עיין להפטרה זו גם גיליונות האזינו תשי"ט וגיליון וילך תשכ"ה.
See also the worksheets from Haazinu of 1959 and of Vayelekh of 1965 about this haftara.
א. מעלת התשובה |
A. The Value of Repentance |
"שׁ֚וּבָה יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל עַ֖ד יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ"
"Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God"
רבי לוי גדולה תשובה שמגעת עד כסא הכבוד שנא' (הושע יד, ב) שובה ישראל עד ה' אלהיך
Rabbi Levi said: Great is repentance, as it reaches the heavenly throne, as it is stated: “Return, Israel, to the Lord your God” (Hosea 14:2). This implies that repentance literally reaches to God.
§ Rabbi Yoḥanan said: Great is repentance, as it overrides even a negative commandment of the Torah. How so? As it is stated that God said: “…Saying: If a man sends away his wife and she goes from him and becomes another man’s, may he return to her again? Will not that land be greatly polluted? But you have committed adultery with many lovers; and would you yet return to Me, said the Lord” (Jeremiah 3:1). Indeed, the Torah states: “Her former husband, who sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife after she has been made impure” (Deuteronomy 24:4). The relationship between the Jewish people and the Holy One, Blessed be He, is compared to that between a husband and wife. Just as it is prohibited for an adulterous wife to return to her husband, it should be prohibited for the Jewish people to return to God from their sins, yet repentance overrides this prohibition.
פסיקתא דרב כהנא (פסיקתא דשבת שובה קל"א):
אמר ר' יודא בר' סימון: "שובה ישראל עד ה' אלוקיך" – אפילו כפרת בעיקר.
Pesikta D'Rav Kahana (Pesikta of Shabbat Shuvah 131):
Rabbi Yuda bar Shimon said, "'Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God' - even if you have denied a fundamental principle (of Judaism)."
ר' יודן נשיאה בשם ר' יהודה בר' סימון: מנהגו של עולם: אדם יורה חץ, כמה מהלך? בית כור או כורים. כמה גדול כוחה של תשובה שמגעת עד כסא הכבוד שנאמר "שובה ישראל עד ה' אלוקיך". אמר ר' אליעזר: בנוהג, אדם המבזה את חברו ברבים ולאחר זמן מבקש לרצות אותו, הוא אומר: "אתה מבזה לי ברבים ומתרצה לי ביני לבינך?! לך והבא אותם אנשים שבזיתני בפניהם ואני מתרצה לך". אבל הקב"ה אינו כך, אלא אדם עומד ומחרף ומגדף בשוק והקב"ה אומר לו: "עשה תשובה ביני לבינך ואני מקבלך"- "שובה ישראל עד ה' אלוקיך".
Rabbi Yudan the Prince in the name of Rabbi Yehudah bar Simon: The custom of the world is that when a man shoots an arrow, how far does it travel? A <i>beit kor</i> or two. How great is the power of repentance, as it reaches to the (God's) throne of glory! As it is stated (Hosea 14:2), "Return o Israel, to the Lord, your God." Rabbi Eliezer said, "It is customary that [if] a man disparages his fellow in public - and after a time, he seeks to appease him - [the other] will say to him, 'You disparage me in public and appease me between you and me (privately)?! Go and bring those people in front of which you disparaged me, and I will be appeased towards you.' But the Holy One, blessed be He, is not like this. Rather a man stands and curses and blasphemes in the marketplace, and the Holy One, blessed be He, says to him, 'Repent between you and Me, and I will accept you'" - (Hosea 14:2), "Return o Israel, to the Lord, your God....
1. According to the words of Rabbi Yochanan, what is the "negative commandment of the Torah," for which he brings a proof from a verse in the Prophets?
2. What are the varying explanations that are given in the words of the Sages, may their memory blessed, (in the sources above) for the word, "ad (to) the Lord?"
3. Which of the words of the midrashic statements agree with the approach of R. Levi.
4. על דברי ר' יוחנן מקשה בעל עיון יעקב (ר' יעקב ריישר):
ולמה מביא ראיה מקרא דהושע ולא מן התורה מדברים פרק ד' או מדברים פרק ל'?
4. The author of Iyun Yaakov (Rabbi Yaakov Reischer) raises a difficulty about the words of Rabbi Yochanan: Why does he bring a proof from the Scripture in Hosea and not from the Torah, Chapter 4 or Chapter 30 in Deuteronomy?
a. What are the verses in the two chapters of the book of Deuteronomy to which he is referring?
ב. התוכל לישב קושיתו ולומר למה לא הביא ר' יוחנן את ראייתו משני הפסוקים הנ"ל?
b. Are you to able to resolve his difficulty and say why Rabbi Yochanan did not bring his proof from the two verses above?
ב. "כל תשא עוון" |
B. "Forgive all iniquity" |
"Forgive all iniquity, and accept that which is good"
§ Rabbi Yitzḥak said: They say in the West, Eretz Yisrael, in the name of Rabba bar Mari: Come and see that the attribute of flesh and blood is unlike the attribute of the Holy One, Blessed be He. With flesh and blood people, if one insults his friend with words, it is uncertain whether the victim will be appeased by him or will not be appeased by him. And if you say he will be appeased, it is still uncertain whether he will be appeased by words alone or will not be appeased by words alone, and one must try to appease him in other ways. But with regard to the Holy One, Blessed be He, if a person commits a transgression in private, God is appeased by words, as it is stated: “Take with you words and return to God” (Hosea 14:3). And not only that, but God considers it as though he has done a favor for God by repenting, as it is stated: “Accept that which is good” (Hosea 14:3). And not only that, but the verse ascribes him credit as though he had sacrificed bulls, as it is stated: “So we will render for bulls the offering of our lips” (Hosea 14:3). Lest you say he is considered only like one who offers obligatory bulls, therefore the verse states: “I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely” (Hosea 14:5). Repentance is considered as though it were the sacrifice of a free-will offering.
אדם הולך לכבד את השלטון, הולך מלא וחוזר ריקם, אבל הקב"ה אינו כן, אלא הולכים אליו ריקנים וחוזרים מלאים, שנאמר 'כל תשא עוון וקח טוב'.
[When] a man goes to honor the rulers, he goes full and returns empty. But the Holy One, blessed be He, is not like this. Rather we go to him empty and we return full, as it is stated, "Forgive all iniquity, and accept that which is good"
1. How do the two midrashic statements above expound our verse?
2. Copy the verse with punctuation marks that would be in line with their approach.
3. In what way are they veering from the simple meaning of Scripture?
ג. גימטריה |
C. Gematria |
"And accept what is good"
ר' נתן ור' אחא בשם ר' סימון: גימטריה דידיה "וקח טוב" – וקח נפש. אמרו ישראל: הרי חלבנו דמנו ונפשותינו, יהא רצון מלפניך שתהא כפרה עלינו.
Rabbi Natan and Rabbi Acha said in the name of Rabbi Simon, "The gematria (numerical value) of 'accept what is good,' is accept the soul. Israel said, 'Behold our fat, our blood and our souls. May it be Your will that it be atonement for us.'" ..
Explain the understanding of the word, gematria in this place.
Editors Note: The question may be based on a misunderstanding of the very cryptic text above. In fact, a parallel version (Tanchuma, Korach 12:1) shows that the intention of the word, gematria (numerical value) in this text, is to an alternative way of counting the letters called "at-bash" applied to the last words of the respective phrases analyzed (good and soul). The exercise below, however, is meant to be analyzed without that information. That being the case, the student was likely expected to find a different solution than that which becomes clear from the parallel text.