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דבר שאינו מתכוין 07

אמר אביי: כל מילי דמר עביד כרב לבר מהני תלת דעביד כשמואל: מדליקין מנר לנר, ומתירין מבגד לבגד, והלכה כרבי שמעון בגרירה. דתניא, רבי שמעון אומר: גורר אדם מטה כסא וספסל — ובלבד שלא יתכוין לעשות חריץ.

Abaye said: In all halakhic matters of the Master, Rabba, he conducted himself in accordance with the opinion of Rav, except these three where he conducted himself in accordance with the opinion of Shmuel. He ruled: One may light from one Hanukkah lamp to another lamp, and one may untie ritual fringes from garment to garment, and the halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Shimon in the case of dragging. As it was taught in a baraita, Rabbi Shimon says: A person may drag a bed, chair, and bench on the ground, as long as he does not intend to make a furrow in the ground. Even if a furrow is formed inadvertently, one need not be concerned.

הני מילי באיסורא דאורייתא אבל הכא צירוף דרבנן - ומדאיצטריך קרא שמע מינה דדבר שאין מתכוין אסור מדאורייתא ומשני הני מילי בכל התורה כולה אסור שאין מתכוין כמתכוין אבל הכא פירוש בשבת דכתיב ביה מלאכת מחשבת בעינן שיחשב לעשות המלאכה שהוא עושה

These words are by an issur deoraisa, but here it's assur miderabanan - In kol haTorah kulah R' Yehudah holds davar she'eino miskavein is an issur mideoraisa, except by Shabbos, since we have a drasha to teach that on Shabbos you need an extra element of meleches machsheves.

AIM: How Does Davar She'eino Miskavein Work In The Rest of Kol HaTorah Kulah?

Cases of Davar She'eino Miskavein In The Rest of Kol HaTorah Kulah:


אמר מר: ״בשר״, אף על פי שיש שם בהרת — ״ימול״, דברי רבי יאשיה. הא למה לי קרא, דבר שאין מתכוין הוא, ודבר שאין מתכוין — מותר!

We earlier learned that the Master said: When the verse states the term flesh, it comes to teach that even though there is a bright white spot there, one should circumcise; this is the statement of Rabbi Yoshiya. Rabbi Yonatan agrees with this halakha, albeit for a different reason. The Gemara addresses the fundamental question: Why do I need a verse to derive this? The removal of leprous skin is an unintentional act. One does not intend to cut the symptom of leprosy; he intended to circumcise the baby. And the general rule is that an unintentional act is permitted. Consequently, there is no need for a special derivation in this case.


תניא אמר שמואל המתנדב יין מביא ומזלפו על גבי האישים...והא קא מכבי כיבוי במקצת לא שמיה כיבוי...ת"ש יין כדברי ר"ע לספלים שמן כדברי רבי טרפון לאישים ועוד תניא יין נסך לספלים או אינו אלא לאישים אמרת לא יכבה לא קשיא הא רבי יהודה הא ר"ש.

Shmuel says: One who contributes wine brings it and sprinkles it on the flames of the altar...The Gemara challenges: But he thereby extinguishes the fire on the altar, and the Torah states: “A perpetual fire shall be kept burning on the altar, it shall not go out” (Leviticus 6:6). The Gemara explains: Extinguishing in a partial manner is not called extinguishing; in other words, this act is not included in the prohibition...The Gemara challenges: Come and hear a baraita that prohibits sprinkling wine on the fire of the altar: If one contributes wine, according to the statement of Rabbi Akiva that one may contribute wine, it is poured into the basins on the altar. If one contributes oil, according to the statement of Rabbi Tarfon that one may contribute oil, it is poured onto the flames of the altar. And it is furthermore taught in a baraita: The wine libation is poured into the basins. The baraita suggests: Or perhaps it is not so; rather, it is poured onto the flames. Therefore, you say: He shall not extinguish. The Gemara answers: This is not difficult, as that baraita is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda, who holds that even an unintentional action, i.e., a permitted action from which a prohibited action inadvertently ensues, is prohibited; and this statement of Shmuel is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Shimon, who maintains that a permitted action from which a prohibited action inadvertently ensues is permitted.


