Shaarei Teshuvah - Gates of Repentance #4

Based entirely on the Sefer Sharei Teshuva by Rabbeinu Yonah from the new English Commentary by Rav Asher Baruch Wegbreit

  1. Regret what you’ve done to yourself
  2. Abandoning the sin
    – Accepting not to sin again in future
    – Identifying the path/roots that led to the sin
  3. Feel anguish over how you acted towards G-d
  4. Take action to express your pain
    – fasting (deprive yourself of some food you enjoy)
    – crying and lamenting for your sins
  5. Worry and fear about punishment that will come for sins
    – think about troubles and problems that you and others experience and recognize that current sinful behavior may bring troubles (G_d Forbid)
  6. Be embarrassed about what you’ve done
    – act as if you are speaking to a person who caught you during the act when doing Vidui (confession)
    – Be ashamed in light of the fact that Hashem magnanimously forgive your violations of His Will
  7. Humbling Oneself before G-d
    – Think of how much you owe Hashem and take no credit for the good things you do
    – Make a declaration of how great our obligation to Hashem is and declare that Hashem deserves the credit for our success not us
    —> Maybe repeat this a few times
    Humbling oneself before others
    – Avoid letting others upset you today
    – Avoid letting things in the past upset you – let go, after all what are you holding on to?
  8. Humbling oneself in deed
    – Speak softly
    – lowering one’s eyes
    – experience some discomfort akin to sackcloth
  9. Breaking physical desires
    – Decide before you eat what you’re not going to take
    – Have a least a little bit less then you want when eating and drinking
  10. Doing Mitzvas that are the diametric opposite of Averas done
    – e.g. Learn Torah on the day with the intention of atoning for Loshon Hara and inappropriate thoughts
  11. Searching one’s ways
    – Read Vidui lists and books enumerating the Mitzvos and scroll through a typical day (i.e. Davening, learning, interactions with others)
  12. Investigating the magnitude of punishments for sins one committed
    – Read 3rd Gate of Repentance or ask a rabbi
  13. Regarding lesser transgressions as severe
    – After Davening take time to think of “smaller Averas” committed and realize they are a stepping stone to worse and consider the greatness of the One who told us not to do them
  14. Vidui
    – Have Kavannah when saying we and our predecessors sinned
  15. Request Mercy for atonement rather than punishment for our sins
    – Say this with Kavvanah in the bedtime Krias Shema
  16. Try to make major repairs with damage done with people
    – Express extreme regret to those we’ve hurt and extreme appreciation for what they’ve done for us, do this with family and friends
  17. Proactively do Chesed and learn Torah thoroughly
    – Compliment people today and do some thorough high-quality learning with the goal of understanding what the Gemara is really saying (search for Emes) even if for a brief amount of time
  18. Having one’s sins continuously in the backdrop of one’s consciousness
    – Keep this in mind after davening and when walking back and forth to Yeshiva
  19. Forsaking sins when presented the same opportunity
    – R’ Yonah teaches that fervently learning Mussar as a means to not repeat sin again can achieve the same result (as forsaking sins in the future)
    – Make a Mussar seder even for 5 minutes a day with this intention in mind
  20. Help others do Teshuva
    – Share strategies that have worked for you with others

(לה) העיקר הי' להיטיב פעליו בדבר אשר זדה עליו. אם הסתכל בעריות. יתנהג בשחות העינים. אם חטא בלשון הרע יעסוק בתורה. ובכל האיברים אשר חטא ישתדל לקיים בהם המצות. וכן אמרו רבותינו ז"ל הצדיקים באותו דבר שחוטאים בו מתרצים. עוד אמרו אם עשית חבילות של עבירות. עשה כנגדן חבילות חבילות של מצות. רגלים ממהרות לרוץ לרעה. יהיו רצים לדבר מצוה. לשון שקר. אמת יהגה חכו ופיו יפתח בחכמה ותורת חסד על לשונו. ידים שופכות דם. פתוח יפתח את ידו לאחיו לענייו. עינים רמות. יהי דכא ושח עינים. לב חורש מחשבות און. בלבו יצפון אמרי התורה ויהי הגות לבו תבונות. משלח מדנים בין אחים. יבקש שלום וירדפהו.

