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Sources for Adon Olam's “He was, He is, and He shall be”
Early jewish sources for the title of God used in Adon Olam
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Elohay Yishi
Yeshua and Elohay Yishi in the Tanakh
Tommy 646 ViewsDecember 29, 2023Theology,Hope,Salvation
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Kumi Ori Sabbath Order of Service
The liturgy used at Kumi Ori each Sabbath morning.
Tommy 657 ViewsDecember 29, 2023Messianic,Sabbath,Liturgy
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Sabbath Evening Liturgy
A short Sabbath evening liturgy
Tommy 512 ViewsDecember 29, 2023Wine,Kiddush,Messianic,Sabbath,Liturgy,Bread
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Zeved HaBat: The Gifting of a Daughter
The Zeved HaBat Service for the recognition of the birth of a daughter.
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Havineinu Prayer
Texts relating to the Havineinu prayer
Tommy 702 ViewsFebruary 6, 2024Havineinu,Amidah,Liturgy
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The “Baruch Shem” Prayer Through the Centuries
Tracing the oldest mentions of the 'Baruch Shem' prayer through jewish writings from the 1st century in aramaic until it lands in the Siddur we use today.
Tommy 265 ViewsJune 9, 2024Targum,Liturgy,Shema,Baruch Shem
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Besorah Tova
A comparison of Isaiah 52, Psalm 96, and the Sabbath evening liturgy
Tommy 435 ViewsJanuary 7, 2024Liturgy,Tehillim,Besorah Tova,Psalms
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The Shema in History
The Shema compared to greek versions dating from the 1st century, and its inclusion in modern liturgy
Tommy 403 ViewsJanuary 3, 2024Shema,Greek,Liturgy
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Scriptural Sources for “Mah Tovu”
Finding the biblical verses from which the lyrics to Ma Tovu are adapted
Tommy 473 ViewsDecember 29, 2023Mah Tovu,Songs,Liturgy
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Ezekiel's Mark
Connection between Ezekiel's Mark and the totafot mentioned in Deuteronomy and liturgy.
Tommy 402 ViewsJanuary 1, 2024Totafot,V'ahavta,Tefilin,Tav
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Azi v'Zimrat Yah: Yah is My Strength and Song
The three times this refrain appears in the Tanakh, Moses says it in the Song at the Sea in Exodus 15, David says it in Psalm 118, and Isaiah says it in the song in Isaiah 12
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Havdalah Liturgy
A short Havdalah liturgy highlighting God's salvation.
Tommy 455 ViewsDecember 29, 2023Sabbath,Messianic,Liturgy,Havdalah
Save "Sheet 534348"