Parashat Hayyei Sarah: Scavenger Hunt

Parashah Scavenger Hunt שְׁאֵלוֹת הַשָּׁבוּעַ

Welcome to Devash's Parashah Scavenger Hunt for Parashat Hayyei Sarah!

  • With what group of people must Avraham negotiate in order to get a burial site for Sarah?
  • How does Avraham refer to himself, when speaking with Efron?
  • What is the name of Avraham’s servant whom he sends to find a wife for Yitzhak?
  • What does Rivkah do that passes the servant’s test?
  • Who is Rivkah’s father?
Aliyah 4 (Bereishit 24:27-52)
  • What does the servant refuse to do before he tells his tale?
  • According to Betuel, who must have arranged this match?
Aliyah 5 (Bereishit 24:53-67)
  • Where was Yitzhak coming from when Rivkah met him?
  • Whose tent does Yitzhak bring Rivkah to?
Aliyah 6 (Bereishit 25:1-11)
  • Avraham got married again. What was his new wife’s name?
  • Who buries Avraham?
Aliyah 7 (Bereishit 25:12-18)
  • Who was Yishmael’s oldest son?
  • How many sons did Yishmael have?
Look anywhere in the parashah to find the answer to these questions!
  • How much money does Avraham pay Efron for the Makhpelah cave and its surrounding field?
  • One additional person goes with Rivkah on her journey. Who is it?
  • A small detail suggests that Lavan was not respectful to his father, Betuel. What is it?
  • When Avraham’s servant describes who he’s looking for at the well, he uses one Hebrew word for “young woman.” Then, when he retells the story to Rivkah’s family, he uses a different Hebrew word for this. What are the two words?
From the Haftarah (Melakhim Alef 1:1-31)
  • Who does Evyatar think should be the next king after David?
Scroll down to see the answers!
Aliyah 1
  • Benei Het or Hittites
  • He calls himself גֵּר וְתוֹשָׁב (ger v’toshav, an outsider who is a resident) (23:3)
Aliyah 2
  • He doesn’t have one! He is referred to as Avraham’s servant throughout, although many commentators assume he is Damesek Eliezer, who was mentioned in Lekh Lekha.
Aliyah 3
  • She offers to give water to both the servant and his camels
  • Betuel (24:15)
Aliyah 4
Aliyah 5
  • Be’er Lahai Ro’i
  • Sarah’s tent (24:16)
Aliyah 6
  • Keturah
  • Yitzhak and Yishmael (25:9)
Aliyah 7
From anywhere in the parashah
  • 400 shekels of silver
  • Her nurse
  • When they speak, it says Lavan’s name first, suggesting that Lavan jumped in to speak before his father (24:50)
  • נַעֲרָ (na’arah) and עַלְמָה (almah) (24:14 and 24:43)
  • Adoniyahu