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Jewish History of Intermarriage & Patrilineal/Matrilineal Descent
(1a) הזהירנו מהתחתן בכופרים. והוא אמרו יתעלה לא תתחתן בם, ובאר החתנות מהו בתך לא תתן לבנו, ובבאור אמרו דרך חתנות אסרה תורה.
(1b) והעובר על לאו זה יש בענשו הפרש, וזה שהבועל ארמית כשבא עליה בפרהסיא כל מי שיהרגהו והוא דבק בעבירה הנה קיים העונש כמו שעשה פנחס לזמרי, ואמרו (סנהדרין פ"א:) הבועל ארמית קנאין פוגעין בו, אבל בתנאים שאמרנו והוא שיבא עליה בפרהסיא ובשעת מעשה וכמעשה שהיה.
(1c) ואם לא עשה זה בפרהסיא או שפירש ולא פגעו בו קנאין הנה הוא מחוייב כרת אבל לא התבאר זה הכרת בתורה, אמרו לא פגעו בו קנאים מהו והתבאר שהוא בכרת מאמרו כי חלל יהודה קדש ה' אשר אהב ובעל בת אל נכר יכרת ה' לאיש אשר יעשנה ער ועונה מכלל שהוא בכרת. וכשהתאמת על אדם שהוא בעל ארמית בעדים והתראה לוקה מדאורייתא ודע זה. (ואתחנן, קדושה הלכות איסורי ביאה פי"ב):
(1a) He prohibited us from marrying heretics. And that is His, may He be exalted, saying, "And you shall not marry them" (Deuteronomy 7:3). And he explained what marriage is - "do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons." And in the explanation (Avodah Zarah 36b), they said, "The Torah forbade [it when it is] by way of marriage."
(1b) And there are distinctions about the punishment of one who transgresses this negative commandment. And that is that when the one who has sexual relations with an Aramean has sexual relations in public - anyone who kills him while he is clinging to the sin has carried out the punishment, as Pinchas did to Zimri (Numbers 25:6-8). And they said (Sanhedrin 81b), "One who has sexual relations with an Aramean, zealots may attack him" - but with the conditions that we mentioned. And that is that he has relations with her in public, and [that the punishment is meted out] at the time of the act - like the story that happened (with Pinchas and Zimri).
(1c) But if he did not do this in public or he [already] separated and the zealots did not attack him, he is liable for excision. However this excision is not made clear in the Torah: They said, "[When] zealots did not attack him, what is [the law]?" And it is explained that it is excision (cutting off), from His saying, "for Judah has profaned what is holy to the Lord - what He loves - and espoused daughters of alien gods. The Lord will cut off from the man that does this all living offspring" (Malachi 2:11-12). [This] implies that it is with excision. However when it becomes confirmed about a man - with witnesses and a warning - that he had sexual relations with an Aramean, he is lashed, by Torah law. And know this. (See Parashat Vaetchanan; Mishneh Torah, Forbidden Intercourse 12.)
In this 12th century listing of all the commandments, Maimonides lays the foundation for the prohibition of intermarriage:​​​​​​​
  1. The prohibition is of equal weight to all non-Jews (see 1a above). He makes no distinction between different groups of non-Jews like other halachists (see below);
  2. The prohibition is centered on marriage (see 1a above);
  3. Zealots may kill the transgressor (קנאין פוגעין בו) if they catch him in the act, but not after he is separated from the act (see 1b above)
  4. If he the zealots don't get him, the Jewish male who married a non-Jew is excised from the community (כרת) because he will not have children who inherit from him. We learn this from Malachi 2:11-12 (see 1c above).
(1a) יִשְׂרָאֵל שֶׁבָּעַל עַכּוּ''ם מִשְּׁאָר הָאֻמּוֹת דֶּרֶךְ אִישׁוּת. אוֹ יִשְׂרְאֵלִית שֶׁנִּבְעֲלָה לְעַכּוּ''ם דֶּרֶךְ אִישׁוּת הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ לוֹקִין מִן הַתּוֹרָה שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (דברים ז ג) "לֹא תִתְחַתֵּן בָּם בִּתְּךָ לֹא תִתֵּן לִבְנוֹ וּבִתּוֹ לֹא תִקַּח לִבְנֶךָ".
(1b) אֶחָד שִׁבְעָה עֲמָמִין וְאֶחָד כָּל אֻמּוֹת בְּאִסּוּר זֶה. וְכֵן מְפֹרָשׁ עַל יְדֵי עֶזְרָא (נחמיה י לא) "וַאֲשֶׁר לֹא נִתֵּן בְּנֹתֵינוּ לְעַמֵּי הָאָרֶץ וְאֶת בְּנֹתֵיהֶם לֹא נִקַּח לְבָנֵינוּ":
(2a) וְלֹא אָסְרָה תּוֹרָה אֶלָּא דֶּרֶךְ חַתְנוּת אֲבָל הַבָּא עַל הַכּוּתִית דֶּרֶךְ זְנוּת מַכִּין אוֹתוֹ מַכַּת מַרְדּוּת מִדִּבְרֵי סוֹפְרִים. גְּזֵרָה שֶׁמָּא יָבוֹא לְהִתְחַתֵּן.
(2b) וְאִם יִחֲדָהּ לוֹ בִּזְנוּת חַיָּב עָלֶיהָ מִשּׁוּם נִדָּה וּמִשּׁוּם שִׁפְחָה וּמִשּׁוּם כּוּתִית וּמִשּׁוּם זוֹנָה. וְאִם לֹא יִחֲדָהּ לוֹ אֶלָּא נִקְרֵאת מִקְרֶה אֵינוֹ חַיָּב אֶלָּא מִשּׁוּם כּוּתִית [ג.] וְכָל חִיּוּבִין אֵלּוּ מִדִּבְרֵיהֶן:
(1a) When a Jew engages in relations with a woman from other nations, [taking her] as his spouse or a Jewess engages in relations with a non-Jew as his spouse, they are punished by lashes, according to Scriptural Law. As [Deuteronomy 7:3] states: "You shall not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughter to his son, and do not take his daughter for your son."
(1b) This prohibition applies equally to [individuals from] the seven [Canaanite] nations and all other gentiles. This was explicitly stated in Ezra [Nechemiah 10:31]: "That we will not give our daughters to the gentiles in the land and that we will not take their daughters for our sons."
(2a) The Scriptural prohibition applies only to marital relations. When, by contrast, one engages in relations with a gentile woman with a licentious intent, he is given "stripes for rebellious conduct" according to Rabbinic Law. [This is a] decree, lest this lead to marriage.
In his Mishneh Torah, Maimonides expands his understanding of the prohibition of intermarriage to include:
  1. Unequivocally asserting that the prohibition for intermarriage is to both Canaanite nations and other nations (see 1b above)
  2. The greater concern is with intermarriage, but there is still some warnings against licentious non-marriage sexual encounters with non-Jewish women. That being said, this warning is only a rabbinic principle (see 2a & b above) and there is a difference made between making a non-Jewish woman "designated for him" (יחדה) compared to a one-time or "spontaneous" encounter (מקרה). The punishment is greater for the former case (see 2b above).
(1a) שבעה אומות הזהיר עליהן הכתוב בפ' ואתחנן שנ' ונשל גוים רבים מפניך החתי והגרגשי והאמרי והכנעני והפריזי והחוי והיבוסי וכתיב אח"כ לא תתחתן בם בתך לא תתן לבנו ובתו לא תקח לבנך כי יסיר את בנך מאחרי" (דברים ז:א,ג).
(1b) פשוטו של מקרא שבגיותם הכתוב מדבר שהם בני הסרה יותר מכל האומות כמו שאמרו רבותי' [בחולין דף י"ג] דעכו"ם שבח"ל לא עובדי ע"ז הם אלא מנהג אבותיהן בידיה'. ביבמות [דף ע"ו] דורש רבא שאותו לאו דלא תתחתן משמע דמשעת חיתון הן הקידושין עובר בלאו ואפי' לא בעל זה אינו אלא בגירותן שיש שם תפיסת קידושין
(1c) ורחב הזונ' שנתגיירה ונשאה יהושע מאומה אחרת היתה ולא מז' אומות אבל בגיותן אינו עובר בלאו עד שיבעול וכשבעל עובר בלאו דכתי' לא תקח לבנך כי יסיר את בנך מאחרי אבל שאר אומות שנתגיירו מותר להתחתן בהם שהרי מאחר שהוצרך הכתוב לאסור גר עמוני ומואבי מכלל דשאר גרי' מותרים לבא בקהל מאחר שאין הלכה כר' שמעון שדורש ביבמות [דף נ"ג] ובקידושין [דף ס"ה] שאף שאר האומות בגיותן בלאו דכתיב לא תקח לבנך שדורש כי יסיר לרבות כל המסירי' וחכמים חולקים עליו ואומרים שאין הכתוב מדבר אלא בשבעה אומות.
(1d) דווקא כאשר בארנו הילכך הבא על שאר גויו' משאר אומות אינו לוקה אא"כ הוא כהן שלוקה עליה משום זונה ובבעילה בלבד הוא לוקה שהרי אינה בת קידושין.
(1e) ואע"פ שאין ישראל הבא על הגויה לוקה מה"ת אם בועלה בפרהסיא והוא שיבעול לעיני עשרה מישראל או יותר אם פגעו בו קנאין לשמים והרגוהו הרי אלו משובחין וזריזין ודכר זה הל"מ כמו שיש בסנהדרין [דף פ"ב] וראייה לדבר מעשה פנחס וזמרי ואין הקנאי רשאי לפגוע בו אלא בשעת מעשה כזמרי שנ' ואת האשה אל קבתה אבל אם פירש ממנה אין הורגים אותו ואם הרגו נהרג עליו...
(1f) ובע"ז [דף ל"ו] אמרי' שב"ד של חשמונאי גזרו שהבא על הכותית אף בצינעא חייב עליה משום נשג"ז - נדה, שפחה, גויה, זונה. ועון זה אע"פ שאין בו מיתת ב"ד ולא מלקות אל יהי קל בעיניך שיש בו הפסד יותר מבכל העריות כיוצא בו שהרי מוליד בן לע"ז ומתייחס אחר הכותית שאין בנו הבא מן הכותי' קרוי בנך אלא בנה כדאמר ביבמות [דף י"ו] ובקידושין [דף ס"ה]. ודבר זה גור' להדבק בעכו"ם שהבדילנו הקב"ה מהם ולשוב מאחרי ה' ולמעול בו...
(1a) You are warned about the seven (Canaanite) nations as it is mentioned in Parashat Vaetchanan, as it says "and God dislodges many nations before you, the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Peruzites, Hivvites, and Jebusites" and it says afterward "Do not intermarry with them, do not give your daughter to their son nor take their daughter for your son for they will remove your children from [following] after me" (Deuteronomy 7:1, 3).
(1b) The simple meaning of the text is that the gentile status [of the seven Canaanite nations] as mentioned by the text is that they are "people who make you stray" (בני הסרה) more than all other nations, as our rabbis said "Gentiles outside the land of Israel are not idolators rather they follow the tradition of their ancestors" (Chullin 13). In Yevamot (76) Rava explains that the negative commandment of "do not intermarry" leads to the legal conclusion that from the time of the wedding - that is kiddushin - one transgresses a negative commandment, even if a person (from these seven nations) converts [and by doing so] kiddushin is accepted.
(1c) And Rahab the prostitute, who converted and married Joshua, is from a different nation, not one of the seven nations in which their gentile status [makes them forbidden to ever marry], thus their marriage does not transgress this negative commandment until they had sexual relations. Once they had sexual relations they would transgress the commandment "do not take one of their daughters for your son because they will remove your son from [following] after me." However, [in regards to] all the other nations from which someone may convert and is permitted to intermarry with them to the point the Torah needs to add a verse forbidding an Ammonite and Moabite convert from all other allowed converts from entering the congregation, so that later on the halakha would not follow Rabbi Shimon who said in Yevamot (53) and Kiddushin (65) that even the other nations whose gentile status [is permitted to intermarry] retains the negative commandment "do not give their daughter to your son" since he interpreted an exapansive understanding of"for they remove them." However, all the sages disagree with him and say the text only deals with the seven Canaanite nations.
(1d) It should be obvious given what we explained that someone who has sexual relations with a non-Jew (from a nation that is not one of these seven nations) does not receive lashes, even if they're a kohen, except in situations in which the relations were promiscuous, occurring out of wedlock.
(1e) And even though a Jew who has sexual relations with a non-Jew is not punished in situations we just mentioned, God's wrath will strike them (אם פגעו בו קנאין לשמים והרגוהו) if they have sexual relations in public, i.e. 10 or more Jewish witnesses. Those who kill them will be lauded [for being] zealous [on behalf of God], as is mentioned in Sanhedrin (82) "and the fact to learn from the case of Pinchas and Zimri is that the zealous one is only allowed to strike them down during the act. But if they are separated, the zealous one may not kill (the Jewish man having sexual relations with the non-Jewish woman in public). And if the zealous one kills the Jewish person, the zealous one is also killed...
(1f) And in Avodah Zarah (36) it says that the Hasmoneans decreed that a Jew who has sexual relations even in private with a Kuthite woman is liable [for lashes] due to transgressing four forbidden relations, understood by the mnemonic נשג"ז - women 1) who are mensturating (נדה), 2) who are maidservants (שפחה), 3) who are non-Jews (גויה), and 4) who are prostitutes (זונה). this is a sin even though there is no possibility of capital punishment by the courts nor of lashes, as the punishment is not less severe given there is a greater loss than all the other sexual transgressions - that he will bear a child to an idolator and the child would belong to the Kuthite mother since his son from sexual relations with a Kuthite is not called your son but her son, as is mentioned in Yevamot (16) and Kiddushin (65). And this is how we are caused to connect with non-Jews from whom God separated us to follow after God, and [to connect with non-Jews would be considered as] being unfaithful to God...
This 13th century text from France, following up on Rambam's halakhic commentary, highlights the following items:
  1. Contrary to Maimonides, the SMaG differentiates between the seven Canaanite nations and all other nations, bringing forward a point not raised by the other halakhists that the nations outside the land of Israel are not true idolators rather they simply follow the traditions of their ancestors (Chullin 13);
  2. The greatest concern related to relations with nations other than the 7 Canaanite nations is how these relationships are flaunted in public. Thus, if the acts are done in public, קנאין פוגעין בו - God's wrath will strike down the Jewish males by zealots (see 1e above).
  3. There is a greater הפסד (loss), analogous to punishment, for someone who commits a sexual transgression with a Kuthite women: their progeny will be lost to history.
(1a) לא להתחתן בעובדי אלילים - שלא נתחתן עם האמות, וכתב הרמב''ם זכרונו לברכה (מאיסורי ביאה יב א) לא עם שבעה עממים ולא עם שאר האמות, שנאמר (דברים ז ג) ולא תתחתן בם. וענין החתנות הוא, שיתן בתו לבנו או בנו לבתו, וכמו שבאר הכתוב (שם) בתך לא תתן לבנו ובתו לא תקח לבנך. וכל שכן המזדוג עמהם, שהוא בעצמו בכלל האסור, ואמרינן במסכת עבודה זרה (לו, ב) דרך חתנות אסרה תורה, ואף על פי שהכתוב הזה דלא תתחתן בשבעה עממים הוא דכתיב ובגרותן דוקא, והכי משמע להו לרבנן שאמרו בגמרא (יבמות עו, א) בגרותן אית להו חתנות, בגיותן לית להו חתנות, במה שחזר הכתוב בתך לא תתן לבנו ובתו לא תקח לבנך ירבה שבעה עממים וכל שאר האמות באסור אף בגיותן, אבל שבעה עממין נאסרו אף בגרותן לפי שהיו עקר עבודה זרה ויסודה הראשון, ושאר עממין מתרין בגרות, ואסור זה יהיה דוקא כשהוא מיחדה לו לאשה, אבל הבא על הגויה דרך מקרה, כאדם שבא על זוגתו שלא בפרהסיא, אין בזה אלא אסור דבריהם, והוא אסור נשג''ז (נדה, שפחה, גויה, זונה). המזכר בעבודה זרה (שם).
(1b) משרשי המצוה. לפי שרב המון העם, דרך טפשות ימשכו אחר עצת נשותיהם, ואם ישא אדם בת אל נכר תמשכהו לעבוד עבודה זרה, ועוד כי גם בניה הנולדים ממנו תגדל לעבודה זרה, ואוי לו לפוסל את זרעו.
(1c) מדיני המצוה. מה שאמרו זכרונם לברכה (סנהדרן פא, א) הבועל ארמית בפרהסיא, לעיני עשרה ישראל או יותר היו קנאים פוגעין בו, וראיה לדבר מעשה פנחס וזמרי, ומכל מקום אין הקנאי רשאי לפגע בו, אלא בשעת מעשה הזמה, וכמעשה שהיה, שנאמר (במדבר כה ח) ואת האשה אל קבתה, אבל אם פרש אין הורגין אותו, אבל מביאין אותו לבית דין ומלקין אותו, מכיון שעשה המעשה בפרהסיא. לא פגעו בו קנאין ולא הלקוהו בית דין ידענו מדברי קבלה שהוא בכרת, דכתיב (מלאכי ב יא) ובעל בת אל נכר יכרת ה' לאיש אשר יעשנה. וגוי הבא על בת ישראל, אם היא אשת איש נהרג עליה, ואם לאו אינו נהרג. אבל ישראל הבא על הגויה בזדון, ואפילו דרך זנות היא תהרג מכל מקום, מפני שבא לישראל תקלה על ידה כדין הבהמה, ודבר זה מפרש בתורה, שנאמר (במדבר לא טז יז) הן הנה היו לבני ישראל בדבר בלעם וגו'. וכל אשה יודעת איש למשכב זכר הרגו. ויתר פרטי דברים אלה, מבארים בעבודה זרה, ובסנהדרין, וביבמות, וקידושין [הלכות איסורי ביאה פ''ב].
(1d) ונוהגת בכל מקום ובכל זמן בזכרים ונקבות, והעובר על זה ונתחתן עם שבעה עממין בגרותן, כלומר, שיחד לו אשה מהם לבנו, או שנתן בתו לאחד מהן האב עבר על לאו, אבל אינו לוקה, לפי שאין בו מעשה, אבל הבן שעשה מעשה הביאה לוקה, ובשאר עממים, וכן בשבעה עממים בגיותן, המיחד לו אשה מהן לבוא עליה תמיד לוקה מדאוריתא בביאה ראשונה מאחר שיחדה, והיא תהרג, ואם לא יחדה, אלא שבא עליה פעם אחת דרך זנות היו מכין אותו מכת מרדות מדרבנן.
(1a) Do not marry with idolaters: That we should not marry with the nations — and Rambam, may his memory be blessed, wrote (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Forbidden Intercourse 12:1), “Not with the seven nations and with the other nations” — as it is stated (Deuteronomy 7:3), “You shall not marry with them.” And the matter of marriages is that he give his daughter to [the idolater’s] son or his son to his daughter, and as the verse elucidates, “you shall not give your daughter to his son, and his daughter you shall not take for your son.” And all the more so one who mates with them [himself], as he himself is included in this prohibition. And we say in Tractate Avodah Zarah 36b [that it is] by way of marriages that the Torah forbade. But even though this verse of “You shall not marry them” is written specifically about the seven nations and in their being converts — and so is it understood by our Rabbis, who said in the Gemara (Yevamot 76a), “In their being converts, they have marriages, in their being gentiles, they do not have marriages” — in that which the Scripture restates [that which is already understood], “you shall not give your daughter to his son, and his daughter you shall not take for your son,” it [comes to] include the seven nations and all of the other nations even in their being gentiles. But the seven nations are forbidden even in their being converts because they were the main [source] of idolatry and its first foundation, whereas the other nations are permitted by conversion. But one who has sexual relations on occasion, such as a man who has sexual relations privately with his harlot — this is only a rabbinic prohibition, and it is the prohibition of nashgaz (the Hebrew initials of the four types of women included: menstruant, maidservant, gentile, harlot) mentioned in Avodah Zarah.
(1b) Re: the roots of the commandment. Since most of the masses — in their stupidity — are drawn after the counsel of their wives, if one marries the “daughter of a foreign god,” she will draw him to worship idolatry. And also because her children that are born from her will be raised towards idolatry. And woe to the one who disqualifies his seed.
(1c) Re: the laws of the commandment. As said by our sages, may their memory be blessed (Sanhedrin 81a), that zealots would attack one who has sexual intercourse with an Aramean (gentile) publicly in the eyes of ten or more Israelites. And the proof of the thing is the story of Pinchas and Zimri. But the zealot is nonetheless only permitted to attack him at the time of the promiscuous act, and like in the story that happened; as it is stated (Numbers 25:8), “and the woman through her belly.” But if he separated [from her], we do not kill him, but [rather] bring him to the court and they administer lashes [upon] him, since he did the act publicly. [If] the zealots did not attack him and the court did not administer lashes [upon] him, we know from the words of tradition that he is [punished] by excision, as it is written (Malachi 2:11-12), “and he who husbands (read here as, “who has sexual intercourse with”) the daughter of a foreign god. The Lord will excise the man that does it.” And a gentile who has sexual relations with an Israelite — if she is a married woman, he is killed over her; but, if not, he is not killed. But a Jew who wantonly has sexual relations with a gentile woman — even [if it is] by way of harlotry — she is nonetheless killed, since a mishap happened to an Israelite through her, like the law of an animal. And this thing is explicit in the Torah, as it is stated (Numbers 31:16-17), “They were the ones that were with the word of Bilaam against the Children of Israel, etc. and any woman that could know a man sexually they killed.” [This] and the rest of its details are elucidated in Avodah Zarah and Yevamot and Kiddushin. (See Mishneh Torah, Laws of Forbidden Intercourse 2.)
(1d) And it is practiced in every place and at all times by males and females. And one who transgresses it and marries with the seven nations in their being converts — meaning to say, that he specifies a woman from them for a wife for his son, or he gave his daughter to one of them — the father has violated a negative commandment. But he is not lashed, as there is no act [involved] with it, whereas the son who did the act of sexual relations is lashed. And with the other nations, and so [too,] with the seven nations, in their being gentiles — one who specifies a woman from them to regularly have sexual relations with her, is lashed by Torah writ — from the first relations after he specified her — and she is killed. And if he did not specify her, but only has sexual relations with her once in the way of harlotry, he is struck with lashes of rebellion, by rabbinic writ.
This 13th century text from Spain follows more closely with Maimonides and answers the challenge raised by the SMaG the prohibition to intermarry with nations outside the land of Israel is of the same level as the prohibition to marry the seven Canaanite nations to the same. Sefer HaChinukh does so by differentiating between these two groups of non-Jews insofar as you may not intermarry with one (seven Canaanite nations) even after they converted, whereas you could intermarry with the other one after they have done so.
Sefer HaChinukh adds two important points not mentioned by other sources:
  1. A Jewish man having a casual sexual encounter with a non-Jewish woman only prohibits a rabbinic commandment, not a d'oraita commandment. It is unclear if they are liable for lashes (see 1a above and Avodah Zarah 76a);
  2. The reason to not intermarry is because men will stupidly (דרך טפשות) follow their non-Jewish wives in how they want to practice religion (see 1b above)
(1a) כותית אע"פ שאין בה לאו אסורה מדרבנן ואם בא עליה בזנות דרך מקרה מכין אותו מכות מרדות ואם יחדה לו בזנות חייב עליה מדרבנן משום נדה ומשום שפחה ומשום עכו"ם ומשום זונה.
(1b) כתב הרמב"ם ז"ל בא על הכותית משאר העכו"ם דרך אישות לוקה מן התורה או ישראלית שנבעלה לעכו"ם דרך אישות לוקה מן התורה משום לא תתחתן בם אחד ז' עכו"ם ואחד כל העכו"ם באיסור זה ע"כ.
(1c) ונ"ל שאינו אלא בז' עכו"ם דלא קי"ל כרבי שמעון דאמר כי יסיר לרבות כל המסירין ואפילו בז' עכו"ם אין לוקין משום לא תתחתן אלא לאחר שנתגיירו אבל בעודם עכו"ם לא שייך בהו חתנות ואינו לוקה עד שיבעול ואז לוקה עליה משום לא תקח...
(1d) הרי עונשו מפורש בקבלה שהוא בכרת שנא' "כי חלל יהודה את קדש ה' אשר אהב ובעל בת אל נכר יכרת ה' לאיש אשר יעשנה" (מלאכי ב:יא-יב). וכתב הרמב"ם עון זה אע"פ שאין בו מיתת ב"ד אל יהי קל בעיניך אלא יש בו הפסד שאין בכל העריות כמוהו שבן מן הערוה בנו הוא לכל דבר ובכלל ישראל הוא...
(1a) A Kuthtite, even though she is not forbidden by rabbinic decree, and even if a Jew has forbidden sexual relations out of wedlock, he is given lashes according to a rabbinic level. And if he secludes himself with her for purposes of licentiousness, he is liable via rabbinic decree due to the four prohibitions of [having sexual relations with] women 1) who are menstruating, 2) who are maidservants, 3) who are non-Jews, and 4) who are prostitutes.
(1b) Maimonides z"l wrote regarding a a Jewish man who has sexual relations with a Kuthite: [A Jewish man who has sexual relations] with a non-Jew for the purpose of marriage receives lashes according to the Torah, as does a Jewish woman who who has sexual relations with a non-Jew for a similar purpose - because of the commandment "Do not intermarry with them" (Deuteronomy 7:3). This prohibition applies both to the seven Canaanite nations and all nations in general.
