There is a concept that Eliyahu will prepare us three days in advance for Moshiach’s arrival.
Where does that come from?
We find it in Parshas Yisro,[1] where Hashem tells Moshe, “Go to the people and make them ready today and tomorrow… Let them be prepared for the third day, for on the third day Hashem shall descend before the eyes of all the people on Har Sinai.”
Moshe represented Eliyahu HaNovi and Hashem represented Moshiach.
What was Har Sinai? It was a Divine Revelation of Hashem’s presence to the entire world! As the Medrash states, “The events of the forefathers are signs for [what would happen to] their children [in the future].”[2]
Similarly, the Medrash[3] states, “Three days before Moshiach reveals himself,[4] Eliyahu will arrive and stand upon one of the great mountains of Israel and he will cry and lament over them, saying, ‘Mountains of the Land of Israel, until when will you remain standing in ruin, desolation, and destruction?’ His voice will be heard from one end of the world to the other. Afterward, he will say to them, “Peace has come to the world,” as it is written, ‘Behold on the mountains the feet of the proclaiming peace!.’[5] When the wicked will hear this, they will rejoice and say to each other, ‘Peace has come to us.’ On the second day, he [Eliyahu] will come and stand on the mountains of Israel and say, “Goodness has come to the world,” as it is written, ‘Heralding good tidings.’[6] On the third day, he will come and say, ‘Salvation has come to the world,’ as is written ‘Proclaim salvation.’”[7]
Can you guess which of the mountains that Eliyahu will stand on? Har HaZeisim.
Nathan said that Har HaZeisim will split into two. He’s basing his words on the Novi:[8] “Har HaZeisim will split open at its middle, east... and half of it to the south.”
Once the mountain splits, Moshiach will instantly reveal himself before everyone and we will know that he is the Moshiach. He will stand at the entrance of Har HaZeisim and determine who can and cannot enter. Anyone who doesn’t have the merit to enter, will stay outside and die.
Caroline: The people who were unworthy of entering Har HaZeisim are getting burnt up from fireballs that are raining down from heaven. Again, her words also are derived from the Novi:[9] “I will punish him with pestilence and with blood; torrential rain and hailstones, fire and sulfur will I rain down upon him and upon his cohorts and upon the many peoples who are with him.”
What the Novi describes, already occurred once in history. Where? Sodom and Amorrah:
Hashem had rained upon Sodom and upon Amorrah sulfur and fire, from Hashem, out of heaven.”[10] Rashi explains ‘out of heaven’ is referring to the posuk, “For with them He will judge the nations, etc.”[11] When He comes to chastise people, He brings upon them fire from the heavens, as He did to Sodom.
Nathan: Those who are worthy to enter will be saved. Moshiach will fight against Obama and kill him then he will bury him in the land of Israel. As the Novi[12] states: “On that day I will assign Gog a burial site there in Israel…”
Once the prophecy of Har HaZeisim has been fulfilled, Moshiach[13] will come wearing a robe that has blood[14] stained on it. He will take revenge[15] on the nations who killed Jews throughout the generations, simply because they were Jews.[16] Then Hashem will destroy the entire world, during which buildings and walls will collapse. As the Novi[17] states: “On that day a great earthquake will take place upon on the soil of Israel… the mountains will be broken apart and the cliffs will topple and every wall will topple to the ground.”
However, in places where there are tzaddikim,[18] buildings will not fall. On that day, Hashem will wage war against the wicked and there will be a 24-hour period of neither day nor night. As stated by the Novi:[19] “It will be a unique day; it will be known as Hashem’s [day], neither day nor night, but it will happen towards evening time that there will be light i.e. G-d’s salvation.” This is only the beginning of the redemption. It will take a long time until all the bodies are buried. For the Novi[20] states: “The House of Israel will bury them in order to cleanse the land, for seven months.”