איכא דמתני לה אהא לא ילבש אדם כלאים אפי' על גבי עשרה בגדים להבריח בו את המכס מתני' דלא כר"ע דתניא אסור להבריח את המכס ר"ש אומר משום ר"ע מותר להבריח את המכס בשלמא לענין כלאים בהא קמיפלגי דמר סבר דבר שאין מתכוין מותר ומר סבר דבר שאין מתכוין אסור

The Gemara notes: There are those who teach the statements of Rabbi Ḥanina bar Kahana and the Sages of the school of Rabbi Yannai with regard to this following mishna (Kilayim 9:2) and its attendant discussion. The customs collectors would not levy a duty for the garments one was wearing. In light of this, the mishna teaches: A person may not wear a garment made of diverse kinds, i.e., a combination of wool and linen, even if he wears it on top of ten garments, in order to avoid paying customs. It was noted that this mishna is not in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Akiva, as it is taught in a baraita: It is prohibited to avoid paying customs by wearing a garment of diverse kinds. Rabbi Shimon says in the name of Rabbi Akiva: It is permitted to avoid paying customs in this manner. The Gemara comments: Granted, with regard to the prohibition of diverse kinds, they disagree about this: One Sage, i.e., Rabbi Akiva, holds that an unintentional act is permitted. In this case, the prohibition is to benefit from wearing the garment, and that is not his intent, as his intention is merely to avoid paying the customs duties. Therefore, it is permitted. And one Sage, i.e., the first tanna in the baraita, holds that an unintentional act is prohibited.


מוֹכְרֵי כְסוּת מוֹכְרִין כְּדַרְכָּן, וּבִלְבַד שֶׁלֹּא יִתְכַּוְּנוּ בַּחַמָּה מִפְּנֵי הַחַמָּה, וּבַגְּשָׁמִים מִפְּנֵי הַגְּשָׁמִים. וְהַצְּנוּעִים מַפְשִׁילִין בְּמַקֵּל לַאֲחוֹרֵיהֶם:

Sellers of clothes may sell [clothes made of kilayim] in accordance with their custom, as long as they do have not the intention in the sun, [to protect themselves] from the sun, or in the rain [to protect themselves] from the rain. The scrupulous hang [such materials or garments] on a stick over their backs.

Bio of The Bartenura:

R. Ovadiah Yare was born in Bertinoro (in northern Italy) circa 5200 (1440 CE) . He was a prominent student of the Maharik, the greatest Italian Torah scholars of the generation. In 5248 (1488 CE) R. Ovadiah arrived in Jerusalem, where he was appointed head of the Jewish community; in this capacity he strengthened the community both spiritually and physically. A commentary on Rashi on the Torah called Amar Naka has been attributed to him, but apparently was authored by his nephew and disciple, R. Obadiah b. R. Zecharya Hamone of Bertinora. Part of it was published as explanations attributed to R. Ovadiah of Bertinoro in the volume entitled Ba'alei haTosafot al Chamisha Chumshei Torah, with the commentaries of Tosafot and Riva (Warsaw, 1904) and has been entered into the data banks. He died in Jerusalem circa 5290 (1530 CE). His commentary on the Mishna is based primarily on Rashi's commentary on the Talmud; on the Rambam's commentary on the Mishna; and, in the orders of Zeraim and Taharot (where there is no corresponding tractate in the Talmud) on the commentary of RaSh MiShantz. From the time of its first publication (Venice 5308 /9 - 1548/ 9 CE) it has become the primary commentary on the Mishna, and has been printed in virtually all editions of the Mishna. Two well - known super - commentaries were composed in the generation immediately following R. Ovadiah - the Tosafot Yom Tov, by R. Yom Tov Lipman Heller of Prague; and the Melechet Shlomo of R. Shlomo Adani of Yemen and Jerusalem.

(א) מוכרי כסות מוכרים כדרכן. לובשים בגדי כלאים להראות לקונה מדת ארכו ורחבו, ובלבד שלא יתכוונו להנאתן. ואע״ג דאם מתכוון איכא איסורא דאורייתא, כי לא מתכוון שרי לכתחילה.