(1c) And it seems to me that this command is only in regards to the seven Canaanite nations as [Maimonides' conclusion] is not supported by Rabbi Shimon who said "For they will remove" comes to expand all who remove." Even the seven Canaanite nations do not receive lashes because of the command "Do not intermarry" rather after they convert. However, when it comes to the other nations, there is no [prohibition related to] marriage, and they are not lasted until a sexual act is committed, and then they are lashed because of the prohibition "do not take" their daughter for your son...
(1d) Behold his punishment is explained by tradition that he is cut off, as Torah says "For Judah desecrated what was holy to, and desired by, God - and espoused daughters of alien gods. May God leave to any man who has done this no descendants" (Malachi 2:11). And Maimonides wrote that this sin, though it is not punished with death by the rabbinic court, is not to be viewed lightly, rather it is a loss that is not experienced by any of the other sexual prohibitions, for ia chld from a sexual transgression is still his child in all ways, and is certainly considered a Jew...
This 14th century, Italian halakhic text from Jacob ben Asher supports all of Maimonides' teachings with one exception: He does not agree that the prohibition of intermarriage with other nations is the same as that of the seven Canaanite nations. (See 1c above). In this way, he agrees with the SMaG.
The other important item to note from the Tur is that he provides a rationale for Maimonides' statement that a Jewish man's loss (הפסד) for intermarriage is greater than of all the other sexual transgressions combined: In all the other sexual transgressions, if there is progeny, the child is a Jew fully and belongs to the Jewish man fully.
איסור כותית ושפחה ובו ו סעיפים:
(1) ישראל שבעל כותית דרך אישות או ישראלית שנבעלה לכותי (דרך אישות) הרי אלו לוקין מן התורה שנאמר לא תתחתן בם (ויש חולקין בזה) (טור) אבל הבא על הכותית דרך זנות במקרה חייב עליה מדרבנן משום כותית ומשום זונה ומכין אותו מכת מרדות ואם ייחדה לו בזנות חייב עליה מדרבנן משום נדה שפחה כותית זונה ואם היה כהן אפי' בא עליה דרך מקרה לוקה עליה מן התורה משום זונה:
(2) הבא על הכותית אם לא פגעו בו קנאים ולא הלקוהו ב"ד הרי עונשו מפורש בדברי הקבלה שהוא בכרת שנאמר כי חלל יהודה קדש ה' אשר אהב ובעל בת אל נכר יכרת ה' לאיש אשר יעשנה ולא יהיה לו ער ועונה אם ישראל הוא לא יהיה לו ער בחכמים ולא עונה בתלמידים: הגה ועון זה יש בו הפסד שאין בכל העריות שבנו הבא מן השפחה ומן הנכרית אינו בנו משא"כ בשאר עריות (טור בשם הרמב"ם) הבא על הכותית בפרהסיא שדינו שקנאים פוגעים בו כמו שיתבאר בחשן המשפט סימן תכ"ה הוא בכלל עריות ודינו ליהרג ולא יעבור כמו בשאר עריות (ב"י בשם א"ח שכ"כ בשם הרמב"ן) (וכמו שיתבאר ביורה דעה סימן קנ"ז):
(3) שפחה שהוטבלה לשם עבדות אסורה לבן חורין א' שפחתו וא' שפחת חבירו והבא עליה מכין אותו מכות מרדות:
(4) הנתפש עם שפחתו מוציאין אותה ממנו ומוכרים אותה ומפזרים דמיה לעניי ישראל ומלקין אותו ומגלחין שערו ומנדין אותו ל' יום:
(5) נתערב ולד ישראלית בולד שפחה הרי שניהם ספק וכל אחד מהם ספק עבד וכופין בעל השפחה ומשחרר את שניהם ואם היה הבן ההוא בן האדון של עבד כשיגדלו ישחררו זה את זה ויהיו מותרים לבא בקהל:
(6) היו התערובות בנות הרי שתיהן ספק שפחות והבא על כל אחת מהן הרי הולד ספק עבד וכן אם נתערב ולד כותית בולד ישראל מטבילין את שניהם לשם גירות וכל אחד מהם ספק גר:
Forbidden relations with Kuthite women and maidservants, and there are six sections:
(1) If a Jew engages in sexual relations with a female idolater, derech ishut (that is, for the purpose of marriage), or a Jewess engages in sexual relations with a male idolater, that Jew or Jewess is given lashes on a Biblical level. As it is written (Deuteronomy 7:3): "You shall not marry them." (There are those who disagree with this ruling). However, if he engages in sexual relations derech zenut (that is, for licentiousness), casually, he is culpable only on a Rabbinic level for idolatry and for engaging in relations with a prostitute and he is given makat mardut (that is, lashes on a Rabbinic level). And, if he sets her aside for licentious activity, he is culpable on a Rabbinic level for having sexual relations with a nida (that is, menstruant), having sexual relations with a shifcha, (that is, slavewoman), idolatry, and having sexual relations with a prostitute. And, if he is a Kohen (that is, a priest), even if he engages in sexual relations casually, he receives lashes on a Biblical level, as it is written (Leviticus 21:7) ["(A kohen) may not marry a prostitute..."]
(2) A man who has sexual relations with an idol worshiper, if zealots have not killed him and he has not received lashes at the hands of the court, his punishment is explicit in the words of tradition (Prophets), that he receives excision, as is written, “…For Judah has profaned the holiness of God which He loves, and has married the daughter of his strange god. May God cut off the man that does this, he that calls and he that answers…” (Malachi 2:11-12). He shall not have a caller among the wise nor a responder among the students. REMA: This sin has a deficit which is not present among all the other sexual proscriptions, for the son derived from a (Canaanite) female slave or from a Kuthite (non-Jewish) female is not considered his son, as opposed to descendents from other sexually proscribed women (Tur in the name of Rambam). One who has sexual relations with an idol worshiper in public, whose law is that zealots kill him, as will be explained Choshen Mishpat chapter 425, is included in the classification of sexual proscriptions, and the law is that he should permit himself to be killed rather than transgress (Beit Yosef in the name of Orchot Chaim in the name of Rambam) as is the case with other sexual proscriptions and as explained in Yoreh Deah chapter 157.
(3) A maidservant who immersed for the name of slavery, is forbidden to a freed-man, whether it was his or his friend's slave. One who sleeps with her, is liable for Mardut lashes (lashes from the rabbis).
(4) One who is caught with his maidservant, they take her from him, sell her and scatter the money among the poor people and give his lashes, and shave his hair and seclude him for thirty days.
(5) If the child of a Jewish woman was mixed up with the child of a maidservant both of them are questionable and both are possibly slaves and they force the master of the maidservant to free both of them. If one of the babies was the son of the master of the slave, when they get older, they free each other and they are permitted to marry regular Jews.
(6) If the mixture was [of] girls, they are both slavewomen-in-doubt; [if] someone has intercourse with [either] one of them, the [child] born [of that union] is in doubt. Likewise, if the [child] born of an idolator became mixed with the [child] born of an Israelite, we immerse both of them for the sake of conversion, and each one of them is a convert-in-doubt.
Rabbi Joseph Karo (16th Century, Safed), follows Maimonides in all respects, though interestingly by his time he dropped any differentiation between the seven Canaanite nations and other non-Jewish nations (as in Maimonides' Sefer HaMitzvot) (see 1 above). He allows though that there are others who disagree with this point.
Two points he adds to the discussion are as follows:
  1. A Kohen receives a harsher punishment for having sexual relations with a non-Jew that is either designated for him or spontatneous. His punishment comes from the Torah as opposed to from the rabbis (see 1 above);
  2. Children of an Israelite and a non-Jewish woman who are mixed up need to both bathe in the mikveh to be converted.

(א) וְאַבְרָהָ֣ם זָקֵ֔ן בָּ֖א בַּיָּמִ֑ים וַֽה' בֵּרַ֥ךְ אֶת־אַבְרָהָ֖ם בַּכֹּֽל׃ (ב) וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אַבְרָהָ֗ם אֶל־עַבְדּוֹ֙ זְקַ֣ן בֵּית֔וֹ הַמֹּשֵׁ֖ל בְּכׇל־אֲשֶׁר־ל֑וֹ שִֽׂים־נָ֥א יָדְךָ֖ תַּ֥חַת יְרֵכִֽי׃ (ג) וְאַשְׁבִּ֣יעֲךָ֔ בַּֽה' אֱלֹקֵ֣י הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וֵֽאלֹקֵ֖י הָאָ֑רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֨ר לֹֽא־תִקַּ֤ח אִשָּׁה֙ לִבְנִ֔י מִבְּנוֹת֙ הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֔י אֲשֶׁ֥ר אָנֹכִ֖י יוֹשֵׁ֥ב בְּקִרְבּֽוֹ׃ (ד) כִּ֧י אֶל־אַרְצִ֛י וְאֶל־מוֹלַדְתִּ֖י תֵּלֵ֑ךְ וְלָקַחְתָּ֥ אִשָּׁ֖ה לִבְנִ֥י לְיִצְחָֽק׃
(1) Abraham was now old, advanced in years, and ה' had blessed Abraham in all things. (2) And Abraham said to the senior servant of his household, who had charge of all that he owned, “Put your hand under my thigh (3) and I will make you swear by ה', the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites among whom I dwell, (4) but will go to the land of my birth and get a wife for my son Isaac.”
(מו) וַתֹּ֤אמֶר רִבְקָה֙ אֶל־יִצְחָ֔ק קַ֣צְתִּי בְחַיַּ֔י מִפְּנֵ֖י בְּנ֣וֹת חֵ֑ת אִם־לֹקֵ֣חַ יַ֠עֲקֹ֠ב אִשָּׁ֨ה מִבְּנֽוֹת־חֵ֤ת כָּאֵ֙לֶּה֙ מִבְּנ֣וֹת הָאָ֔רֶץ לָ֥מָּה לִּ֖י חַיִּֽים׃ (א) וַיִּקְרָ֥א יִצְחָ֛ק אֶֽל־יַעֲקֹ֖ב וַיְבָ֣רֶךְ אֹת֑וֹ וַיְצַוֵּ֙הוּ֙ וַיֹּ֣אמֶר ל֔וֹ לֹֽא־תִקַּ֥ח אִשָּׁ֖ה מִבְּנ֥וֹת כְּנָֽעַן׃ (ב) ק֥וּם לֵךְ֙ פַּדֶּ֣נָֽה אֲרָ֔ם בֵּ֥יתָה בְתוּאֵ֖ל אֲבִ֣י אִמֶּ֑ךָ וְקַח־לְךָ֤ מִשָּׁם֙ אִשָּׁ֔ה מִבְּנ֥וֹת לָבָ֖ן אֲחִ֥י אִמֶּֽךָ׃ (ג) וְאֵ֤ל שַׁדַּי֙ יְבָרֵ֣ךְ אֹֽתְךָ֔ וְיַפְרְךָ֖ וְיַרְבֶּ֑ךָ וְהָיִ֖יתָ לִקְהַ֥ל עַמִּֽים׃
(46) Rebekah said to Isaac, “I am disgusted with my life because of the Hittite women. If Jacob marries a Hittite woman like these, from among the native women, what good will life be to me?” (1) So Isaac sent for Jacob and blessed him. He instructed him, saying, “You shall not take a wife from among the Canaanite women. (2) Up, go to Paddan-aram, to the house of Bethuel, your mother’s father, and take a wife there from among the daughters of Laban, your mother’s brother. (3) May El Shaddai bless you, make you fertile and numerous, so that you become an assembly of peoples.
(לד) וַיְהִ֤י עֵשָׂו֙ בֶּן־אַרְבָּעִ֣ים שָׁנָ֔ה וַיִּקַּ֤ח אִשָּׁה֙ אֶת־יְהוּדִ֔ית בַּת־בְּאֵרִ֖י הַֽחִתִּ֑י וְאֶת־בָּ֣שְׂמַ֔ת בַּת־אֵילֹ֖ן הַֽחִתִּֽי׃ (לה) וַתִּהְיֶ֖יןָ מֹ֣רַת ר֑וּחַ לְיִצְחָ֖ק וּלְרִבְקָֽה׃ {ס}
(34) When Esau was forty years old, he took to wife Judith daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Basemath daughter of Elon the Hittite; (35) and they were a source of bitterness to Isaac and Rebekah.
(ו) וַיַּ֣רְא עֵשָׂ֗ו כִּֽי־בֵרַ֣ךְ יִצְחָק֮ אֶֽת־יַעֲקֹב֒ וְשִׁלַּ֤ח אֹתוֹ֙ פַּדֶּ֣נָֽה אֲרָ֔ם לָקַֽחַת־ל֥וֹ מִשָּׁ֖ם אִשָּׁ֑ה בְּבָרְכ֣וֹ אֹת֔וֹ וַיְצַ֤ו עָלָיו֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר לֹֽא־תִקַּ֥ח אִשָּׁ֖ה מִבְּנ֥וֹת כְּנָֽעַן׃ (ז) וַיִּשְׁמַ֣ע יַעֲקֹ֔ב אֶל־אָבִ֖יו וְאֶל־אִמּ֑וֹ וַיֵּ֖לֶךְ פַּדֶּ֥נָֽה אֲרָֽם׃ (ח) וַיַּ֣רְא עֵשָׂ֔ו כִּ֥י רָע֖וֹת בְּנ֣וֹת כְּנָ֑עַן בְּעֵינֵ֖י יִצְחָ֥ק אָבִֽיו׃ (ט) וַיֵּ֥לֶךְ עֵשָׂ֖ו אֶל־יִשְׁמָעֵ֑אל וַיִּקַּ֡ח אֶֽת־מָחֲלַ֣ת ׀ בַּת־יִשְׁמָעֵ֨אל בֶּן־אַבְרָהָ֜ם אֲח֧וֹת נְבָי֛וֹת עַל־נָשָׁ֖יו ל֥וֹ לְאִשָּֽׁה׃ {ס}
(6) When Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him off to Paddan-aram to take a wife from there, charging him, as he blessed him, “You shall not take a wife from among the Canaanite women,” (7) and that Jacob had obeyed his father and mother and gone to Paddan-aram, (8) Esau realized that the Canaanite women displeased his father Isaac. (9) So Esau went to Ishmael and took to wife, in addition to the wives he had, Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael son of Abraham, sister of Nebaioth.
(יג) כִּ֤י אֶת־מִזְבְּחֹתָם֙ תִּתֹּצ֔וּן וְאֶת־מַצֵּבֹתָ֖ם תְּשַׁבֵּר֑וּן וְאֶת־אֲשֵׁרָ֖יו תִּכְרֹתֽוּן׃ (יד) כִּ֛י לֹ֥א תִֽשְׁתַּחֲוֶ֖ה לְאֵ֣ל אַחֵ֑ר כִּ֤י ה' קַנָּ֣א שְׁמ֔וֹ אֵ֥ל קַנָּ֖א הֽוּא׃ (טו) פֶּן־תִּכְרֹ֥ת בְּרִ֖ית לְיוֹשֵׁ֣ב הָאָ֑רֶץ וְזָנ֣וּ ׀ אַחֲרֵ֣י אֱלֹֽהֵיהֶ֗ם וְזָבְחוּ֙ לֵאלֹ֣הֵיהֶ֔ם וְקָרָ֣א לְךָ֔ וְאָכַלְתָּ֖ מִזִּבְחֽוֹ׃ (טז) וְלָקַחְתָּ֥ מִבְּנֹתָ֖יו לְבָנֶ֑יךָ וְזָנ֣וּ בְנֹתָ֗יו אַחֲרֵי֙ אֱלֹ֣הֵיהֶ֔ן וְהִזְנוּ֙ אֶת־בָּנֶ֔יךָ אַחֲרֵ֖י אֱלֹהֵיהֶֽן׃
(13) But ye shall break down their altars, and dash in pieces their pillars, and ye shall cut down their Asherim. (14) For thou shalt bow down to no other god; for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God; (15) lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go astray after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and they call thee, and thou eat of their sacrifice; (16) and thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters go astray after their gods, and make thy sons go astray after their gods.
(א) כִּ֤י יְבִֽיאֲךָ֙ ה' אֱלֹקֶ֔יךָ אֶל־הָאָ֕רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־אַתָּ֥ה בָא־שָׁ֖מָּה לְרִשְׁתָּ֑הּ וְנָשַׁ֣ל גּֽוֹיִם־רַבִּ֣ים ׀ מִפָּנֶ֡יךָ הַֽחִתִּי֩ וְהַגִּרְגָּשִׁ֨י וְהָאֱמֹרִ֜י וְהַכְּנַעֲנִ֣י וְהַפְּרִזִּ֗י וְהַֽחִוִּי֙ וְהַיְבוּסִ֔י שִׁבְעָ֣ה גוֹיִ֔ם רַבִּ֥ים וַעֲצוּמִ֖ים מִמֶּֽךָּ׃ (ב) וּנְתָנָ֞ם ה' אֱלֹקֶ֛יךָ לְפָנֶ֖יךָ וְהִכִּיתָ֑ם הַחֲרֵ֤ם תַּחֲרִים֙ אֹתָ֔ם לֹא־תִכְרֹ֥ת לָהֶ֛ם בְּרִ֖ית וְלֹ֥א תְחָנֵּֽם׃ (ג) וְלֹ֥א תִתְחַתֵּ֖ן בָּ֑ם בִּתְּךָ֙ לֹא־תִתֵּ֣ן לִבְנ֔וֹ וּבִתּ֖וֹ לֹא־תִקַּ֥ח לִבְנֶֽךָ׃ (ד) כִּֽי־יָסִ֤יר אֶת־בִּנְךָ֙ מֵֽאַחֲרַ֔י וְעָבְד֖וּ אֱלֹקִ֣ים אֲחֵרִ֑ים וְחָרָ֤ה אַף־ה' בָּכֶ֔ם וְהִשְׁמִידְךָ֖ מַהֵֽר׃ (ה) כִּֽי־אִם־כֹּ֤ה תַעֲשׂוּ֙ לָהֶ֔ם מִזְבְּחֹתֵיהֶ֣ם תִּתֹּ֔צוּ וּמַצֵּבֹתָ֖ם תְּשַׁבֵּ֑רוּ וַאֲשֵֽׁירֵהֶם֙ תְּגַדֵּע֔וּן וּפְסִילֵיהֶ֖ם תִּשְׂרְפ֥וּן בָּאֵֽשׁ׃ (ו) כִּ֣י עַ֤ם קָדוֹשׁ֙ אַתָּ֔ה לַה' אֱלֹקֶ֑יךָ בְּךָ֞ בָּחַ֣ר ׀ ה' אֱלֹקֶ֗יךָ לִהְי֥וֹת לוֹ֙ לְעַ֣ם סְגֻלָּ֔ה מִכֹּל֙ הָֽעַמִּ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הָאֲדָמָֽה׃ (ס)
(1) When the LORD your God brings you to the land that you are about to enter and possess, and He dislodges many nations before you—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, seven nations much larger than you (2) and the LORD your God delivers them to you and you defeat them, you must doom them to destruction: grant them no terms and give them no quarter. (3) You shall not intermarry with them: do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons. (4) For they will turn your children away from Me to worship other gods, and the LORD’s anger will blaze forth against you and He will promptly wipe you out. (5) Instead, this is what you shall do to them: you shall tear down their altars, smash their pillars, cut down their sacred posts, and consign their images to the fire. (6) For you are a people consecrated to the LORD your God: of all the peoples on earth the LORD your God chose you to be His treasured people.
(א) וַיְדַבֵּ֥ר ה' אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֥ה לֵּאמֹֽר׃ (ב) דַּבֵּר֙ אֶל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל וְאָמַרְתָּ֖ אֲלֵקֶ֑ם אֲנִ֖י ה' אֱלֹקֵיכֶֽם׃ (ג) כְּמַעֲשֵׂ֧ה אֶֽרֶץ־מִצְרַ֛יִם אֲשֶׁ֥ר יְשַׁבְתֶּם־בָּ֖הּ לֹ֣א תַעֲשׂ֑וּ וּכְמַעֲשֵׂ֣ה אֶֽרֶץ־כְּנַ֡עַן אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֲנִי֩ מֵבִ֨יא אֶתְכֶ֥ם שָׁ֙מָּה֙ לֹ֣א תַעֲשׂ֔וּ וּבְחֻקֹּתֵיהֶ֖ם לֹ֥א תֵלֵֽכוּ׃ (ד) אֶת־מִשְׁפָּטַ֧י תַּעֲשׂ֛וּ וְאֶת־חֻקֹּתַ֥י תִּשְׁמְר֖וּ לָלֶ֣כֶת בָּהֶ֑ם אֲנִ֖י ה' אֱלֹקֵיכֶֽם׃
(1) The LORD spoke to Moses, saying: (2) Speak to the Israelite people and say to them: I the LORD am your God. (3) You shall not copy the practices of the land of Egypt where you dwelt, or of the land of Canaan to which I am taking you; nor shall you follow their laws. (4) My rules alone shall you observe, and faithfully follow My laws: I the LORD am your God.
Our patriarchs (Abraham & Isaac) and matriarchs (Rebecca) believed that marrying local nations would lead their children astray. (It seems like Esau internalized that message and as such married an Ishmaelite since she is a descendant of Abraham). Other sources in the Torah also indicate that other nations (especially those living near Israel) will lead Israel's children astray. However, are we only concerned about the nations that lived in or near the land of Canaan during the time of Torah? Or is the prohibition extended to all nations for all time?

(ד) לֹֽא־יָבֹ֧א עַמּוֹנִ֛י וּמוֹאָבִ֖י בִּקְהַ֣ל ה' גַּ֚ם דּ֣וֹר עֲשִׂירִ֔י לֹא־יָבֹ֥א לָהֶ֛ם בִּקְהַ֥ל ה' עַד־עוֹלָֽם׃ (ה) עַל־דְּבַ֞ר אֲשֶׁ֨ר לֹא־קִדְּמ֤וּ אֶתְכֶם֙ בַּלֶּ֣חֶם וּבַמַּ֔יִם בַּדֶּ֖רֶךְ בְּצֵאתְכֶ֣ם מִמִּצְרָ֑יִם וַאֲשֶׁר֩ שָׂכַ֨ר עָלֶ֜יךָ אֶת־בִּלְעָ֣ם בֶּן־בְּע֗וֹר מִפְּת֛וֹר אֲרַ֥ם נַהֲרַ֖יִם לְקַֽלְלֶֽךָּ׃ (ו) וְלֹֽא־אָבָ֞ה ה' אֱלֹקֶ֙יךָ֙ לִשְׁמֹ֣עַ אֶל־בִּלְעָ֔ם וַיַּהֲפֹךְ֩ ה' אֱלֹקֶ֧יךָ לְּךָ֛ אֶת־הַקְּלָלָ֖ה לִבְרָכָ֑ה כִּ֥י אֲהֵֽבְךָ֖ ה' אֱלֹקֶֽיךָ׃ (ז) לֹא־תִדְרֹ֥שׁ שְׁלֹמָ֖ם וְטֹבָתָ֑ם כָּל־יָמֶ֖יךָ לְעוֹלָֽם׃ (ס) (ח) לֹֽא־תְתַעֵ֣ב אֲדֹמִ֔י כִּ֥י אָחִ֖יךָ ה֑וּא (ס) לֹא־תְתַעֵ֣ב מִצְרִ֔י כִּי־גֵ֖ר הָיִ֥יתָ בְאַרְצֽוֹ׃ (ט) בָּנִ֛ים אֲשֶׁר־יִוָּלְד֥וּ לָהֶ֖ם דּ֣וֹר שְׁלִישִׁ֑י יָבֹ֥א לָהֶ֖ם בִּקְהַ֥ל ה' (ס)
(4) An Ammonite or a Moabite shall not enter into the assembly of the LORD; even to the tenth generation shall none of them enter into the assembly of the LORD for ever; (5) because they met you not with bread and with water in the way, when ye came forth out of Egypt; and because they hired against thee Balaam the son of Beor from Pethor of Aram-naharaim, to curse thee. (6) Nevertheless the LORD thy God would not hearken unto Balaam; but the LORD thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee, because the LORD thy God loved thee. (7) Thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days for ever. (8) Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite, for he is thy brother; thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian, because thou wast a stranger in his land. (9) The children of the third generation that are born unto them may enter into the assembly of the LORD.
(ג) כָּל הָאֲסוּרִים לָבֹא בַקָּהָל, מֻתָּרִים לָבֹא זֶה בָזֶה. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹסֵר. רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר אוֹמֵר, וַדָּאָן בְּוַדָּאָן, מֻתָּר. וַדָּאָן בִּסְפֵקָן, (וּסְפֵקָן בְּוַדָּאָן), וּסְפֵקָן בִּסְפֵקָן, אָסוּר. וְאֵלּוּ הֵן הַסְּפֵקוֹת, שְׁתוּקִי, אֲסוּפִי וְכוּתִי:
(3) All those for whom it is prohibited to enter into the congregation, i.e., to marry a Jew of unflawed lineage, are permitted to marry into each other’s families. Rabbi Yehuda prohibits them from marrying anyone other than those who share their specific flaw. Rabbi Eliezer says: It is permitted for those with definite flaws to marry with those with definite flaws. For example, it is permitted for mamzerim and Gibeonites to marry each other. By contrast, it is prohibited for those with definite flaws, such as mamzerim, to marry with those whose flaws result from an uncertainty, such as a child of unknown paternity [shetuki] and a foundling; and it is prohibited for those whose flaws result from an uncertainty to marry with those with definite flaws; and it is prohibited for those whose flaws result from an uncertainty to marry with those whose flaws result from an uncertainty, such as a shetuki and a female shetuki. And these are the ones whose flaws result from an uncertainty: A shetuki, a foundling, and a Samaritan.
