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רבי שמעון בר יוחי
וְאַמַּאי קָרוּ לֵיהּ ״רֹאשׁ הַמְדַבְּרִים בְּכָל מָקוֹם״? דְּיָתְבִי רַבִּי יְהוּדָה וְרַבִּי יוֹסֵי וְרַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן, וְיָתֵיב יְהוּדָה בֶּן גֵּרִים גַּבַּיְיהוּ. פָּתַח רַבִּי יְהוּדָה וְאָמַר: כַּמָּה נָאִים מַעֲשֵׂיהֶן שֶׁל אוּמָּה זוֹ: תִּקְּנוּ שְׁווֹקִים, תִּקְּנוּ גְּשָׁרִים, תִּקְנוּ מֶרְחֲצָאוֹת. רַבִּי יוֹסֵי שָׁתַק. נַעֲנָה רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן יוֹחַאי וְאָמַר: כׇּל מַה שֶּׁתִּקְּנוּ, לֹא תִּקְּנוּ אֶלָּא לְצוֹרֶךְ עַצְמָן. תִּקְּנוּ שְׁווֹקִין — לְהוֹשִׁיב בָּהֶן זוֹנוֹת, מֶרְחֲצָאוֹת — לְעַדֵּן בָּהֶן עַצְמָן, גְּשָׁרִים — לִיטּוֹל מֵהֶן מֶכֶס. הָלַךְ יְהוּדָה בֶּן גֵּרִים וְסִיפֵּר דִּבְרֵיהֶם, וְנִשְׁמְעוּ לַמַּלְכוּת. אָמְרוּ: יְהוּדָה שֶׁעִילָּה — יִתְעַלֶּה. יוֹסֵי שֶׁשָּׁתַק — יִגְלֶה לְצִיפּוֹרִי. שִׁמְעוֹן שֶׁגִּינָּה — יֵהָרֵג.
In this baraita Rabbi Yehuda is described as head of the speakers in every place. The Gemara asks: And why did they call him head of the speakers in every place? The Gemara relates that this resulted due to an incident that took place when Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Yosei and Rabbi Shimon were sitting, and Yehuda, son of converts, sat beside them. Rabbi Yehuda opened and said: How pleasant are the actions of this nation, the Romans, as they established marketplaces, established bridges, and established bathhouses. Rabbi Yosei was silent. Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai responded and said: Everything that they established, they established only for their own purposes. They established marketplaces, to place prostitutes in them; bathhouses, to pamper themselves; and bridges, to collect taxes from all who pass over them. Yehuda, son of converts, went and related their statements to his household, and those statements continued to spread until they were heard by the monarchy. They ruled and said: Yehuda, who elevated the Roman regime, shall be elevated and appointed as head of the Sages, the head of the speakers in every place. Yosei, who remained silent, shall be exiled from his home in Judea as punishment, and sent to the city of Tzippori in the Galilee. And Shimon, who denounced the government, shall be killed.
חזר ואמר להם מי שיש לו אויב ירבה או יתמעט אמרו לו יתמעט אם כן לא יבעלו נדות אמרו טבית אמר ובטלוה
Once again Rabbi Reuven ben Isterobeli spoke to them and said: One who has an enemy, does he want his enemy to multiply or to decrease? They said to him: He wants his enemy to decrease. Rabbi Reuven ben Isterobeli said to them: If so, with regard to the Jewish people as well, isn’t it better that they do not engage in intercourse with their wives when they are menstruating? The gentiles said: That is a good claim that he said, and they nullified their decree.
הכירו בו שהוא יהודי החזירום אמרו מי ילך ויבטל הגזרות
A short time later they recognized that Rabbi Reuven ben Isterobeli was a Jew, and they realized that he had fooled them to the advantage of the Jewish people. They therefore arose and reinstated all of their decrees. The Sages then said: Who will go and nullify these decrees?
ילך ר' שמעון בן יוחאי שהוא מלומד בנסים ואחריו מי ילך ר"א בר ר' יוסי
Let Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai go to Rome, as he is accustomed to experiencing miracles. And who shall go after him, i.e., with him? Rabbi Elazar bar Rabbi Yosei.
