Parashah Scavenger Hunt שְׁאֵלוֹת הַשָּׁבוּעַ

Welcome to Devash's Parashah Scavenger Hunt for Parashat Mishpatim!
Aliyah 1 (Shemot 21:1-19)
  • If a Hebrew slave wants to remain with his master for more than six years, what must he do to his body?
  • What are two ways that a person might injure another person?
  • If you steal an ox and slaughter it or sell it, what do you have to pay back to the owner?
  • What happens if my ox kills your ox (and my ox has no history of violence)?
Aliyah 3 (Shemot 22:4-26)
  • If you are guarding an animal for someone and it gets killed by a wild animal, what do you need to show the owner to avoid paying for it?
  • Who hears when an orphan cries?
  • What must you do if you find your enemy’s donkey and it is lost?
  • If you find an animal dead in the field, what should you do with its meat?
Aliyah 5 (Shemot 23:6-19)
  • What are the names of the three major annual holidays in our parashah?
  • What kind of cooking is forbidden?
Aliyah 6 (Shemot 23:20-25)
  • Who is going to protect the people on their journey?
  • What two specific things will God bless if the people continue to serve God when they enter the land?
  • How many pillars did Moshe set up?
  • While Moshe is on Har Sinai, who can answer questions that come up?
Look anywhere in the parashah to find the answer to these questions!
  • Other than the six years of slavery, what are the three other sixes in our parashah?
  • What animal with wings is mentioned in our parashah?
  • Who is supposed to help Aharon with any problems that come up while Moshe is on the mountain?
  • Which sets of brothers are mentioned in our parashah?
  • Which kinds of animals appear in our parashah?
From the Haftarah (Haftarah for Shabbat Shekalim: Melakhim Bet 11:17-12:17 for Sefardim and 12:1-17 for Ashkenazim).
  • How old was King Yehoash when he discovered that the כֹּהֲנִים (kohanim, priests) had not been doing a good job of taking care of repairs for the בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ (Beit Ha-Mikdash, Holy Temple)?
Scroll down to see the answers!
Aliyah 1
  • Get his ear pierced (21:6)
  • With a stone or with a fist (21:18)
Aliyah 2
  • Five oxen (21:37)
  • We sell the surviving ox and split the money between the two of us, and we also split the value of the dead ox (21:35)
Aliyah 3
  • The actual body of the animal that got attacked (22:12)
  • God (22:22)
Aliyah 4
Aliyah 5
  • חַג הַמַּצּוֹת (Hag Ha-Matzot, the matzah holiday), חַג הַקָּצִיר (Hag Ha-Katzir, the harvest holiday), חַג הָאָסִיף (Hag Ha-Asif, the gathering holiday) (23:15-17)
  • Cooking a calf in its mother’s milk (23:19)
Aliyah 6
  • A מַלְאָךְ (malakh), which either means an angel or perhaps a messenger like Moshe (23:20)
  • The people’s bread and water (23:25)
Aliyah 7
  • 12—for the 12 tribes of Israel (24:4)
  • Aharon and Hur (24:14)
From anywhere in the parashah
  • Six years of planting before one year of letting the land rest (23:10); six days of work before resting on Shabbat (23:12); six days of the cloud on the mountain before Moshe is called up (24:16)
  • הַצִּרְעָה (ha-tzir’ah, the wasp) (23:28)
  • Hur—we don’t yet know anything about who this is! (24:14)
  • Moshe and Aharon; Nadav and Avihu (24:1)
  • Ox (21:28), donkey (21:33), sheep (21:37), baby goat (23:19), an insect called a צִּרְעָה (tzir’ah) which might be a hornet (23:28), and cows (24:5). (Some of these appear many times in the parashah, we gave you the first pasuk where they are mentioned.)
  • 30 years old. He found this out in the 23rd year of his reign (Melakhim Bet 12:7), and he became king at the age of seven (12:1)! Can you imagine?