Year approx. 2255 - death of Yaakov at age 147, Yosef is 56. Yosef dies at 110, summing both numbers 2,309
All of Bereshit spans something like 2,309 years if you count the creation of Adam as year 1. Reminder that the seven days are not "days" but eras, as per Yitzchak of Acco, we arrive at 15 billion taking account of his research already in the 16th century
"Isaac's words have been used by some to calculate the age of the universe as being 15,340,500,000 years old.[9] Notably, Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan arrived at this conclusion based on one view which holds that the author of Sefer HaTemunah believed that there were 42,000 years prior to the biblical Adam, based on the idea that we would be in the seventh 7,000 year Shmitah cycle, in conjunction with the idea that according to Issac, years prior to Adam should be calculated as "divine years," which, based on a verse from Psalms stating, "A thousand years in Your sight are but as yesterday" (Psalm 90:4), yields an equivalent of 365,250 solar years. Kaplan then multiplies these figures and arrives at the said number. According to Kaplan, "From calculations based on the expanding universe and other cosmological observations, modern science has concluded that the Big Bang occurred approximately 15 billion years ago. But here we see the same figure presented in a Torah source written over seven hundred years ago!" The scientific estimation places the occurrence of the Big Bang at 13.799 ± 0.021 billion years ago.[10]
From Wikipedia,
This opens the 430 years of time in Egypt, counting from the descent of Yaakov and the family to Mitzrayim. There are accounts that make the time of slavery 210 years, but the time of staying in Egypt is longer
Manna: 1 month and 15 days after getting out
Torah: on the third new moon, ie, at most after three months out of Egypt.
Golden Calf at the same time
Mishkan at the same time - end of Shemot/Exodus
Meraglim just after - but this is in Bamidbar/Numbers
Leviticus has little time marks: the inauguration and the death of Aharon's sons. Taken together, it spans about 9 days
Numbers/Bamidbar opens in the 2nd year of coming out of Egypt, at the beginning of the second month.
Text goes back a month on chapter 9, but then forward
This implies Yitro was still with them, but returns to his land before the chet Hameraglim, the sin of the spies.
The implication is that this is the first month of the last year
Not clear how long after Miriam's death, Aharon's death comes. Probably a few months, tops. The rest of the Book - the rest of that year - Moshe is on his own
So from Numbers 13 until the end of the book, with the last chapter of the daughters of Tzelofchad, 40 years pass.
(1) These are the words that Moses addressed to all Israel on the other side of the Jordan.—Through the wilderness, in the Arabah near Suph, between Paran and Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth, and Di-zahab, (2) it is eleven days from Horeb to Kadesh-barnea by the Mount Seir route.— (3) It was in the fortieth year, on the first day of the eleventh month, that Moses addressed the Israelites in accordance with the instructions that the LORD had given him for them,
Devarim opens with the end of the 40-year period, exactly one month before.
Most of Devarim is that last day of Moshe's life. The month is spent by Bnei Israel mourning Moshe, which we know little about - the next verses, that close the book, are really an eulogy: