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בית מדרש ערבות - שכר ועונש במקרא על פי איוב
התבוננות מחודשת בספר איוב כספר שבא לדחות את רעיון השכר והעונש האלקי ולהציג במקומו מערכת של אחריות אנושית
Save "Sheet 539564"
VaYikra - Evolution of Ethics
Parashat VaYikra is not about sacrifices. It is about business ethics.
Save "Sheet 476059"
חידות על הפרשה
חידות על פרשת השבוע
Save "Sheet 462736"
The Book of Job - A Guide for Jewish Ethics
The Book of Job is traditionally perceived as a treatise about good and evil and about the age-old problem of Divine Justice, or theodicy. This class will suggest that the Book of Job presents a new stage in the development of Jewish ethics, and that this new theology, which is extremely relevant and necessary for our generation, was so controversial that it had to be hidden under layers of discourse.
Save "Sheet 421160"
Ester: La Reina
Una nueva interpretacion de la Meguila.
Save "Sheet 471864"
Tetzave - Home, Mishkan, Eden
The Garden of Eden, the Mishkan, and our own home are intrinsically connected.
Save "Sheet 471174"
Restoring Leadership - Ekev
A true leader is not a dictator or a tyrant, but rather one who cares about all. God's ,ight and justice are described as such which are directed at helping the needy, the orphan, and the widow.
Save "Sheet 423223"
Isaiah's Viduy - Ekev
How would the prophets pray? Would Isaiah say the same viduy as we do?
Save "Sheet 423224"
Akedah - Torn Between Emotion and Devotion
A poem in the Sephardic Rosh HaHshanah liturgy offers a revolutionary view of the Akedah, which is in line with Sephardic theology which tended to reject martyrdom.
Save "Sheet 423425"
The Empty Nest - Annotated Akedah Liturgy
This poem about the Akedah, written in 12th-13th C Germany, reflects the deep tension between Judaism and Christianity, as well as the influence of the Christian martyrdom culture on Judaism. It is presented here with annotations and references.
Save "Sheet 423440"
Sarah's Diaries, Part II - The Akedah
The Akedah in Sarah's words. What Abraham told her. How she found out. What was she thinking.
Save "Sheet 423439"
Sarah's Diaries, Part I - Hagar
What if Sarah wrote a diary? How would she describe her struggles with being barren and with seeing Hagar poregnant?
Save "Sheet 423426"
Seek God, Find Your Soul - Nitzavim
The Midrash says that God is closer to from Rosh HaShana until Kippur. But isn't God always close to us? On the other hand, can God even be close to us?
Save "Sheet 423377"
Exposing Hypocrisy - Ki Tavo
The list of curses which is part of the covenant made with Israelites on Mount Gerizzim and Mount Eval revolves around the theme of honesty and transparency. It is a proof that the purpose of the observance system of the Torah is to help humans i creating a just society.
Save "Sheet 423374"
Protecting Captives of War - Ki Tetze
The discussion of a captive woman in Parashat Ki Tetze is a contentious matter among commentators. This articles suggests that the purpose of the instructions mentioned in the Parasha is to protect the captive woman and restore humanity to embattled soldiers.
Save "Sheet 423343"
Can a Man be Unbiased? - Shofetim
The Torah establishes a judicial system in which the judges are commanded to treat all citizens equally, but is that possible when all judges are men? This question is examined by analyzing cases of Agunot, women whose husbands refuse to give them a Get - Jewish divorce.
Save "Sheet 423342"
Contemporary Justice - Shofetim
An examination of the biblical judicial system as interpreted by the sages of the Mishnah and as can be interpreted in contemporary terms.
Save "Sheet 423341"
The Gifts of the Torah - VaEthanan
What are the special gifts of the torah which help the Jewish People withstand the test of time?
Save "Sheet 423221"
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