(ג) עַמּוֹנִי וּמוֹאָבִי, אֲסוּרִים, וְאִסּוּרָן אִסּוּר עוֹלָם, אֲבָל נְקֵבוֹתֵיהֶם מֻתָּרוֹת מִיָּד. מִצְרִי וַאֲדוֹמִי אֵינָם אֲסוּרִים אֶלָּא עַד שְׁלֹשָׁה דוֹרוֹת, אֶחָד זְכָרִים וְאֶחָד נְקֵבוֹת. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן מַתִּיר אֶת הַנְּקֵבוֹת מִיָּד. אָמַר רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן, קַל וָחֹמֶר הַדְּבָרִים, וּמָה אִם בִּמְקוֹם שֶׁאָסַר אֶת הַזְּכָרִים אִסּוּר עוֹלָם, הִתִּיר אֶת הַנְּקֵבוֹת מִיָּד, מְקוֹם שֶׁלֹּא אָסַר אֶת הַזְּכָרִים אֶלָּא עַד שְׁלֹשָׁה דוֹרוֹת, אֵינוֹ דִין שֶׁנַּתִּיר אֶת הַנְּקֵבוֹת מִיָּד. אָמְרוּ לוֹ, אִם הֲלָכָה נְקַבֵּל, וְאִם לַדִּין, יֵשׁ תְּשׁוּבָה. אָמַר לָהֶם, לֹא כִי, הֲלָכָה אֲנִי אוֹמֵר. מַמְזֵרִין וּנְתִינִין, אֲסוּרִין, וְאִסּוּרָן אִסּוּר עוֹלָם, אֶחָד זְכָרִים, וְאֶחָד נְקֵבוֹת:
(3) Ammonite and Moabite converts are prohibited from entering into the congregation and marrying a woman who was born Jewish, and their prohibition is eternal, for all generations. However, their female counterparts, even the convert herself, are permitted immediately. Egyptian and Edomite converts are prohibited from entering into the congregation only for three generations, both males and females. Rabbi Shimon renders permitted Egyptian and Edomite females immediately. Rabbi Shimon said: The matter may be derived by way of an a fortiori inference: If in a place where the Torah rendered prohibited the males with an eternal prohibition, i.e., Ammonites and Moabites, it rendered permitted the females immediately, then in a place where it rendered prohibited the males for only three generations, i.e., Egyptians and Edomites, is it not right that we should render permitted the females immediately? Rabbi Shimon’s colleagues said to him: If you are reporting a halakha that you received from your teachers, we will accept it from you. But if you merely wish to prove your case with an a fortiori inference based on your own reasoning, there is a refutation of your argument. Rabbi Shimon said to them: That is not so. I disagree with your claim that the a fortiori inference can be refuted, but in any case I am stating a halakha handed down to me by my teachers. Mamzerim and the Gibeonites who converted to Judaism in the days of Joshua are prohibited from entering into the congregation and marrying a woman who was born Jewish. Their prohibition is eternal, for all generations, and it applies to both males and females.
Assuming that "entering the congregation" means joining the children of Israel (though it's not always interpreted that way), is this text saying that after a certain number of generations one can intermarry? Or is it saying that for a certain number of generations these other nations have to live with Israel as a ger toshav and only then after the prescribed amount of time will they be considered full Israelites you are allowed to marry?

(יא) וְנִשְׁמַרְתֶּ֥ם מְאֹ֖ד לְנַפְשֹֽׁתֵיכֶ֑ם לְאַהֲבָ֖ה אֶת־ה' אֱלֹקֵיכֶֽם׃ (יב) כִּ֣י ׀ אִם־שׁ֣וֹב תָּשׁ֗וּבוּ וּדְבַקְתֶּם֙ בְּיֶ֙תֶר֙ הַגּוֹיִ֣ם הָאֵ֔לֶּה הַנִּשְׁאָרִ֥ים הָאֵ֖לֶּה אִתְּכֶ֑ם וְהִֽתְחַתַּנְתֶּ֥ם בָּהֶ֛ם וּבָאתֶ֥ם בָּהֶ֖ם וְהֵ֥ם בָּכֶֽם׃ (יג) יָד֙וֹעַ֙ תֵּֽדְע֔וּ כִּי֩ לֹ֨א יוֹסִ֜יף ה' אֱלֹקֵיכֶ֗ם לְהוֹרִ֛ישׁ אֶת־הַגּוֹיִ֥ם הָאֵ֖לֶּה מִלִּפְנֵיכֶ֑ם וְהָי֨וּ לָכֶ֜ם לְפַ֣ח וּלְמוֹקֵ֗שׁ וּלְשֹׁטֵ֤ט בְּצִדֵּיכֶם֙ וְלִצְנִנִ֣ים בְּעֵינֵיכֶ֔ם עַד־אֲבָדְכֶ֗ם מֵ֠עַל הָאֲדָמָ֤ה הַטּוֹבָה֙ הַזֹּ֔את אֲשֶׁר֙ נָתַ֣ן לָכֶ֔ם ה' אֱלֹקֵיכֶֽם׃
(11) For your own sakes, therefore, be most mindful to love the LORD your God. (12) For should you turn away and attach yourselves to the remnant of those nations—to those that are left among you—and intermarry with them, you joining them and they joining you, (13) know for certain that the LORD your God will not continue to drive these nations out before you; they shall become a snare and a trap for you, a scourge to your sides and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from this good land that the LORD your God has given you.
ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם וגו', כי אם שוב תשובו וגו', עד והנה אנכי וגו'. פירוש הפסוק שישמרו מאד לנפשותם לאהבה את ה', כי לא ישימו בנפשותם אהבה אחרת כי אם אהבת האל...והנה עשה בזה משל ממה שיקרה לאנשים, שכאשר יריבו עם אחרים ושר אחד יעזרם כנגדם וילחם עמהם בעבורם אינו מהראוי שהמה יעשו שלום עם אותם האויבים, אבל שיעשו כל שיצוה השר אשר החזיק בידם ואשר עזרם, כיון שהוא הצילם מהאויבים. ולזה אמר שאחרי שהשי"ת הוא הנלחם להם על אויביהם, אין ראוי שיעשו אהבה עמהם כי בזה יחרה אף ה' ולא יוסיף עוד לעוזרם כנגדם:
[MY TRANSLATION] And guard their lives greatly etc., because if they return etc., until here is my Master. The explanation of the part of the verse referring to guarding their lives (nafshotam) means loving God, because you should not put love of others before love of God...and here is an example from a parable that occurs with people. When people are fighting against others and a leader/officer comes to their help [aganst the others] and fights for them against their foes, they're not supposed to make peace with their enemies. Instead, they're supposed to do everything the leader/officers commands that will strengthen and help them, since he saved them from their enemies. So too since God fought against their enemies, it is not right to put love of their enemies [before love of God] because this will stoke God's anger against them and God will no longer come to their aid.
Marrying someone from a different tribe is a sign of your love of them. In a tribal community, it indicates that you choose love of others over love of God since when you marry someone from your own tribe, you are showing love for your God. Even if you can still observe the laws of your own tribe, the influence of the other will inevitably affect your connection to God, or at least your children's connection. Do Samson and Solomon violate this rule of putting love of others over love of God?

(א) וַיֵּ֥רֶד שִׁמְשׁ֖וֹן תִּמְנָ֑תָה וַיַּ֥רְא אִשָּׁ֛ה בְּתִמְנָ֖תָה מִבְּנ֥וֹת פְּלִשְׁתִּֽים׃ (ב) וַיַּ֗עַל וַיַּגֵּד֙ לְאָבִ֣יו וּלְאִמּ֔וֹ וַיֹּ֗אמֶר אִשָּׁ֛ה רָאִ֥יתִי בְתִמְנָ֖תָה מִבְּנ֣וֹת פְּלִשְׁתִּ֑ים וְעַתָּ֕ה קְחוּ־אוֹתָ֥הּ לִּ֖י לְאִשָּֽׁה׃ (ג) וַיֹּ֨אמֶר ל֜וֹ אָבִ֣יו וְאִמּ֗וֹ הַאֵין֩ בִּבְנ֨וֹת אַחֶ֤יךָ וּבְכָל־עַמִּי֙ אִשָּׁ֔ה כִּֽי־אַתָּ֤ה הוֹלֵךְ֙ לָקַ֣חַת אִשָּׁ֔ה מִפְּלִשְׁתִּ֖ים הָעֲרֵלִ֑ים וַיֹּ֨אמֶר שִׁמְשׁ֤וֹן אֶל־אָבִיו֙ אוֹתָ֣הּ קַֽח־לִ֔י כִּֽי־הִ֖יא יָשְׁרָ֥ה בְעֵינָֽי׃
(1) Once Samson went down to Timnah; and while in Timnah, he noticed a girl among the Philistine women. (2) On his return, he told his father and mother, “I noticed one of the Philistine women in Timnah; please get her for me as a wife.” (3) His father and mother said to him, “Is there no one among the daughters of your own kinsmen and among all our people, that you must go and take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?” But Samson answered his father, “Get me that one, for she is the one that pleases me.”
אלשיך שופטים פרק יד פסוק א
וירא אשה כו' (ב) ויאמר לאביו ולאמו קחו אותה, כלומר גיירוה, באופן תצדק בה קיחה דהיינו קדושין:
Alshich on Judges 14:1-2
"And he saw the woman etc." (Judges 14:1) And he said to his father and mother acquire her (Judges 14:2) that is to say, convert her, in the righteous way that the word kichah refers to marriage (since one "acquires" a wife in marriage).
השאלה הראשונה איך שמשון בהיותו שופט את ישראל ובהיותו נזיר אלקים מן הבטן ומתקדש מכל טומאה איך בעל בת איש נכר? והיה לוקח בכל מקום אשה מבנות פלשתים הערלים? ואין ראוי שנסתפק במה שאחז"ל (עיין רלב"ג) שהיה מגייר אותן ושהשיבן לדת ישראל, כי זה לא נזכר בכתוב, וגם ספורי הנשים ומעשיו עמהן ומעשיהן עמו לא יסבול שיאמר זה, ולכן יקשה מאד איך שופט ישראל ומושיעו היה מתחתן בבנות פלשתים? ועובר בלאו דלא תתחתן בם, המביא לידי כפירה והסרת לב מהאלהים...
וידמה שבתום לבבו היה חושב שלענין נזירותו לא היה מחויב כי אם בדברים שהזהיר המלאך עליהם, והם איסור כל אשר יצא מגפן היין ושלא יאכל כל טומאה ומורה לא יעלה על ראשו, ושאר הדברים היה נמשך בהם אחרי תאותו, והאל ית' הספיק בידו לעשותם כן, לפי שעם היותם פעולות משובשות מפאת עצמם, הנה ימשך מהם הנקמה מפלשתים. וכבר בא זה בכתוב, כי כאשר זכר שהלך שמשון אל תמנתה וראה שם אשה וחשקה בנפשו
ב) ואמר לאביו ולאמו שיקחו אותה לו לאשה, (ג) אמרו לו אביו ואמו האם אין בבנות אחיך ובכל עמי אשה כי אתה הולך לקחת אשה מפלשתים הערלים? ושמשון לא חשש מזה כלל ולא אמר שיגייר אותה, אבל אמר לבד לאביו אותה קח לי לאשה כי היא ישרה בעיני, רוצה לומר שלא חשש אל האיסור אבל הלך לבד אחר מחמד עיניו.
ולפי שאמו היתה מתרעמת על זה הרבה, לכן לא אמרו לאמו, לפי שלא תאמר כמו שאמרה רבקה (בראשית כ"ז מ"ו) אם לוקח יעקב אשה מבנות חת וגו' למה לי חיים, ואמר זה לאביו לבד אותה קח לי לאשה כי היא ישרה בעיני:
[MY TRANSLATION] The first question: How could Samson - a judge of Israel and a nazirite of God from birth who separates himself from all impurity - marry a foreigner? And how could Samson take as a wife from, of all people the daughters of the uncircumcised Philistines? It is not sufficient to rely upon the teaching of the rabbis (look at Ralbag) that he [Samson] converted [the Philistines] and made them Jews, because it is not mentioned in the text. And the stories of the women and what he did with them and what they did with him does not support this idea, and therefore it is very difficult [to understand] how a judge of Israel and its savior could marry a daughter of the Philistines? One who transgresses the negative commandment "do not intermarry with them," brings himself to the precipice of denying God and removing his heart from God...
And it seems that the conclusion of his thinking on the matter of his nazirite [requirements] was that he was only obligated to abide by the specific requirements the angel placed upon him, and these are restrictions on consuming from the fruit of the vine, on eating impure food, on cutting his hair. But in regards to all other items that would tempt his desire, God allowed him to pursue [those other items] because if he combined his nazirite vows with items that he decided for himself [from which to obstain], he would encourage the Philistines to exact revenge upon him. And this is mentioned in the text when it mentioned that Samson went to Timnatah and saw a woman and his soul attached to her.
2) And he said to his father and mother that they should take her to be his wife, (3) and his parents replied 'are there no daughters of your brothers (i.e. people) or women of my nation that you would have to take a Philistine woman as a wife? And Samson was not concerned about this at all and he did not say that he should convert [the Philistine woman to Judaism], however he only said to his father "take her for me as my wife because she is right in my eyes," as if to say that he was not concerned at all about the prohibition [against marrying a foreign woman] rather he just went according to what his eyes desired.
And he did not say this to his mother since she was very disturbed about it, so that she would not have said like Rebecca said "If you take a Hittite woman as a wife for Jacob, why should I live?" (Genesis 27:46). Thus he said this only to his father (i.e. "take her for me as my wife because she is right in my eyes").
רלב"ג שופטים פרק יד
(ב) והתחכם למצוא תואנה מפלשתים כדי שיוכל להכותם ולזה בחר לקחת אשה מפלשתים כי בזה האופן חשב שישיג מבוקשו והנה אמרו ז"ל שהוא גיירה תחלה כי חלילה למי שהוא שופט ישראל שיתגאל בבנות הפלשתים ויהיה עובר על מה שהזהירה התורה מלהתחתן בם כ"ש הוא שהיה נזיר אלקים:
Ralbag on Judges 14:2
[MY TRANSLATION] (2) He was philosophizing on how to find a claim to attack the Philistines, and regarding this he chose [as his reason] the pretext of taking a Philistine woman as a wife because according to this plan he thought he'd be able to achieve his request. And thus our sages of blessed memory said that he convered her immediately because it would be degrading for a judge of Israel to be defiled by (or act as a redeeming kinsman to) a Philistine daughter, and thus transgress what the Torah warns against "from intermarrying with them" (Deuteronomy 7:3); all the more so since he is a Nazirite (who made an oath to God).
מַתְנִי׳ שִׁמְשׁוֹן הָלַךְ אַחַר עֵינָיו לְפִיכָךְ נִקְּרוּ פְּלִשְׁתִּים אֶת עֵינָיו שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר וַיֹּאחֲזוּהוּ פְלִשְׁתִּים וַיְנַקְּרוּ אֶת עֵינָיו
גְּמָ׳ תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן שִׁמְשׁוֹן בְּעֵינָיו מָרַד שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר וַיֹּאמֶר שִׁמְשׁוֹן אֶל אָבִיו אוֹתָהּ קַח לִי כִּי הִיא יָשְׁרָה בְעֵינָי לְפִיכָךְ נִקְּרוּ פְּלִשְׁתִּים אֶת עֵינָיו שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר וַיֹּאחֲזוּהוּ פְלִשְׁתִּים וַיְנַקְּרוּ אֶת עֵינָיו אִינִי וְהָכְתִיב וְאָבִיו וְאִמּוֹ לֹא יָדְעוּ כִּי מֵה׳ הִיא כִּי אֲזַל מִיהָא בָּתַר יַשְׁרוּתֵיהּ אֲזַל תַּנְיָא רַבִּי אוֹמֵר תְּחִילַּת קִלְקוּלוֹ בְּעַזָּה לְפִיכָךְ לָקָה בְּעַזָּה תְּחִילַּת קִלְקוּלוֹ בְּעַזָּה דִּכְתִיב וַיֵּלֶךְ שִׁמְשׁוֹן עַזָּתָה וַיַּרְא שָׁם אִשָּׁה זוֹנָה וְגוֹ׳ לְפִיכָךְ לָקָה בְּעַזָּה דִּכְתִיב וַיּוֹרִידוּ אוֹתוֹ עַזָּתָהּ וְהָכְתִיב וַיֵּרֶד שִׁמְשׁוֹן תִּמְנָתָה תְּחִלַּת קִלְקוּלוֹ מִיהָא בְּעַזָּה הֲוָה
MISHNA: The mishna provides additional examples of people who were treated by Heaven commensurate with their actions. Samson followed his eyes, therefore he was punished measure for measure, as the Philistines gouged out his eyes, as it is stated: “And the Philistines laid hold on him, and put out his eyes” (Judges 16:21)...
GEMARA: The Sages taught (Tosefta 3:15): Samson rebelled with his eyes, as it is stated: “Then his father and his mother said to him: Is there never a woman among the daughters of your brethren, or among all my people, that you go out to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said to his father: Get her for me; for she is pleasant in my eyes” (Judges 14:3). Therefore, the Philistines gouged out his eyes, as it is stated: “And the Philistines laid hold on him, and put out his eyes” (Judges 16:21). The Gemara asks: Is that so? But isn’t it written: “But his father and his mother knew not that it was from the Lord; as he sought a subterfuge against the Philistines” (Judges 14:4), indicating that Samson’s searching for a Philistine wife was due to a Divine mission? The Gemara answers: Although God did plan the punishment of the Philistines, in any event when he went, he followed his inclination and did not act for the sake of Heaven. It is taught in a baraita in the Tosefta (3:15): Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi says: His initial wrongdoing was in Gaza, and therefore he was smitten in Gaza. The Gemara explains: His initial wrongdoing was in Gaza, as it is written: “And Samson went to Gaza, and saw there a harlot, and went in unto her” (Judges 16:1). Therefore, he was smitten in Gaza, as it is written: “And the Philistines laid hold on him, and put out his eyes; and they brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison-house” (Judges 16:21). The Gemara asks: But isn’t it written earlier: “And Samson went down to Timnah, and saw a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines” (Judges 14:1), indicating that his initial wrongdoing was in Timnah? The Gemara answers: In any event, his initial wrongdoing was in Gaza, for at least he had married the woman in Timnah; in Gaza, Samson never wed the woman but only engaged in sexual intercourse with her.
כִּי אֲזַל מִיהָא בָּתַר יַשְׁרוּתֵיהּ אֲזַל. קשא איך שמשון שהיה גדול הדור והיה גלגול נדב בן אהרן הכהן ע"ה יכשל בכך לילך אחר ישרות עיניו לישא בת אל נכר? גם אומרו כִּי מֵהֳ' הִיא (שופטים יד, ד) איך יהיה רצון מאת ה׳ שיבעול בת אל נכר? ואם כדי להתגרות בפלשתים לטובת ישראל יהיה על ידי סיבה אחרת, ולמה נעשית הסיבה באופן זה שהוא מגונה מאד?ונראה לי בס"ד דמצינו בדברי המקובלים ז"ל שהביא הגאון חיד"א בחומת אנך בענין שלמה המלך ע"ה איך עלה על לבו לישא נשים נכריות? ואמרו דכונתו היתה כדי לברר ניצוצי קדושה אשר באומות ההם על ידי ביאתו עליהם
אך לא כיון בזה על האמת כי בירור ניצוצי קדושה שנעשה בנפילת אפיים הוא שישלח נפשו למדור הקליפות לברר משם ניצוצי קדושה אך הוא הביא אותם נכריות לביתו ועשאם מלכות ועל ידי כך נתגברו ולא נעשה הבירור עיין שם.וכן הענין כאן שיש ניצוצי קדושה בקליפת פלשתים שאי אפשר לבררם מהם אלא על ידי ביאה שיבא עליהם בתשמיש המטה וגם שמשון ע"ה נתכוון לכך כדי לברר ניצוצי קדושה מקליפת פלשתים על ידי ביאתו שיבא על בנותיהם ונתחכם גם כן בדבר זה שהוא ילך אצלם כדוגמת נפילת אפיים ולא יביאם אצלו ועל זה נאמר 'כִּי מֵהֳ' הִיא כִּי תֹאֲנָה הוּא מְבַקֵּשׁ מִפְּלִשְׁתִּים' והתואנה הוא על ניצוצי קדושה להוציא מקליפת פלשתים.
בזה יובן הטעם דאמר לקמן שֶׁבֵּרְכוֹ בְּאַמָּתוֹ אַמָּתוֹ שיהיה זַרְעוֹ כְּנַחַל שׁוֹטֵף, והיינו להורות כי מן השמים היה רצון בדבר זה בשביל הבירור.
[MY TRANSLATION] In any event he followed after his inclination...It is difficult [to understand] how Samson, who was the greatest of his generation and made an oath by extension from Nadav son of Aaron the Priest (peace be upon him), failed to do what was right in (his???) eyes and married a daughter of a foreign god? [The text] also says "it was the will of God" (Judges 14:4) - how is it possible to be the will of God for a [Jew] to have sexual relations with a daughter of a foreign god? And if it was possible to convert the Philistines (or make the Philistines resident aliens among the Jews???) for the good of Israel, wouldn't it have been done for a different reason? Why is the reason given here (i.e. "Get me that one for she pleases me (Judges 14:3) so disgraceful?
It seems to me (with God's help) that we find [the answer] by way of the Kabbalists (may their memories be a blessing) that the Great Chida brought [this issue up] in a straight way, regarding King Solomon (peace be upon him): How could he desire to marry foreign women? And they answered that [King Somon's] intent was to uncover the holy sparks among the nations of the world via having sexual relations with them.
However, this intention is not truthful because uncovering the holy sparks via falling on your face (maybe prayer???) means sending one's soul to dwell among the Klipot in order to uncover from their the sparks of holiness. However, he brought foreign women to his home and made them part of his kigndom, and by doing so they (i.e. the foreign women) became stronger, and it was not possible to uncover [the sparks] there.
Thus, the issue here (re: Samson) is that there are holy sparks among the Klipat of the Philistines that is impossible to uncover except through sexual relations. And also Samson (peace be upon him) intended to uncover the holy sparks from the Klipah of the Philistines by way of having sexual relations with their daughters, and will become wise in this regard such that he will travel among them like the example of falling upon your face, and he will not bring them with him. And for this [reason] the text says "it was the will of God for he was seeking a pretext against the Philistines" (Judg 14:4). And the pretext was the holy sparks to remove from the Klipah of the Philistines.
Another deficiency of Samson's [thinking in this regard] is that his intention was not strictly for [sanctifying] God's name, as opposed to Yael having sexual relations with Sisera (Judges 4:17-22), rather his intention [to sanctify God's name] was mixed together with his earthly and wrong desire, and since his wrong desire was mixed with his good desire, he was punished (in God's eyes????).
With this one can understand the reason said later (Sotah 10a) that "he was blessed with a penis [like a mature man] whose seed is like an overflowing river," that it comes to teach clearly that his desire in this manner comes from heaven.
And regarding this issue our sages of blessed memory teach in the midrash (Genesis Rabbah 98:13) that Samson said "Creator of the World, at the time in which one is thirsty for water if there isn't anything between me and between [the uncircumcised Philistines] other than circumcision, it is worthwhile for him to not fall in their hands!" And it is important to understand why he was disgusted by [the lack of] circumcision, aren't there many [differences] in the mitzvot between [Samson] and the Philistines? And from this one can surmise that when a male's organ is circumcised, it is blessed by God so that his seed will be like an overflowing river. And if it wasn't a desire from God to take the daughters [of the Philistines], why did [God???] assist in increasing his seed? And thus his accuser should not open his mouth regarding Samson taking the daughters [of the Philistines] at a time of danger! And this metaphor of one's increase in seed as water that blesses him like an overflowing river at this time in which one is thirsty for water, is hinted at in order to shut the mouth of the accuser.
The Gemara (Sotah 9b) and Abarbanel are disquieted by the fact that Samson takes a Philistine woman even though he's a Nazirite and a leader of Israel. Alshich and Ralbag argue that the Philistine woman converted before Samson took her as a wife. Abarbanel answers his own question by saying that leaders are flawed and just because he's a Nazirite it did not mean he followed God with everything he did. Instead, he saw his vow as being limited to abstaining from the items indicated explicitly in the vow (i.e. no wine and no cutting hair). Being a Nazirite had no impact on his choice of a spouse. Meanwhile, Ben Yehoyada offers an explanation for Samson and Solomon that their marriages with foreign women were ways to redeem the sparks of light within those nations (כדי לבורר ניצוצי קדושה).

(א) וְהַמֶּ֣לֶךְ שְׁלֹמֹ֗ה אָהַ֞ב נָשִׁ֧ים נׇכְרִיּ֛וֹת רַבּ֖וֹת וְאֶת־בַּת־פַּרְעֹ֑ה מוֹאֲבִיּ֤וֹת עַמֳּנִיּוֹת֙ אֲדֹ֣מִיֹּ֔ת צֵֽדְנִיֹּ֖ת חִתִּיֹּֽת׃ (ב) מִן־הַגּוֹיִ֗ם אֲשֶׁ֣ר אָֽמַר־ה׳ אֶל־בְּנֵ֨י יִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל לֹא־תָבֹ֣אוּ בָהֶ֗ם וְהֵם֙ לֹא־יָבֹ֣אוּ בָכֶ֔ם אָכֵן֙ יַטּ֣וּ אֶת־לְבַבְכֶ֔ם אַחֲרֵ֖י אֱלֹהֵיהֶ֑ם בָּהֶ֛ם דָּבַ֥ק שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה לְאַהֲבָֽה׃ (ג) וַיְהִי־ל֣וֹ נָשִׁ֗ים שָׂרוֹת֙ שְׁבַ֣ע מֵא֔וֹת וּפִלַגְשִׁ֖ים שְׁלֹ֣שׁ מֵא֑וֹת וַיַּטּ֥וּ נָשָׁ֖יו אֶת־לִבּֽוֹ׃ (ד) וַיְהִ֗י לְעֵת֙ זִקְנַ֣ת שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה נָשָׁיו֙ הִטּ֣וּ אֶת־לְבָב֔וֹ אַחֲרֵ֖י אֱלֹקִ֣ים אֲחֵרִ֑ים וְלֹא־הָיָ֨ה לְבָב֤וֹ שָׁלֵם֙ עִם־ה׳ אֱלֹקָ֔יו כִּלְבַ֖ב דָּוִ֥יד אָבִֽיו׃
(1) King Solomon loved many foreign women in addition to Pharaoh’s daughter—Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Phoenician, and Hittite women, (2) from the nations of which the LORD had said to the Israelites, “None of you shall join them and none of them shall join you, lest they turn your heart away to follow their gods.” Such Solomon clung to and loved. (3) He had seven hundred royal wives and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned his heart away. (4) In his old age, his wives turned away Solomon’s heart after other gods, and he was not as wholeheartedly devoted to the LORD his God as his father David had been.