(35) The tenth principle is to improve one's actions with that which he was wanton: If he stared at those sexually forbidden, he should accustom himself to lower his eyes. If he sinned with evil speech, he should occupy himself with Torah [study]. Likewise with all the limbs with which he sinned, he should attempt to fulfill the commandments with them. And so our Rabbis, may their memory be blessed, said that the righteous ones become acceptable with the very thing with which they sin. And they also said (Leviticus Rabbah 21:5), "If you have done piles of sins, do piles and piles of commandments that correspond to them: Feet that ran to do evil shall run to the matter of a commandment; a false tongue, his palate should utter truth, he should open his mouth with wisdom and have the Torah of kindness on his tongue; hands that spilled blood, let him surely open his hand to his poor brothers; haughty eyes, let him be subdued and lower his eyes; a heart that seeks thoughts of injustice, let his heart mull words of Torah and the meditation of his heart be understanding; if he creates arguments between brothers, let him seek peace and pursue it."

(מ) העיקר הי"ד הוידוי. שנאמר (ויקרא ה') והתורה אשר חטא עליה. ויש עליו להזכיר עונותיו ועונות אבותיו כי היה נענש עליהן באחזו מעשי אבותיו בידו. וכן כתוב (ויקרא כ"ו) והתודו את עונם ואת עון אבותם.

(40) The fourteenth principle is confession, as it is stated (Leviticus 5:5), "and he shall confess that wherein he has sinned." And he must mention his iniquities and the iniquities of his fathers. For he is punished [for them] - if he holds on to the actions of his fathers. And likewise is it written (Leviticus 26:40), "and they shall confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers."

(מד) העיקר הט"ז תיקון המעוות באשר יוכל לתקן. כענין שנאמר (יונה ג') וירא אלקים את מעשיהם כי שבו מדרכם הרעה. ונאמר (שם) וישובו איש מדרכו הרע ומן החמס אשר בכפיהם. כי בדברים שבין אדם לחבירו כמו הגזל והחמס. לא יתכפר עונו עד אשר ישיב את הגזלה. וכן אם ציער את חבירו והציק לו. או הלבין פניו. או סיפר עליו לשון הרע. אין לו כפרה עד שיבקש ממנו מחילה. וכן אמרו רבותינו זכרונם לברכה כי אף על פי שנתן לו דמי בושתו ודמי צער ההכאה. אין צער הבושה וההכאה נמחל לו עד שיבקש ממנו [מחילה] שנאמר (בראשית כ') ועתה השבת אשת האיש כי נביא הוא ויתפלל בעדך וחיה:

(מה) וראוי לבעל התשובה לעשות כן קודם הוידוי כדי שיתרצה בוידויו. ודוד המלך עליו השלום בעת התשובה כן עשה קודם הוידוי. שנאמר (תהלים נ"א) לך לבדך חטאתי והרע בעיניך עשיתי. למען תצדק בדברך תזכה בשפטך. פירוש לך לבדך אני נחשב חטא ואינני צריך זולתי למחילתך. ואם חטאתי לאיש כבר בקשתי מחילה ממנו. וכפרתי פניו. וכמוהו (בראשית מ"ג) וחטאתי לאבי כל הימים. על החטא הזה אחשב חוטא כל הימים אצל אבי. כי לזאת לא יסלח לי. ותרגומו ואהא חטא לאבא. או יהיה פירוש לך לבדך חטאתי. לא חטאתי לאיש ולא העתרתי דברי עליו. ולא לקחתי מיד איש מאומה שאצטרך למחילתו ולהשיב את גזלתו. ואין כפרתי תלויה אלא בסליחתך. למען תצדק בדברך תזכה בשפטך. כדי להראות לעמים צדקתך. וגודל סליחתך. ביום דברך ודינך בעת שפטך אותי. ולשון למען. כי גדול החטא. סיבה להוודע גודל הצדקה בסליחתו. על כן ימשול הדבר. כאלו היה ראשית חטאת. למען יגלה חסד השם. וצדקתו ובסליחתו ביום שפטו. וכמוהו (הושע ח') כספם וזהבם עשו להם עצבים למען יכרת. כי עשיית העצבים סיבת הכרת כספם וזהבם. המשיל הדבר כאלו עשו העצבים למען יכרת. או יהיה פירושו. למען זה תצדק בדברך על הפקודה והשלום (ור"ל שהוא מצדיק עליו את דינו ית'). וכן למען יכרת. למען זה יכרת:

