Parashah Scavenger Hunt שְׁאֵלוֹת הַשָּׁבוּעַ
Welcome to Devash's Parashah Scavenger Hunt for Parashat VaYakhel!
Aliyah 1 (Shemot 35:1-20)
- How many times does the word אֶת (et) or וְאֶת (v’et) appear in the first 20 verses of our parashah?
- What specific activity is forbidden on Shabbat?
Aliyah 2 (Shemot 35:21-29)
- What special job does the Torah say was done by women?
- Who brought the precious stones for the אֵפוֹד (ephod) and the חֹשֶׁן (hoshen) that the כֹּהֵן גָּדוֹל (kohen gadol, high priest) wore?
Aliyah 3 (Shemot 35:30-36:7)
- Betzalel was the chief artist and architect of the mishkan. Who was his grandfather?
- What two words are repeated twice in a row?
Aliyah 4 (Shemot 36:8-19)
- What made the mishkan into one unified structure?
Aliyah 5 (Shemot 36:20-37:16)
- How many קְרָשִׁים (kerashim, planks) were made for the mishkan in total?
- Who made the אָרֹן (aron, ark)?
Aliyah 6 (Shemot 37:17-29)
- The description of the מְנוֹרָה (menorah) involves all the numbers from 1 to 7, except one number. Which is it?
Aliyah 7 (Shemot 38:1-20)
- Was the מִזְבַּח הָעוֹלָה (mizbah ha-olah, altar for sacrifices) taller than it was wide, or wider than it was tall?
- What was the כִּיּוֹר (kiyor, washbasin) made out of?
Look anywhere in the parashah to find the answer to these questions!
- Which two names for Hebrew letters are used to describe parts of the mishkan?
- Which items in the mishkan had poles for carrying them?
- Which item does the Torah say Betzalel personally made himself?
- What had a זֵר (zer, crown)?
From the Haftarah
Haftarah for Sefardim: Melakhim Alef 7:13-26
Haftarah for Ashkenazim (Shabbat Shekalim): Melakhim Bet 12:1-17
- Haftarah for Sefardim: What did Hiram have?
- Haftarah for Ashkenazim: What did the כֹּהֲנִים (kohanim, priests) fail to do?
Scroll down to see the answers!
Aliyah 1
- 44!
- Lighting a fire (35:3)
Aliyah 2
Aliyah 3
Aliyah 4
- The gold קְרָסִים (kerasim, clasps) that attached the יְרִיעוֹת (yeriot, strips of cloth) (36:13)
Aliyah 5
Aliyah 6
- 5 (The others can be found in 37:18-23)
Aliyah 7
From anywhere in the parashah
- וָו (vav, hook; 36:36, 38:10) and כָּף (kaf, ladle; 37:16)
- אֲרוֹן (aron, ark), שֻׁלְחָן (shulhan, table), מִזְבַּח הַקְּטֹרֶת (mizbah ha-ketoret, incense altar), מִזְבַּח הָעֹלָה (mizbah ha-olah, altar for sacrifices) (35:12-16)
- The aron (37:1)
- The אָרֹן (aron, ark) (37:2), the שֻׁלְחָן (shulhan, table) (37:11), and the מִזְבַּח הַקְּטֹרֶת (mizbah ha-ketoret, incense altar) (37:26)
- Haftarah for Sefardim: Skill, ability, and talent for working with bronze (Melakhim Alef 7:14)
- Haftarah for Ashkenazim: Repair the Beit Ha-Mikdash (Melakhim Bet 12:7)