(כו) הֲל֣וֹא עַל־אֵ֣לֶּה חָטָֽא־שְׁלֹמֹ֣ה מֶ֣לֶךְ יִשְׂרָאֵ֡ל וּבַגּוֹיִ֣ם הָרַבִּים֩ לֹֽא־הָיָ֨ה מֶ֜לֶךְ כָּמֹ֗הוּ וְאָה֤וּב לֵֽאלֹקָיו֙ הָיָ֔ה וַיִּתְּנֵ֣הוּ אֱלֹקִ֔ים מֶ֖לֶךְ עַל־כׇּל־יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל גַּם־אוֹת֣וֹ הֶחֱטִ֔יאוּ הַנָּשִׁ֖ים הַנׇּכְרִיּֽוֹת׃ (כז) וְלָכֶ֣ם הֲנִשְׁמַ֗ע לַעֲשֹׂת֙ אֵ֣ת כׇּל־הָרָעָ֤ה הַגְּדוֹלָה֙ הַזֹּ֔את לִמְעֹ֖ל בֵּֽאלֹקֵ֑ינוּ לְהֹשִׁ֖יב נָשִׁ֥ים נׇכְרִיּֽוֹת׃
(26) It was just in such things that King Solomon of Israel sinned! Among the many nations there was not a king like him, and so well loved was he by his God that God made him king of all Israel, yet foreign wives caused even him to sin. (27) How, then, can we acquiesce in your doing this great wrong, breaking faith with our God by marrying foreign women?”
Antiquities of the Jews (Book 8:7:5-7)
(5)But although Solomon was become the most glorious of kings, and the best beloved by God, and had exceeded in wisdom and riches those that had been rulers of the Hebrews before him, yet did not he persevere in this happy state till he died. Nay, he forsook the observation of the laws of his fathers, and came to an end no way suitable to our foregoing history of him. He grew mad in his love of women, and laid no restraint on himself in his lusts; nor was he satisfied with the women of his country alone, but he married many wives out of foreign nations; Sidontans, and Tyrians, and Ammonites, and Edomites; and he transgressed the laws of Moses, which forbade Jews to marry any but those that were of their own people. He also began to worship their gods, which he did in order to the gratification of his wives, and out of his affection for them. This very thing our legislator suspected, and so admonished us beforehand, that we should not marry women of other countries, lest we should be entangled with foreign customs, and apostatize from our own; lest we should leave off to honor our own God, and should worship their gods. But Solomon was fallen headlong into unreasonable pleasures, and regarded not those admonitions; for when he had married seven hundred wives, the daughters of princes and of eminent persons, and three hundred concubines, and those besides the king of Egypt's daughter, he soon was governed by them, till he came to imitate their practices. He was forced to give them this demonstration of his kindness and affection to them, to live according to the laws of their countries. And as he grew into years, and his reason became weaker by length of time, it was not sufficient to recall to his mind the institutions of his own country; so he still more and more condemned his own God, and continued to regard the gods that his marriages had introduced nay, before this happened, he sinned, and fell into an error about the observation of the laws, when he made the images of brazen oxen that supported the brazen sea, and the images of lions about his own throne; for these he made, although it was not agreeable to piety so to do; and this he did, notwithstanding that he had his father as a most excellent and domestic pattern of virtue, and knew what a glorious character he had left behind him, because of his piety towards God. Nor did he imitate David, although God had twice appeared to him in his sleep, and exhorted him to imitate his father. So he died ingloriously.
There came therefore a prophet to him, who was sent by God, and told him that his wicked actions were not concealed from God; and threatened him that he should not long rejoice in what he had done; that, indeed, the kingdom should not be taken from him while he was alive, because God had promised to his father David that he would make him his successor, but that he would take care that this should befall his son when he was dead; not that he would withdraw all the people from him, but that he would give ten tribes to a servant of his, and leave only two tribes to David's grandson for his sake, because he loved God, and for the sake of the city of Jerusalem, wherein he should have a temple.
(6) When Solomon heard this he was grieved, and greatly confounded, upon this change of almost all that happiness which had made him to be admired, into so bad a state; nor had there much time passed after the prophet had foretold what was coming before God raised up an enemy against him, whose name was Ader, who took the following occasion of his enmity to him. He was a child of the stock of the Edomites, and of the blood royal; and when Joab, the captain of David's host, laid waste the land of Edom, and destroyed all that were men grown, and able to bear arms, for six months' time, this Hadad fled away, and came to Pharaoh the king of Egypt, who received him kindly, and assigned him a house to dwell in, and a country to supply him with food; and when he was grown up he loved him exceedingly, insomuch that he gave him his wife's sister, whose name was Tahpenes, to wife, by whom he had a son; who was brought up with the king's children. When Hadad heard in Egypt that both David and Joab were dead, he came to Pharaoh, and desired that he would permit him to go to his own country; upon which the king asked what it was that he wanted, and what hardship he had met with, that he was so desirous to leave him. And when he was often troublesome to him, and entreated him to dismiss him, he did not then do it; but at the time when Solomon's affairs began to grow worse, on account of his forementioned transgressions and God's anger against him for the same, Hadad, by Pharaoh's permission, came to Edom; and when he was not able to make the people forsake Solomon, for it was kept under by many garrisons, and an innovation was not to be made with safety, he removed thence, and came into Syria; there he lighted upon one Rezon, who had run away from Hadadezer, king of Zobah, his master, and was become a robber in that country, and joined friendship with him, who had already a band of robbers about him. So he went up, and seized upon that part of Syria, and was made king thereof. He also made incursions into the land of Israel, and did it no small mischief, and spoiled it, and that in the lifetime of Solomon. And this was the calamity which the Hebrews suffered by Hadad.
(7) There was also one of Solomon's own nation that made an attempt against him, Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who had an expectation of rising, from a prophecy that had been made to him long before. He was left a child by his father, and brought up by his mother; and when Solomon saw that he was of an active and bold disposition, he made him the curator of the walls which he built round about Jerusalem; and he took such care of those works, that the king approved of his behavior, and gave him, as a reward for the same, the charge of the tribe of Joseph. And when about that time Jeroboam was once going out of Jerusalem, a prophet of the city Shilo, whose name was Ahijah, met him and saluted him; and when he had taken him a little aside to a place out of the way, where there was not one other person present, he rent the garment he had on into twelve pieces, and bid Jeroboam take ten of them; and told him beforehand, that "this is the will of God; he will part the dominion of Solomon, and give one tribe, with that which is next it, to his son, because of the promise made to David for his succession, and will have ten tribes to thee, because Solomon hath sinned against him, and delivered up himself to women, and to their gods. Seeing therefore thou knowest the cause for which God hath changed his mind, and is alienated from Solomon, be thou
(8) So Jeroboam was elevated by these words of the prophet; and being a young man, of a warm temper, and ambitious of greatness, he could not be quiet; and when he had so great a charge in the government, and called to mind what had been revealed to him by Ahijah, he endeavored to persuade the people to forsake Solomon, to make a disturbance, and to bring the government over to himself. But when Solomon understood his intention and treachery, he sought to catch him and kill him; but Jeroboam was informed of it beforehand, and fled to Shishak, the king of Egypt, and there abode till the death of Solomon; by which means he gained these two advantages to suffer no harm from Solomon, and to be preserved for the kingdom. So Solomon died when he was already an old man, having reigned eighty years, and lived ninety-four. He was buried in Jerusalem, having been superior to all other kings in happiness, and riches, and wisdom, excepting that when he was growing into years he was deluded by women, and transgressed the law; concerning which transgressions, and the miseries which befell the Hebrews thereby, I think proper to discourse at another opportunity.
1) אָמַר רַבִּי שְׁמוּאֵל בַּר נַחְמָנִי אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹנָתָן: כׇּל הָאוֹמֵר שְׁלֹמֹה חָטָא אֵינוֹ אֶלָּא טוֹעֶה, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: ״וְלֹא הָיָה לְבָבוֹ שָׁלֵם עִם ה׳ אֱלֹקָיו כִּלְבַב דָּוִד אָבִיו״ — כִּלְבַב דָּוִד אָבִיו הוּא דְּלָא הֲוָה, מִיחְטָא נָמֵי לָא חֲטָא.
2) אֶלָּא מָה אֲנִי מְקַיֵּים ״וַיְהִי לְעֵת זִקְנַת שְׁלֹמֹה נָשָׁיו הִטּוּ אֶת לְבָבוֹ״ — הַהִיא כְּרַבִּי נָתָן. דְּרַבִּי נָתָן רָמֵי, כְּתִיב: ״וַיְהִי לְעֵת זִקְנַת שְׁלֹמֹה נָשָׁיו הִטּוּ אֶת לְבָבוֹ״,
3) וְהָכְתִיב: ״כִּלְבַב דָּוִד אָבִיו״ — כִּלְבַב דָּוִד אָבִיו הוּא דְּלָא הֲוָה מִיחְטָא נָמֵי לָא חֲטָא! הָכִי קָאָמַר: ״וַיְהִי לְעֵת זִקְנַת שְׁלֹמֹה נָשָׁיו הִטּוּ אֶת לְבָבוֹ לָלֶכֶת אַחֲרֵי אֱלֹקִים אֲחֵרִים״ — וְלֹא הָלַךְ.
4) וְהָכְתִיב: ״אָז יִבְנֶה שְׁלֹמֹה בָּמָה לִכְמוֹשׁ שִׁקֻּץ מוֹאָב״ — שֶׁבִּקֵּשׁ לִבְנוֹת וְלֹא בָּנָה.
5) אֶלָּא מֵעַתָּה: ״אָז יִבְנֶה יְהוֹשֻׁעַ מִזְבֵּחַ לַה׳״ — שֶׁבִּקֵּשׁ לִבְנוֹת וְלֹא בָּנָה?! אֶלָּא דִּבְנָה, הָכָא נָמֵי דִּבְנָה! אֶלָּא כִּדְתַנְיָא, רַבִּי יוֹסֵי אוֹמֵר: ״וְאֶת הַבָּמוֹת אֲשֶׁר עַל פְּנֵי יְרוּשָׁלִַים אֲשֶׁר מִימִין לְהַר הַמִּשְׁחָה אֲשֶׁר בָּנָה שְׁלֹמֹה מֶלֶךְ יִשְׂרָאֵל לְעַשְׁתֹּרֶת שִׁקֻּץ צִידֹנִים וְגוֹ׳״. אֶפְשָׁר בָּא אָסָא וְלֹא בִּיעֲרָם, יְהוֹשָׁפָט וְלֹא בִּיעֲרָם, עַד שֶׁבָּא יֹאשִׁיָּה וּבִיעֲרָם? וַהֲלֹא כׇּל עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה שֶׁבְּאֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל אָסָא וִיהוֹשָׁפָט בִּיעֲרוּם! אֶלָּא מַקִּישׁ רִאשׁוֹנִים לָאַחֲרוֹנִים, מָה אַחֲרוֹנִים לֹא עָשׂוּ וְתָלָה בָּהֶן לְשֶׁבַח, אַף רִאשׁוֹנִים לֹא עָשׂוּ וְתָלָה בָּהֶן לִגְנַאי.
6) וְהָכְתִיב: ״וַיַּעַשׂ שְׁלֹמֹה הָרַע בְּעֵינֵי ה׳״! אֶלָּא מִפְּנֵי שֶׁהָיָה לוֹ לִמְחוֹת בְּנָשָׁיו וְלֹא מִיחָה מַעֲלֶה עָלָיו הַכָּתוּב כְּאִלּוּ חָטָא.
7) אָמַר רַב יְהוּדָה אָמַר שְׁמוּאֵל: נוֹחַ לוֹ לְאוֹתוֹ צַדִּיק שֶׁיְּהֵא שַׁמָּשׁ לְדָבָר אַחֵר, וְאַל יִכָּתֵב בּוֹ ״וַיַּעַשׂ הָרָע בְּעֵינֵי ה׳״.
8) אָמַר רַב יְהוּדָה אָמַר שְׁמוּאֵל: בְּשָׁעָה שֶׁנָּשָׂא שְׁלֹמֹה אֶת בַּת פַּרְעֹה, הִכְנִיסָה לוֹ אֶלֶף מִינֵי זֶמֶר, וְאָמְרָה לוֹ כָּךְ עוֹשִׂין לַעֲבוֹדָה זָרָה פְּלוֹנִית, וְכָךְ עוֹשִׂים לַעֲבוֹדָה זָרָה פְּלוֹנִית, וְלֹא מִיחָה בָּהּ.
9) אָמַר רַב יְהוּדָה אָמַר שְׁמוּאֵל: בְּשָׁעָה שֶׁנָּשָׂא שְׁלֹמֹה אֶת בַּת פַּרְעֹה יָרַד גַּבְרִיאֵל וְנָעַץ קָנֶה בַּיָּם וְעָלָה בּוֹ שִׂירְטוֹן, וְעָלָיו נִבְנָה כְּרַךְ גָּדוֹל [שֶׁל רוֹמִי].
1) Rabbi Shmuel bar Naḥmani said that Rabbi Yonatan said: Anyone who says that King Solomon sinned is nothing other than mistaken, as it is stated: “And his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David, his father” (I Kings 11:4). By inference: Solomon’s heart was not equal to the heart of David, his father; however, he also did not sin.
2) However, how then do I establish the meaning of the verse: “For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods” (I Kings 11:4)? That verse is in accordance with the statement of Rabbi Natan; as Rabbi Natan raised a contradiction between the two parts of the verse. On the one hand, it is written: “For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods.”
3) On the other hand, isn’t it written: “And his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father,” indicating that Solomon’s heart was not equal to the heart of David his father; however, he also did not sin? Rather, the verse says as follows: For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart, in an attempt to spur him to go after other gods; however, he did not go after them.
4) The Gemara asks: Isn’t it written: “Then did Solomon build [yivne] an altar for Kemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon” (I Kings 11:7), indicating that Solomon did in fact stray after idols? The Gemara answers: This can be understood to mean that Solomon sought to build an altar for idols but did not build it.
5) The Gemara objects: But now if that is the way to understand the future tense verb form yivne, what of another instance where the same form is employed: “Then did Joshua build [yivne] an altar to the Lord God of Israel in Mount Eival” (Joshua 8:30)? There too, would you say that Joshua sought to build an altar but did not build one? Rather, there, in the case of Joshua, it means that he actually built it. Here too, with regard to Solomon, it means that he actually built the altar. Rather, this verse should be understood as it was taught in a baraita that Rabbi Yosei says: The verse states: “And the altars that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the Mount of Olives, which Solomon the king of Israel had built for Ashtoret the abomination of the Zidonim, and for Kemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Milkom the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king defile” (II Kings 23:13). All these were destroyed by Josiah. The Gemara asks: Is it possible that the righteous king Asa came and did not destroy them, and the righteous king Jehosaphat came and did not destroy them until Josiah came and destroyed them? Didn’t Asa and Jehosaphat destroy all the idolatry in Eretz Yisrael? Rather, the verse juxtaposes the earlier ones, i.e., Solomon, to the later ones, i.e., Josiah. Just as the later ones, Josiah, did not effect the destruction of the altars, as it was done by his predecessors, and nevertheless the verse attributes it to him to praise him as if he had destroyed all those altars, so too, the earlier ones, Solomon, did not effect the construction, and nevertheless the verse attributes it to him to disgrace him as he did not prevent their construction.
6) The Gemara raises another question. Isn’t it written: “And Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord” (I Kings 11:6), clearly indicating that Solomon sinned? Rather, since he should have protested against the conduct of his wives, i.e., their involvement in idolatry, but he did not protest, the verse ascribes to him liability as if he had sinned.
7) Rav Yehuda said that Shmuel said: It would have been preferable for that righteous man, Solomon, to be a servant tasked with drawing water and hewing wood for another matter, i.e., idolatry, and not have the verse write about him: “And he did evil in the sight of the Lord,” even though he did not.
8) Rav Yehuda said that Shmuel said: When Solomon married Pharaoh’s daughter, she brought to him a thousand musical instruments and said to him: This is the way we do it for this idolatry, and this is the way we do it for that idolatry, and he did not protest that talk.
9) Rav Yehuda said that Shmuel said: When Solomon married Pharaoh’s daughter, the angel Gabriel descended from heaven and implanted a reed into the sea, and a sandbar grew around it, growing larger each year, and upon it the great city of Rome was built, which became God’s instrument to punish Israel.
והפסוקים האלה מורים על חטאו, ויקשה אם כן למה נטו חז"ל מפשוטיהם? והנראה בדבר הזה הוא, שבאו אליו מסברא ישרה ומהוראת הכתובים. אם מדרך הסברא, כי בהיות שלמה חכם כמלאך האלקים, איך יתכן להאמין שנטה לבבו להאמנת ההבלים והשקוצים אשר היו מאמינים האומות הסכלות ההם?
ואם הוא ע"ה נחכם מכל האדם בידיעת האלקיות והשגת מציאותו יתברך, כמו שיורו עליו דבריו הטובים והישרים, איך אם כן עזב האמת והאמין בשוא נתעה?
וזה ממה שיורה שאדם כמוהו חלילה וחס שיהיה עובד ע"ז. ועוד שאם היה שנטה להאמין בע"ז ולעבדה, איך יתכן שיאמין בכל האלוהות יחד בעשתרות אלקי הצידונים ובמלכום שקוץ העמונים ובכמוש שקוץ מואב ובשאר האלהות כלם?! כי הנה האומות היו מתחלפות באמונתם וכל אחת מהם היתה עובדת ע"ז אחת ומכחשת אלוק זולתה, ולא היה מהם מי שיאמין בכלם, כי יהיה ענינו קבוץ המקבילים או ההפכים יחד כפי אמונתם.
ואחרי אשר ראינו שייחס לשלמה כל האלוקות האלה, ראוי שנאמין שלא היה ענינו האמונה בהם והעבודה לכלם יחד ולא לאחד מהם?
ואמנם מדרך הוראת הכתובים, לפי שהכתוב אמר ראשונה "ויהי לעת זקנת שלמה נשיו הטו את לבבו אחרי אלקים אחרים" (מלכים א' יא:ד). ואם היה הכוונה במאמר הזה שהאמין בהם ועבדם, לא היו ראוי שיאמר אחריו מיד "ולא היה לבבו שלם עם ה׳ אלקיו כלבב דוד אביו" (מלכים א' יא:ד), כי היחס ימצא בין הדברים שהם ממין אחד לא כאשר הם ממינים או מסוגים מתחלפים. ואם היה שלמה עובד ע"ז ודוד אביו תם וישר ירא אלקים לא היה ביניהם אם כן בשלמות יחס כלל, לומר שלא היה לבבו שלם עם ה׳ כלבב דוד אביו, גם אמרו וילך שלמה אחרי עשתרות אלקי צידונים ואחרי מלכום שקוץ עמונים, אם היה הכוונ' בהליכה ההיא שהאמין באלהותם והשתחוה להם ועבדם, איך יאמר אחריו ולא מלא אחרי ה׳ כדוד אביו?
והוא המורה שחטא שלמה אבל לא בעבדו הע"ז ההיא חלילה, גם מה שאמר אז יבנה שלמה במה לכמוש וגו', אם היה הכוונה שבנה אותה במה לעבוד בה הע"ז ההיא, איך אמר אחריו וכן עשה לכל נשיו הנכריות מקטירות ומזבחות לאלוקיהן? יורה שבהן היה החטא והע"ז לא בשלמה,
גם אמרו ויתאנף ה׳ בשלמה כי נטה לבבו מעם ה׳ וגומר, אם היה חטאו שעבד ע"ז לא היה ראוי שיאמר כי נטה לבבו מעם ה׳ הנראה אליו וגו', אבל היה ראוי שיאמר כי פנית אל אלקים אחרים או כי זנית אחרי אלקי נכר הארץ כדברי משה עליו השלום (דברים ל"א ט"ז), או ותלך ותעשה לך אלקים אחרים ומסכות להכעיסני ואותי השלכת אחרי גוך, כמו שאמרו לירבעם (בסי' י"ד ט'), לא שיזכור לבד הנטייה מעם ה׳ שאפשר שיפורש על הפרד הדבקות ממנו יתברך לא על עבודת אלקים אחרים, ומפני הסבות האלה כלם ראו חז"ל ששלמה חס ושלום שיעבוד ע"ז, אבל שהיה חטאו שהניח לנשיו לעבוד ע"ז בהיותם עמו ולא מיחה בידיהן ולכן נחשב אליו כאלו עבדם.
ואני כבר כתבתי בשערים שקדמו בחכמת שלמה במה היה חטאו, רצה לומר בלמדו את נשיו דרכי העבודות המיוחסות לשרי העליונים הממונים על אומותיהם כדי להוריד מהם השפע על אותם אומות ולהיותו בחיר השם; היה עון גדול שיתעסק בידיעה ההיא,
וכל שכן שילמד אותה לנשיו שכבר נתגיירו והיו ישראליות, וכל שכן בשהניחם לעבוד אותם העבודות פתח שערי ירושלם העיר בחר אלקים לשבתו, וכמו שתראה שמה.
וכפי השרש הישר הזה נפרש פסוקי הפרשה, ואומר כי הנה ספר הכתוב שהמלך שלמה אהב נשים נכריות רבות ואת בת פרעה וגומר, להגיד כי נמשך אחרי תאות המשגל וחטא בו בשלשה אופנים. ראשונה בהגדיל האהבה והחשק הנמרץ לנשיו, והיה ראוי שלא יאהב אותן יותר מדאי ולא ימשך אחריהן, וזה רמז באמרו אהב נשים נכריות, ואמר בהם דבק שלמה לאהבה, כלומר שלא היה ענינו ענין האדם הנשוי אשה, כי אם ענין הנער החושק ונפשו קשורה בנפש חשוקתו.
וחטא שנית בהיותם נשים נכריות, אשר הזהירה התורה (דברים ז' ג') להתחתן בהם כדי שלא יטו לבב האנשים אחרי אלקיהם.
וחטא שלישית במה שלקח נשים רבות, לפי שהתורה צותה (שם י"ז י"ז) ולא ירבה לו נשים ולא יסור לבבו, כי רבוי הנשים והמשגל יטעו השכל, וכמו שאמרו בפ' כהן גדול (סנהדרין דף כ"א ע"ב), א"ר יצחק מפני מה לא נתגלו טעמי תורה? שהרי שני מקראות נתגלו טעמם ונכשל בהם גדול העולם, שנאמר ולא ירבה לו נשים ולא יסור לבבו, אמר שלמה אני ארבה ולא אסור, וכתיב ויהיה לעת זקנת שלמה נשיו הטו את לבבו, ולא ירבה לו סוסים ולא ישיב את העם מצרימה, אמר שלמה אני ארבה ולא אשיב, וכתיב ותצא מרכבה ממצרים וגומר…
וכבר זכרתי בפרשה השנית מה שהיה בזה מהחטא, עם היות ששלמה גייר הנשים הנכריות קודם שלקחם, כי היה החטא אם להיות מקצתם אסורות לבא בקהל ה׳ גם אחרי שנתגיירו, ואם לפי שהיה ראוי לשלמה שידקדק בנשיו בעבור בניו כדי שיהיה זרעו שלם. באופן שיקים ה׳ את דברו הטוב אשר דבר לדוד אביו על קיום כסא ממלכתו אם ישמרו בניו תורתו, הלא תראה שרחבעם בן שלמה להיותו בן עמונית עשה הרע בעיני ה׳, כי (ב"ב ק"י ע"א) הבנים על הרוב דומים לטבע האם ולאחי האם כדבריהם ז"ל, הנה אם כן בזה ביאר ופרט האשם הראשון שזכר מנכריות.
[MY TRANSLATION]And these verses instruct us on [King Solomon's] sin, and it is difficult that [given what is said in this text] why did the sages deviate from its literal meaning? And it seems the issue here is, if we've come to the matter from correct thinking or from textual instructions. If it's according to reason, that Solomon is as wise as an angel of God, how is it possible to believe that his heart was inclined to believe in futile and detestable things that other nations believed?
And if [King Solomon] (peace be upon him) was wiser than all other people in knowledge of God's existence, such as how God instructed him on many good and positive things, how can it be so that [King Solomon] left the path of truth and believed in a straying falsehood?
And from this comes the instruction that a man like him (heaven forbid!) will commit idolatry. As well, that if it was possible for [King Solomon] to believe in idolatry and its practice, how is it possible for him to believe in all that is God together with the Ashatrot, the god of the Phoenecians, and Molech, the detestable [god] of the Ammonites, and Chemush, the detestable [god] of the Moabites, and all the other [false] gods?! All of these nations, who are mixed up in their faith, commited idolatry to only one [god] and denied faith in the other gods. And there aren't any who believed in all of them, that is to say [one] only gathers an assembly of idols (i.e. other gods) that work together with one's belief.
