These are the progeny of Noah — Noah was a righteous man; he was blameless in his generations; Noah walked with God.
THESE ARE THE PROGENY OF NOAH: NOAH WAS A RIGHTEOUS MAN — Since the text mentions him it sings his praise, in accordance with what is said, (Proverbs 10:7) “The mention of the righteous shall be for a blessing.” Another explanation is: since after stating “These are the progeny of Noah”, it does not at once mention the names of his children but declares that he “was a righteous man”, Scripture thereby teaches you that the real progeny of righteous people are their good deeds (Genesis Rabbah 30:6).
~ Define progeny.
~ What does it mean to say that your children are actually your deeds?
~ What is Rashi's lesson?
~ And who is Rashi?
IN HIS GENERATIONS — Some of our Rabbis explain it (this word "generations") to his credit: he was righteous even in his generation; it follows that had he lived in a generation of righteous people he would have been even more righteous owing to the force of good example. Others, however, explain it to his discredit: in comparison with his own generation he was accounted righteous, but had he lived in the generation of Abraham he would have been accounted as of no importance (cf. Sanhedrin 108a).
~ Rashi is reminding us the importance of the environment on you becoming you. Do you think it was easy for Noach to be a righteous person in his time? Do you think it would have been easier to be righteous if he was born during Abraham's time?
~ What is the effect that people around you have in you?
~ What is Rashi's lesson?