אמר להם רבי יוסי ואילו היה אבא חלפתא קיים יכולין אתם לומר לו תן בנך להריגה אמר להם ר' שמעון אילו היה יוחאי אבא קיים יכולין אתם לומר לו תן בנך להריגה
When Rabbi Yosei, Rabbi Elazar’s father, heard this suggestion, he said to the Sages: But if Abba Ḥalafta, my father, were alive, would you be able to say to him: Give your son to be killed? If so, how can you ask me to send my son to Rome, where he is likely to be killed? Rabbi Shimon said to the Sages: If Yoḥai, my father, were alive, would you be able to say to him: Give your son to be killed? Nevertheless, I am prepared to risk my life and go to Rome, and if so, Rabbi Elazar bar Rabbi Yosei should accompany me.
אמר להו רבי יוסי אנא אזלין דלמא עניש ליה ר' שמעון דקא מסתפינא קביל עליה דלא ליענשיה אפילו הכי ענשיה
Upon hearing this, Rabbi Yosei said to the Sages: If so, I will go in place of my son. I do not want him to go with Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai, as this is what I fear: My son Elazar is young and quick to answer, and I am concerned lest Rabbi Shimon, who is hot-tempered, will become angry with him and punish him. Rabbi Shimon accepted upon himself that he would not punish Rabbi Elazar. The Gemara notes that even so, Rabbi Shimon did punish him while they were on their journey.
כשהיו מהלכין בדרך נשאלה שאלה זו בפניהם מנין לדם השרץ שהוא טמא עקם פיו ר' אלעזר בר רבי יוסי ואמר (ויקרא יא, כט) וזה לכם הטמא אמר ליה ר' שמעון מעקימת שפתיך אתה ניכר שתלמיד חכם אתה אל יחזור הבן אצל אביו
Why did Rabbi Shimon end up punishing Rabbi Elazar? When they were walking on the road, this following question was asked before them: From where is it derived with regard to blood of a creeping animal that it is impure? Rabbi Elazar bar Rabbi Yosei twisted his mouth to whisper and said: It is derived from the verse: “And these are they that are impure for you among the creeping animals” (Leviticus 11:29). Although Rabbi Elazar tried to whisper so that Rabbi Shimon would not hear, Rabbi Shimon said to him: From the twisting of your mouth and your answer it is clear that you are a Torah scholar. Nevertheless, it is prohibited for a student to issue a ruling of halakha in the presence of his teacher. Therefore, I curse you that the son will not return from this journey to his father.
יצא לקראתו בן תמליון רצונכם אבוא עמכם בכה ר' שמעון ואמר מה שפחה של בית אבא נזדמן לה מלאך שלש פעמים ואני לא פעם אחת יבא הנס מכל מקום
The Gemara continues the story: As they were journeying, a demon named ben Temalyon emerged to greet them. He said to them: Do you wish that I will join you and come with you in order to help nullify this decree? When he saw that a demon was coming to help save the Jewish people, Rabbi Shimon cried and said: What, even for a maidservant of my father’s home, Hagar the Egyptian, who was Abraham’s handmaid, an angel was made available to appear to her three times to help her. Each of the three mentions of “and the angel of the Lord said unto her” (Genesis 16:9–11) in the story of Hagar is understood as a reference to a different angel. But I apparently do not deserve assistance from an angel even one time, but only help from a demon. In any case, let the miracle come and save the Jewish people, even if only through a demon.
קדים הוא על בברתיה דקיסר כי מטא התם אמר בן תמליון צא בן תמליון צא וכיון דקרו ליה נפק אזל אמר להון שאילו כל מה דאית לכון למישאל ועיילינהו לגנזיה לשקול כל דבעו אשכחו ההוא איגרא שקלוה וקרעוה
The demon ben Temalyon went before them and ascended into the emperor’s daughter and possessed her. When Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai arrived there, the emperor’s palace, he said: Ben Temalyon, emerge! Ben Temalyon, emerge! And once Rabbi Shimon called to him, ben Temalyon emerged and left the emperor’s daughter, and she was cured. When the emperor saw that Rabbi Shimon had cured his daughter, he said to them: Ask from me any reward that you want to ask. And he took them up to his treasury to take whatever they wanted. They found that letter there that contained the decrees against the Jewish people, and they took it and tore it up, and thereby nullified the decrees.
והיינו דאמר רבי אלעזר בר רבי יוסי אני ראיתיה בעיר [רומי] והוו עליה כמה טיפי דמים
The Gemara adds: And this is the background for that which Rabbi Elazar bar Rabbi Yosei said (Yoma 57a): I saw the Curtain of the Sanctuary in the city of Rome, and on the Curtain were several drops of blood from the bull and the goat of Yom Kippur. When the emperor took them into his treasury Rabbi Elazar saw the Temple vessels that the Romans had captured when they conquered Jerusalem, including the Curtain.
