Friend,    With Purim right around the corner, Sefaria is busy preparing for the “Purim bump” — the increase in users who visit Sefaria to celebrate the holiday. Last year, more than 100,000 people visited the library or used the app to connect with the holiday or read along with Megillat Esther. This year we’re expecting even more.    To help with our text and tech preparations ahead of this busy time, a generous Jewish foundation is matching all gifts to the library up to $36,000.    Please give today to help us meet your learning needs!     
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New Text Roundup: January to June 2023
With more than 3,300 titles, the Sefaria library is always growing for your learning and enjoyment. In the first half of 2023 alone we've digitized dozens of new works — from Torah commentaries to mystical teachings, ancient to contemporary, and spanning several different languages.
Below, find a list of the latest texts and translations to join the digital stacks thanks to the generous support of our global community of learners.
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  • Pirkei Avot, trans. Bruno Manuel dos Anjos Marques Albano

Tanakh / Mishnah / Talmud (Hebrew)

Netinah LaGer on Targum Onkelos by Rabbi Nathan Adler — a commentary on Onkelos's Aramaic Torah translation.
Eliyahu Rabbah by the Vilna Gaon — an 18th-century commentary on Seder Tahorot, the last order of the Mishnah.
Lechem Shamayim by Rabbi Yaakov Emden, aka Ya'avetz — an 18th-century commentary on the Mishnah and a section of Rambam's Mishneh Torah.
Haggahot Ya'avetz on Talmud by Rabbi Yaakov Emden — extensive notes on the Talmud from the 18th century.

Midrash (Hebrew)

Aggadat Bereshit — a compilation of midrash on the book of Genesis, also sometimes called Seder Eliyahu Rabbah.
Midrash Shmuel — narrative midrash from the 5th to 11th centuries on the book of Samuel, and the only work of midrash on a book of Prophets.
Midrash Tannaim on Deuteronomy — midrash on the final book of Torah.
Mishnat Rabbi Eliezer, composed in the 5th century.
Ruth Rabbah, Lerner Edition — midrash on the book of Ruth.
Sifrei Aggadah on Esther — midrash on the book of Esther.
Sifrei Zuta — midrash on the book of Numbers.

Halakhah (Hebrew)

3 collections of legal material attributed to Rashi: Likkutei HaPardes, Sefer HaOrah, and Siddur Rashi.
Geder Olam by Israel Meir HaKohen Kagan, aka the Chafetz Chaim — a treatise on modesty, composed 1861-1889.
Ginzei Mitrayim, Hilkhot Sefer Torah — a medieval work on the laws of writing a Torah scroll and other sanctified books. Believed to be written in the 12th or 13th centuries and first published in 1897.
Leket Yosher by Rabbi Yosef ben Moshe, recording the customs and legal opinions of his teacher Rabbi Yisrael Isserlein. First published from manuscript in 1903.
Piskei Recanati — a collection of legal writings by Menachem ben Binyamin Recanati, a 13th-century Italian kabbalist and posek.
Seder HaYom by 16th-century kabbalist Rabbi Moshe ben Machir — a daily program of prayer and other rituals, and the earliest known source of several customs including the morning Modeh Ani prayer of gratitude.
Seder Troyes by Menachem ben Yosef and edited by his student Eliezer ben Yehuda in 13th-century France — an explanation of the structure and content of prayers.
Sefer HaMachkim by Rabbi Natan ben Yehuda — explanations of prayer services, including guidelines for prayer leaders, composed in the 13th century.
Sefer HaMakhria by Isaiah d'Trani, aka Tosafot Rid (HaZaken) — a 13th-century talmudic commentary analyzing individual passages and their legal ramifications.
Sefer HaTerumah by Barukh ben Isaac of Worms — concise statements of practical Jewish law, composed 1190-1210.
Simlah Chadashah by Rabbi Alexander Sender Schor — an 18th-century text on the laws of ritual slaughter.
Tashbetz Katan — a collection of teachings and practices of the Maharam of Rothenberg, recorded by his student Rabbi Shimshon ben Tzadok in the 13th century.

Kabbalah (Hebrew)

4 works on the teachings of Isaac Luria (the Arizal): Sha'ar HaKavanot, Sha'ar HaPesukim, Sha'ar Ma'amarei Rashbi, and Sha'ar Ma'amarei Razal.
4 works by Avraham Abulafia: Gan Naul, Get HaShemot, Ohr HaSekhel, and VeZot LiYehuda.
4 works by Yehuda Ashlag: Sulam (modern Hebrew translation and commentary on the Zohar), Kuntres Matan Torah (short kabbalistic treatises), and Talmud Eser HaSefirot (a detailed presentation of the teachings of Rabbi Isaac Luria).
Additional commentaries on the Zohar: Ketem Paz (by Rabbi Shimon Lavi, 16th century) Mikdash Melekh (compiled by Rabbi Shalom Buzaglo, 18th century), and Ohr HaChamah (compiled by Rabbi Avraham Azulai, 17th century).
Zohar Meturgam — a 20th-century modern Hebrew translation of the Zohar by Rabbi David Sarig.

Jewish Thought (Hebrew)

5 additional commentaries on Rambam's Guide for the Perplexed: Abarbanel, Efodi, Crescas, Narboni, and Shem Tov.
Zakhor VeShamor by Yoel Bin-Nun — a 21st-century century work analyzing the connection between Shabbat and the exodus from Egypt.

Chasidut (Hebrew)

BePardes HaChasidut VeHakabbalah ("In the Orchard of Chasidut and Kabbalah") — an introduction to Chasidut and Kabbalah by Neo-chasidic thinker Hillel Zeitlin.
2 works by Tzadok HaKohen of LublinMeshiv HaTa'anah, a discussion of astronomical calculations and the Jewish calendar, and Meshiv Tzedek, containing discussions on dwelling in a sukkah and prohibitions against adding commandments.
Midrash Pinchas by Pinchas Shapiro, the Koretzer Rebbe — a collection of chasidic stories and teachings collected by his students.
Zera Kodesh by Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Horowitz, the first rebbe of Ropshitz — insights on the weekly Torah portion and holidays.

Musar (Hebrew)

Yesod VeShoresh HaAvodah by Alexander Ziskind of Grodno — an 18th-century guide to serving God with mindfulness through prayer, study, and mitzvot, drawing heavily on the Zohar and teachings of the Arizal.

Responsa (Hebrew)

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