Parashat Vayeitzei: Midrash

Midrash מִדְרָשׁ

וַיֵּצֵא יַעֲקֹב מִבְּאֵר שָׁבַע וַיֵּלֶךְ חָרָנָה׃
וַיִּפְגַּע בַּמָּקוֹם וַיָּלֶן שָׁם כִּי בָא הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ…
Yaakov left Be’er Sheva, and went to Haran.
He came upon a certain place and stopped there for the night, for the sun had set...
The place where Yaakov stops is the place he dreams about angels going up and down a ladder, and where God speaks to him.
But the order of events here is a bit confusing. In the first pasuk, it sounds like Yaakov went to Haran. But then, in the next pasuk, we hear about him stopping at a place along the way to Haran. What’s going on here?
This aggadeta (midrash in the Gemara) explains with a story.
אָמַר ר' יִצְחָק: …כִּי מְטָא לְחָרָן אָמַר אֶפְשָׁר עָבַרְתִּי עַל מָקוֹם שֶׁהִתְפַּלְּלוּ אֲבוֹתַי וַאֲנִי לֹא הִתְפַּלַּלְתִּי?!
כַּד יָהֵיב דַּעְתֵּיהּ לְמִיהֲדָר קָפְצָה לֵיהּ אַרְעָא מִיָּד.
R. Yitzhak said: … Yaakov arrived in Haran and realized: ‘I just passed a place where my ancestors prayed, and I didn’t stop to pray there!’
Since he wanted to return to that place, a miracle happened. The land became smaller, so Yaakov could quickly jump right back to that place.
The miracle that Yaakov experiences has a special name: קְפִיצַת הַדֶּרֶךְ (kefitzat ha-derekh). It literally means “jumping the way,” and it describes a miracle when a path gets shorter in order to speed up long journeys! According to this gemara, Avraham’s servant also experienced kefitzat ha-derekh on his way to find a wife for Yitzhak in Parashat Hayyei Sarah. And this gemara also says the same miracle happened to a warrior named Avishai ben Tzeruya on his way to save King David from a Pelishti giant!
  • What might be special about kefitzat ha-derekh? Do you see any clues for why Yaakov got to experience this miracle?
  • Think about the reasons that Yaakov left Be’er Sheva. How might he have been feeling on his journey? How would a supernatural experience have affected Yaakov?
  • Even though you probably haven’t experienced kefitzat ha-derekh, have you ever felt like you are on a mission, on the way to doing something important, and God is supporting you along the way? How can we notice the small and big ways God helps us?