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We’re delighted to share our newest additions to the Sefaria library. Read some of the highlights below and start exploring.
Complete English Translation of Rashi's Commentary on Tanakh
Previously, we offered English translation for Rashi on Torah, early Prophets, and Megillot. We've now added Rashi's commentary in English for the rest of Prophets and Writings so you can have Rashi as your companion throughout all of Tanakh.
English Translations and Interconnecting of
Commentaries by Rashi, Ramban, & Ibn Ezra
English Translation of Ramban's Torah Commentary
Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Ramban) was a famous medieval Torah scholar whose work weaves together law, philosophy, and mysticism. Ramban's commentary on Torah is unparalleled by his contemporaries in terms of its scope and influence on Jewish thought and practice. We're delighted to offer an English translation from Charles B. Chavel, 1971-1976.
English Translation of Ibn Ezra's Torah Commentary
Avraham ben Meir ibn Ezra, better known simply as Ibn Ezra, was a medieval Spanish Torah commentator, poet, philosopher and grammarian. While he wrote on grammar, philosophy, astronomy, medicine, and mathematics, he is most famous for his Biblical commentaries, which, alongside those of Rashi, are ubiquitous and indispensable. We're pleased to offer an English translation from H. Norman Strickman and Arthur M. Silver, 1988-2004.
Note: We've added intricate links between the commentaries of Rashi, Ramban, Ibn Ezra, and Onkelos — explore the connections by clicking any passage and viewing related texts in the resource panel.
English Translation of Kalach Pitchei Chokhmah
A systematic introduction to Kabbalah by the 18th century Italian rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal).
Torah Talks with 7 Award-Winning Scholars
For learners of all backgrounds! Sign up to receive the link for this beautiful collection of never-before-seen recordings and insights.

Rif Talmud Commentary
We've reworked Hilchot Rav Alfas (Rif) on Sefaria: All major commentaries are now available, including Nimukei Yosef, Ran, Baal HaMaor, Milchemet Hashem, and more. Our content engineers have also added many more links to parallel Talmud and Halakhah works.
Rabbi Professor Saul Lieberman’s Critical Edition of the Tosefta
A systematic elucidation on four orders of the Tosefta text according to Codex Vienna, with variants, references to parallel passages in Talmudic literature, and a brief commentary. Released under CC-BY license by JTS. Read now.
Rabbi Professor Saul Lieberman’s Tosefta Kifshuta
A comprehensive commentary by Rabbi Professor Saul Lieberman on four orders of the Tosefta, including philological research and observations on the relevant Tosefta text. Released under CC-BY license by JTS. Read now.
Hebrew Library Additions
- Azharot of Simon Gabirol: Azharot (“exhortations”) by the medieval Spanish poet and philosopher Solomon ibn Gabirol – a didactic liturgical poem on the 613 commandments, customarily chanted on Shavuot.
- Bnei Machshava Tova: An essay by Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira – the Piaseczno Rebbe – in which the author promotes the establishment of a “conscious community” aimed at attaining spiritual growth.
- Hafla'ah ShebaArakhin: R. Isaiah Berlin's annotations to the Arukh.
- Sefer HeArukh: An early lexicon of the difficult words in the Talmud, by Nathan ben Jehiel of Rome.
- Works by Rav Amiel: Works that touch upon Halakhic methodology, as well as sermons on pre-state religious-Zionist (Mizrachi) ideology.
- Works by Jacob Joseph of Polonne: Three additional works (Ketonet Pasim, Tzofnat Paneach, and Ben Porat Yosef) by the senior disciple of the founder of Chassidut, the Baal Shem Tov.
- Zohar HaRakia: Commentary by Rabbi Shimon ben Zemach Duran on ibn Gabirol’s Azharot, summarizing the methods of Maimonides and Nachmanides in enumerating the 613 commandments.
As always, you can find all of our most recent library updates on our Content Updates page. Still catching up? Check our New Year, New Texts post and our Library Updates page from November.
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