And after we see all these gods attached/connected to Solomon, is it plausible to believe that it was not his intent to believe in them rather only to unite [that which is common] from them OR is it plausible to believe that [idolaters] could only believe in gods that are logical to them and that Solomon [who is the wisest of all] would not believe in even one of the [false gods]?
And [one can see this point] in the text as the text says at first "And when Solomon was old his wives forced his heart to stray after different gods" (1 Kings 11:4). And if the intent of this text is that he believed in them and worshiped them, it is not suitable for the text to immediately say afterwards, "and his heart was not full with HASHEM his God like the heart of his father David" (1 Kings 11:4), for the connection between the parts of a verse depends on how they relate to a single matter; [you] do not [find a connection within a single verse] on matters that are not shared one with the other. [But if one was to say that the matter of verse 4 is the same for both parts of the verse, that would would mean] Solomon worshiped idolatry and David was perfect and straight, fear of God would not be something they shared between them [thus the two different parts do not make sense together in one verse], all the more so there would not be any relationship [between Solomon & David]. That is to say, the text not only says “his heart was not as full of Hashem as the heart of his father David,” but also “And Solomon went after Ashteroth, the God of the Ziddonites, and after Malkum, the idol of the Ammonites.” If the purpose of the [earlier part of the] verse is to indicate he followed the other gods since he believed in them and worshiped them, how does it say afterward that his heart was not as full as his father David?
And this verse comes to teach that Solomon sinned but did not worship idolatry (God forbid!), which is also the teaching of the text re: “And Solomon built for Kemosh, etc.” If his intent was to build it in order to worship idolatry, why does it say afterwards “he did this for his foreign wives to worship their gods”? This instructs us it was a sin, and not a full act of idolatry.
The text also says “And God was angry with Solomon because his heart turned away from God, etc” (1 Kings 11:9). If his sin was doing idolatry, why [did the text] say “he is heart turned from God?” Instead it should say “his turned towards other gods” or he strayed after false gods of the land,” as Moses (peace be upon him) said in Deuteronomy 31:16), or [the text could have said, as it does about Jerobaom, “and you have gone and made for yourself other gods and molten images to anger me; and Me you have cast behind your back” (1 Kings 14:9). The text would not have simply mentioned that [Solomon’s heart] turned away from God because it’s possible to explain the separation of his connection with God [on other reasons] no on [reasons] related to idolatry, and because of these other reasons, all of Chazal did not commit idolatry, rather his sin was that placated (?) his wives’ sins of idolatry with him instead of wiping their idolatry away, and thus it was thought that he worshiped them.
I previously wrote that it was in Solomon’s wisdom that was his sin, that is to say, [his sin] was in teaching his wives the ways to worship their specific gods in order to bring down God’s shefa (abundance) on those nations so that they choose God; Solomon’s great sin was working with this idea in mind.
All the more so was Solomon’s sin that he taught this to his wives who already converted to Judaism, and all the more so that he engaged in this worship at the gates of Jerusalem where God chose to rest, and other points you can see there.
And due to this correct motivation the text counters with the opening lines of this section, saying that King Solomon “loved many foreign wives and the daughter of Pharaoh, etc.” in order to say that he followed his sexual desires and thus committed three sins. The first and greatest sin was his urgent love and desire for his wives, and it is possible that he did not love them so greatly and he did not follow after them, which is why the text hints at his craven desire by saying “he loved foreign women,” and the text says “Solomon cleaved to them with love,” that is to say this was not a matter of a man taking a wife but rather a matter of a young boy choosing to follow his desire.
And his second sin was that they were foreign women, since the Torah warned (Deuteronomy 7:3) “Do not intermarry with them” so that they will not turn the hearts of men away from their God.
And the third sin is that he took many wives, since the Torah commands (Deuteronomy 17:17) “do not increase your wives and do not turn your heart,” because more wives and desire will cause your mind to falter and thus it is mentioned in Chapter “Kohen Gadol” (Sanhedrin 21b), “Rabbi Isaac said, ‘Why are the reasons of Torah not revealed? Because there are two teachings in which the Torah also gives its reasons, but the greatest in the world [i.e. King Solomon] failed to follow them. As Torah says “Do not increase your wives for your heart will stray,” Solomon said, “I will increase and I will not turn my heart,” yet the text says “in his old age his wives turned his heart. Torah also says “Do not increase your horses and do not return to Egypt.” Solomon said, I will increase and I will not return,” however the text says “and a chariot went out of Egypt, etc.” “return,” and text says “And you took the caravan from Egypt, etc.”…
And I already mentioned in the second section what was such a sin since Solomon converted his foreign wives prior to taking them [as his wives]. The sin was that they were partially forbidden to enter God’s community even after they were converted, and even if Solomon properly vetted his wives for the sake of his sons so that his seed would be perfect. Given that God established David’s kingship under the premise that his children would guard God’s Torah, is it not surprising to see that Rehoboam, son of Solomon, was the daughter of an Ammonite, and thus “did evil in the eyes of God,”? [We should not be surprised] because [as we learn in] (Baba Kama 110a) “Children are mostly similar to the nature of their mother and to the brothers of the mother” according to the words of the sages. Thus here is explained in detail the first sin as to why the text mentions “from foreign women.”
Though the biblical (1Kings 11 and Nehemiah 13) and Second Temple (Antiquities of the Jews) texts are clear that King Solomon sinned when taking foreign wives, the Talmud (Shabbat 56b) goes to great length to indicate that Solomon did not sin when he married women of other nations, nor did he sin when he built altars to their gods! Abarbanel is not sure why the rabbis of the Talmud would be so wary of saying that Solomon did not sin. It's clear to Abarbanel that Solomon did not believe in those gods, rather he built the altars because he was clinging to the love of his wives. His greatest sin was in believing that he could bring God's presence down upon the nations of his wives (להוריד מהם השפע על אותם אומות). This mistake is compounded by 3 sins: 1) clinging to love (and not to God); 2) disobeying the command in the Torah to not marry other nations (Deut 7:3), especially since "children will be most similar to their mother and their mother's family" (הבנים על הרוב דומים לטבע האם ולאחי האם); and 3) by marrying too many women who would take his mind off of Torah.
So what are the rabbis concerned about from the examples of Samson and Solomon? That they are putting their individual needs above the needs of the people. Thus, in Ezra's mind (see below) if you want to show loyalty to your people, you should rebuke spouses who would take you away from them.

(א) שִׁמְעוּ־זֹ֨את הַכֹּהֲנִ֜ים וְהַקְשִׁ֣יבוּ ׀ בֵּ֣ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל וּבֵ֤ית הַמֶּ֙לֶךְ֙ הַאֲזִ֔ינוּ כִּ֥י לָכֶ֖ם הַמִּשְׁפָּ֑ט כִּֽי־פַח֙ הֱיִיתֶ֣ם לְמִצְפָּ֔ה וְרֶ֖שֶׁת פְּרוּשָׂ֥ה עַל־תָּבֽוֹר׃ (ב) וְשַׁחֲטָ֥ה שֵׂטִ֖ים הֶעְמִ֑יקוּ וַאֲנִ֖י מוּסָ֥ר לְכֻלָּֽם׃ (ג) אֲנִי֙ יָדַ֣עְתִּי אֶפְרַ֔יִם וְיִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לֹֽא־נִכְחַ֣ד מִמֶּ֑נִּי כִּ֤י עַתָּה֙ הִזְנֵ֣יתָ אֶפְרַ֔יִם נִטְמָ֖א יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃ (ד) לֹ֤א יִתְּנוּ֙ מַ֣עַלְלֵיהֶ֔ם לָשׁ֖וּב אֶל־אֱלֹֽהֵיהֶ֑ם כִּ֣י ר֤וּחַ זְנוּנִים֙ בְּקִרְבָּ֔ם וְאֶת־ה' לֹ֥א יָדָֽעוּ׃ (ה) וְעָנָ֥ה גְאֽוֹן־יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל בְּפָנָ֑יו וְיִשְׂרָאֵ֣ל וְאֶפְרַ֗יִם יִכָּֽשְׁלוּ֙ בַּעֲוֺנָ֔ם כָּשַׁ֥ל גַּם־יְהוּדָ֖ה עִמָּֽם׃ (ו) בְּצֹאנָ֣ם וּבִבְקָרָ֗ם יֵֽלְכ֛וּ לְבַקֵּ֥שׁ אֶת־ה' וְלֹ֣א יִמְצָ֑אוּ חָלַ֖ץ מֵהֶֽם׃ (ז) בַּה' בָּגָ֔דוּ כִּֽי־בָנִ֥ים זָרִ֖ים יָלָ֑דוּ עַתָּ֛ה יֹאכְלֵ֥ם חֹ֖דֶשׁ אֶת־חֶלְקֵיהֶֽם׃ (ס) (ח) תִּקְע֤וּ שׁוֹפָר֙ בַּגִּבְעָ֔ה חֲצֹצְרָ֖ה בָּרָמָ֑ה הָרִ֙יעוּ֙ בֵּ֣ית אָ֔וֶן אַחֲרֶ֖יךָ בִּנְיָמִֽין׃ (ט) אֶפְרַ֙יִם֙ לְשַׁמָּ֣ה תִֽהְיֶ֔ה בְּי֖וֹם תּֽוֹכֵחָ֑ה בְּשִׁבְטֵי֙ יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל הוֹדַ֖עְתִּי נֶאֱמָנָֽה׃ (י) הָיוּ֙ שָׂרֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֔ה כְּמַסִּיגֵ֖י גְּב֑וּל עֲלֵיהֶ֕ם אֶשְׁפּ֥וֹךְ כַּמַּ֖יִם עֶבְרָתִֽי׃
(1) Hear this, O priests, Attend, O House of Israel, And give ear, O royal house; For right conduct is your responsibility! But you have been a snare to Mizpah And a net spread out over Tabor; (2) For when trappers dug deep pitfalls, I was the only reprover of them all. (3) Yes, I have watched Ephraim, Israel has not escaped my notice: Behold, you have fornicated, O Ephraim; Israel has defiled himself! (4) Their habits do not let them Turn back to their God; Because of the lecherous impulse within them, They pay no heed to the LORD. (5) Israel’s pride shall be humbled before his very eyes, As Israel and Ephraim fall because of their sin (And Judah falls with them). (6) Then they will go with their sheep and cattle To seek the LORD, but they will not find Him. He has cast them off: (7) [Because] they have broken faith with the LORD, Because they have begotten Alien children. Therefore, the new moon Shall devour their portion. (8) Sound a ram’s horn in Gibeah, A trumpet in Ramah; Give the alarm in Beth-aven; After you, Benjamin! (9) Ephraim is stricken with horror On a day of chastisement. Against the tribes of Israel I proclaim certainties: (10) The officers of Judah have acted Like shifters of field boundaries; On them I will pour out My wrath like water.
(א) וּכְכַלּ֣וֹת אֵ֗לֶּה נִגְּשׁ֨וּ אֵלַ֤י הַשָּׂרִים֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר לֹֽא־נִבְדְּל֞וּ הָעָ֤ם יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ וְהַכֹּהֲנִ֣ים וְהַלְוִיִּ֔ם מֵעַמֵּ֖י הָאֲרָצ֑וֹת כְּ֠תוֹעֲבֹֽתֵיהֶם לַכְּנַעֲנִ֨י הַחִתִּ֜י הַפְּרִזִּ֣י הַיְבוּסִ֗י הָֽעַמֹּנִי֙ הַמֹּ֣אָבִ֔י הַמִּצְרִ֖י וְהָאֱמֹרִֽי׃ (ב) כִּֽי־נָשְׂא֣וּ מִבְּנֹֽתֵיהֶ֗ם לָהֶם֙ וְלִבְנֵיהֶ֔ם וְהִתְעָֽרְבוּ֙ זֶ֣רַע הַקֹּ֔דֶשׁ בְּעַמֵּ֖י הָאֲרָצ֑וֹת וְיַ֧ד הַשָּׂרִ֣ים וְהַסְּגָנִ֗ים הָֽיְתָ֛ה בַּמַּ֥עַל הַזֶּ֖ה רִאשׁוֹנָֽה׃ (ס) (ג) וּכְשָׁמְעִי֙ אֶת־הַדָּבָ֣ר הַזֶּ֔ה קָרַ֥עְתִּי אֶת־בִּגְדִ֖י וּמְעִילִ֑י וָאֶמְרְטָ֞ה מִשְּׂעַ֤ר רֹאשִׁי֙ וּזְקָנִ֔י וָאֵשְׁבָ֖ה מְשׁוֹמֵֽם׃ (ד) וְאֵלַ֣י יֵאָסְפ֗וּ כֹּ֤ל חָרֵד֙ בְּדִבְרֵ֣י אֱלֹהֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל עַ֖ל מַ֣עַל הַגּוֹלָ֑ה וַאֲנִי֙ יֹשֵׁ֣ב מְשׁוֹמֵ֔ם עַ֖ד לְמִנְחַ֥ת הָעָֽרֶב׃ (ה) וּבְמִנְחַ֣ת הָעֶ֗רֶב קַ֚מְתִּי מִתַּֽעֲנִיתִ֔י וּבְקָרְעִ֥י בִגְדִ֖י וּמְעִילִ֑י וָֽאֶכְרְעָה֙ עַל־בִּרְכַּ֔י וָאֶפְרְשָׂ֥ה כַפַּ֖י אֶל־ה' אֱלֹקָֽי׃ (ו) וָאֹמְרָ֗ה אֱלֹקַי֙ בֹּ֣שְׁתִּי וְנִכְלַ֔מְתִּי לְהָרִ֧ים אֱלֹקַ֛י פָּנַ֖י אֵלֶ֑יךָ כִּ֣י עֲוֺנֹתֵ֤ינוּ רָבוּ֙ לְמַ֣עְלָה רֹּ֔אשׁ וְאַשְׁמָתֵ֥נוּ גָדְלָ֖ה עַ֥ד לַשָּׁמָֽיִם׃ (ז) מִימֵ֣י אֲבֹתֵ֗ינוּ אֲנַ֙חְנוּ֙ בְּאַשְׁמָ֣ה גְדֹלָ֔ה עַ֖ד הַיּ֣וֹם הַזֶּ֑ה וּבַעֲוֺנֹתֵ֡ינוּ נִתַּ֡נּוּ אֲנַחְנוּ֩ מְלָכֵ֨ינוּ כֹהֲנֵ֜ינוּ בְּיַ֣ד ׀ מַלְכֵ֣י הָאֲרָצ֗וֹת בַּחֶ֜רֶב בַּשְּׁבִ֧י וּבַבִּזָּ֛ה וּבְבֹ֥שֶׁת פָּנִ֖ים כְּהַיּ֥וֹם הַזֶּֽה׃ (ח) וְעַתָּ֡ה כִּמְעַט־רֶגַע֩ הָיְתָ֨ה תְחִנָּ֜ה מֵאֵ֣ת ׀ ה' אֱלֹקֵ֗ינוּ לְהַשְׁאִ֥יר לָ֙נוּ֙ פְּלֵיטָ֔ה וְלָתֶת־לָ֥נוּ יָתֵ֖ד בִּמְק֣וֹם קָדְשׁ֑וֹ לְהָאִ֤יר עֵינֵ֙ינוּ֙ אֱלֹקֵ֔ינוּ וּלְתִתֵּ֛נוּ מִֽחְיָ֥ה מְעַ֖ט בְּעַבְדֻתֵֽנוּ׃ (ט) כִּֽי־עֲבָדִ֣ים אֲנַ֔חְנוּ וּבְעַבְדֻ֔תֵנוּ לֹ֥א עֲזָבָ֖נוּ אֱלֹקֵ֑ינוּ וַֽיַּט־עָלֵ֣ינוּ חֶ֡סֶד לִפְנֵי֩ מַלְכֵ֨י פָרַ֜ס לָֽתֶת־לָ֣נוּ מִֽחְיָ֗ה לְרוֹמֵ֞ם אֶת־בֵּ֤ית אֱלֹקֵ֙ינוּ֙ וּלְהַעֲמִ֣יד אֶת־חָרְבֹתָ֔יו וְלָֽתֶת־לָ֣נוּ גָדֵ֔ר בִּֽיהוּדָ֖ה וּבִירוּשָׁלִָֽם׃ (ס) (י) וְעַתָּ֛ה מַה־נֹּאמַ֥ר אֱלֹקֵ֖ינוּ אַֽחֲרֵי־זֹ֑את כִּ֥י עָזַ֖בְנוּ מִצְוֺתֶֽיךָ׃ (יא) אֲשֶׁ֣ר צִוִּ֗יתָ בְּיַ֨ד עֲבָדֶ֣יךָ הַנְּבִיאִים֮ לֵאמֹר֒ הָאָ֗רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֨ר אַתֶּ֤ם בָּאִים֙ לְרִשְׁתָּ֔הּ אֶ֤רֶץ נִדָּה֙ הִ֔יא בְּנִדַּ֖ת עַמֵּ֣י הָאֲרָצ֑וֹת בְּתוֹעֲבֹֽתֵיהֶ֗ם אֲשֶׁ֥ר מִלְא֛וּהָ מִפֶּ֥ה אֶל־פֶּ֖ה בְּטֻמְאָתָֽם׃ (יב) וְ֠עַתָּה בְּֽנוֹתֵיכֶ֞ם אַל־תִּתְּנ֣וּ לִבְנֵיהֶ֗ם וּבְנֹֽתֵיהֶם֙ אַל־תִּשְׂא֣וּ לִבְנֵיכֶ֔ם וְלֹֽא־תִדְרְשׁ֧וּ שְׁלֹמָ֛ם וְטוֹבָתָ֖ם עַד־עוֹלָ֑ם לְמַ֣עַן תֶּחֶזְק֗וּ וַאֲכַלְתֶּם֙ אֶת־ט֣וּב הָאָ֔רֶץ וְהוֹרַשְׁתֶּ֥ם לִבְנֵיכֶ֖ם עַד־עוֹלָֽם׃ (יג) וְאַֽחֲרֵי֙ כָּל־הַבָּ֣א עָלֵ֔ינוּ בְּמַעֲשֵׂ֙ינוּ֙ הָרָעִ֔ים וּבְאַשְׁמָתֵ֖נוּ הַגְּדֹלָ֑ה כִּ֣י ׀ אַתָּ֣ה אֱלֹקֵ֗ינוּ חָשַׂ֤כְתָּֽ לְמַ֙טָּה֙ מֵֽעֲוֺנֵ֔נוּ וְנָתַ֥תָּה לָּ֛נוּ פְּלֵיטָ֖ה כָּזֹֽאת׃ (יד) הֲנָשׁוּב֙ לְהָפֵ֣ר מִצְוֺתֶ֔יךָ וּ֨לְהִתְחַתֵּ֔ן בְּעַמֵּ֥י הַתֹּעֵב֖וֹת הָאֵ֑לֶּה הֲל֤וֹא תֶֽאֱנַף־בָּ֙נוּ֙ עַד־כַּלֵּ֔ה לְאֵ֥ין שְׁאֵרִ֖ית וּפְלֵיטָֽה׃ (פ) (טו) ה' אֱלֹקֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ צַדִּ֣יק אַ֔תָּה כִּֽי־נִשְׁאַ֥רְנוּ פְלֵיטָ֖ה כְּהַיּ֣וֹם הַזֶּ֑ה הִנְנ֤וּ לְפָנֶ֙יךָ֙ בְּאַשְׁמָתֵ֔ינוּ כִּ֣י אֵ֥ין לַעֲמ֛וֹד לְפָנֶ֖יךָ עַל־זֹֽאת׃ (פ)
(1) Now when these things were done, the princes drew near unto me, saying: ‘The people of Israel, and the priests and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands, doing according to their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites. (2) For they have taken of their daughters for themselves and for their sons; so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the peoples of the lands; yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been first in this faithlessness.’ (3) And when I heard this thing, I rent my garment and my mantle, and plucked off the hair of my head and of my beard, and sat down appalled. (4) Then were assembled unto me every one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the faithlessness of them of the captivity; and I sat appalled until the evening offering. (5) And at the evening offering I arose up from my fasting, even with my garment and my mantle rent; and I fell upon my knees, and spread out my hands unto the LORD my God; (6) and I said: ‘O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to Thee, my God; for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our guiltiness is grown up unto the heavens. (7) Since the days of our fathers we have been exceeding guilty unto this day; and for our iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to spoiling, and to confusion of face, as it is this day. (8) And now for a little moment grace hath been shown from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in His holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage. (9) For we are bondmen; yet our God hath not forsaken us in our bondage, but hath extended mercy unto us in the sight of the kings of Persia, to give us a reviving, to set up the house of our God, and to repair the ruins thereof, and to give us a fence in Judah and in Jerusalem. (10) And now, O our God, what shall we say after this? for we have forsaken Thy commandments, (11) which Thou hast commanded by Thy servants the prophets, saying: The land, unto which ye go to possess it, is an unclean land through the uncleanness of the peoples of the lands, through their abominations, wherewith they have filled it from one end to another with their filthiness. (12) Now therefore give not your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sons, nor seek their peace or their prosperity for ever; that ye may be strong, and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children for ever. (13) And after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds, and for our great guilt, seeing that Thou our God hast punished us less than our iniquities deserve, and hast given us such a remnant, (14) shall we again break Thy commandments, and make marriages with the peoples that do these abominations? wouldest not Thou be angry with us till Thou hadst consumed us, so that there should be no remnant, nor any to escape? (15) O LORD, the God of Israel, Thou art righteous; for we are left a remnant that is escaped, as it is this day; behold, we are before Thee in our guiltiness; for none can stand before Thee because of this.’
(יא) וְעַתָּ֗ה תְּנ֥וּ תוֹדָ֛ה לַה' אֱלֹהֵֽי־אֲבֹתֵיכֶ֖ם וַעֲשׂ֣וּ רְצוֹנ֑וֹ וְהִבָּֽדְלוּ֙ מֵעַמֵּ֣י הָאָ֔רֶץ וּמִן־הַנָּשִׁ֖ים הַנׇּכְרִיּֽוֹת׃ {ס} (יב) וַיַּֽעֲנ֧וּ כׇֽל־הַקָּהָ֛ל וַיֹּאמְר֖וּ ק֣וֹל גָּד֑וֹל כֵּ֛ן (כדבריך) [כִּדְבָרְךָ֥] עָלֵ֖ינוּ לַעֲשֽׂוֹת׃
(11) So now, make confession to the LORD, God of your fathers, and do His will, and separate yourselves from the peoples of the land and from the foreign women.” (12) The entire congregation responded in a loud voice, “We must surely do just as you say.
(כג) גַּ֣ם ׀ בַּיָּמִ֣ים הָהֵ֗ם רָאִ֤יתִי אֶת־הַיְּהוּדִים֙ הֹשִׁ֗יבוּ נָשִׁים֙ (אשדודיות) [אַשְׁדֳּדִיּ֔וֹת] (עמוניות) [עַמֳּנִיּ֖וֹת] מוֹאֲבִיּֽוֹת׃ (כד) וּבְנֵיהֶ֗ם חֲצִי֙ מְדַבֵּ֣ר אַשְׁדּוֹדִ֔ית וְאֵינָ֥ם מַכִּירִ֖ים לְדַבֵּ֣ר יְהוּדִ֑ית וְכִלְשׁ֖וֹן עַ֥ם וָעָֽם׃ (כה) וָאָרִ֤יב עִמָּם֙ וָאֲקַֽלְלֵ֔ם וָאַכֶּ֥ה מֵהֶ֛ם אֲנָשִׁ֖ים וָֽאֶמְרְטֵ֑ם וָאַשְׁבִּיעֵ֣ם בֵּֽאלֹקִ֗ים אִם־תִּתְּנ֤וּ בְנֹֽתֵיכֶם֙ לִבְנֵיהֶ֔ם וְאִם־תִּשְׂאוּ֙ מִבְּנֹ֣תֵיהֶ֔ם לִבְנֵיכֶ֖ם וְלָכֶֽם׃
(23) Also at that time, I saw that Jews had married Ashdodite, Ammonite, and Moabite women; (24) a good number of their children spoke the language of Ashdod and the language of those various peoples, and did not know how to speak Judean. (25) I censured them, cursed them, flogged them, tore out their hair, and adjured them by God, saying, “You shall not give your daughters in marriage to their sons, or take any of their daughters for your sons or yourselves.
Philo On the Special Laws 3:26-29
V. (26) On which account our lawgiver has also forbidden other matrimonial connections, commanding that no man shall marry his granddaughter, whether she be his son's or his daughter's child; nor his niece; nor his aunt; nor his grandmother, by either father or mother; nor any woman who has been the wife of his uncle, or of his son, or of his brother; nor, again, any step-daughter, whether virgin or widow, whether his own wife be alive or even after her death. For, in principle, a step-father is the same as a father, and therefore he ought to look upon his wife's daughter in the same light as his own. (27) Again. He does not permit the same man to marry two sisters, neither at the same time nor at different periods, even if he have put away the one whom he previously married; for while she is living, whether she be cohabiting with him or whether she be put away, or if she be living as a widow, or if she be married to another man, still he did not consider it holy for her sister to enter upon the portion of her who had been unfortunate; by this injunction teaching sisters not to violate the requirements of justice towards their relations, nor to make a stepping stone of the disasters of one so united to themselves by blood, nor to acquiesce in or to pride themselves in receiving attentions from those who have shown themselves enemies to their relations, or to reciprocate any kind offices received from them. (28) For from such things as these arise bitter jealousies and quarrels, and enmities which scarcely admit of reconciliation, but which bring on indescribable hosts of misfortunes; for that would be just as if the different members of the body were to abandon the harmony and fellowship in which they are put together by nature, and to quarrel with one another, which circumstance must necessarily cause incurable diseases and mischiefs. And sisters are like limbs, which, although they are separated from one another, are nevertheless all adapted to one another by nature and natural relationship. And jealousy, which is the most grievous of all passions, is continually producing new, and terrible, and incurable mischiefs. (29) But also, he [Moses] says, do not enter into the partnership of marriage with a member of a foreign nation, lest some day conquered by the forces of opposing customs you surrender and stray unawares from the path that leads to piety and turn aside into a pathless wild. And, perhaps, you will yourself resist, if you have been from your earliest youth trained in the best possible instruction, which your parents have instilled into you, continually filling your mind with the sacred laws. And the anxiety and fear which parents feel for their sons and daughters is not slight; for, perchance, they may be allured by mischievous customs instead of genuine good ones, and so they may be in danger of learning to forget the honour belonging to the one God, which is the beginning and end of extreme unhappiness.