(1) מוכרי כסות מוכרים כדרכן – they wear clothing containing mixed seeds to demonstrate to the purchaser the measurement of its length and width, as long as they don’t intend to have them (i.e., the purchasers) benefitting from them, for even though if he intends [to do so], there is the prohibition from the Torah, but if he does not intend [for purchasers to violate the Torah regulation], it is permissible ab initio.


מתני׳ נזיר חופף ומפספס, אבל לא סורק. גמ׳ חופף ומפספס, מני? רבי שמעון היא, דאמר: דבר שאין מתכוין — מותר. אבל לא סורק — אתאן לרבנן. רישא רבי שמעון וסיפא רבנן? אמר רבה: כולה רבי שמעון היא, כל הסורק — להסיר נימין מדולדלות מתכוין.

MISHNA: A nazirite may shampoo [ḥofef ] his head and separate [mefaspes] his hairs manually, without concern that hairs might fall out. However, he may not comb his hair. GEMARA: The Gemara clarifies: Who is the tanna who maintains that a nazirite may shampoo and separate his hairs? It is Rabbi Shimon, who says: An unintentional act is permitted. Even if hairs do fall out as a result of this action, as he did not intend this to happen the action is permitted. Yet in the latter clause of the mishna, which states: However, he may not comb his hair, we have come to the opinion of the Rabbis. Although this nazirite also does not intend to tear out any hair when he combs it, it is nevertheless prohibited. This leads to a surprising conclusion, that the first clause represents the opinion of Rabbi Shimon and the latter clause is the opinion of the Rabbis. Rabba said: The entire mishna is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Shimon, as he maintains that anyone who combs his hair intends to remove stray hairs, and therefore this is considered an intentional act.

The Difference Between Davar She'eino Miskavein By Shabbos and The Rest of Kol HaTorah Kulah:

הני מילי באיסורא דאורייתא אבל הכא צירוף דרבנן - ומדאיצטריך קרא שמע מינה דדבר שאין מתכוין אסור מדאורייתא ומשני הני מילי בכל התורה כולה אסור שאין מתכוין כמתכוין אבל הכא פירוש בשבת דכתיב ביה מלאכת מחשבת בעינן שיחשב לעשות המלאכה שהוא עושה

These words are by an issur deoraisa, but here it's assur miderabanan - In kol haTorah kulah R' Yehudah holds davar she'eino miskavein is an issur mideoraisa, except by Shabbos, since we have a drasha to teach that on Shabbos you need an extra element of meleches machsheves.

Tosfos asks: If they both agree that, min haTorah, melacha she'eina meskavein is mutar, what's the reason to the machlokes about whether the Rabanan assur it?

A: If you have a petur that is even mutar beshaar issurim, we won't make a gezeira, because there is no gezeira to be made from shaar issurim. But if it's assur beshaar issurim, then we will be gozer it by shaar issurim.

רב לא שביק לבריה למישקל ליה סילוא מר בריה דרבינא לא שביק לבריה למיפתח ליה כוותא דילמא חביל והוה ליה שגגת איסור אי הכי אחר נמי אחר שיגגת לאו בנו שגגת חנק.

The Gemara relates: Rav did not allow his son to extract a thorn from him, due to the concern that his son would unwittingly wound him. Mar, son of Ravina, did not allow his son to pierce his blister, lest he wound him, which would be an unwitting violation of a prohibition. The Gemara challenges this: If so, this should be a concern when another who is not his son treats him as well, as it is prohibited for one Jew to injure another. The Gemara explains: There is a distinction, as when another treats him, the concern is that the individual would be in unwitting violation of a prohibition. By contrast, when his son treats him, the concern is that he would be in unwitting violation of a prohibition punishable by strangulation.

חידושי הר"ן מסכת סנהדרין דף פד עמוד ב

אבל באיסור מיתה לא הותר דבר שאין מתכוין. ואף על גב דהותר דבר שאין מתכוין באיסור מיתה דהיינו איסור שבת דאיכא סקילה האי טעמא משום דמלאכת מחשבת אסרה תורה.

Chidushei HaRan, Meseches Sanhedrin, 84b

By an issur missah, a davar she'eino miskavein is assur. And even though R' Shimon is matir by a davar she'eino miskavein by an issur missa, i.e. an issur Shabbos, where there is an onesh skilah, the reason is because the Torah assurs specifically a meleches machsheves.

