This is an article from ‘Havineini’, a collection of essays by the women of the Morot L’Halakha Program 5777-5778
The presence of a mehitza (a partition between men and women) in Orthodox synagogues is normative practice, despite a wide variance in form and placement. Is there a halachic requirement to put up a mehitza in the case of a minyan outside the context of a synagogue? Defining the practical requirement for a mehitza necessitates an understanding of the source, purpose, and practical issues at the foundation of the concept. This paper purports to establish the basic premises of the law, in order to address the practical question of the requirement of a mehitza outside of a synagogue.
This is an article from ‘Havineini’, a collection of essays by the
women of the Morot L’Halakha Program 5777-5778
This article will explore whether one is halakhically permitted to donate tissues and organs, and whether there are occasions when one is required to do so from Biblical texts through Talmudic sources, to modern treatises on the subject.
This is an article from ‘Havineini’, a collection of essays by the women of the Morot L’Halakha Program 5777-5778
This article explores the halakhic approaches to the HPV vaccination, and weighs the evidence for and against the halakhic obligation to undergo HPV vaccination. To determine how halakha approaches HPV vaccination, the author addressed a number of halakhic questions.
This is an article from ‘Havineini’, a collection of essays by the women of the Morot L’Halakha Program 5777-5778
Becoming a Bar Mitzvah marks the beginning of Jewish adulthood, and is often celebrated by having the Bar Mitzvah read the Torah for the congregation. Can a blind boy celebrate his Bar Mitzvah by reading the Torah for the congregation from a Braille text? Can a blind man read the Torah and exempt the congregation from their obligation to read the Torah?
This is an article from ‘Havineini’, a collection of essays by the women of the Morot L’Halakha Program 5777-5778
This paper will explore the halachic categories and principles that guide people in the fine balance between constructive criticism and calling out injustice on the one hand and inappropriate "shaming" and contributing to sin'at chinam on the other. This article will explore the mitzvah of tochecha (תוכחה), the prohibition of halbanat panim (הלבנת פנים) and some of the halachot of slander and gossip (רכילות ולשון הרע) to seek guidelines for healthy use of social media. Historically, these topics have been addressed in the context of interpersonal relationships in the physical world. This paper will explore how they can be applied in the contemporary virtual world.
This is an article from ‘Havineini’, a collection of essays by the
This article will explore whether one is halakhically permitted to donate tissues and organs, and whether there are occasions when one is required to do so from Biblical texts through Talmudic sources, to modern treatises on the subject.
מאמר מתוך החוברת 'הבינני' מפרי עטן של נשות התכנית מורות להלכה ב'מתן' תשע"ז-ח
האם אדם עיוור יכול להוציא את הציבור ידי חובת קריאת התורה? האם נער עיוור יכול לחגוג בר מצווה ולהוציא את הציבור ידי חובת קריאת התורה מטקסט שכתוב בכתב ברייל?
This is an article from ‘Havineini’, a collection of essays by the women of the Morot L’Halakha Program 5777-5778
This paper will explore the halachic categories and principles that guide people in the fine balance between constructive criticism and calling out injustice on the one hand and inappropriate "shaming" and contributing to sin'at chinam on the other. This article will explore the mitzvah of tochecha (תוכחה), the prohibition of halbanat panim (הלבנת פנים) and some of the halachot of slander and gossip (רכילות ולשון הרע) to seek guidelines for healthy use of social media. Historically, these topics have been addressed in the context of interpersonal relationships in the physical world. This paper will explore how they can be applied in the contemporary virtual world.
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