In Hosea, God warns Israel that God's presence will disappear from their midst if they have "alien" children. Meanwhile, Ezra is worried that our small numbers make us more vulnerable to the influence of other nations and as such we have a duty to protect the remnant of Israel by staying true to our tribe and our faith. Nehemiah decries how the intermarried Judeans lost their connection with their tribal language, and instead took up the languages of other nations. Philo makes it more personal in juxtaposing the "pious path" of faith in God with the "pathless wild" of other nations. Also more than any other thinker thus far, he expresses the fear that the ultimate victims of the pathless wild will be our children because they will not have an understanding of "genuine customs" nor of the "honor due to the one God."
Though Hosea, Ezra, Nehemiah and Philo argue against intermarriage, is there anything inherently forbidden in intermarrying? Or to put it another way, does the Torah forbid intermarriage?

תניתוה פצוע דכא ישראל מותר בנתינה ואי ס"ד בקדושתיה קאי אקרי כאן (דברים ז, ג) לא תתחתן בם אמר רבא אטו התם משום קדושה ולאו קדושה הוא דלמא מוליד בן ואזיל פלח לעבודת כוכבים וה"מ בהיותן עובדי כוכבים כי מגיירי בישראל שרו ורבנן הוא דגזרו בהו וכי גזרו בהו רבנן בהנך דבני אולודי אבל האי דלאו בר אולודי לא גזרו ביה רבנן אלא מעתה ממזר דבר אולודי הכי נמי דאסיר והא תנן ממזרים ונתינים מותרים לבא זה בזה אלא כי גזור רבנן בכשרים בפסולים לא גזור רבנן הדר אמר רבא לאו מילתא היא בהיותן עובדי כוכבים לית להו חתנות נתגיירו אית להו חתנות מתיב רב יוסף (מלכים א ג, א) ויתחתן שלמה את בת פרעה מלך מצרים גייורי גיירה
It is permitted for an ordinary Israelite with crushed testicles to marry a Gibeonite woman. Now, if it enters your mind that he retains his sanctity as a Jew, one should apply here the prohibition stated with regard to Canaanites: “You shall not marry them” (Deuteronomy 7:3). Apparently, then, one whose testicles have been crushed loses his former sanctity, and the same should apply to a priest. Rava said: This is no proof, as is that to say that the prohibition there against marrying Canaanites is due to sanctity or lack of sanctity? Rather, the reason for the prohibition is that perhaps one will father a child from his Canaanite wife and that child will later go off and engage in idolatrous worship. Now, this concern applies only when they are still gentiles, but when they convert, as did the Gibeonites, they are permitted to Jews. And it is the Sages who decreed that Gibeonites are forbidden like mamzerim even after their conversion. And when the Sages decreed that one may not marry them, the decree was limited to those who are capable of having children, but with regard to this one, a man with crushed testicles who is incapable of having children, the Sages did not issue a decree. The Gemara raises an objection against Rava: However, if that is so, then with regard to a mamzer, who is capable of having children, so too one would say that he is prohibited from marrying a Gibeonite. But didn’t we learn otherwise in a mishna (Kiddushin 69a): Mamzerim and Gibeonites are permitted to marry one another. Rather, retract this explanation and replace it with the following: When the Sages decreed that one may not marry a Gibeonite, they limited their decree to those who are fit, so as to prevent them from mingling with Gibeonites; but with regard to those who are unfit to enter into the congregation, the Sages did not issue a decree. Rava then reconsidered and said that what he had previously argued, that the prohibition against marrying them applies only when they are gentiles, is not correct. The prohibition cannot be referring to gentiles, as when they are gentiles there can be no valid marriage with them at all. It is only after they have converted that there can be valid marriage with them, and therefore the prohibition against entering into marriage with them applies. Nevertheless, it is permitted for a man with crushed testicles to marry a Gibeonite woman. Rav Yosef raised an objection from the verse that states: “And Solomon married the daughter of Pharaoh, king of Egypt” (I Kings 3:1), which indicates that there can, in fact, be valid marriage even with gentiles. The Gemara answers: Before Solomon took Pharaoh’s daughter as his wife, he converted her.
Rava's argument here is that there is no such thing as intermarriage because non-Jews cannot enact kiddushin. The prohibition from the Torah is only with former Canaanites who converted to Judaism. So is there a source for the prohbition of intermarriage?

גופא אמר באלי אמר אבימי נותאה משמיה דרב פיתן ושמנן יינן ובנותיהן כולן משמונה עשר דבר הן בנותיהן מאי היא אמר רב נחמן בר יצחק גזרו על בנותיהן נידות מעריסותן וגניבא משמיה דרב אמר כולן משום עבודת כוכבים גזרו בהן דכי אתא רב אחא בר אדא א"ר יצחק גזרו על פיתן משום שמנן מאי אולמיה דשמן מפת אלא על פיתן ושמנן משום יינן ועל יינן משום בנותיהן ועל בנותיהן משום דבר אחר ועל דבר אחר משום ד"א בנותיהן דאורייתא היא דכתיב (דברים ז, ג) לא תתחתן בם דאורייתא ז' אומות אבל שאר עובדי כוכבים לא ואתו אינהו וגזור אפילו דשאר עובדי כוכבים ולר"ש בן יוחי דאמר (דברים ז, ד) כי יסיר את בנך מאחרי לרבות כל המסירות מאי איכא למימר אלא דאורייתא אישות דרך חתנות ואתו אינהו גזור אפילו דרך זנות זנות נמי בבית דינו של שם גזרו דכתיב (בראשית לח, כד) ויאמר יהודה הוציאוה ותשרף אלא דאורייתא עובד כוכבים הבא על בת ישראל דמשכה בתריה אבל ישראל הבא על העובדת כוכבים לא ואתו אינהו גזור אפי' ישראל הבא על העובדת כוכבים ישראל הבא על העובדת כוכבים הלכה למשה מסיני היא דאמר מר הבועל ארמית קנאין פוגעין בו א"ל דאורייתא בפרהסיא וכמעשה שהיה ואתו אינהו גזור אפילו בצינעא בצינעא נמי בית דינו של חשמונאי גזרו [דכי אתא רב דימי אמר ב"ד של חשמונאי גזרו] ישראל הבא על העובדת כוכבים חייב משום נשג"א כי אתא רבין אמר משום נשג"ז
§ The Gemara discusses the matter itself: Balei says that Avimi of Nota says in the name of Rav: The prohibitions with regard to gentiles’ bread and their oil, their wine and their daughters, are all from the eighteen matters issued in a single day in the time of the students of Shammai and Hillel. The Gemara asks: With regard to their daughters, what is the decree? Rabbi Naḥman bar Yitzḥak says: They decreed upon their daughters that they should be classified as menstruating women from the time they are in their cradle, i.e., they decreed that from when they are young, gentile women are always considered to be menstruating. The Gemara presents another opinion. And Geneiva says in the name of Rav: Gentiles’ bread, oil, wine, and daughters were all decreed upon due to the concern that Jews might participate in idol worship with gentiles as a result of intermingling with them. As, when Rav Aḥa bar Adda came from Eretz Yisrael to Babylonia he said that Rabbi Yitzḥak says: They decreed a prohibition upon their bread due to their oil. The Gemara asks: In what way is the prohibition with regard to oil stronger than the prohibition with regard to bread? That is, why does the primary concern relate to the oil of gentiles rather than their bread? The Gemara offers a different interpretation: Rather, they issued a decree prohibiting their bread and their oil due to their wine. And they issued the decree prohibiting their wine due to the fact that this leads to familiarity, and Jews will come to marry their daughters. And they issued a decree prohibiting their daughters due to something else, idolatry. And they further issued a decree on something else due to something else, which will be explained by the Gemara. It was stated that the prohibition against marrying the daughters of gentiles was decreed on account of idolatry. The Gemara raises an objection: But the prohibition against marrying their daughters is prescribed by Torah law, as it is written: “Neither shall you make marriages with them” (Deuteronomy 7:3). The Gemara explains: By Torah law intermarriage is prohibited only with the seven Canaanite nations, but intermarriage with the other nations of the world is not prohibited, and the students of Shammai and Hillel came and decreed that intermarriage is prohibited even with the other nations. The Gemara asks: And according to the opinion of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai, who says that the subsequent verse: “For he will turn away your son from following Me” (Deuteronomy 7:4) serves to include all who turn away one’s son from God, i.e., all gentiles, what is there to say? Rather, by Torah law only sexual relations by way of marriage are prohibited, and they came and decreed that sexual relations are prohibited even by way of licentiousness. The Gemara raises an objection: Licentious sexual intercourse was also prohibited earlier, as they decreed a prohibition in this regard in the court of Shem, as it is written: “It was told to Judah, saying: Tamar your daughter-in-law has played the harlot; and moreover, behold, she is with child by harlotry. And Judah said: Bring her forth, and let her be burned” (Genesis 38:24). This proves that the prohibition against licentious intercourse with a gentile was in force long before the time of the students of Shammai and Hillel. The Gemara explains: Rather, the prohibition prescribed by Torah law applies to the case of a gentile who engaged in intercourse with a Jewish woman, as she is drawn after him toward idolatry, but the case of a Jew who engaged in intercourse with a gentile woman is not included in the prohibition by Torah law. And the students of Shammai and Hillel came and decreed that the prohibition applies even to a Jew who engaged in intercourse with a gentile woman. The Gemara rejects this: The prohibition concerning a Jew who engaged in intercourse with a gentile woman is a halakha transmitted to Moses from Sinai, not a rabbinic ordinance. As the Master said: With regard to one who engages in intercourse with an Aramean woman, zealots may attack him, as Pinehas did to Zimri in the wilderness (see Numbers 25:6–8). He said to him: By Torah law intercourse with a gentile is prohibited in public, and only in situations like the incident that occurred, as described in Numbers, chapter 25. And the students of Shammai and Hillel came and decreed that the prohibition applies even in private. The Gemara raises another difficulty: This was also prohibited in private, as the court of the Hasmoneans decreed that it is prohibited. As when Rav Dimi came from Eretz Yisrael to Babylonia, he said: The court of the Hasmoneans decreed that a Jew who engaged in intercourse with a gentile woman bears liability for transgressing four prohibitions, represented by the mnemonic: Nun, shin, gimmel, alef. These letters stands for: Menstruating woman [nidda], maidservant [shifḥa], gentile [goya], and married woman [eshet ish]. By rabbinic law, a man who engages in intercourse with a gentile woman is considered to have violated the prohibitions involved in having intercourse with all four of these women. And when Ravin came from Eretz Yisrael to Babylonia, he said: He bears liability for four prohibitions represented by the mnemonic: Nun, shin, gimmel, zayin, which stands for: Menstruating woman [nidda], maidservant [shifḥa], gentile [goya], and prostitute [zona]. In any case, it is apparent that this decree was in force before the time of the students of Shammai and Hillel.
כי גזרו בית דינו של חשמונאי ביאה אבל ייחוד לא ואתו אינהו גזור אפי' ייחוד ייחוד נמי בית דינו של דוד גזרו דאמר רב יהודה באותה שעה גזרו על ייחוד אמרי התם ייחוד דבת ישראל אבל ייחוד דעובדת כוכבים לא ואתו אינהו גזרו אפי' אייחוד דעובדת כוכבים ייחוד דבת ישראל דאורייתא היא דאמר ר' יוחנן משום ר"ש בן יהוצדק רמז לייחוד מן התורה מנין שנאמר (דברים יג, ז) כי יסיתך אחיך בן אמך וכי בן אם מסית בן אב אינו מסית אלא בן מתייחד עם אמו ואין אחר מתייחד עם כל עריות שבתורה ייחוד דאורייתא דאשת איש ואתא דוד וגזר אפי' אייחוד דפנויה ואתו תלמידי בית שמאי ובית הלל גזור אפי' אייחוד דעובדת כוכבים
The Gemara answers: When the court of the Hasmoneans decreed, they prohibited only sexual intercourse, but with regard to seclusion with a gentile woman, no, they did not prohibit that. And the students of Shammai and Hillel came and decreed that even seclusion with a gentile woman is prohibited. The Gemara raises an objection: Seclusion was also prohibited earlier, as the court of King David decreed that with regard to this matter. As Rav Yehuda says: At that time, after the incident involving Amnon and Tamar (see II Samuel 13:1–19), they decreed with regard to seclusion. The Sages said in response to the objection: There, in David’s court, seclusion with a Jewish woman was prohibited, but seclusion with a gentile woman was not prohibited. And the students of Shammai and Hillel came and decreed a prohibition even with regard to seclusion with a gentile woman. The Gemara raises yet another difficulty: Seclusion with a Jewish woman is prohibited by Torah law, as Rabbi Yoḥanan says in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yehotzadak: Where is there an allusion in the Torah to the prohibition against seclusion? As it is stated: “If your brother, the son of your mother, entices you” (Deuteronomy 13:7). And does only a half brother who is the son of a mother entice one to sin, whereas the son of a father does not entice? Rather, there is a greater concern that a maternal half brother might entice one to sin, as a son secludes himself with his mother, and no other may seclude himself with any of those with whom relations are forbidden by the Torah. Since an individual and his maternal half brother both seclude themselves with their shared mother, they are frequently together in private, and this facilitates enticement. In any case, it is clear that the prohibition against seclusion with a Jewish woman preceded King David. The Gemara explains: The prohibition against seclusion prescribed by Torah law applies specifically to a married woman, and David came and decreed a prohibition even with regard to seclusion with an unmarried woman. And later the students of Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel came and decreed even with regard to seclusion with a gentile woman.
א) והבועל ארמית: בעא מיניה רב כהנא מרב לא פגעו בו קנאין מהו אינשייה רב לגמריה.
ב) אקריוהו לרב כהנא בחלמיה (מלאכי ב, יא) בגדה יהודה ותועבה נעשתה בישראל ובירושלים כי חלל יהודה קדש ה׳ אשר אהב ובעל בת אל נכר אתא א"ל הכי אקריון.
ג) אדכריה רב לגמריה בגדה יהודה זו עבודת כוכבים וכן הוא אומר (ירמיהו ג, כ) [כן] בגדתם בי בית ישראל נאום ה׳ ותועבה נעשתה בישראל ובירושלים זה משכב זכור וכן הוא אומר (ויקרא יח, כב) ואת זכר לא תשכב משכבי אשה תועבה היא כי חלל יהודה קדש ה׳ זו זונה וכן הוא אומר (דברים כג, יח) לא (יהיה קדש) ובעל בת אל נכר זה הבא על הכותית וכתיב בתריה (מלאכי ב, יב) יכרת ה׳ לאיש אשר יעשנה ער ועונה (מאלהי) יעקב ומגיש מנחה לה׳ צבאות
ד) אם ת"ח הוא לא יהיה לו ער בחכמים ועונה בתלמידים אם כהן הוא לא יהיה לו בן מגיש מנחה לה׳ צבאות.
ה) א"ר חייא בר אבויה כל הבא על הכותית כאילו מתחתן בעבודת כוכבים דכתיב ובעל בת אל נכר וכי בת יש לו לאל נכר אלא זה הבא על הכותית.
A) The mishna teaches that one who engages in intercourse with an Aramean woman is among those liable to be killed by zealots. Rav Kahana asked of Rav: If zealots did not strike him, what is the halakha? Rav forgot that which he learned through tradition concerning this matter.
B) They read this verse to Rav Kahana in his dream: “Judah has dealt treacherously and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem, as Judah has profaned the sacred of the Lord, which he loves, and has engaged in intercourse with the daughter of a strange god” (Malachi 2:11). Rav Kahana came and said to Rav: This is what they read to me in my dream.
C) Rav then remembered that which he learned through tradition and said: “Judah has dealt treacherously,” this is a reference to the sin of idol worship. And likewise it says: But as a wife who treacherously departs her husband, you have dealt treacherously with Me, house of Israel, says the Lord (Jeremiah 3:20). “And an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem,” this is a reference to male homosexual intercourse, and likewise it says: “You shall not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; it is an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22). “As Judah has profaned the sacred [kodesh] of the Lord,” this is a reference to a prostitute, and likewise it says: “There shall be no harlot [kedesha] of the daughters of Israel” (Deuteronomy 23:18). And has engaged in intercourse with the daughter of a strange god,” this is a reference to one who engages in intercourse with a gentile woman. And it is written thereafter with regard to those enumerated in the verse: “May the Lord excise the man who does this, who calls and who answers from the tents of Jacob, and he who sacrifices a meal-offering to the Lord of hosts” (Malachi 2:12).
D) The Gemara interprets the verse: If he is a Torah scholar, he will have neither one among his descendants who calls and initiates discourse among the Sages, nor one who answers among the students, i.e., one who is capable of answering questions posed by the Sages. If he is a priest, he will not have among his descendants a son who sacrifices a meal-offering to the Lord of hosts.
E) Rabbi Ḥiyya bar Avuya says: With regard to anyone who engages in intercourse with a gentile woman it is as though he married the object of idol worship itself, as it is written: “And has engaged in intercourse with the daughter of a strange god.” Does a strange god have a daughter? Rather, this is a reference to one who engages in intercourse with a gentile woman who is an adherent of a strange god.
נכרית מנלן אמר קרא (דברים ז, ג) לא תתחתן בם אשכחנא דלא תפסי בה קידושי ולדה כמותה מנלן א"ר יוחנן משום ר"ש בן יוחי דאמר קרא (דברים ז, ד) כי יסיר את בנך מאחרי בנך הבא מישראלית קרוי בנך ואין בנך הבא מן העובדת כוכבים קרוי בנך אלא בנה
§ The Gemara asks: From where do we derive that betrothal with a gentile woman is ineffective? The verse states: “Neither shall you make marriages with them” (Deuteronomy 7:3), which teaches that marrying gentile women is halakhically meaningless. The Gemara asks: We have found that betrothal is ineffective with her; from where do we derive that her offspring is like her? Rabbi Yoḥanan says in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai: As the verse states with regard to the same issue: “Your daughter you shall not give to his son…for he will turn away your son from following Me” (Deuteronomy 7:3–4). Since the verse is concerned that after one’s daughter marries a gentile, the father will lead his children away from the service of God, this indicates that your son, i.e., your grandson, from a Jewish woman is called “your son” by the Torah, but your son from a gentile woman is not called your son, but her son.
אָמַר רַב יְהוּדָה אָמַר רַב אַסִּי: גּוֹי שֶׁקִּידֵּשׁ בִּזְמַן הַזֶּה — חוֹשְׁשִׁין לְקִדּוּשִׁין, שֶׁמָּא מֵעֲשֶׂרֶת הַשְּׁבָטִים הוּא. וְהָא כֹּל דְּפָרֵישׁ — מֵרוּבָּא פָּרֵישׁ! בְּדוּכְתָּא דִּקְבִיעִי. דְּאָמַר רַבִּי אַבָּא בַּר כָּהֲנָא: ״וַיַּנְחֵם בַּחְלַח וּבְחָבוֹר נְהַר גּוֹזָן וְעָרֵי מָדָי״, חֲלַח — זֶה חִלָּזוֹן, וְחָבוֹר — זוֹ חַדְיָיב, ״נְהַר גּוֹזָן״ — זוֹ גִּינְזַק, ״וְעָרֵי מָדַי״ — זוֹ חַמְדָּן וְחַבְרוֹתֶיהָ, וְאָמְרִי לַהּ: זוֹ נִיהַר וְחַבְרוֹתֶיהָ. חַבְרוֹתֶיהָ מַאן? אָמַר שְׁמוּאֵל: כְּרַךְ, מוּשְׁכֵּי, חִידְקֵי וְדוּמְקֵי. אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן: וְכוּלָּן לִפְסוּל. כִּי אַמְרִיתַהּ קַמֵּיהּ דִּשְׁמוּאֵל, אֲמַר לִי: בִּנְךָ הַבָּא מִן יִשְׂרְאֵלִית קָרוּי בִּנְךָ, וְאֵין בִּנְךָ הַבָּא מִן הַגּוֹיָה קָרוּי בִּנְךָ, אֶלָּא בְּנָהּ. וְהָאִיכָּא בָּנוֹת, וְאָמַר רָבִינָא: שְׁמַע מִינַּהּ, בֶּן בִּתְּךָ הַבָּא מִן הַגּוֹי קָרוּי בִּנְךָ! גְּמִירִי דִּבְנָתָא דְּהָהוּא דָּרָא אִיצְטְרוֹיֵי אִצְטְרוֹ. אִיכָּא דְּאָמְרִי: כִּי אַמְרִיתַהּ קַמֵּיהּ דִּשְׁמוּאֵל, אָמַר לִי: לֹא זָזוּ מִשָּׁם, עַד שֶׁעֲשָׂאוּם גּוֹיִם גְּמוּרִים, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: ״בַּה׳ בָּגָדוּ כִּי בָנִים זָרִים יָלָדוּ״.
§ Rav Yehuda said that Rav Asi said: With regard to a gentile who betrothed a Jewish woman nowadays, we are concerned that the betrothal might be valid, despite the fact that a betrothal of a gentile is meaningless, lest he be from the ten tribes of Israel who intermingled with the gentiles. The Gemara raises an objection: But there is an important principle in halakha that any item separated, i.e., not fixed in its place, is presumed to have been separated from the majority. In this case, it can be assumed that any individual singled out from the gentiles belongs to the majority of gentiles and has no Jewish roots at all. The Gemara responds: Rav Yehuda means that there is a concern only with regard to those who came from the permanent dwelling places of the ten tribes. As Rabbi Abba bar Kahana said that the verse states about those exiled from Samaria: “And he put them in Halah, and in Habor, on the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes” (I Kings 18:11). Rabbi Abba bar Kahana proceeded to identify these places. Halah; this is the place called Ḥalzon. And Habor; this is Ḥadyab. The river of Gozan; this is Ginzak. And the cities of the Medes; this is Ḥamadan and its surroundings. And some say: This is Nihar and its surroundings. The Gemara asks: Which are its surroundings? Shmuel said: Kerakh, Mushkhei, Ḥidkei, and Domakya are the surroundings of Ḥamadan. Rabbi Yoḥanan said: And all of them are for disqualification. In other words, if someone from one of these places wishes to convert, there is concern that he might be a descendant of a Jew and therefore a mamzer. Consequently, they all are disqualified. Rav Yehuda continued his recounting: When I said this halakha, that there is a concern about the betrothal of gentiles nowadays, before Shmuel, he said to me: One need not worry about this, as your son from a Jewish woman is called your son, i.e., he inherits his lineage from you, and your son from a gentile woman is not called your son, but rather her son. Consequently, all children born to Jews from gentile women are not considered Jews, as their lineage is determined by their gentile mothers. The Gemara asks: Aren’t there Jewish girls who were captured by gentiles, whose children are considered to be Jews? And Ravina said: Learn from this that the son of your daughter from a gentile is called your son. If so, the descendants of Jewish women captured by gentiles would indeed be Jews. The Gemara answers: This is no concern, as it is learned as a tradition that the girls from the ten tribes of that generation became barren and did not give birth to any offspring, whereas some of the exiled men of the ten tribes married gentile women. Consequently, all of the children born there were gentiles. There are those who say that Rav Yehuda actually related the following: When I said this halakha before Shmuel, he said to me: They did not move from there, the place where they deliberated on this matter, until they rendered all of them, including those who intermingled with the ten tribes in different locations, full-fledged gentiles. Consequently, there is no concern that their betrothals might be of any effect, as it is stated: “They have dealt treacherously against the Lord, for they have begotten strange children” (Hosea 5:7).
וְרַבָּנַן, אַשְׁכְּחַן שִׁפְחָה, גּוֹיָה מְנָא לְהוּ? וְכִי תֵּימָא: נֵילַף מִשִּׁפְחָה — הָנְהוּ מִצְרָךְ צְרִיכִי! אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן מִשּׁוּם רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן יוֹחַי, אָמַר קְרָא: ״כִּי יָסִיר אֶת בִּנְךָ מֵאַחֲרַי״, בִּנְךָ מִיִּשְׂרְאֵלִית קָרוּי בִּנְךָ, וְאֵין בִּנְךָ הַבָּא מִן הַגּוֹיָה קָרוּי בִּנְךָ, אֶלָּא בְּנָהּ. אָמַר רָבִינָא, שְׁמַע מִינַּהּ: בֶּן בִּתְּךָ הַבָּא מִן הַגּוֹי קָרוּי בִּנְךָ. לֵימָא קָסָבַר רָבִינָא גּוֹי וְעֶבֶד הַבָּא עַל בַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל הַוָּלָד כָּשֵׁר? נְהִי דְּמַמְזֵר לָא הָוֵי — כָּשֵׁר נָמֵי לָא הָוֵי, יִשְׂרָאֵל פָּסוּל מִיקְּרֵי. הַאי בְּשִׁבְעָה גּוֹיִם כְּתִיב? ״כִּי יָסִיר״ — לְרַבּוֹת כׇּל הַמְּסִירִים. הָנִיחָא לְרַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן, דְּדָרֵישׁ טַעְמָא דִּקְרָא, אֶלָּא לְרַבָּנַן מְנָא לְהוּ? מַאן תַּנָּא דִּפְלִיג עֲלֵיהּ דְּרַבִּי יוֹסֵי בְּרַבִּי יְהוּדָה — רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן הִיא.