:מסורת הש׳׳ס: שבת קג. קיא. קיז. קכ: קלג. קמג. [ביצא צו.] כתובות ו: בכורות כה. סוכה לג

אביי ורבא דאמרי תרווייהו: מודה רבי שמעון ב״פסיק רישיה ולא ימות.״

Abaye and Rava both say that Rabbi Shimon, who rules that an unintentional act is permitted, agrees that in a case of: Cut off its head and will it not die, one is liable? One who performs an action that will inevitably result in a prohibited labor cannot claim that he did not intend for his action to lead to that result. Lack of intention is only a valid claim when the result is merely possible, not inevitable.

וז"ל תוס' הרא"ש כל היכא כו'. גבי שבת לית ליה לאיסורא דאורייתא דמלאכת מחשבת בעינן אבל בשאר איסורא כגון קציצת בהרת איכא איסורא דאורייתא בפסיק רישיה.

By Shabbos there is no issur deoraisa of meleches machsheves, because we need meleches machsheves. However, by shaar issurim, like cutting off a baheres (sign of tzaraas), there is an issur deoraisa by pesik reishei.

תלמוד לומר ובארצכם לא תעשו - ומה שמפרש בשאלתות דהא דאסר לשתות סמא דעקרתא היינו כרבי יהודה דאמר דבר שאין מתכוין אסור ואע"ג דקי"ל כר"ש דשרי היינו דוקא בשבת משום דבעינן מלאכת מחשבת אבל בכל התורה כולה סבירא לן כרבי יהודה ואין נראה לר"י דבכל התורה כולה קי"ל כר"ש דשרי

The Torah teaches that in your land you shall not do - And what the She'iltos explains that this that it is assur to drink a medicine that will make a person a saris, that's like R' Yehudah, who holds a davar she'eino meskavein is assur. And even though we establish the halacha like R' Shimon who permits davar she'eino miskavein, that's davka by Shabbos, because we need a meleches machsheves, but in the rest of kol haTorah kulah we hold like R' Yehudah. However the Ri doesn't hold like this, since he holds that in the rest of kol haTorah kulah we also paskin like R' Shimon.

אטו כולהו לא ליפות את הקרקע נינהו? רבה ורב יוסף דאמרי תרוייהו: באגם שנו. אביי אמר: אפילו תימא בשדה דלאו אגם, וכגון דלא קמיכוין. והא אביי ורבא דאמרי תרוייהו: מודה רבי שמעון, ב״פסיק רישיה ולא ימות״! לא צריכא, דקעביד בארעא דחבריה.

The Gemara asks: Aren’t all these done to enhance the land? Each stalk that a person uproots enhances the land. It was Rabba and Rav Yosef who both said in explanation: They taught this baraita with regard to swampland, where grass is not uprooted to enhance the land. Abaye said: Even if you say that the baraita is referring to a field that is not a swampland, it can be referring to a case where one did not intend to enhance the land. The Gemara asks: However, is it not Abaye and Rava who both say that Rabbi Shimon, who holds that one is liable only for performing an intentional action, concedes that one is liable in a case of cut off its head, will it not die? In any case where the outcome is inevitable, as in this case where the land will be enhanced, one’s lack of intention does not exempt him. The Gemara answers: Abaye’s statement was only necessary in a case where one did so on another’s land. Since he did not intend for that outcome to eventuate and he derives no benefit from enhancing the land, he is not liable in that case.

לא צריכא דעביד בארעא דחבריה - פי' בערוך (ערך סבר) דבפסיק רישיה דלא ניחא ליה...מותר לכתחילה ואפילו איסור דרבנן ליכא והתיר. ואינו נראה...והא דקאמר לא צריכא דעביד בארעא דחבריה היינו דלא מיחייב חטאת אבל איסורא איכא.

It was only necessary in a case where one did so on another’s land - The explanation is because it's a p'sik reishei delo nicha's mutar lechatchilah, and there isn't even an issur derabanan. And this doesn't seem correct...and that which it said that in the case of lo nicha leih it's mutar, that's with regards to a chiyuv chatas, but there is still an issur.

(ו) הגה: י"א דאסור לחתות האש תחת קדירה של עובד כוכבים.

(6) RAMA: There are those who say that it is forbidden to stoke the fire under the pot of a non-Jew.