(44) The sixteenth principle is the rectification of that which is twisted, in as much as one is able to rectify it - as the matter is stated (Jonah 3:10), "God saw what they did, how they were turning back from their evil ways." And it is stated (Jonah 3:8), "Let everyone turn back from his evil ways and from the extortion that is their hands." For with things that are between a man and his fellow - such as robbery and extortion - his iniquity is not atoned until he returns what was robbed. And likewise, if he pained his fellow, harassed him, whitened his face (from embarrassment) or spoke evil speech about him, he is not given atonement until he requests forgiveness from him. And likewise did our Rabbis, may their memory be blessed, say (Bava Kamma 92a) that even though he gave him the money of the embarrassment and the pain of the strike - the pain and the embarrassment of the strike are not forgiven until he requests forgiveness from him, as it is stated (Genesis 20:7), "Therefore, restore the man’s wife - since he is a prophet, he will intercede for you - to save your life."

(45) And it is fitting for a penitent to do this before the confession, so that he can be accepted with his confession. And at the time of [his] repentance, King David, peace be upon him, did this before the confession, as it is stated (Psalms 51:6), "Against You alone have I sinned, and done what is evil in Your sight; so that You are just in Your sentence, and right in Your judgment." The explanation [of this] is that I am only considered a sinner to you, and I need nothing besides your forgiveness; and if I sinned to a person, I have requested forgiveness from him and I have made amends with him. And similar to it is (Genesis 44:32), "I shall stand guilty before my father forever" - for this sin, I will be considered a sinner to my father forever, as he will never forgive me for it. And its translation (Onkelos), is "and I will be a sinner to father." Or (alternatively) the explanation [in the verse in Psalms above] is, "Against You alone have I sinned" - I have not sinned to a person and I have not said extra words about him, nor have I taken anything from a person; that I should require his forgiveness and return his stolen goods. So my atonement is only dependent upon You. "So that You are just in Your sentence, and right in Your judgment" - in order to show Your charity and the greatness of Your forgiveness to the nations, on the day of Your speech and Your judgement at the time that You judged me. And the expression, "so that," is [to mean] that the greatness of the sin is the reason to make known the greatness of Your charity in Your forgiveness. Therefore the thing is compared to the head of sin, in order that God's kindness can be revealed - as well as His charity in His forgiveness - on the day of [David's] judgement. And like it is [the usage of, so that] (in Hosea 8:4), "of their silver and gold they have made themselves images, so that it will be cut off." For their making the images is the reason for the cutting off of their silver and their gold - the thing was compared, as if they made the images in order that they would be cut off. Or its explanation (in Psalms) is, because of this, You will be justified in Your word about the judgement and the repayment (meaning to say that he is justifying His judgement, may He be blessed). And likewise (in Hosea), "so that it will be cut off," [can be understood] as, because of this will it be cut off.

(מז) העיקר הי"ז לרדוף פעולת החסד והאמת. כענין שנאמר (משלי ט"ז) בחסד ואמת יכופר עון וביראת ה' סור מרע. ועתה התבונן בסוד המקרא הזה. כי האמנם אם החוטא לא שב אל ה'. לא יתכפר עונו בפועל החסד. כמו שנאמר (דברים י') אשר לא ישא פנים ולא יקח שוחד. ופירשו רבותינו זכרונם לברכה לא יקח שוחד מצוה. למחול ולהעביר על העונות. ועוד אמרו כל האומר הקב"ה ותרן הוא יותרו חייו. אבל מאריך אפים. ואם לא ישמעו. ימד פעולתם אל חיקם. אכן זה שאמר שלמה המלך עליו השלום בחסד ואמת יכופר עון. על בעל התשובה דיבר. כי יש עבירות שהתשובה ויוה"כ תולין ויסורין ממרקין. כאשר יתבאר בשער הרביעי. והנה החסד יגן בעד החוטא וישמור עליו מן היסורין. בשגם הצל יציל מן המות. כמו שכתוב (משלי י') וצדקה תציל ממות. ועוד יש עון והוא עון חלול השם. שהתשובה ויסורין תולין ומיתה ממרקת כמו שנאמר (ישעי' כ"ב) אם יכופר העון הזה לכם עד תמותון. והנה כאשר האדם משתדל לתמוך ביד האמת. ויעזור אחריו ויתעורר בדבריו. והופיע אורו לעיני בני עמו. ויחזק ידי אנשי האמת. ונשא ראשם. וכתות השקר ישפילם יגיעם עד עפר. הנה אלה דרכי קדוש ה'. והוד והדר לאמונתו ועבודתו בעולם. ועוז ותפארת במקדש תורתו. על כן בהרבות פעליו לקדש את ה' ולעורר האמת להכין אותו ולסעדו. ונסלח לו מעון החלול עם התשובה בשומו האמת לעומת אשמת החלול. מדת תשובתו נגד מדת משובתו. זה ביאור בחסד ואמת יכופר עון:

