Predestination is God's foreknowledge and foreordaining of an individual's soul's eternal end.
How then is it that we have free will? Our free will comes into play when it comes to decisions, feelings, desires, and such. Meaning, God has disposed that, according to our free will, we can choose to desire good or evil, decide to will for the best.
When we speak of predestination, we refer to God's willing salvation and condemnation or people, the former being His antecedent active will, and the latter being his consequential active will.
Our free will comes into play in to ways: His willing that we should have free will and that we should be able to will (i.e., to choose and decide) with the free will we have, and our willing (i.e., that which we choose to will or what we will) as part of his consequential passive will.

Antecedent will
- Active: Will the salvation of all, free will of man
- Passive: (?) Damnation for the reprobate (?)

Consequential will

- Active: Will the salvation of some, and the reprobation of others; free will disposed to good; free will in feelings and emotions disposed to holiness.
- Passive: (?) Will the reprobation of some (?); free will disposed to evil; free will in feelings and emotions disposed to sin.
Since God is fully good, he cannot antecedently actively will evil (in thought or deed), nor does he condemn people in this manner. Neither can he consequentially actively will evil (thoughts and deeds), nor will evil. He can consequentially passively will man to will evil by free will.