(יד) (בהג"ה) י"א דאסור לחתות האש. זה מקרי פסיק רישא. ויש לע' דתליא במחלוקת הערוך ובעלי תוספות בשבת...דדעת הערוך דדבר שאינו מתכוין בפסיק רישא היכא שאינו נהנה מותר אפילו מדרבנן...אולם לדעת תוס' שם דאסור מדרבנן ובשאר אסורים נראה דעתייהו דאסור דברי תורה.

(14) (RAMA)There are those who say that it is forbidden to stoke the fire under the pot of a non-Jew. This is called a p'sik reisha [delo nicha leih]. This is taluy in the machlokes between the Aruch and the Baalei Tosfos by Shabbos...that the Aruch holds that davar she'eino miskavein by a p'sik reishei delo nicha leih is mutar, even miderabanan....However, according to Tosfos ibid., who say it's assur miderabanan, by she'ar issurim it will be a deoraisa.

ולא שייכי כאן דברי בעל הערוך דאמר לא אסר רבי שמעון פסיק רישיה אלא היכא דניחא ליה. דהיינו דוקא לענין שבת דבעינן מלאכת מחשבת אבל בשאר איסורים לא בעינן דניחא ליה.

And the Aruch is not shayach to this, that which he says that R' Shimon only assurs a p'sik reishei denicha leih. Because that's specifically by Shabbos, where we need a meleches machsheves, but by sha'ar issurim we don't need it to be nicha leih.

Bio of R' Elchanan Wasserman:

R. Elchanan Bonem b"r Naphtali Vasserman was born in Lithuania in 1875, studied in Yeshivat Telshe under R. Shimon Shkop and R. Eliezer Gordon, and was known from his youth as a prodigy with a towering ethical personality. For a short period he transferred to Brisk and studied under R. Haym Soloveitchik. He married the daughter of R. Meir Atlas, one of the great Rabbis of Lithuania (and whose other daughter was married to R. Haym Ozer Grudzinski) , and studied and taught in different institutions. In 1907, he began to study in the Kolel Kodashim under the Chafetz Chaim in Radin, becoming his disciple. In 1921, he established his famous yeshiva Ohel Torah in the town of Baranowitz, Poland, and was an institution for young students. He was considered one of the leaders of the Yeshiva world and the Agudat Israel movement. R. Elchanan was murdered as a martyr by Lithuanians in 1941 in the city of Kovna, a few days after the Nazi invasion. He authored a number of books on various tractates under the title of Kovetz Shiurim. The data base contains the edition published by his son R. Eliezer Simcha Wasserman (Tel - Aviv, 1964 - 67). His Kovetz Hearot on tractate Yevamot was first published in 1936, and the Project now contains the Yeshivat Or Elchanan edition, Jerusalem, 2003.

קובץ שעורים כתובות אות יח

[דף ו.] תוד׳׳ה האי מסוכריא דנזייתא וכו׳. במחלוקת הערוך ותוספות בפסיק רישא דלא ניחא ליה, לכאורה נראה טעם מחלוקת זו דתלוי בטעמא דמודה ר׳׳ש בפסיק רישא, דיש לפרש בזה שני טעמים: א) כגון בנזיר חופף אבל לא סורק דסריקה היא פסיק רישא דיש לומר כיון שיודע דבסריקתו יתלוש שערות מיקרי מכוין לתלישה, אבל היכא דלא ניחא ליה עם כן אינו מכוין, ב) כיון דסריקה היא פסיק רישא לתלישה נמצא דתלישה בכלל סריקה, וסגי במה שמכוין לסריקה אף שאינו מכוין לתלישה דהתלישה נכללת בהסריקה, ואם כן אפילו לא ניחא ליה בתלישה אין לפוטרו משום אינו מתכוין דהא מתכוין לסריקה ותלישה בכלל סריקה כיון דאי אפשר לזו בלא זו, והיינו דאינו צריך כונה לגוף המלאכה אלא סגי במה שמתכוין להמעשה שהמלאכה נכללת בה בהכרח, ולפי זה הדבר פשוט, דלשיטה זאת אסור מדאורייתא בכל האיסורין לבד משבת דאין חילוק בין ניחא ליה ללא ניחא ליה.

