Discover the richness of Pirke Avot, the wisdom of our sages that has guided Jews in meaningful living throughout the ages.
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Pirke Avot: The Four Types of People
A look at the four types of temperaments, students, and personalities of Pirke Avot
Josh Franklin156 ViewsApril 25, 2023Avot
Save "Sheet 482500"
Pirke Avot: Silence....
Josh Franklin11143 ViewsNovember 13, 2017
Save "Sheet 87102"
Pirke Avot: Ben Zoma
Not PublishedJosh Franklin44 ViewsApril 7, 2023
Save "Sheet 479274"
Pirke Avot: Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus and Yehoshua Ben Hanania... and Rabbi Tarfon
An Exploration of the Contrast between Eliezer ben Hyrcanus and Joshua Ben Hanania
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Pirke Avot: Yochan Ben Zakkai
Not PublishedJosh Franklin50 ViewsMarch 16, 2023
Save "Sheet 474316"
Pirke Avot - Yehudah HaNasi
A deep dive into the life and teachings of Yehudah HaNasi (AKA Rebbe, RAV, Yehudah Ben Shimon)
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Pirke Avot: Hillel
A deep dive into Hillel the sage, his maxims, and his life
Josh Franklin744 ViewsMarch 1, 2023Hillel,Pirke Avot
Save "Sheet 470794"
Pirke Avot Intro
Discover the book of Pirke Avot in an intro session with Rabbi Josh Franklin
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