ואמר חזקיה א"ר ירמיה משום רשב"י יכול אני לפטור את כל העולם כולו מן הדין מיום שנבראתי עד עתה ואילמלי אליעזר בני עמי מיום שנברא העולם ועד עכשיו ואילמלי יותם בן עוזיהו עמנו מיום שנברא העולם עד סופו
And Ḥizkiya said that Rabbi Yirmeya said in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai: I am able to absolve the entire world from judgment for sins committed from the day I was created until now. The merit that he accrued through his righteousness and the suffering that he endured atone for the sins of the entire world. And were the merit accrued by Eliezer, my son, calculated along with my own, we would absolve the world from judgment for sins committed from the day that the world was created until now. And were the merit accrued by the righteous king, Jotham ben Uzziah, calculated with our own, we would absolve the world from judgment for sins committed from the day that the world was created until its end. The righteousness of these three serves as a counterbalance to all the evil deeds committed throughout the generations, and it validates the ongoing existence of the world.
אסרו חג בעבותים עד קרנות המזבח א"ר ירמיה משום ר"ש בן יוחי ור' יוחנן משום ר"ש המחוזי משום ר' יוחנן המכותי כל העושה איסור לחג באכילה ושתיה מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו בנה מזבח והקריב עליו קרבן שנא' אסרו חג בעבותים עד קרנות המזבח
“Bind [isru] with dense-leaved branches [ba’avotim] on the Festival until the horns of the altar” (Psalms 118:27), which alludes to both the binding of the lulav and to the myrtle branch, referred to in the Torah as the branch of a dense-leaved tree [anaf etz avot]. Rabbi Yirmeya said in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai, and Rabbi Yoḥanan said in the name of Rabbi Shimon HaMeḥozi, who said in the name of Rabbi Yoḥanan HaMakkoti: With regard to anyone who establishes an addition [issur] to the Festival on the day after the Festival by eating and drinking, the verse ascribes him credit as though he built an altar and sacrificed an offering upon it, as it is stated: “Add [isru] to the Festival with fattened animals [ba’avotim] until the horns of the altar.”
רבי יהודה ורבי שמעון אייתו לקמייהו בלוספיין רבי יהודה אכל ר' שמעון לא אכל א"ל רבי יהודה מאי טעמא לא אכיל מר אמר ליה ר' שמעון אלו אין יוצאין מבני מעים כל עיקר אמר ליה רבי יהודה כ"ש שנסמוך עליהן למחר
Belospayin, a type of figs, were brought before Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon. Rabbi Yehuda ate them, but Rabbi Shimon did not eat them. Rabbi Yehuda said to him: What is the reason that the Master is not eating? Rabbi Shimon said to him: These do not leave the intestines at all. They remain undigested. Rabbi Yehuda said to him: If so, all the more that one can rely on them to feel full tomorrow.
וְאִם הִתְחִילוּ אֵין מַפְסִיקִין, מַפְסִיקִין לִקְרִיאַת שְׁמַע. הָא תְּנָא לֵיהּ רֵישָׁא אֵין מַפְסִיקִין? סֵיפָא אֲתָאן לְדִבְרֵי תוֹרָה. דְּתַנְיָא: חֲבֵרִים שֶׁהָיוּ עוֹסְקִין בַּתּוֹרָה — מַפְסִיקִין לִקְרִיאַת שְׁמַע, וְאֵין מַפְסִיקִין לִתְפִלָּה. אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן: לֹא שָׁנוּ אֶלָּא כְּגוֹן רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן יוֹחַי וַחֲבֵירָיו שֶׁתּוֹרָתָן אוּמָּנוּתָן. אֲבָל כְּגוֹן אָנוּ, מַפְסִיקִין לִקְרִיאַת שְׁמַע וְלִתְפִלָּה.
We learned in the mishna that if they already began any one of the activities mentioned in the mishna they need not stop to recite the Amida prayer; however, they stop to recite Shema. The Gemara asks: Didn’t the first clause of the mishna already teach that they need not stop? Why does the mishna repeat it? The Gemara answers: In the latter clause of the mishna, we came to discuss matters of Torah. With regard to those engaged in Torah study, they need not stop for prayer, but they are required to stop to recite Shema. As it was taught in a baraita: Torah scholars, who were engaged in the study of Torah, stop their Torah study for Shema, and they do not stop for prayer. Rabbi Yoḥanan said a caveat to this statement: They only taught that they need not stop for prayer with regard to the likes of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai and his colleagues, whose Torah is their vocation and they never interrupt their Torah study. However, for the likes of us, who also engage in other activities, we stop both for Shema and for prayer.