(47) The seventeenth principle is to seek [to do] actions of kindness and truth, as it is stated (Proverbs 16:6), "Iniquity is atoned by kindness and truth; and evil is shunned through fear of the Lord." And now reflect upon the secret of this verse. For surely if the sinner has not repented to God, his sin will not be atoned by doing kindness - as it is stated (Deuteronomy 10:17), "who shows no favor and takes no bribe." And our Rabbis, may their memory be blessed, explained (Yalkut Shimoni on Nach 947) that [this means] that He will not take the bribe of [the fulfillment of] a commandment, to forgive and pass over iniquities. And they also said (Bava Kamma 50a), "Anyone who states that the Holy One, Blessed be He, is forgoing will have his life foregone." Rather He is slow to anger. But if they do not obey, he measures [the punishment] of their actions into their laps. Rather [regarding] that which King Solomon, peace be upon him, said, "Iniquity is atoned by kindness and truth" - he was speaking about a penitent. For there are sins that repentance and Yom Kippur suspend, but afflictions absolve, as will be explained in the fourth chapter. But behold that kindness protects the sinner from afflictions, since it also surely saves him from death, as it is written, (Proverbs 10:2) "but righteousness (tsedekah, which can also mean, charity) saves from death." However there is yet an iniquity - and that is the iniquity of the desecration of [God's] name - which repentance and afflictions suspend but death absolves, as it is stated, (Isaiah 22:14), "This iniquity shall never be forgiven you until you die." But behold when a person makes efforts to support the truth, follow it through, be aroused by its words, present its light in the eyes of people, strengthen the hands of the men of truth and uplift their heads and to denigrate the circles of falsehood and bring them to the dirt - behold, these are the ways of sanctification of [God's] name, of majesty and beauty to His faith and worship in the world and of strength and splendor to the holiness of his Torah. Therefore in the increase of his actions to sanctify God, to arouse the truth and to set it up and assist it, he is forgiven the iniquity of the desecration with his repentance - with his placement of the truth across from the sin of the desecration, the measure of his repentance corresponding to the measure of his sin. This is the explanation of, "Iniquity is atoned by kindness and truth."

(נ) העיקר הכ' להשיב רבים מעון כאשר תשיג ידו. שנאמר (יחזקאל י"ח) שובו והשיבו מכל פשעיכם. למדנו כי זה מעיקרי התשובה. ונאמר (ויקרא י"ט) הוכיח תוכיח את עמיתך ולא תשא עליו חטא. למדנו כי אם לא יוכיחנו יענש על חטאיו. ודוד המלך עליו השלום אמר במזמור התשובה (תהלים נ"א) אלמדה פושעים דרכיך וחטאים אליך ישובו:

(50) The twentieth principle is to cause the many to repent from iniquity to the extent of one's ability - as it is stated (Ezekiel 18:30), "Repent and make repent from all your transgressions." We learn [from this] that it is from the principles of repentance. And it is stated (Leviticus 19:17), "you shall surely reprimand your countryman and not bear sin because of him." We learn [from this] that if he does not rebuke him, he will be punished for [the other's] sins. And King David, peace be upon him, said in the psalm of repentance (Psalms 51:15), "I will teach transgressors Your ways, that sinners may return to You."