Kobetz Shiurim Kesubos, 18

[Daf 6a] Tosfos: This covering of the barrel.... With regards to the machlokes between the Aruch and Tosfos by a p'sik reishei delo nicha leih, lichorah, it seems that the reason for the machlokes is taluy on the reason R' Shimon agrees by a p'sik reishei. There are two explanations for this: a) For example, by a nazir that cleans his hair, but he didn't comb it, since that would be a p'sik reishei, that since he knows that by combing he will uproot hairs it's called miskavein, but where it's not nicha leih it is eino miskavein. b) Since combing is a p'sik reishei of pulling out hair, it turns out that pulling out hair is included in combing, and it's enough for him to just intend to comb, even though he's not intent on uprooting hair, since the uprooting is included in the raking, and if so, even if it's not nicha leih to do the uprooting, he is not patur because of eino miskavein, because he has intention to comb, and uprooting is included in combing, since it's impossible to have one without the other, and that is, that he doesn't need intention for the guf hamelacha, rather it's enough in how he intends to do the maasseh, with which the melacha is included in it automatically, and according to this, the thing is obvious, that according to this shitah, it is assur mideoraisa by all issurim, except Shabbos, because there is no difference between nicha leih and lo nicha leih.

הגה י"א דאסור לחתות האש תחת קדירה של עובד כוכבים.

RAMA: There are those who say that it is forbidden to stoke the fire under the pot of a non-Jew.

(יד) (בהג"ה) י"א דאסור לחתות האש. בספק דעבר כמו הכא דאם יש בקדירה בלוע בשר וחלב בחיתוי זה בודאי יתבשל אלא דהספק שמא אין בו בליעת בשר וחלב זה מקרי פסיק רישא...בנועל התיבה וספק אם יש זבובים דמותר לנועלו דהוי דבר שאינו מתכוין ואף דהוי פסיק רישא מכל מקום דלמא אין שם זבובים ולא הוי פסיק רישא.

(14) (RAMA)There are those who say that it is forbidden to stoke the fire under the pot of a non-Jew. By a safek l'she'avar, like here, that if there is in the pot a mixture of bassar vechalav, when stoking he is definitely cooking, but if there's a safek maybe there is no mixture of bassar vechalav, this is called a p'sik one who is closing a box, and it's a safek if there are flies in it, it's mutar to close it, because it's a davar she'eino miskavein, and even if it's a p'sik reishei, still, maybe there are no flies in there and it's not a p'sik reishei.

תנו רבנן: אין ממעטין ביום טוב. משום רבי אליעזר ברבי שמעון אמרו: ממעטין. והא קא מתקן מנא ביום טוב! אמר רב אשי: כגון שלקטן לאכילה. ורבי אליעזר ברבי שמעון סבר לה כאבוה, דאמר: דבר שאין מתכוין — מותר. והא אביי ורבא דאמרי תרוייהו: מודה רבי שמעון ב״פסיק רישיה ולא ימות״! הכא במאי עסקינן — דאית ליה הושענא אחריתי.

The Sages taught: One may not diminish the number of berries on the Festival to render the myrtle branch fit. In the name of Rabbi Eliezer, son of Rabbi Shimon, they said: One may diminish their number. The Gemara asks: But isn’t he preparing a vessel on a Festival, as he renders an unfit myrtle branch fit for use in fulfilling the mitzva? Rav Ashi said: It is a case where he picked them for the purpose of eating them, as it is permitted to pick berries from a branch unattached to the ground, and preparing the myrtle branch for use is permitted because he did not intend to do so. And Rabbi Eliezer, son of Rabbi Shimon, holds in accordance with the opinion of his father, who said: An unintentional act, i.e., a permitted action from which a prohibited labor inadvertently ensues, is permitted on Shabbat or on a Festival. Here too, one’s intention is to eat the berries. Although the myrtle branch is prepared for use in the process, picking the berries is permitted because that was not his intention. The Gemara challenges: But didn’t Abaye and Rava both say that Rabbi Shimon concedes in the case of: Cut off its head and will it not die? Even Rabbi Shimon, who says that an unintentional act is permitted, said so only in cases where the prohibited result is possible but not guaranteed. However, when a prohibited result is inevitable, just as death inevitably ensues from decapitation, the act is prohibited. In the case of picking berries off of a myrtle branch for food, one cannot claim that he did not intend for the prohibited result of preparing the myrtle branch for use to ensue. In this case, the myrtle branch will inevitably be rendered fit; how is this permitted? The Gemara answers: With what are we dealing here? It is with a case where he has another fit myrtle branch. Therefore, one is not considered to be preparing a vessel. Since the ultimate objective is to render the lulav and the accompanying species, which constitute the vessel in question, fit, and those species are already fit, picking the berries from the myrtle branch is not inevitable preparation of a vessel. Therefore, if one ate the berries, and the myrtle branch is thereby rendered fit, it is fit for use in the mitzva.

