Save "Connections in the Classroom
Connections in the Classroom

Sefaria allows users to easily discover and explore connections between texts.

Watch the video for a quick overview of the Sefaria database.

Finding Connections

To find connections on the Sefaria database, you simply click and read. With each click, a resource panel will open with a list of connections from within the database.

1. Click on the text and the resource panel will open.

2. Click on the connection that you are interested in. You may continue clicking on texts which will open new resource panels with a new list of connections.

Adding Connections

Users may manually add connections that don't already exist on the database.

To add a connection follow these steps:

1. Select the text, click on it to open the "Resources" panel.

2. Click “Advanced” and then “Add Connection”.

3. A Table of Contents page will open up. Select the text you would like to connect to the first text. Your two texts are now side-by-side.

4. Click on the second text. A third panel will open.

5. Select your type of connection and “Add Connection”.