The Gemara asks: And according to the opinion of the Rabbis, we found a source that the children of a Canaanite maidservant are not considered the children of their Jewish father, but from where do we derive that children born to a Jewish father by a gentile woman are not considered his children? And if you say: Let us derive it from the case of the Canaanite maidservant, it has already been shown that these are both necessary, and one cannot be derived from the other. The Gemara answers: Rabbi Yoḥanan said in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai: The verse states: “Neither shall you make marriages with them: Your daughter you shall not give unto his son, nor his daughter shall you take unto your son, for he will turn away your son from following Me” (Deuteronomy 7:3–4). This teaches that your son born from a Jewish woman is called your son, but your son born from a gentile woman is not called your son, but her son. The verse teaches that since the son of a gentile woman is her son alone, he is not considered related at all to his Jewish father. Ravina said: Conclude from here that the son of your daughter by a gentile father is nevertheless called your son, i.e., grandson. The Gemara asks: Shall we say that Ravina holds that if a gentile or slave engaged in intercourse with a Jewish woman, the offspring is of unflawed lineage? The Gemara answers: There is no conclusive proof from here, because granted, she is not a mamzer, but nevertheless she is still not of unflawed lineage; rather, she is called a Jew who is unfit to marry into the priesthood. The Gemara asks with regard to Rabbi Shimon’s reasoning: Was this verse not written in relation to the seven nations who inhabited the land of Canaan when Joshua entered Eretz Yisrael but not with regard to other nations? The Gemara responds that the words “He will turn away” comes to include all those who would turn one’s grandson away from God, i.e., any gentile. The Gemara asks: This works out well for Rabbi Shimon, who interprets the rationale behind the mitzva in the verse and draws halakhic conclusions based on that interpretation. Although the verse is stated with regard to the seven nations, the reason for the verse applies to all other gentile nations. However, according to the opinion of the Rabbis, who do not draw inferences from the rationale of the verse to apply this ruling to all other nations, from where do they derive this halakha? The Gemara answers: Who is the tanna who disagrees with Rabbi Yosei, son of Rabbi Yehuda? It is Rabbi Shimon, who applies the rationale of the verse to all other nations.
ועל יינן משום בנותיהן ועל בנותיהן משום דבר אחר ועל דבר אחר משום דבר אחר מאי דבר אחר אמר רב נחמן בר יצחק גזרו על תינוק נכרי שמטמא בזיבה שלא יהא תינוק ישראל רגיל אצלו במשכב זכור
And they issued a decree prohibiting their wine due to the fact that it leads to familiarity, and people will come to marry their daughters. And they issued a decree prohibiting their daughters due to something else, idolatry. And they further issued a decree on something else, idolatry, due to something else. The Gemara asks: What is the something else alluded to here? Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak said: They issued a decree on a gentile baby, according him the legal status that he transmits impurity as one with the legal status of a great zav, who experienced three emissions, even though he did not experience an emission. This was in order to distance Jewish children from gentile children so that a Jewish boy should not be accustomed to be with a gentile in homosexual relations.
ועל בנותיהן משום ד"א - ע"ז ועוד גזרו על ד"א שלא הוזכר כאן:
Their daughters due to something else - idolatry, and they also decreed on the other thing that isn't mentioned here
Avodah Zarah (23b) establishes the biblical and rabbinic prohibitions of intermarriage, including the rabbinic law that a Jewish male who has sex with a gentile violates FOUR prohibitions. Kiddushin (68b) and Yevamot (16b-17a & 23a) both invoke Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai stating that there is a fear your children will not be Jewish. He makes this argument because by saying that your son (בנך) is born of a Jewish woman, and thus we are worried about him being led astray by marrying into a family of a different faith. Thus, your son born to a non-Jewish woman is not called your son but her son (בנה) because of the influence of the mother on his religion. Meanwhile, Hillel and Shammai make their prohibition against intermarriage (Shabbat 17b) by virtue of the ruling that you should not mingle with others, whether that's via wine (because those who drink wine together will marry) or via friendship (by being friends with non-Jews even when they're young). Rashi on this סוגיה indicates that the דבר אחר referenced is idolatry. What does idolatry have to do with intermarriage?

(כא) וּמִֽזַּרְעֲךָ֥ לֹא־תִתֵּ֖ן לְהַעֲבִ֣יר לַמֹּ֑לֶךְ וְלֹ֧א תְחַלֵּ֛ל אֶת־שֵׁ֥ם אֱלֹקֶ֖יךָ אֲנִ֥י ה'׃
(21) Do not allow any of your offspring to be offered up to Molech, and do not profane the name of your God: I am ה'.
(א) לַמְנַצֵּ֬חַ ׀ עַֽל־הַגִּתִּ֬ית לְאָסָֽף׃
(ב) הַ֭רְנִינוּ לֵאלֹקִ֣ים עוּזֵּ֑נוּ הָ֝רִ֗יעוּ לֵאלֹקֵ֥י יַעֲקֹֽב׃
(ג) שְֽׂאוּ־זִ֭מְרָה וּתְנוּ־תֹ֑ף כִּנּ֖וֹר נָעִ֣ים עִם־נָֽבֶל׃
(ד) תִּקְע֣וּ בַחֹ֣דֶשׁ שׁוֹפָ֑ר בַּ֝כֵּ֗סֶה לְי֣וֹם חַגֵּֽנוּ׃
(ה) כִּ֤י חֹ֣ק לְיִשְׂרָאֵ֣ל ה֑וּא מִ֝שְׁפָּ֗ט לֵאלֹקֵ֥י יַעֲקֹֽב׃
(ו) עֵ֤דוּת ׀ בִּיה֘וֹסֵ֤ף שָׂמ֗וֹ בְּ֭צֵאתוֹ עַל־אֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרָ֑יִם שְׂפַ֖ת לֹא־יָדַ֣עְתִּי אֶשְׁמָֽע׃
(ז) הֲסִיר֣וֹתִי מִסֵּ֣בֶל שִׁכְמ֑וֹ כַּ֝פָּ֗יו מִדּ֥וּד תַּעֲבֹֽרְנָה׃
(ח) בַּצָּרָ֥ה קָרָ֗אתָ וָאֲחַ֫לְּצֶ֥ךָּ אֶ֭עֶנְךָ בְּסֵ֣תֶר רַ֑עַם אֶבְחׇנְךָ֨ עַל־מֵ֖י מְרִיבָ֣ה סֶֽלָה׃
(ט) שְׁמַ֣ע עַ֭מִּי וְאָעִ֣ידָה בָּ֑ךְ יִ֝שְׂרָאֵ֗ל אִם־תִּֽשְׁמַֽע־לִֽי׃
(י) לֹא־יִהְיֶ֣ה בְ֭ךָ אֵ֣ל זָ֑ר וְלֹ֥א תִ֝שְׁתַּחֲוֶ֗ה לְאֵ֣ל נֵכָֽר׃
(יא) אָֽנֹכִ֨י ׀ ה' אֱלֹקֶ֗יךָ הַֽ֭מַּעַלְךָ מֵאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרָ֑יִם הַרְחֶב־פִּ֝֗יךָ וַאֲמַלְאֵֽהוּ׃
(יב) וְלֹֽא־שָׁמַ֣ע עַמִּ֣י לְקוֹלִ֑י וְ֝יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל לֹא־אָ֥בָה לִֽי׃
(יג) וָ֭אֲשַׁלְּחֵהוּ בִּשְׁרִיר֣וּת לִבָּ֑ם יֵ֝לְכ֗וּ בְּֽמוֹעֲצ֖וֹתֵיהֶֽם׃
(יד) ל֗וּ עַ֭מִּי שֹׁמֵ֣עַֽ לִ֑י יִ֝שְׂרָאֵ֗ל בִּדְרָכַ֥י יְהַלֵּֽכוּ׃
(טו) כִּ֭מְעַט אוֹיְבֵיהֶ֣ם אַכְנִ֑יעַ וְעַ֥ל צָ֝רֵיהֶ֗ם אָשִׁ֥יב יָדִֽי׃
(טז) מְשַׂנְאֵ֣י ה' יְכַחֲשׁוּ־ל֑וֹ וִיהִ֖י עִתָּ֣ם לְעוֹלָֽם׃
(יז) וַֽ֭יַּאֲכִילֵהוּ מֵחֵ֣לֶב חִטָּ֑ה וּ֝מִצּ֗וּר דְּבַ֣שׁ אַשְׂבִּיעֶֽךָ׃ {פ}
(יא) בָּֽגְדָ֣ה יְהוּדָ֔ה וְתוֹעֵבָ֛ה נֶעֶשְׂתָ֥ה בְיִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל וּבִירוּשָׁלָ֑͏ִם כִּ֣י ׀ חִלֵּ֣ל יְהוּדָ֗ה קֹ֤דֶשׁ ה' אֲשֶׁ֣ר אָהֵ֔ב וּבָעַ֖ל בַּת־אֵ֥ל נֵכָֽר׃ (יב) יַכְרֵ֨ת ה' לָאִ֨ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֤ר יַעֲשֶׂ֙נָּה֙ עֵ֣ר וְעֹנֶ֔ה מֵאׇהֳלֵ֖י יַעֲקֹ֑ב וּמַגִּ֣ישׁ מִנְחָ֔ה לַה' צְבָאֽוֹת׃ {פ}
(11) Judah has broken faith; abhorrent things have been done in Israel and in Jerusalem. For Judah has profaned what is holy to the LORD—what He desires—and espoused daughters of alien gods. (12) May the LORD leave to him who does this no descendants-a dwelling in the tents of Jacob and presenting offerings to the LORD of Hosts.
(א) לִפְנֵי אֵידֵיהֶן שֶׁל גּוֹיִם שְׁלשָׁה יָמִים אָסוּר לָשֵׂאת וְלָתֵת עִמָּהֶן, לְהַשְׁאִילָן וְלִשְׁאֹל מֵהֶן, לְהַלְוֹתָן וְלִלְוֹת מֵהֶן, לְפָרְעָן וְלִפָּרַע מֵהֶן. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר, נִפְרָעִין מֵהֶן מִפְּנֵי שֶׁהוּא מֵצֵר לוֹ. אָמְרוּ לוֹ, אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁמֵּצֵר הוּא עַכְשָׁיו, שָׂמֵחַ הוּא לְאַחַר זְמָן:
(ב) רַבִּי יִשְׁמָעֵאל אוֹמֵר, שְׁלשָׁה יָמִים לִפְנֵיהֶם וּשְׁלשָׁה יָמִים לְאַחֲרֵיהֶם, אָסוּר. וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים, לִפְנֵי אֵידֵיהֶן אָסוּר, לְאַחַר אֵידֵיהֶן מֻתָּר:
(ג) וְאֵלּוּ אֵידֵיהֶן שֶׁל גּוֹיִם, קָלֶנְדָּא, וּסְטַרְנוּרָא, וּקְרָטֵסִים, וְיוֹם גְּנֻסְיָא שֶׁל מְלָכִים, וְיוֹם הַלֵּידָה, וְיוֹם הַמִּיתָה, דִּבְרֵי רַבִּי מֵאִיר. וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים, כָּל מִיתָה שֶׁיֶּשׁ בָּהּ שְׂרֵפָה, יֶשׁ בָּהּ עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה. וְשֶׁאֵין בָּהּ שְׂרֵפָה, אֵין בָּה עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה. יוֹם תִּגְלַחַת זְקָנוֹ וּבְלוֹרִיתוֹ, יוֹם שֶׁעָלָה בוֹ מִן הַיָּם, וְיוֹם שֶׁיָּצָא בוֹ מִבֵּית הָאֲסוּרִים, וְגוֹי שֶׁעָשָׂה מִשְׁתֶּה לִבְנוֹ, אֵינוֹ אָסוּר אֶלָּא אוֹתוֹ הַיּוֹם וְאוֹתוֹ הָאִישׁ בִּלְבָד:
(1) On the three days before the festivals of gentiles the following actions are prohibited, as they would bring joy to the gentile, who would subsequently give thanks to his object of idol worship on his festival: It is prohibited to engage in business with them; to lend items to them or to borrow items from them; to lend money to them or to borrow money from them; and to repay debts owed to them or to collect repayment of debts from them. Rabbi Yehuda says: One may collect repayment of debts from them because this causes the gentile distress. The Rabbis said to Rabbi Yehuda: Even though he is distressed now, when he repays the money, he is happy afterward that he is relieved of the debt, and therefore there is concern that he will give thanks to his object of idol worship on his festival.
(2) Rabbi Yishmael says: On the three days before the festivals of gentiles and on the three days after them, it is prohibited to engage in business with those gentiles. And the Rabbis say: It is prohibited to engage in business with them before their festivals, but it is permitted to engage in business with them after their festivals.
(3) And these are the festivals of gentiles: Kalenda, Saturnalia, and Kratesis, and the day of the festival of their kings, and the birthday of the king, and the anniversary of the day of the death of the king. This is the statement of Rabbi Meir. And the Rabbis say: Every death that includes public burning is a festival that includes idol worship, and any death that does not include public burning is not a festival that includes idol worship. But in the case of the day of shaving his, i.e., a gentile’s, beard and his locks, and the day of his ascent from the sea, and the day that he left prison, and also in the case of a gentile who prepared a wedding feast for his son and celebrates on that day, engaging in business is prohibited only on that day and with that man.
וְאִידַּךְ, אָמַר בָּאלִי אָמַר אֲבִימִי סִנְוְותָאָה: פִּתָּן וְשַׁמְנָן וְיֵינָן וּבְנוֹתֵיהֶן — כּוּלָּן מִשְּׁמוֹנָה עָשָׂר דָּבָר הֵן. הָנִיחָא לְרַבִּי מֵאִיר, אֶלָּא לְרַבִּי יוֹסֵי שִׁבְסְרֵי הָוְיָין! אִיכָּא הָא דְּרַב אַחָא בַּר אַדָּא. דְּאָמַר רַב אַחָא בַּר אַדָּא אָמַר רַבִּי יִצְחָק: גָּזְרוּ עַל פִּתָּן מִשּׁוּם שַׁמְנָן, וְעַל שַׁמְנָן מִשּׁוּם יֵינָן.
And the other decree: The Sage Bali said that Avimi of Sanvata said: The decrees with regard to gentiles that prohibit their bread, and their oil, and their wine, and their daughters are all one decree of the eighteen matters. The Gemara asks: This works out well according to Rabbi Meir, as according to his opinion the Gemara already enumerated eighteen decrees. However, according to Rabbi Yosei, who holds that the dispute remains with regard to the matter of vessels in the courtyard, they are only seventeen. The Gemara answers: There is also that statement of Rav Aḥa bar Adda, as Rav Aḥa bar Adda said that Rabbi Yitzḥak said: The Sages issued a decree prohibiting eating their bread due to their oil. And they issued a decree prohibiting their oil due to their wine. Consequently, there are two separate decrees.
רבי יוחנן אמר לעולם מבנימן קאתי ואמאי קרי ליה יהודי על שום שכפר בע"ז שכל הכופר בע"ז נקרא יהודי כדכתיב (דניאל ג, יב) איתי גוברין יהודאין וגו'
Rabbi Yoḥanan said a different explanation of the verse: Actually, Mordecai came from the tribe of Benjamin. Why, then, was he referred to as Yehudi? On account of the fact that he repudiated idol worship, for anyone who repudiates idolatry is called Yehudi. It is understood here in the sense of yiḥudi, one who declares the oneness of God, as it is written: “There are certain Jews [Yehuda’in] whom thou hast appointed over the affairs of the province of Babylonia, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego; these men, O king, have not regarded you: They serve not your gods, nor worship the golden image which you have set up” (Daniel 3:12). These three individuals were in fact Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, who were not all from the tribe of Judah but are referred to as Yehuda’in because they repudiated idol worship.
ישרה אדם בארץ ישראל אפילו בעיר שרובה עובדי כוכבים ולא בחו"ל אפי' בעיר שכולה ישראל מלמד שישיבת ארץ ישראל שקולה כנגד כל מצות שבתורה.
והקבור בארץ ישראל כאילו הוא קבור תחת המזבח. לא יצא אדם לחוצה לארץ אא"כ היו חטין סאתים בסלע אמר רבי שמעון במה דברים אמורין בזמן שאינו מוצא ליקח אבל בזמן שמוצא ליקח אפילו סאה בסלע לא יצא
וכן היה ר"ש אומר אלימלך מגדולי הדור ומפרנסי צבור היה ועל שיצא לחוצה לארץ מת הוא ובניו ברעב והיו כל ישראל קיימין על אדמתן שנאמר (רות א) ותהום כל העיר עליהן מלמד שכל העיר קיימת ומת הוא ובניו ברעב.
הרי הוא אומר (בראשית כח) ושבתי בשלום אל בית אבי שאין ת"ל והיה ה' לי לאלקים ואומר (ויקרא כה) לתת לכם את ארץ כנען להיות לכם לאלקים כל זמן שאתם בארץ כנען הריני לכם אלוק אין אתם בארץ כנען איני לכם לאלוק. וכן הוא אומר (יהושוע ד) "כארבעים אלף חלוצי הצבא" ואומר (יהושוע ב) "כי נתן בידי את יושבי הארץ" וגו'
וכי עלתה על דעתך שישראל מכבשים את הארץ לפני המקום אלא כל זמן שהם עליה כולה נכבשה אינן עליה כולה אינה נכבשת וכן דוד אמר (שמואל א כו) כי גרשוני היום מהסתפח בנחלת ה' וגו'
וכי תעלה על דעתך שדוד המלך עובד עבודת כוכבים אלא שהיה דוד דורש ואומר כל המניח את ארץ ישראל בשעת שלום ויוצא כאילו עובד עבודת כוכבים דכתיב (ירמיהו לב) ונטעתים בארץ הזאת באמת אינן עליה אין נטועין לפני באמת לא בכל לבי ולא בכל נפשי.
ר' שמעון בן אלעזר אומר ישראל שבחוצה לארץ עובדי עבודת כוכבים בטהרה הן כיצד עובד כוכבים שעשה משתה לבנו והלך וזימן את כל היהודים שבעירו אע"פ שהן אוכלין משלהן ושותין משלהן ושמש שלהן עומד ע"ג עובדי עבודת כוכבים הן שנא' (שמות לד) וקרא לך ואכלת מזבחו.
[MY TRANSLATION] A person who lives in Israel, even if it's in a city in which the majority of people are idol worships, is more righteous than someone who lives outside the land of Israel in a town in which everyone is Jewish. This teaches that living in Israel is equal to all of the mitzvot in the Torah.
And one who is buried in the land of Israel is like one who is buried underneath an altar. A person should not leave the land of Israel unless the fields of wheat are full of rock. Rabbi Shimon says "in which situations are we talking about?" At a time when it is not possible to buy property. But if it is possible to buy property, then even if a field is rocky he should not leave the land.
And thus Rabbi Shimon says Elimelech, who was one of greatest of his generation and a supporter of the public, and his children died of starvation because they left the land. And all of Israel endures on their land, as it says (Ruth 1:18) "And the city buzzed with excitment [when Naomi came back]" which teaches that the whole city endured while he and his sons died by famine.
Behold the Jacob said (Genesis 28:21): "And if I return safely to my father's home" but the Torah doesn't say "and HASHEM will be my God" (i.e. the Torah does not inherently indicate that he is following God by returning to his home in Israel) rather as the Torah says (Leviticus 25:38) "To give you the land of Canaan to be your God." The entire time that you are in the land of Canaan, I will be your God but when you are not in the land I will not be your God. And thus Joshua said (Joshua 4:13): "About 40,000 shock troops went across, at the instance of the LORD, to the steppes of Jericho for battle;" and Joshua said (Joshua 2:24) "The LORD has delivered the whole land into our power; in fact, all the inhabitants are quaking before us."
And lest it come upon your mind that Israel conquered the land before God - rather the whole time they were on the land it was conquered; when they were not on the land it was not conquered. And thus David said (I Samuel 26:19) "If it is men who have incited you against me, may they be accursed by the LORD! For they have driven me out today, so that I cannot share in the LORD's posession, but am told 'Go and worship other gods.'"
Now don't let it come upon your thinking that David was an idol worshipper rather David was making a point saying that everyone who rests on the land of Israel during a time of peace and leaves, is as if he is an idol worshipper. As it says (Jeremiah 32:41) "I will plant them in this land faithfully." If you are not on the land, you will not be planted faithfully before me, not with my whole heart and not with my full soul.
Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar says "Israel that is outside the land worship idols with purity. How is this possible? Like an idol worshipper who makes a feast for his child and goes and invites all of the Jews in his city. Even though they eat, drink, and serve from their own stuff, [the Jew] is standing by idol worshippers, as it says (Exodus 34:13) "You will eat of their sacrifices."
Leviticus 18 lays out the key prohibition of idolatry, to not give your children to Moloch, since they sacrifice children to their idolatrous god. Psalms 81 connects idolatry with the theme of disloyalty ("do not bow down to foreign gods - לא תשתחוה לאל נכר"), a theme which is picked up by Malachi who chastised Judah for loving "daughters of foreign gods - בת אל נכר." Perhaps the term "daughter of a foreign god" is a euphemism for marrying a woman of another nation.
This idea of removing the threat of idolatry is emphasized in rabbinic literature:
  1. The beginning of Mishnah Avodah Zarah (1:1-3) lays out the foundational principle of dealing with idolaters: you're not to engage in business with them if that business will be used in some way to offer thanksgiving to the gods of idolaters. You should be extra careful to not deal with idolaters around their festivals.
  2. Tosefta Avodah Zarah expands on this issue by emphasizing how living in the land of Israel removes the threat of idolatry. What's more, if you live outside the land of Israel you are considered "idolaters with purity" (עובדי כוכבים בטהרה) because no matter how pure you try to be, you can't help but engage with idolaters.

אֵימַר דְּשָׁמְעַתְּ לֵיהּ לְרַבִּי יְהוּדָה בִּמְתַקֵּן, בִּמְקַלְקֵל מִי שָׁמְעַתְּ לֵיהּ? אָמַר רַבִּי אָבִין: הַאי נָמֵי מְתַקַּן הוּא, דְּקָעָבֵיד נַחַת רוּחַ לְיִצְרוֹ. וּכְהַאי גַּוְונָא מִי שְׁרֵי? וְהָתַנְיָא, רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן אֶלְעָזָר אוֹמֵר מִשּׁוּם חִילְפָא בַּר אַגְרָא שֶׁאָמַר מִשּׁוּם רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן בֶּן נוּרִי: הַמְקָרֵע בְּגָדָיו בַּחֲמָתוֹ, וְהַמְשַׁבֵּר כֵּלָיו בַּחֲמָתוֹ, וְהַמְפַזֵּר מְעוֹתָיו בַּחֲמָתוֹ, יְהֵא בְּעֵינֶיךָ כְּעוֹבֵד עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה. שֶׁכָּךְ אוּמָּנוּתוֹ שֶׁל יֵצֶר הָרָע: הַיּוֹם אוֹמֵר לוֹ עֲשֵׂה כָּךְ, וּלְמָחָר אוֹמֵר לוֹ עֲשֵׂה כָּךְ, עַד שֶׁאוֹמֵר לוֹ עֲבוֹד עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה וְהוֹלֵךְ וְעוֹבֵד. אָמַר רַבִּי אָבִין: מַאי קְרָאָה — ״לֹא יִהְיֶה בְךָ אֵל זָר וְלֹא תִשְׁתַּחֲוֶה לְאֵל נֵכָר״, אֵיזֶהוּ אֵל זָר שֶׁיֵּשׁ בְּגוּפוֹ שֶׁל אָדָם? הֱוֵי אוֹמֵר, זֶה יֵצֶר הָרָע.
The Gemara asks: Say that you heard that Rabbi Yehuda rules that one is liable for performing a labor not needed for its own sake in the case of a constructive act; did you hear him deem one liable in the case of a destructive act? Rabbi Avin said: This case, where one rends his garment in anger, is also constructive, because in doing so he assuages his anger. Rending his garment calms him; therefore, it can be said that he derives benefit from the act of rending, and it is consequently a constructive act. The Gemara asks: And is it at all permitted to tear in that manner? Wasn’t it taught in a baraita that Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar says in the name of Ḥilfa bar Agra, who said in the name of Rabbi Yoḥanan ben Nuri: One who rends his garments in his anger, or who breaks his vessels in his anger, or who scatters his money in his anger, should be like an idol worshipper in your eyes, as that is the craft of the evil inclination. Today it tells him do this, and tomorrow it tells him do that, until eventually, when he no longer controls himself, it tells him worship idols and he goes and worships idols. Rabbi Avin said: What verse alludes to this? “There shall not be a strange god within you, and you shall not bow to a foreign god” (Psalms 81:10). What is the strange god that is within a person’s body? Say that it is the evil inclination. One may not rend his garments in anger, because in doing so he is deriving pleasure from satisfying the evil inclination.