(ה) היו ענביו מרבות מעליו אם ירקות כשר ואם אדמות או שחורות פסול. ואם מעטן כשר. ואין ממעטין אותן ביום טוב לפי שהוא כמתקן. עבר ולקטן או שלקטן אחד אחד לאכילה הרי זה כשר:

(5) When there are more berries than leaves, [the following rules apply:] If they are green, it is kosher. If they are red or black, it is not acceptable. If one reduced their number, it is acceptable. We may not reduce their number on the holiday itself, because [by doing so, one] makes [the myrtle] fit for use. If one transgressed and removed them or removed them one by one to eat them, it is kosher.

(ג) היו ענביו וכו'. וזה שכתב רבינו או שלקטן אחר רוצה לומר מי שאינו צריך לצאת בהדס וזה ברור:

(3) When there are more berries.... And this that the Rambam writes: or if one removed them, he means to say that only someone who doesn't need the hadass is allowed to pick the berries.

Bio of Or Same'ach:

R. Meir Simha ben R. Shimshon Kelonymos HaKohen was born in 1843 in a village near Vilna and lived for many years in Bialystok. From a very young age he was known as a Torah genius, in both breadth and in depth. In 1888 he was appointed rabbi of Dvinsk, alongside R. Joseph Rosen (the "Rogachover") who served as a rabbi of the Chassidic community. In 1906, after the passing of R. Abraham David Rabinowitz (Aderet, father - in - law of R. Abraham Isaac HaKohen Kook) the rabbinate of Jerusalem was offered to R. Meir Simha, but he declined, agreeing to the request of his community to remain in Dvinsk. He remained in Dvinsk even during the difficult years of World War I, and passed away there in 1926. R. Meir Simcha authored two well - known works - the Or Same'ach on Maimonides' Mishneh Torah, in four volumes published during 1902 - 26; and his Meshekh Hohmah, insights and commentary on the Pentateuch and Midrashim, which was first published in Riga 1927. In addition, some of his commentaries to the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmudim have also been published, as well as a volume of his responsa. The Or Same'ah is one of the most prominent commentaries on the Mishneh Torah. The Responsa Project database contains the corrected edition of Or Same'ach published by Masoret Yisrael Institute (Jerusalem, 2002) , and his Meshech Chochmah, according to R. Yehudah Kooperman's edition (Jerusalem, 2002) . His commentaries on several masechtot of Shas were printed in a two volume set, Chiddushei R. Meir Simcha, which includes various addendums. It was published by R. Yehudah David Greenwald, Jerusalem 5727 (1967) . The database also includes his responsa, Teshuvot Or Same'ach, based on the Machon Yerushalayim edition, 5758 (1998) .

(א) עבר וליקטן או שליקטן אחד אחד לאכילה הרי זה כשר. כיון דאם אית ליה הושענא אחריתי לא הוי תיקון כלל ויכול להתקיים המכוון שלו ללקט לאכילה בלא המלאכה היא התיקון כלי להכי כי עביד בלית ליה הושענא אחריתי ג"כ שרי דמקרי דבר שאינו מתכוין דהמכוון מצי להיות בלא תקון הכלי.

(1) If one transgressed and removed them or removed them one by one to eat them, it is kosher. Since, if he had another hadas, it wouldn't be tikun at all, [not even a p'sik reishei,] and he'd be able to fulfill his intentions to pick the berris without a melacha of tikun kli, here, when he did it without another hadas, it's also going to be permitted, since it's called a davar she'eino miskavein, since the intention is able to be without tikun kli.

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