Caroline: Twenty-four hours[21] or fifteen days later,[22] the sky opens and under the sky, I see these two clouds that are like spiraling around. One big one and one smaller one underneath it. Then, I see fire coming out from the sky through these spirals and hits the ground with an explosion. Slowly, the fire begins to construct the Beis HaMikdash.
Nathan: Once the war is over, the Beis HaMikdash will descend from heaven,[23] into our world engulfed in fire.[24] [25] At some point, there will be a revival of the dead.
Caroline: The moment the Beis HaMikdash began to descend from upon high, I noticed how all the people around me and myself included, were forced to turn our backs away from looking upon the Divine Presence. It’s impossible to gaze upon the Divine Presence but we could surely feel it! I cannot describe it in words.
Then, I hear this voice from heaven that comes forth and says: “My children, do not fear, the time of your redemption has come!”[26] As am I listening to this I see the Beis HaMikdash… I know that the Beis HaMikdash is being built slowly behind me, but we cannot turn to face the Divine Presence. This is the most beautiful experience of my life.
Nathan: Moshiach is a simple man who lives here in Israel.[27] He’s done teshuvah and has not committed even one aveirah ever since.[28] When he reveals himself, people will be surprised[29] that he is the Moshiach. In fact, Moshiach himself does not know that he is Moshiach and neither does his own soul. Moshiach will possess the power to be to discern the true essence of a person. It won’t be per one’s externals, such as a hat and beard; rather he will be able to sense by smell[30] if a person has holiness within him.[31] [32]
What’s the goal of Moshiach?
The Rambam[33] says, “Moshiach will correct the entire world to worship G-d together, as it says, ‘For then I [G-d] will turn to the peoples a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Hashem, to serve Him with one consent.’”[34]
Today, more than ever, our nation faces trouble after trouble. Is there ANYTHING can we avert more troubles from OCCURRING?
The Chofeitz Chayim answers:
“All the many troubles that have fallen upon us, from which we have still not been saved, are because we don’t scream and increase our prayers in response to them. If we had prayed (properly), we would not have returned empty-handed. And it is not enough that (one) prays the Shemoneh Esrei prayer three times each day; several times daily he must pour out his requests in solitude, in his house, from the depths of his heart. The three regular prayers are so routine that one does not really concentrate during them – which is not the case if each person would contemplate in solitude his own plight... then he would pour out his heart like water to Hashem. Such a prayer would emerge with very deep intent with a broken heart and with great humility. Such a prayer will certainly not go unanswered…!”[35]
Therefore, just as Hashem listened to the groaning voices of Bnei Yisroel in Egypt, so will Hashem listen to our cries today. In the merit of that prayer and crying, Hashem will speedily bring the Redemption, as is written:[36] “Rav Yitzchak said that the salvation of Israel depends only on crying... as it is written:[37] ‘… with crying, they will come, and with lamentations, I will lead them.’”
Soo to, with the Creator’s help, in the merit of crying out to Him to redeem us, may He instantly[38] gather us out of the lands to which we were scattered[39] and bring us to the Land that our forefathers possessed.[40] For on that day Torah shall go forth from Tzion,[41] just like on the day it was received at Har Sinai and then the earth will be filled with knowledge of Hashem’s glory!!![42]
[1] Shemos 19:11.
[2] Meshech Chochma, Parshas Lech Lecha, “תקבר”
[3] Yalkut Shimoni, Yeshayahu 52:475 “מה נאוו על ההרים רגלי במשר” and Eliyahu Hanavi by Avraham Yom Tov Rotenberg, page 306.
[4] See Yalkut Shimoni, Yeshayahu 60:499 “קומי אורי כי בא אורך”.
[5] Nachum 2:1.
[6] Yeshayahu 52:7.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Zecharyah (14:4).
[9] Yechezkeil 38:22.
[10] Bereishis 19:26.
[11] Iyov 36:31.
[12] Yechezkeil (39:11).
[13] I.e. G-d’s messenger (See Rav Schwab on Prayer, pages 495-497).
