(ה) חָתָן פָּטוּר מִקְּרִיאַת שְׁמַע בַּלַּיְלָה הָרִאשׁוֹן עַד מוֹצָאֵי שַׁבָּת, אִם לֹא עָשָׂה מַעֲשֶׂה. מַעֲשֶׂה בְּרַבָּן גַּמְלִיאֵל שֶׁקָּרָא בַלַּיְלָה הָרִאשׁוֹן שֶׁנָּשָׂא. אָמְרוּ לוֹ תַּלְמִידָיו, לֹא לִמַּדְתָּנוּ, רַבֵּנוּ, שֶׁחָתָן פָּטוּר מִקְּרִיאַת שְׁמַע בַּלַּיְלָה הָרִאשׁוֹן. אָמַר לָהֶם, אֵינִי שׁוֹמֵעַ לָכֶם לְבַטֵּל מִמֶּנִּי מַלְכוּת שָׁמַיִם אֲפִלּוּ שָׁעָה אֶחָת:
(ו) רָחַץ לַיְלָה הָרִאשׁוֹן שֶׁמֵּתָה אִשְׁתּוֹ. אָמְרוּ לוֹ תַלְמִידָיו, לֹא לִמַּדְתָּנוּ, רַבֵּנוּ, שֶׁאָבֵל אָסוּר לִרְחֹץ. אָמַר לָהֶם, אֵינִי כִשְׁאָר כָּל אָדָם, אִסְטְנִיס אָנִי:
(ז) וּכְשֶׁמֵּת טָבִי עַבְדּוֹ, קִבֵּל עָלָיו תַּנְחוּמִין. אָמְרוּ לוֹ תַּלְמִידָיו, לֹא לִמַּדְתָּנוּ רַבֵּנוּ, שֶׁאֵין מְקַבְּלִין תַּנְחוּמִין עַל הָעֲבָדִים. אָמַר לָהֶם, אֵין טָבִי עַבְדִּי כִּשְׁאָר כָּל הָעֲבָדִים, כָּשֵׁר הָיָה:
(5) A bridegroom is exempt from reciting the Shema on the first night until the end of the Shabbat, if he has not performed the act. It happened with Rabban Gamaliel who recited the Shema on the first night after he had married. His students said to him: Our master, have you not taught us that a bridegroom is exempt from reciting the Shema. He replied to them: I will not listen to you to remove from myself the Kingship of Heaven even for a moment.
(6) [Rabban Gamaliel] bathed on the first night after the death of his wife. His disciples said to him: Master, have you not taught us, that a mourner is forbidden to bathe. He replied to them: I am not like other men, I am very delicate.
(7) When Tabi his [Rabban Gamaliel’s] slave died he accepted condolences for him. His disciples said to him: Master, have you not taught us that one does not accept condolences for slaves? He replied to them: My slave Tabi was not like other slaves: he was a fit man.
רבי יודה בן פזי סלק לעיליתא דבי מדרשא וראה שני בני אדם נזקקין זה לזה אמרו ליה רבי הב דעתך דאת חד ואנן תרי
Rabbi Yehudah ben Pazi went up to the attic of the academy and saw two men having intercourse with each other. They said to him, “Rabbi, take note that you are one, and we two.”
(Y. Sanhedrin 23c)
ספר אבן בוחן, רבי קלונימוס בן קלונימוס
אוי למי שבניו זכרים: הוטל עליהם עול כבד סיגים וגדרים... חקים חוקים ומצות נוראות, שלשה עשר ושש מאות: ומי האיש הלזה, שיקיים מה שכתב בזה?
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חוק ומוסר לא יפרע, ועונתי לא יגרע: שבת בשבתו וחדש בחדשו, עלי יניח צדיק ראשו: שלש אלה יעשה לי כמצות שוכן מעונה: שאר כסות ועונה. גם אני שלש כנגד שלש אשמור ואקים, שלשה המה לא נפלאו ממני ולא רחוקים: דם ואש וחלת לחם... עליהם אין להוסיף במספר ומנין, אין לשאול אחריהן: הני נשים במאי זכיין?
