ASU Hillel Siddur

Kabbalat Shabbat

Hineh ma tov uma na'im
Shevet achim gam yachad

How good and pleasant it is
For brothers & sisters to sit together.


Am I awake, am I prepared?

Are you listening to my prayer?

Can you hear my voice?

Can you understand?

Am I awake?

Am I prepared?

Barchu et Adonai Ha'mvorach

Baruch Adonai Ha'mvorach, l'olam va'ed

Maariv Aravim

Roll into dark

Roll into night

Night becomes day

Day Turns to Night

Borei yom v'lailah

Goleil Or Mipnei Choshech

Goleil Or Mipnei Choshech

V'choshech Mipnei Or


שְׁמַע יִשרָאֵל ה' אֱלהֵינוּ ה' אֶחָד

בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוד מַלְכוּתו לְעולָם

Sh’ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad.

Baruch Shem k’vod malchuto l’olam va-ed.

וְאָהַבְתָּ אֵת ה' אֱלהֶיךָ בְּכָל לְבָבְךָ וּבְכָל נַפְשְׁךָ וּבְכָל מְאדֶךָ: וְהָיוּ הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה אֲשֶׁר אָנכִי מְצַוְּךָ הַיּום עַל לְבָבֶךָ: וְשִׁנַּנְתָּם לְבָנֶיךָ וְדִבַּרְתָּ בָּם בְּשִׁבְתְּךָ בְּבֵיתֶךָ וּבְלֶכְתְּךָ בַדֶּרֶךְ וּבְשָׁכְבְּךָ וּבְקוּמֶךָ: וּקְשַׁרְתָּם לְאות עַל יָדֶךָ וְהָיוּ לְטטָפת בֵּין עֵינֶיךָ: וּכְתַבְתָּם עַל מְזֻזות בֵּיתֶךָ וּבִשְׁעָרֶיךָ

לְמַעַן תִּזְכְּרוּ וַעֲשיתֶם אֶת כָּל מִצְותָי וִהְיִיתֶם קְדשִׁים לֵאלהֵיכֶם: אֲנִי ה' אֱלהֵיכֶם אֲשֶׁר הוצֵאתִי אֶתְכֶם מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרַיִם לִהְיות לָכֶם לֵאלהִים אֲנִי ה' אֱלהֵיכֶם.

V’ahavta et Adonai Elohecha,

b’chol l’vavcha uv’chol nafsh’cha uv’chol

m’odecha. V’hayu had’varim ha-eileh asher anochi m’tzav’cha hayom al l’vavecha.

V’shinantam l’vanecha v’dibarta bam

b’shivt’cha b’veitecha uv’lecht’cha

vaderech uv’shochb’cha uv’kumecha.

Uk’shartam l’ot al yadecha v’hayu

l’totafot bein einecha. Uch’tavtam

al m’zuzot beitecha uvish’arecha.

L’maan tizk’ru, vaasitem et kol mitzvotai vih’yitem k’doshim l’Eloheichem.

Ani Adonai Eloheichem, asher hotzeiti et-chem mei-eretz Mitzrayim lih’yot lachem l’Elohim.

Ani Adonai Eloheichem.

YOU SHALL LOVE Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. Thus you shall remember to observe all My commandments and to be holy to your God. I am Adonai, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God: I am Adonai your God.


Hashkiveinu Adonai

Eloheinu l’shalom

V’ha’amideinu Malkeinu

l’cha--yim (x3)

Spread the shelter of Your peace over us

Guide us in wisdom, compassion, and trust.

Hashkiveinu Adonai

Eloheinu l’shalom

V’ha’amideinu Malkeinu

l’cha--yim (x3)

Save us for the sake of your name

Shield us from hatred, sorrow and pain.


V’shamru v'nei Yisrael et HaShabbat,

laasot et HaShabbat l’dorotam b’rit olam.

Beini u’vein b’nei Yisrael ot hi l’olam,

ki sheishet yamim asah Adonai

et hashamayim v’et haaretz,

u’vayom hashvi-i shavat vayinafash.

יְבָרֶכְךָ ה' וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ:
יָאֵר ה' פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ וִיחֻנֶּךָּ:
יִשּא ה' פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ וְיָשם לְךָ שָׁלום:

May G-d bless you and keep you.

May G-d's light shine upon you and be gracious to you.

May G-d's countenance shine upon you and grant you peace.

Mi Shebeirach

Mi shebeirach avoteinu

M'kor hab'racha l'imoteinu

May the source of strength,

Who blessed the ones before us,

Help us find the courage

To make our lives a blessing,

And let us say, Amen.

Mi shebeirach imoteinu

M'kor hab'racha l'avoitein

Bless those in need of healing,

With refuah sh'leimah,

The renewal of body,

The renewal of spirit,

And let us say, Amen.

Healing is both an exercise
and an understanding
And yet not of the will
nor of the intention

It is a wisdom
and a deeper knowledge
of the daily swing
of life and death
in all creation.

There is defeat
to overcome
and acceptance of living
to be established
and always
there must be hope.

Not the hope of healing
but the hope which informs
the coming moment and gives it reason.

The hope which is
each person's breath
the certainty of love
and of loving.

Death may live in the living
And healing rise in the dying
for whom the natural end
is part of the gathering
and the harvest to be expected

To know healing is to know that all life is one.

From the East End Temple's Service of Healing

Mourner's Kaddish

יִתְגַּדַּל וְיִתְקַדַּשׁ שְׁמֵהּ רַבָּא. אמן

בְּעָלְמָא דִּי בְרָא כִרְעוּתֵהּ וְיַמְלִיךְ

מַלְכוּתֵהּ בְּחַיֵּיכון וּבְיומֵיכון וּבְחַיֵּי דְכָל בֵּית יִשרָאֵל בַּעֲגָלָא וּבִזְמַן קָרִיב, וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן:

יְהֵא שְׁמֵהּ רַבָּא מְבָרַךְ לְעָלַם וּלְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַיָּא

יִתְבָּרַךְ וְיִשְׁתַּבַּח וְיִתְפָּאַר וְיִתְרומַם וְיִתְנַשּא וְיִתְהַדָּר וְיִתְעַלֶּה

וְיִתְהַלָּל שְׁמֵהּ דְּקֻדְשָׁא. בְּרִיךְ הוּא.

לְעֵלָּא מִן כָּל בִּרְכָתָא וְשִׁירָתָא

תֻּשְׁבְּחָתָא וְנֶחֱמָתָא דַּאֲמִירָן בְּעָלְמָא. וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן:

יְהֵא שְׁלָמָא רַבָּא מִן שְׁמַיָּא וְחַיִּים עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשרָאֵל.

וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן

עושה שָׁלום בִּמְרומָיו הוּא יַעֲשה שָׁלום עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשרָאֵל וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba

b’alma di v’ra chirutei,

v’yamlich malchutei,

b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon

uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael,

baagala uviz’man kariv,

v’im’ru: Amen.

Y’hei sh’mei raba m’varach

l’alam ul’almei almaya.

Yitbarach v’yishtabach v’yitpaar

v’yitromam v’yitnasei,

v’yit’hadar v’yitaleh v’yit’halal

sh’mei d’kud’sha b’rich hu,

l’eila min kol birchata v’shirata,

tushb’chata v’nechemata,

daamiran b’alma, v’imru: Amen.