated things to the Choice House454; To not add to the commandments and their understanding455; To not subtract from the commandments of the Torah456; To not listen to one who prophecies in the name of idolatry457; To not love the seducer458; To not leave the hatred towards the seducer459; To not save the seducer460; Not to advocate innocence for a seducer461; Not to refrain from advocating guilt for the seducer462; To not seduce one of Israel to worship idolatry463; The commandment of investigating the witnesses well464; The burning of an enticed city and to kill its people465; To not rebuild an enticed city466; To not benefit from the property of an enticed city467; To not gash ourselves, like the worshipers of idolatry468; To not make a bald spot for the dead469; To not eat from consecrated animals that have been disqualified470; To check the signs of a bird471; To not eat from the flying swarming creatures472; To not eat from the meat of a domesticated beast, a wild animal or a bird that has died by itself473; The commandment of the second tithe474; To separate the poor tithe475; To not claim a debt that the seventh year passed476; The commandment to press the foreigner477; That he release all of his loans in the seventh year478; To not steel his heart against the poor479; The commandment of charity480; To not refrain from lending before the sabbatical year481; To not send a Hebrew slave empty482; To endow him upon his leaving to freedom483; To not work with consecrated things484; To not shear the wool of consecrated animals485; To not eat chamets after midday486; To not leave over from the festive sacrifice to the third day487; To not sacrifice the Pesach sacrifice on the bamah of an individual488; The commandment to rejoice on the festivals489; To appear on the festivals in the Choice House490; To not go up for the festival without a sacrifice
491; To appoint judges and officers492; To not plant any tree idols493; To not erect a matsevah494; To not offer a sacrifice of an animal with a temporary blemish495; To listen to the voice of the court at all times496; To not stray from their words497; To appoint a king from Israel498; To not establish a foreign king over us499; That the king not amass many horses500; To not ever dwell in the Land of Egypt501; That the king not amass many wives502; That the king not amass much silver and gold for himself503; That the king write a second Torah scroll for himself504; That the tribe of Levi not inherit in the Land of Israel505; That the tribe of Levi not take a portion in the spoils506; To give the foreleg, the jaw and the maw to the priest507; To separate the great tithe for the priest508; To give the first shearing to the priest509; That the priests and the Levites work in the Temple in shifts510; To not engage in clairvoyance511; To not do magic512; To not invoke a charm513; To not ask a master of ov514; To not ask a yidaaoni515; To not inquire of the dead516; The commandment to heed a true prophet517; To not prophecy falsely518; To not prophesy in the name of idolatry519; That we not fear from the killing of a false prophet520; The commandment to prepare six cities of refuge521; To not show pity upon the killer or injurer522; To not remove a landmark523; To not establish a matter of testimony with one witness524; To do to the collusive witness like he colluded525; To not be terrified or to be afraid in war526; The commandment to anoint a priest for war527; To send peace to the cities that we besiege528; To not keep alive a soul of the seven nations529; To not destroy fruit trees530; To behead the calf in the riverbed531; To not work or sow in that land
532; To execute the law of the one of beautiful form as is written in the Torah533; To not sell one of beautiful of form534; Not to make her serve after he has intercourse with her535; To hang one who is liable for hanging536; To not leave one that is hung overnight537; To bury him on the same day, and so too all the dead538; To return a lost item to an Israelite539; To not avoid his eyes from it540; To not leave the beast of his fellow falling under its load541; To load the load that has fallen together with his fellow542; That a woman should not wear the adornments of a man543; That a man should not wear the clothes of a woman544; To not take the mother upon the young545; To send away the mother bird if he takes it upon the young546; The commandment of a parapet547; To not leave a stumbling block548; To not plant forbidden mixtures in a vineyard549; To not eat forbidden mixtures of the vineyard550; To not do work with two species of animals551; To not wear shaatnez552; To marry a woman with a marriage contract and betrothal553; The commandment that the wife of one who "puts out a bad name" about her dwell with him forever554; That he should not divorce her all of his days555; The commandment upon the court to stone the one liable556; Not to punish one coerced into a sin557; The commandment on the rapist to marry the one he has raped558; That he not divorce her all of his days559; That a eunuch not marry a daughter of Israel560; That a mamzer should not marry a daughter of Israel561; That an Ammonite or a Moabite not enter the Congregation of the Lord562; Not to seek their peace in a war563; Not to distance an Edomite of the third generation from coming into the congregation564; To not distance an Egyptian of the third generation565; That one impure should not enter the Temple mount566; The commandment to set up a place in which to defecate567; The commandment to set up a spike to dig with568; Not to turn over a slave that fled from his master569; To not oppress a slave who has fled to us, from outside the Land, to the Land of Israel570; Not to have sexual relations with a woman without a marriage contract and betrothal571; Not to bring the fee of a prostitute or the price of a dog572; That the borrower not give interest to an Israelite573; To lend to the gentile with interest574; Not to delay his vows for more than three festivals575; To fulfill what has come out of his lips, as he vowed576; The commandment to allow the wageworker to eat from the attached produce upon which he is working577; That the worker not take into his hand more than his eating578; That the worker not eat during work time579; That one who wants to divorce his wife divorce her with a bill580; That he not bring back his ex wife from when she has married581; That a groom should not go out from his home the whole year, even for the needs of the community582; The commandment that a groom rejoice with his wife for one year583; That we not take as surety vessels in which life sustaining food is made584; To not detach signs of tzaraat585; To not take surety from a debtor by force586; To not prevent surety from its needy owner587; To return the surety to the owners at the time that he needs it588; To give the wage of a wageworker on its day589; That a relative not testify, one about the other590; To not sway the judgment of a stranger or an orphan591; To not take the garment of a widow as surety592; To leave what is forgotten to the poor593; To not go back to take what is forgotten594; The commandment to lash the evildoer595; To not increase in flogging him596; To not muzzle an animal at the time of its work597; That a levirate wife not marry another until she is released598; The commandment of levirate marriage599; The commandment of release600; The commandment to save the pursued with the life of the pursuer601; To not have concern about the pursuer602; To not hold over deficient weights and measures603; To remember what Amalek did to us604; To blot out his seed from the world605; To not forget what he did to us
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