וְאִם הִתְחִילוּ אֵין מַפְסִיקִין, מַפְסִיקִין לִקְרִיאַת שְׁמַע. הָא תְּנָא לֵיהּ רֵישָׁא אֵין מַפְסִיקִין? סֵיפָא אֲתָאן לְדִבְרֵי תוֹרָה. דְּתַנְיָא: חֲבֵרִים שֶׁהָיוּ עוֹסְקִין בַּתּוֹרָה — מַפְסִיקִין לִקְרִיאַת שְׁמַע, וְאֵין מַפְסִיקִין לִתְפִלָּה. אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן: לֹא שָׁנוּ אֶלָּא כְּגוֹן רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן יוֹחַי וַחֲבֵירָיו שֶׁתּוֹרָתָן אוּמָּנוּתָן. אֲבָל כְּגוֹן אָנוּ, מַפְסִיקִין לִקְרִיאַת שְׁמַע וְלִתְפִלָּה.
We learned in the mishna that if they already began any one of the activities mentioned in the mishna they need not stop to recite the Amida prayer; however, they stop to recite Shema. The Gemara asks: Didn’t the first clause of the mishna already teach that they need not stop? Why does the mishna repeat it? The Gemara answers: In the latter clause of the mishna, we came to discuss matters of Torah. With regard to those engaged in Torah study, they need not stop for prayer, but they are required to stop to recite Shema. As it was taught in a baraita: Torah scholars, who were engaged in the study of Torah, stop their Torah study for Shema, and they do not stop for prayer. Rabbi Yoḥanan said a caveat to this statement: They only taught that they need not stop for prayer with regard to the likes of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai and his colleagues, whose Torah is their vocation and they never interrupt their Torah study. However, for the likes of us, who also engage in other activities, we stop both for Shema and for prayer.
דתניא איסי בן יהודה היה מונה שבחן של חכמים ר"מ חכם וסופר ר' יהודה חכם לכשירצה ר' טרפון גל של אגוזין ר' ישמעאל חנות מיוזנת ר"ע אוצר בלום ר' יוחנן בן נורי קופת הרוכלים רבי אלעזר בן עזריה קופה של בשמים משנת ר' אליעזר בן יעקב קב ונקי ר' יוסי נמוקו עמו רבי שמעון טוחן הרבה ומוציא קימעא
This is as it is taught in a baraita that Isi ben Yehuda would recount the praise of the Sages by characterizing each of them: Rabbi Meir, a scholar and scribe; Rabbi Yehuda, a scholar when he chooses to be one; Rabbi Tarfon, a pile of nuts, as, just as when one removes a nut from a pile all the other nuts fall, so too, when a student would ask Rabbi Tarfon with regard to one matter, he would cite sources from all the disciplines of the Torah; Rabbi Yishmael, a well-stocked store; Rabbi Akiva, a full storehouse; Rabbi Yoḥanan ben Nuri, a peddler’s basket, in which there is a small amount of each product; Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya, a basket of fragrant spices, as everything he says is reasonable; the mishna of Rabbi Eliezer ben Ya’akov is measured [kav] and immaculate; Rabbi Yosei, his reasoning accompanies his statements; Rabbi Shimon grinds much and removes little.
תנא משכח קימעא ומה שמוציא אינו מוציא אלא סובין וכן אמר ר"ש לתלמידיו בניי שנו מדותי שמדותי תרומות מתרומות מידותיו של ר"ע
It is taught in explanation: Rabbi Shimon would forget little of his studies, and what he removed from his memory, he removed only chaff. And likewise, Rabbi Shimon said to his students: My sons, accept my halakhic rulings, as my rulings are the finest rulings of the finest rulings of Rabbi Akiva.