אבִינוּ שֶׁבַּשָּׁמַיִם / שֶׁעָשִׂיתָ נִסִּים לַאֲבוֹתֵינוּ בָּאֵשׁ וּבַמַּיִם / הָפַכְתָּ אוּר כַּשְׂדִים לְבַל תִּשְׂרֹף בְּחֻמָּהּ / וְהָפַכְתָּ דִּינָה בִּמְעֵי אִמָּהּ / וְהָפַכְתָּ הַמַּטֶה נָחָשׁ לְעֵינֵי אַלְפֵי רִבְבָן / וְהָפַכְתָּ הַיָּד הַטְּהוֹרָה לָבָן / וְהָפַכְתָּ יַם סוּף לְיַבָּשָׁה / וְקַרְקַע הַיָּם אֶרֶץ נְגוּבָה וְקָשָׁה / הַהוֹפְכִי הַצּוֹר אֲגַם מַיִם / חַלָּמִישׁ לְמַעְיְנוֹ מָיִם / מִי יִתֵּן וְתַהְפְכֵנִי מִזָּכָר לִנְקֵבָה! / אִלּוּ זָכִיתִי לְכָךְ כַּמָּה חֲנַנְתַּנִי טוֹבָה / גְּבֶרֶת הַבַּיִת הָיִיתִי וְחָנִיתִי לְבֵיתִי מִצָּבָא / וּמָה אֲדַבֵּר וּמָה אֹמַר / לָמָּה אֶבְכֶּה וְלָמָּה אֶתְמַרְמָר / אִם אָבִי שֶׁבַּשָּׁמַיִם גָּזַר עָלַי / וְנָתַן בִּי מוּם קָבוּעַ אִי אֶפְשָׁר לַהֲסִירוֹ מֵעָלָי / וְהַדְּאָגָה בְּמַה שֶּׁאִי אֶפְשָׁר כְּאֵב אָנוּשׁ וָחֵבֶל / וְלֹא יוֹעִילוּ בָהּ תַּנְחוּמִין שֶׁל הֶבֶל / אָמַרְתִּי אֶשָּׂא וְאֶסְבֹּל / עַד אֶגְוַע וְאֶבֹּל / וְאַחַר שֶׁכָּךְ לָמַדְתִּי מִפִּי הַשְּׁמוּעָה / שֶׁמְּבָרְכִין עַל הַטּוֹבָה וְעַל הָרָעָה / אֲבָרֵךְ בְּקוֹל נָמוּךְ בְּשָׂפָה חֲלוּשָׁה / בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ שֶׁלֹּא עָשַׂנִי אִשָּׁה.
Since I have learned from our tradition / that we bless both, the good and the bitter / I will bless in a voice / hushed and weak / Blessed are you God / who has not made me a woman. Translated by Rabbi Steve Greenberg
Even Bohan, Kalonymus ben Kalonymus
What an awful fate for my mother / that she bore a son. What a loss of all benefit!...Cursed be the one who announced to my father: "It's a boy! . . . "Woe to him who has male sons / Upon them a heavy yoke has been placed / restrictions and constraints. Some in private, some in public / some to avoid the mere appearance of violation / and some entering the most secret of places.Strong statutes and awesome commandments / six hundred and thirteen / who is the man who can do all that is written / so that he might be spared?Oh, but had the artisan who made me created me instead - a fair woman. Today I would be wise and insightful. We would weave, my friends and I / and in the moonlight spin our yarn / and tell our stories to one another / from dusk till midnight / we'd tell of the events of our day, silly things / matters of no consequence.But also I would grow very wise from the spinning / and I would say, "Happy is she who know how to work with combed flax and weave it into fine white linen."And at times, in the way of women, I would lie down on the kitchen floor, between the ovens, turn the coals, and taste the different dishes. On holidays I would put on my best jewelry. I would beat on the drum / and my clapping hands would ring. And when I was ready and the time was right / an excellent youth (husband) would be my fortune.He would love me, place me on a pedestal /dress me in jewels of gold / earrings, bracelets, necklaces.And on the appointed day, in the season of joy when brides are wed, for seven days would the boy increase my delight and gladness. Were I hungry, he would feed me well-kneaded bread. Were I thirsty, he would quench me with light and dark wine. He would not chastise nor harshly treat me, and my [sexual] pleasure he would not diminish / every Shabbath, and each new moon / his head would rest upon my breast.The three husbandly duties he would fulfill / rations, raiment, and regular intimacy. And three wifely duties would I also fulfill, [watching for menstrual] blood, [Sabbath candle] lights, and bread. . .
Father in heaven / who did miracles for our ancestors / with fire and water / You changed the fire of Chaldees so it would not burn hot / You changed Dina in the womb of her mother to a girl / You changed the staff to a snake before a million eyes / You changed (Moses') hand to (leprous) white / and the sea to dry land. In the desert you turned rock to water / hard flint to a fountain.Who would then turn me from a man to woman? Were I only to have merited this / being so graced by goodness ... What shall I say? why cry or be bitter? If my father in heaven has decreed upon me / and has maimed me with an immutable deformity / then I do not wish to remove it. the sorrow of the impossible / is a human pain that nothing will cure / and for which no comfort can be found. So, I will bear and suffer / until I die and wither in the ground. >