Parashat Hayyei Sarah: In This Week's Parashah

In This Week’s Parashah: מָה בַּפָּרָשָׁה​​​​​​​

Full Parashah Reading: Bereishit 23:1-25:18
  • Sarah is 127 years old when she dies. Avraham buys a burial place for her.
  • Avraham sends his servant on a mission to find a wife for Yitzhak from Avraham’s birthplace.
  • Avraham’s servant asks God for a sign that he is choosing the right wife for Yitzhak. He says that if a woman offers to give water to him and to his camels, then he will know that she is the one.
  • Rivkah arrives at the well. She quickly brings water to him and also to his camels, fulfilling the sign.
  • Rivkah invites Avraham’s servant to her home. He meets her father, Betuel, and her brother, Lavan.
  • Avraham’s servant tells his whole story to Rivkah’s family.
  • Everyone asks Rivkah if she wants to go and marry Yitzhak, and she says yes!
  • Rivkah’s family gives her a blessing, she returns home with Avraham’s servant, and she marries Yitzhak.
  • Avraham is 175 years old when he dies.
  • Together, Yitzhak and Yishmael bury Avraham next to Sarah.
  • Yishmael dies and is buried near מִצְרַיִם (Mitzrayim, Egypt).