דתניא איסי בן יהודה היה מונה שבחן של חכמים ר"מ חכם וסופר ר' יהודה חכם לכשירצה ר' טרפון גל של אגוזין ר' ישמעאל חנות מיוזנת ר"ע אוצר בלום ר' יוחנן בן נורי קופת הרוכלים רבי אלעזר בן עזריה קופה של בשמים משנת ר' אליעזר בן יעקב קב ונקי ר' יוסי נמוקו עמו רבי שמעון טוחן הרבה ומוציא קימעא
This is as it is taught in a baraita that Isi ben Yehuda would recount the praise of the Sages by characterizing each of them: Rabbi Meir, a scholar and scribe; Rabbi Yehuda, a scholar when he chooses to be one; Rabbi Tarfon, a pile of nuts, as, just as when one removes a nut from a pile all the other nuts fall, so too, when a student would ask Rabbi Tarfon with regard to one matter, he would cite sources from all the disciplines of the Torah; Rabbi Yishmael, a well-stocked store; Rabbi Akiva, a full storehouse; Rabbi Yoḥanan ben Nuri, a peddler’s basket, in which there is a small amount of each product; Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya, a basket of fragrant spices, as everything he says is reasonable; the mishna of Rabbi Eliezer ben Ya’akov is measured [kav] and immaculate; Rabbi Yosei, his reasoning accompanies his statements; Rabbi Shimon grinds much and removes little.
אמרו רבותינו כל בני המצריות שהניקה שרה כולם נתגיירו, ואל תתמה בדבר, וכן אתה מוצא באליפז בן עשו, על ידי שנתגדל בחיקו של יצחק נעשה צדיק, וזכה ששרה עליו רוח הקדש, שנאמר פרי צדיק עץ חיים (משלי יא ל). ר' אלעזר (בר שמעון) בנו של ר' שמעון בן יוחי היה ראה אותו ר' יוסי בן חלפתא, א"ל אתה משורש צדיקים ואין אתה בן תורה, אמר לו ומה אעשה. א"ל מבקש אתה לשנות, אמר לו הן, התחיל מלמד אותו פרק אחד ושני ושלישי, הכניסו לבית הוועד, ראה אותו רבי, אמר לו לזה הכנסתה עמך, אמר לו מקורתו של ר' שמעון בן יוחי הוא בא, העלה אותו ר' יוסי לציפורי והיה משנה אותו, בשנה אחרת הורידו עמו, ונכנס לבית הוועד, התחיל משיב דברים שם, וקרא עליו רבינו הקדוש פרי צדיק עץ חיים, מי גרם לו שיהיה בן תורה, לא על ידי ר' יוסי בן חלפתא, כך התינוקות שינקו משרה אמנו כולם נתגיירו, אמר הקב"ה בעולם הזה על ידי הצדיקים היו יחידים מתגיירין, אבל לעולם הבא אני מקרב את הצדיקים, ומביאן תחת כנפי השכינה, שנאמר כי אז אהפך אל עמים שפה ברורה לקרוא כולם בשם ה' לעבדו שכם אחד (צפניה ג ט).
Our masters have said: All the Egyptian women's children whom Sarah suckled, all of them became proselytes; and do not be surprised at the news. So you find the following in the case of Eliphaz ben Esau (of Gen. 36:10f.; I Chron. 1:35f.): Because he grew up in the bosom of Isaac, he became righteous and was worthy of having the Holy Spirit rest (Sharah) 140In an unvocalized text the verb could be read as (Sarah). upon him. Thus it is stated (in Prov. 11:30): THE FRUIT OF THE RIGHTEOUS IS A TREE OF LIFE. R. Eleazar {bar Simeon} was the son of R. Simeon ben Johay.141Cf. BM 85a; also PRK 11:22. R. Jose ben Halafta saw him. He said to him: You stem from a root of righteous people, but you are not a Torah scholar. He said to him: Then what should I do? He said to him: Do you want to learn? He said: Yes. He began teaching him one chapter, then a second, then a third. They brought him to the academy. Rabbi (Judah the Prince) saw him. He said to him: Have you brought this one with you? He said to him: He comes from the trunk of R. Simeon ben Johay. R. Jose brought him up to Sepphoris and instructed him. The next year he brought him down with him and entered the academy. When he began to give answers there, our holy master (Rabbi Judah the Prince) applied < Prov. 11:30 > to him: THE FRUIT OF THE RIGHTEOUS IS A TREE OF LIFE.142I.e., a line of righteous people. Who caused him to become a Torah scholar? Was it not through R. Jose ben Halafta? Similarly in the case of the children who nursed from our mother Sarah, all of them became proselytes. The Holy One said: In this world individuals have become proselytes through the righteous ones, but in the world to come I will draw near the righteous and bring them under the wings of the Divine Presence. Thus it is stated (in Zeph. 3:9): FOR THEN WILL I MAKE THE PEOPLES PURE OF SPEECH, SO THAT THEY ALL MAY INVOKE THE LORD BY NAME AND SERVE HIM WITH ONE ACCORD.
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