A Sad Ending
On Simchat Torah, we reach the end of the Torah. Moses, at the age of 120 years, after freeing B'nai Yisrael from slavery in Egypt, receiving the Torah on Mt. Sinai, and leading a nation that is learning how to be free (which is not easy!) dies without being able to enter the Land of Canaan.
Read the beautiful description of God's conversation with Moses before his death and B'nai Yisrael's reaction to his death as it is recorded in Deuteronomy 34.
Looking Forward
Immediately after, the Torah compels us to look toward the future. Who will be the new leader? How will B'nai Yisrael enter the Land of Canaan?
The last four verses of the Torah remind us, since we had been told previously, that Joshua would be the new leader.
Read the last four verses of the Torah. If you were Joshua, would you be happy with how your new position was announced? Why?
Torah: The Sequel
On Simchat Torah, a very strange thing happens at this point. Everyone is happy and celebrating because we finished the Torah cycle and because we can't wait to start over with Bereishit (Genesis).
But wait!
What happens next? What kind of a leader does Joshua turn out to be? Do B'nai Yisrael enter the Land of Canaan? What experiences do they have?
Read the first 9 verses of the Book of Joshua and answer the questions below.
- Who is speaking? To whom?
- What is the message?
- Are these the words that you would like to hear if you were to become Moses' replacement? Why?
- What is your favorite part of the speech?
- Why do you think that God tells Joshua three times to be strong and resolute (חזק ואמץ)?
What Should I Learn Next?
Open the Table of Contents of the Tanakh.
Scan through the names of the books and open books that interest you.
Which stories of the Tanakh would you like to study in depth this year?