Avot and Toldot - Primary and Subcategory Activities on Shabbat

תנא הזורע והזומר והנוטע והמבריך והמרכיב כולן מלאכה אחת הן

A baraita is taught with regard to the prohibited labor of sowing: One who sows, and one who prunes the branches of vines to accelerate their growth, and one who plants, and one who bends the branch of a vine or a tree into the ground so that it takes root while still attached to the trunk, and one who grafts the branch of one tree onto another have all performed one type of labor, as they all stimulate plant growth.

What are the four creative acts that are listed here? Look them up and write a short description of each along with an accompanying picture.

(ג) וְכֵן הַזּוֹרֵעַ זְרָעִים אוֹ הַנּוֹטֵעַ אִילָנוֹת אוֹ הַמַּבְרִיךְ אִילָנוֹת אוֹ הַמַּרְכִּיב אוֹ הַזּוֹמֵר. כָּל אֵלּוּ אָב אֶחָד הֵן מֵאֲבוֹת מְלָאכוֹת וְעִנְיָן אֶחָד הוּא. שֶׁכָּל אַחַת מֵהֶן לְצַמֵּחַ דָּבָר הוּא מִתְכַּוֵּן:

(3) Likewise one who plants seeds, one who plants trees, one who puts shoots into the ground, one who grafts and one who prunes – all of these are [only] one primary category from the primary categories of work, and they have one function. For each one of them is intended make something grow. (That is to say that each of these activities are considered an Av, primary category).

אמרינן משמיה דרב הזומר חייב משום נוטע והנוטע והמבריך והמרכיב חייב משום זורע. שמעינן מינה מדמוקים המבריך והמרכיב משום נוטע ואף משום זורע דיש תולדה לתולדה.

It was said in the name of Rav that one who prunes has violated (as a Toldah subcategory) the prohibition of planting. And one who plants or puts shoots into the ground or one who grafts has violated (as a Toldah subcategory) the prohibition of seeding. We can infer from here that there can be subcategories to subcategories.

What is the argument between the Rambam and Rabbeinu Chananel regarding which of these acts are considered an Av (primary category) and which acts are considered a Toldah (subcategory)?

תולדותיהן כיוצא בהן לא שנא אב חטאת ולא שנא תולדה חטאת לא שנא אב סקילה ולא שנא תולדה סקילה
With regard to the primary categories of labor prohibited on Shabbat, their subcategories are similar to them, as it is no different if one unwittingly performed labor that is a primary category, for which he is liable to bring a sin-offering, and it is no different if one unwittingly performed labor that is a subcategory, for which he is liable to bring a sin-offering. Likewise, it is no different if one intentionally performed labor that is a primary category, for which he is liable to be executed by stoning, and it is no different if one intentionally performed labor that is a subcategory, for which he is liable to be executed by stoning.

Based on this line from Bava Kamma, in what ways are Avot and Toldot identical?

ומאי איכא בין אב לתולדה נפקא מינה דאילו עביד שתי אבות בהדי הדדי אי נמי שתי תולדות בהדי הדדי מחייב אכל חדא וחדא ואילו עביד אב ותולדה דידיה לא מחייב אלא חדא
And what difference is there between a primary category and a subcategory? The Gemara explains: The practical difference is that if one unwittingly performs two labors classified as different primary categories together, during a single lapse of awareness, or, alternatively, if one unwittingly performs two labors classified as subcategories of two different primary categories together, during a single lapse of awareness, one is liable to bring a sin-offering for each and every labor that he performed. Each primary category of labor is an independent transgression. While if one unwittingly performs a labor that is a primary category and another labor classified as its subcategory during a single lapse of awareness, he is liable to bring only one sin-offering.
ולרבי אליעזר דמחייב אתולדה במקום אב אמאי קרי ליה אב ואמאי קרי לה תולדה הך דהוה במשכן חשיבא קרי ליה אב הך דלא הוי במשכן חשיבא קרי לה תולדה
The Gemara asks: And according to Rabbi Eliezer, who deems one liable to bring two sin-offerings even if one performs a labor classified as a subcategory together with a labor that is its primary category, why is one labor characterized as a primary category and why is the other labor characterized as a subcategory? The Gemara explains: Of the labors prohibited on Shabbat, that which was a significant labor in the Tabernacle, the Sages characterized it as a primary category, and that which was not a significant labor in the Tabernacle, the Sages characterized it as a subcategory. The labors prohibited on Shabbat are derived from the labors employed in the construction of the Tabernacle; therefore, their classification is also based on their significance in its construction.

Based on the two sources above, what are two reasons why it may be important to classify an activity as an Av or a Toldah?

Description of the Melacha of Zoreia (Planting) - Halachipedia

Where was it in the Mishkan: Zoreia is one of the first 11 melachos, which are as sidura d’pas[26], which are subject to a machlokes as to whether they were done in the mishkan for the production of dyes, or to bake bread to be used in the mishkan.[27]

What are the Avos and Toldos of this Melacha: In addition to the av melacha of planting, which we might loosely define as causing a seed to grow, the Gemara[28] lists 4 other melachos, which, together with zoreia, are considered one melacha. The four are: Zomeir—pruning, Noteia—planting a tree, Mavrich—replanting a sapling in the ground, and Markiv—grafting. There’s a machlokes Rishonim as to which of these five are considered avos and which are considered toldos. The Rambam[29] is on one side of the spectrum, saying that all five actions are avos melacha. Rashi[30] says they are all avos except for zomeir (pruning), which is the one instance where one is solely removing growth. The Ritva[31] says only zoreia and noteia (planting a tree) are avos, which are the two instances where one is causing growth from the initial stage that of planting seeds. The Kesef Mishna[32] is on the other side of the spectrum, saying that only zoreia is an av and the rest are toldos.

What are the four opinions quoted in this source regarding which activities similar to planting are considered an Av and which are considered a Toldah? Create a chart that makes it clear what each opinion says about each activity.