[14] The blood symbolizes all the Jews who were killed al kiddush Hashem.
[15] See Tehillim 94:1-2.
[16] See Yeshayah 63:1-6.
[17] Yechezkeil 38:19-20.
[18] See Bereishis 18:24.
[19] Zecharyah 14:7.
[20] Yechezkeil 39:12.
[21] See note 20.
[22] See Zohar, Shemos 7b.
[23] See Artscroll Rosh Hashanah 30a, note 44, second paragraph. Moishela said the same thing on the 19th of Adar II 5776 - and
[24] Moishela said the same thing on the 19th of Adar II 5776 ( and and Nathan said the same thing.
[25] See Rav Schwab on Prayer, page 489, Eichah 4:11 and Zecharyah 2:9.
[26] Yalkut Shimoni, Yeshayahu 60:499.
[27] Here are the words of the Chofeitz Chayim:
When the time for Hashem’s glory to be revealed in the world through the coming of Moshiach, there will be great Torah leaders who perform the functions of the prophets of old* and they will urge the masses of Klal Yisrael to strengthen their emunah and do teshuvah. “They also will stir the nation to prepare for Moshiach through Torah and good deeds.” [Chafetz Chaim on the Torah - Volume 1, pages 116 – 118 (Israel Bookshop). See also Rav Schwab on Chumash, pages 230-232.]
He was speaking about Rav Chaim Kanievsky – the leader of our generation!!! [See link] (see Sanhedrin 98b)
In 2011, Rav Chaim Kanievsky was asked about the significance of developments in the Middle East. His response was, “People have come to me and said that it’s ‘Gog and Magog.’ We cannot know. But it’s probable that any unrest that G-d creates shows that the Messiah is coming and that we must begin to prepare for it and become stronger” (See Mishpacha Jewish Family Weekly, February 24, 2011, In Quotes).
Rav Chaim Kanievsky said on June 15, 2016, that Moshiach is already here. He will reveal himself very soon. (* As the Yalkut Shimoni says, “Rabbi Yitzchak stated, ‘The year that Melech HaMashiach will be revealed…” (See Yeshayahu 60:499, for details).
*Sometimes the words of our Gedolim are too good to be true. However, the Gemara assures us, “The tzaddik decrees and Hashem fulfills” (Kesubos 103b). It also says, “He will do the will of those who fear him” (Tehillim 145:19).
[28] See Rav Schwab on Prayer, pages 496.
[29] This makes sense, as we find in the Gemara (Sanhedrin 97a) says, “Moshiach appears (i.e. reveals himself) when not expected.”
Moshiach is at this moment hidden, but we should not fool ourselves into thinking that the reality of the Final Redemption is nonexistent because we cannot see it. Precisely the opposite! Reality cannot be seen with eyes of flesh, but there will come a moment when Hashem will suddenly reveal Himself with an intensity that will be felt throughout the world and, at that moment, all wickedness will evaporate like smoke [(High Holiday Prayers) either the Chofeitz Chayim or Rav Schwab said this.] Soon Hashem will fulfill the day when, “There will no more sinners or wicked left in the world!” [see Tehillim 104::35]
[30] See Sanhedrin 93b.
[31] I.e. if he is pure and does mitzvos and if he has fear of heaven.
[32] See Yeshayah 11:3.
[33] Hilchos Malachim, chapter 11.
[34] Tzefanyah 3:9.
[35] Kuntrus Likutei Amarim, chapter 10.
[36] Zohar volume 2, page 12b.
[37] Yirmiyahu 31:8.
[38] For Hashem’s salvation, can arrive in an instant (i.e. the blink of an eye) [Pesikta Zutra on Esther 4:17].
[39] See Yechezkeil 20:34.
[40] Devarim 30:3-5.
[41] Michah 4:2. Moshiach will come to redeem the city Tzion and the people of Israel… (Eitz Yosef on Yeshayah 59:20).
[42] Chabakkuk 2:14. See also Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach, page 1028, note 42:21.