(ד) ד"א אף חובב עמים - מלמד שלא חלק הקב"ה חיבה לאומות העולם כדרך שחלק לישראל, תדע לך שכן הוא, שהרי אמרו: גזילו של נכרי מותר ושל ישראל אסור. וכבר שלחה מלכות שני סרדיטאות ואמר להם: לכו ועשו עצמיכם גרים וראו תורתן של ישראל, מה טיבה? הלכו להם אצל רבן גמליאל לאושה, וקראו את המקרא ושנו את המשנה, מדרש הלכות ואגדות. בשעת פטירתם אמרו להם: כל תורתכם נאה ומשובחת חוץ מדבר אחד: גזלו של גוי מותר ושל ישראל אסור - ודבר זה אין אנו מודיעים אותו למלכות:
(4) Variantly: "He also loved the peoples": We are hereby taught that the Holy One Blessed be He did not apportion love to the nations of the world in the manner that He did to Israel. Know this to be so for they said that the theft of a gentile is permitted, and, of a Jew, forbidden. And it, indeed, transpired that the monarchy once sent two commissioners, instructing them: Go and make yourselves converts and see what the Torah of Israel is like. (They did so) and they went to R. Gamliel to Usha, and studied Scripture, Mishnah, Medrash, halachoth, and aggadoth. Before dying they said: All of your Torah is beautiful and praiseworthy, except for one thing — the theft of a gentile is permitted, and that of a Jew, forbidden — but we will not reveal this to the monarchy.
רַבִּי שֵׁילָא נַגְּדֵיהּ לְהָהוּא גַּבְרָא דִּבְעַל גּוֹיָה. אֲזַל אֲכַל בֵּיהּ קוּרְצֵי בֵּי מַלְכָּא, אֲמַר: אִיכָּא חַד גַּבְרָא בִּיהוּדָאֵי דְּקָא דָּיֵין דִּינָא בְּלָא הַרְמָנָא דְמַלְכָּא. שַׁדַּר עֲלֵיהּ פְּרִיסְתְּקָא. כִּי אֲתָא אָמְרִי לֵיהּ: מַאי טַעְמָא נַגֵּדְתֵּיהּ לְהַאי? אֲמַר לְהוּ: דְּבָא עַל חֲמָרְתָא. אָמְרִי לֵיהּ: אִית לְךָ סָהֲדִי? אֲמַר לְהוּ: אִין. אֲתָא אֵלִיָּהוּ אִדְּמִי לֵיהּ כְּאִינִישׁ, וְאַסְהֵיד. אָמְרִי לֵיהּ: אִי הָכִי, בַּר קְטָלָא הוּא! אֲמַר לְהוּ: אֲנַן מִיּוֹמָא דִּגְלֵינַן מֵאַרְעִין לֵית לַן רְשׁוּתָא לְמִקְטַל. אַתּוּן, מַאי דְּבָעֵיתוּן עֲבִידוּ בֵּיהּ. עַד דִּמְעַיְּינִי בֵּיהּ בְּדִינָא, פְּתַח רַבִּי שֵׁילָא וַאֲמַר: ״לְךָ ה׳ הַגְּדֻלָּה וְהַגְּבוּרָה וְגוֹ׳״. אָמְרִי לֵיהּ: מַאי קָאָמְרַתְּ? אֲמַר לְהוּ, הָכִי קָאָמֵינָא: ״בְּרִיךְ רַחֲמָנָא דְּיָהֵיב מַלְכוּתָא בְּאַרְעָא כְּעֵין מַלְכוּתָא דִרְקִיעָא, וִיהַב לְכוּ שׁוּלְטָנָא וְרָחֲמִי דִּינָא״. אֲמַרוּ: חַבִּיבָא עֲלֵיהּ יְקָרָא דְמַלְכוּתָא כּוּלֵּי הַאי! יָהֲבִי לֵיהּ קוּלְפָא אֲמַרוּ לֵיהּ: דּוּן דִּינָא. כִּי הֲוָה נָפֵיק, אֲמַר לֵיהּ הַהוּא גַּבְרָא: עָבֵיד רַחֲמָנָא נִיסָּא לְשַׁקָּרֵי הָכִי? אֲמַר לֵיהּ: רָשָׁע, לָאו חֲמָרֵי אִיקְּרוּ? דִּכְתִיב: ״אֲשֶׁר בְּשַׂר חֲמוֹרִים בְּשָׂרָם״. חַזְיֵיהּ דְּקָאָזֵיל לְמֵימְרָא לְהוּ דִּקְרִינְהוּ חֲמָרֵי, אֲמַר: הַאי רוֹדֵף הוּא. וְהַתּוֹרָה אָמְרָה: אִם בָּא לְהׇרְגְּךָ — הַשְׁכֵּם לְהׇרְגוֹ. מַחְיֵיהּ בְּקוּלְפָא וְקַטְלֵיהּ.
As for the connection between divine and earthly royalty, the Gemara cites another story: Rabbi Sheila ordered that a man who had relations with a gentile woman be flogged. That man went to inform the king and said: There is one man among the Jews who renders judgment without the king’s authority [harmana]. The king sent a messenger [peristaka] for Rabbi Sheila to bring him to trial. When Rabbi Sheila came, they said to him: Why did you order flogging for this man? He said to them: Because he had relations with a female donkey. According to Persian law this was an extremely heinous crime, so they said to him: Do you have witnesses that he did so? He replied: Yes, and Elijah the prophet came and appeared as a person and testified. They said to Rabbi Sheila: If so, he is liable for the death penalty; why did you not sentence him to death? He replied: Since the day we were exiled from our land we do not have the authority to execute, but you, do with him as you wish. As they considered the sentence, Rabbi Sheila praised God for saving him from danger: “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, power, glory, triumph, and majesty; for all that is in heaven and on earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head above all” (I Chronicles 29:11). They asked him: What did you say? He told them: This is what I said: Blessed is Merciful One who grants kingdom on earth that is a microcosm of the kingdom in heaven, and granted you dominion and love of justice. They said to him: Indeed, the honor of royalty is so dear to you. They gave him a staff to symbolize his license to sit in judgment and said to him: Judge. As he was leaving, that man said to Rabbi Sheila: Does God perform such miracles for liars? He replied: Scoundrel! Aren’t gentiles called donkeys? As it is written: “Whose flesh is as the flesh of donkeys” (Ezekiel 23:20). Rabbi Sheila saw that he was going to tell the Persian authorities that he called them donkeys. He said: This man has the legal status of a pursuer. He seeks to have me killed. And the Torah said: If one comes to kill you, kill him first. He struck him with the staff and killed him.
וַֽתַּעְגְּבָ֔ה עַ֖ל פִּֽלַגְשֵׁיהֶ֑ם אֲשֶׁ֤ר בְּשַׂר־חֲמוֹרִים֙ בְּשָׂרָ֔ם וְזִרְמַ֥ת סוּסִ֖ים זִרְמָתָֽם׃
she lusted for concubinage with them, whose members were like those of asses and whose organs were like those of stallions.
ההוא גברא דאיחייב נגדא בבי דינא דרבא משום דבעל כותית נגדיה רבא ומית אשתמע מילתא בי שבור מלכא בעא לצעורי לרבא אמרה ליה איפרא הורמיז אימיה דשבור מלכא לברה לא ליהוי לך עסק דברים בהדי יהודאי דכל מאן דבעיין ממרייהו יהיב להו
The Gemara relates another story that deals with prayer for rain. There was a certain man who was sentenced to be flogged by Rava’s court because he had relations with a gentile woman. Rava flogged the man and he died as a result. When this matter was heard in the house of the Persian King Shapur, he wanted to punish Rava for imposing the death penalty, as he thought, without the king’s permission. Ifra Hormiz, mother of King Shapur, said to her son: Do not interfere and quarrel with the Jews, as whatever they request from God, their Master, He gives them.
Masechet Shabbat (105b) identifies idolatry with the “evil inclination.” Sifrei Devarim (344:4) shows how non-Jews are viewed differently than Jews - what's immoral to do to Jews (e.g. stealing) you can do to non-Jews. Berakhot (58a) and Ta'anit (24b) pick up on this idea of the inherent difference between Jews and non-Jews by indicating that having carnal relations with a gentile is grounds for flogging and even death. Berakhot takes this one step further to say that having carnal relations with a gentile is like doing so with a "donkey/ass." In his explanatory notes, Steinsaltz indicates that Rabbi Sheila used this metaphor in talking to the gentile king to indicate the severe immorality of the act itself. The quote from Ezekiel is used as prooftext of the animalistic-nature of gentiles. Thus, these two סוגיות begin to show how, to Rabbi Sheila and Rava at least, idolatry is defined as people who are so immoral they are like animals.
What's interesting about this move by Rabbi Sheila and Rava is that it leads to viewing idolatry not by the practice of idolatry itself, but by as an indicator of the character of gentiles. Are there other indications in rabbinic text that what seems like the practice of idolatry is not so? And even moreso, is it possible the category of idolatry is no longer valid if its practitioners are no longer deemed immoral?

Today’s Gentiles are NOT Idolators
מתני׳ רבי ישמעאל אומר שלשה לפניהם ושלשה לאחריהם אסור וחכ"א לפני אידיהן אסור לאחר אידיהן מותר גמ׳ אמר רב תחליפא בר אבדימי אמר שמואל יום א' לדברי ר' ישמעאל לעולם אסור: וחכ"א לפני אידיהן אסור לאחר אידיהן מותר כו':...ואיבעית אימא דשמואל איכא בינייהו דאמר שמואל בגולה אין אסור אלא יום אידם תנא קמא אית ליה דשמואל רבנן בתראי לית להו דשמואל
MISHNA: Rabbi Yishmael says: On the three days before the festivals of gentiles and on the three days after them, it is prohibited to engage in business with those gentiles. And the Rabbis say: It is prohibited to engage in business with them before their festivals, but it is permitted to engage in business with them after their festivals. GEMARA: Rav Taḥlifa bar Avdimi says that Shmuel says: With regard to a Christian, according to the statement of Rabbi Yishmael it is always prohibited for a Jew to engage in business with him. Since his festival takes place every Sunday and the three days before and after Sunday constitute the entire week, one cannot engage in business with a Christian on any day of the week. The mishna teaches: And the Rabbis say: It is prohibited to engage in business with them before their festivals, but it is permitted to engage in business with them after their festivals. The Gemara raises a difficulty...And if you wish, say that the difference between the Rabbis and the first tanna is with regard to the statement of Shmuel. As Shmuel says: In the Diaspora it is prohibited to engage in business with gentiles only on their festival day itself. The first tanna is of the opinion that the halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Shmuel, and the later Rabbis are not of the opinion that the halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Shmuel.
בניו ממזרין ות"ק אשתו לא מפקר אמר מר שחיטת עובד כוכבים נבלה וניחוש שמא מין הוא אמר רב נחמן אמר רבה בר אבוה אין מינין באומות עובדי כוכבים והא קאחזינן דאיכא אימא אין רוב עובדי כוכבים מינין סבר לה כי הא דאמר ר' חייא בר אבא א"ר יוחנן נכרים שבחוצה לארץ לאו עובדי עבודת כוכבים הן אלא מנהג אבותיהן בידיהן אמר רב יוסף בר מניומי אמר רב נחמן אין מינין באומות עובדי כוכבים למאי אילימא לשחיטה השתא שחיטת מין דישראל אמרת אסירא דעובד כוכבים מבעיא אלא למורידין השתא דישראל מורידין דעובדי כוכבים מבעיא אמר רב עוקבא בר חמא לקבל מהן קרבן דתניא (ויקרא א, ב) מכם ולא כולכם להוציא את המומר מכם בכם חלקתי ולא בעובדי כוכבים ממאי דלמא הכי קאמר מישראל מצדיקי קבל מרשיעי לא תקבל אבל בעובדי כוכבים כלל כלל לא לא ס"ד דתניא איש מה ת"ל איש איש לרבות העובדי כוכבים שנודרים נדרים ונדבות כישראל: ומטמאה במשא: פשיטא כיון דנבלה היא מטמאה במשא אמר רבא הכי קתני זו מטמאה במשא ויש לך אחרת שהיא מטמאה אפילו באהל ואיזו זו תקרובת עבודת כוכבים וכרבי יהודה בן בתירא איכא דאמרי אמר רבא הכי קתני זו מטמאה במשא ויש לך אחרת שהיא כזו שמטמאה במשא ואינה מטמאה באהל ואיזו זו תקרובת עבודת כוכבים ודלא כר' יהודה בן בתירא דתניא ר' יהודה בן בתירא אומר מנין לתקרובת עבודת כוכבים שהיא מטמאה באהל שנאמר (תהלים קו, כח) ויצמדו לבעל פעור ויאכלו זבחי מתים מה מת מטמא באהל אף תקרובת עבוד' כוכבי' מטמאה באהל: מתני׳ השוחט בלילה וכן הסומא ששחט שחיטתו כשרה: גמ׳ השוחט דיעבד אין לכתחלה לא ורמינהי לעולם שוחטין בין ביום ובין בלילה בין בראש הגג בין בראש הספינה אר"פ בשאבוקה כנגדו אמר רב אשי דיקא נמי דקתני התם דומיא דיום והכא דומיא דסומא ש"מ:
his sons are mamzerim, as he is indifferent to his wife’s engaging in adultery. The Gemara asks: And the first tanna, why did he not include the ruling that the sons of a heretic are mamzerim? The Gemara answers: In his opinion, a heretic does not release his wife and allow her to engage in adultery. The Master said in the mishna: Slaughter performed by a gentile renders the animal an unslaughtered carcass. The Gemara challenges this: And let us be concerned that perhaps he is a heretic who is a devout idolater and deriving benefit from his slaughter is prohibited. Rav Naḥman said that Rabba bar Avuh says: There are no such heretics among the nations of the world. The Gemara asks: But don’t we see that there are? The Gemara answers: Say the majority of the people of the nations of the world are not heretics, and with regard to slaughter one follows the majority. The Gemara notes: Rabba bar Avuh holds in accordance with that which Rabbi Ḥiyya bar Abba says that Rabbi Yoḥanan says: The status of gentiles outside of Eretz Yisrael is not that of idol worshippers, as their worship is not motivated by faith and devotion. Rather, it is a traditional custom of their ancestors that was transmitted to them. Rav Yosef bar Minyumi says that Rav Naḥman says: There are no heretics among the nations of the world, i.e., gentile heretics do not have the halakhic status of actual heretics. The Gemara asks: With regard to what matter did Rav Naḥman state the halakha? If we say that it is with regard to slaughter, now that you said the slaughter of a Jewish heretic is forbidden, is it necessary to say the slaughter of a gentile heretic is forbidden? Rather, it is with regard to the halakha that one lowers them into a pit, i.e., one may kill a heretic, and Rav Naḥman holds that one may not kill them. But this too is difficult, as now if one lowers a Jewish heretic into a pit, is it necessary to say that one lowers a gentile heretic? Rav Ukva bar Ḥama said: It is stated with regard to accepting an offering from them, as it is taught in a baraita with regard to the verse: “When any person of you shall bring an offering” (Leviticus 1:2): The verse states: “Of you,” and not: Of all of you, to exclude the Jewish transgressor who regularly violates a prohibition. Furthermore, God states: “Of you,” to mean that among you, the Jews, I distinguished between a transgressor and other Jews, but not among the nations. One accepts an offering from all gentiles, even a heretic. The Gemara asks: From where do you draw that conclusion? Perhaps this is what the verse is saying: With regard to offerings from Jews, from righteous Jews accept the offering and from wicked Jews do not accept the offering; but with regard to the nations of the world, do not accept their offerings at all. The Gemara rejects that possibility: That should not enter your mind, as it is taught in a baraita with regard to the verse: “Any man [ish ish] from the house of Israel…who shall sacrifice his offering” (Leviticus 22:18): Since it would have been sufficient to write: A man [ish], what is the meaning when the verse states: “Any man [ish ish]”? It serves to include the gentiles, who may vow to bring vow offerings and gift offerings like a Jew. § The mishna states with regard to an animal slaughtered by a gentile: And the carcass imparts ritual impurity through carrying. The Gemara asks: Isn’t it obvious? Since it is considered an unslaughtered carcass it imparts ritual impurity through carrying. Rava said that this is what the tanna is teaching: This slaughtered animal imparts ritual impurity through carrying, and you have another animal that imparts impurity even in a tent, i.e., if one is beneath the same roof with this animal he becomes impure even though he neither touched it nor carried it. And which animal is that? That animal is an idolatrous offering, and this statement is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira cited below. There are those who say an alternative version of Rava’s statement: Rava said that this is what the tanna is teaching: This slaughtered animal imparts ritual impurity through carrying, and you have another animal that is like this one in that it imparts ritual impurity through carrying and does not impart impurity in a tent. And which animal is this? This animal is an idolatrous offering, and this statement is not in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira. As it is taught in a baraita that Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira says: From where is it derived with regard to an idolatrous offering that it imparts impurity in a tent? It is derived from a verse, as it is stated: “They adhered to Ba’al-Peor and ate the offerings to the dead” (Psalms 106:28). Just as a corpse imparts impurity in a tent, so too an idolatrous offering imparts impurity in a tent. MISHNA: In the case of one who slaughters an animal at night, and likewise in the case of the blind person who slaughters an animal, his slaughter is valid. GEMARA: The Gemara infers from the formulation of the mishna: One who slaughters, and not: One may slaughter, that with regard to the slaughter of one who slaughters at night, after the fact, yes, it is valid, but ab initio, one may not do so. The Gemara raises a contradiction from a baraita (Tosefta 1:4): One may always slaughter, both during the day and at night, both on the rooftop and atop a ship, indicating that slaughter at night is permitted ab initio. Rav Pappa said: The tanna of the baraita is referring to a case where there is a torch opposite the slaughterer; therefore, it is permitted ab initio. Rav Ashi said: The language of the baraita is also precise, as slaughter at night is taught there in the baraita similar to slaughter during the day, based on the juxtaposition: Both during the day and at night. And here slaughter at night is taught similar to the slaughter performed by a blind person, with no light, based on the juxtaposition: One who slaughters at night, and likewise the blind person who slaughters. Therefore, the slaughter is valid only after the fact. The Gemara concludes: Learn from it.
תשובות רבנו גרשום מאור הגולה (Idelberg, 1957) 77
תשובת ר"ג מאור הגולה: ששאלת על בגדי הכומרים שמזמרים בהם לע"ז ואומרים שמשמשי ע"ז הם. ויש לסמוך אדר"י (חולין יג) שגוים בחוץ לארץ לאו עובדי ע"ז הם מותר, הלכך מותר לשאת ולתת עמהם ביום אידם וכיון דמשמשי ע"ז הם אינם אסורים עד שיעבדו שנאמר אבד תאבדון. בכלים שנשתמש בהם לע"ז הכתוב מדבר וכו'. כיון דלאו עובדי ע"ז הם ואע"פ שעובדין ע"ז אינה נחשבת ע"ז, וודאי ע"ז עצמה שלהם אסורה, דתנן ע"ז של נכרי אסורה מיד בין נעבדת בין אינה נעבדת וכיוצא בזה שפרנסתו תלויה בכך, הנח להם שיהיו שוגגים ואל יהיו מזידים.
Teshuvot Rabbeinu Gershom Me'Or HaGolah (Idelberg, 1957) p. 77
Teshuva of Rabbeinu Gershom HaGolah: The question was asked regarding the ability to sell clothes to worn by priests of idolators, and thus they are engageing in idolatry. And on this matter we can rely upon Rabbi Yochanan (Chullin 13b) who said "Nations outside the land of Israel are not idolators, they are allowed." Thus commerce with them on their holiday is allowed, and thus whatever they use to engage in worship is not forbidden until it is used in worship, as it says (in Deuteronomy 12:2): "You must destroy (אבד תאבדון) all the sites at which the nations you are to dispossess worshiped their gods (i.e. in the past)..." This verse also speaks to all the items used in acts of idolatry (thus including the garments worn by the priests). [Regardless of this point,] since the non-Jews in our lands are not considered idol worshipers, even if their worship is idolatry, we do do not have to worry that they are committing idolatry. Certainly the act of idolatry is forbidden in and of itself, as it is taught (Avodah Zarah 51b) "Objects of idolators used for idolatry is forbidden immediately, even if it is not used for idolatry." And other items like this for which a Jew's livelihood is dependent upon it, it is ruled that at worst a Jew is considered to commit a an unintended sin (שוגג) as opposed to an intended sin (מזיד).
Moshe Halbertal quoting Katz quoting Ha-Meiri (in Halbertal’s, Idolatry)
“Ha-Meiri distinguishes the Christians from the idolaters to whom the laws in Tractate Avodah Zarah and in other parts of the Talmud apply. According to Ha-Meiri, the idolatrous nations that the Talmud speaks of are nations that are not law-abiding. In Ha-Meiri’s desciription, ‘They are polluted in their practices and disgusting in their moral traits...but the other nations, which are law-abiding and which are free of these disgusting moral traits and, more over, punish people with these traits — there is no doubt that these laws do not apply to them at all.’ In the other sources we have discussed idolatry was accompanied by a degenerate lifestyle but was not defined by it. In Ha-Meiri’s view this is the definition of idolatry. Thus the issue is not the metaphysics of the community one is trying to define but its lifestyle, and this issue had far-reaching implications for the Jewish attitude to Christianity” (212).
Note to text from Idolatry on Ha-Meiri: Menachem Ha-Meiri, Beit Habehirah, Tractate Avodah Zarah, ed. A. Sofer (Jerusalem, 1944), p. 48. See also pp. 3, 28, 33, 46, 53.
בית הבחירה למאירי מסכת עבודה זרה דף ב עמוד א
יש בדברים אלו דעה אחרת לאחרוני הרבנים והוא שהם פי' לשאת ולתת דוקא במכירה ודעתם שיקח מהם לא נאסר לעולם שאין כאן הודאה אחר שהוא מחליף לו חפצו בדמים
ואף במכירה להם דווקא בדבר הראוי לתקרובת ומה שאמרו בגמ' דבר שאין מתקיים מוכרין להם אבל לא לוקחים הם מפרשים אותה במקח שבדרך דורון ואין נראה כן שזה לשון קבלה הוא ולא לשון מקח שלא נאמר לשון מקח אלא בקנין וכל שכן במקום שהוזכר עם לשון מכר.
ומ"מ בהשאלה והלואה אף הם מודים באיסור אחר שהנאתם באה להם בחנם והדברים זרים ואף על פי שהם מביאים ראיה לדבריהם אינם כלום ואף לקצת רבנים דעות אחרות בענינים אלו הן לענין פירוש הן לענין פסק ועיקר הדברים כמו שכתבנו אלא שבזמנים אלו אין שום אדם נזהר בדברים אלו כלל אף ביום אידם לא גאון ולא רב ולא חכם ולא תלמיד ולא חסיד ולא מתחסד וקצת מפרשים כתבו בה הטעם מפני שעכשו אין מקריבים לפני ע"ז ואין כאן מכשול. ואף המכירות והקנינים מצויים בכל שעה ואין בהם חשש הודאה/
ויש באים בהתרה משום איבה וכדאמרינן בגמ' לא אשקליה הויא ליה איבה וכן בפרק שני כ"ו א' דרב יוסף שרא לאולודי בשכר משום איבה ואף בתלמוד המערב אמרו הנכנס למדינה ומצאם שמחים שמח עמהם שאינו אלא כמחניף וכן במה שאמרו כ' א' לא תחנם לא תתן להם מתנת חנם אמרו בתוספתא במה דברים אמורים בגוי שאין מכירו או שהוא עובר ממקום למקום אבל היה אוהבו או שכנו מותר שאינו אלא כמוכרו לו
ולטעם ראשון מיהא שמתירין מפני שעכשו אין להם הקרבה ואף הודאה בדברים אלו אין להם על הדרך שכתבנו:
יש מקשים בה מצד דבר שבמנין שאע"פ שבטל דבר לא בטלה גזרה ומתרצים שאף הם לא גזרו אלא לפי מה שראו במקומות שהרי שמואל אמר ז' ב' בגולה אינו אסור אלא יום אחד והלכה כמותו
והילכך כל שנראה לפי המקום להתיר אף ביום האיד מתירין. והראיה שהרי בפרק אחרון ס"ה א' אמרו רבא שדר תקרובתא לבר שישך ביום אידו אמר קים לי בגוואי דלא פלח לע"ז וכל שכן בדבר שאין הצבור יכול לעמוד בו ושיש פסידא לישראל במניעתו כגון שהוא ירוד ויום השוק ואם לא עכשו אימתי? והרי זה כדבר האבד ומשום רוחא דידהו ליכא דבירוד זילי זביני.
ואי נמי כל שיש במניעתו פסידא אצלנו אין לנו ולהודאתם כלום. וכדאמרינן בראשון של מועד קטן י' ב' רבינא אסיק זוזי בבני אקרא אתי לקמיה דרב אסי אמר ליה כיון דהאידנא משכחת להו וביומא אחרינא לא משכחת להו כפרקמטיא אבודה דמי.
ותנן נמי גבי ע"ז כי האי גוונא הולכין ליארוד של גוים ולוקחין מהם עבדים ושפחות וכו' מפני שהוא כמציל מידם ולא עוד אלא שעכשו כל הימים כיארוד שהסוחרים מצויים לקנות ביחד ואינו מוצא כשירצה אלא ביוקר.
ומ"מ לפי הסוגיא יש לי לדון שאיני מוצא שיהא ניתר משום איבה אלא מה שאין בו אלא חשש הודאה אבל מה שיש לחוש בו למכשול שבגוף העבודה לא.
וכן מצד גוים שבחוצה לארץ לא הותר אלא לפני האיד אבל יום האיד עצמו אסור והרי מנהג ההיתר אף ביום האיד הוא ומתוך כך עקר הדברים נראה לי שדברים אלו
כלם לא נאמרו אלא על עובדי האלילים וצורותיהם וצלמיהם אבל בזמנים הללו מותר לגמרי.
ומה שאמרו בגמ' נצרי לעולם אסור אני מפרשו מלשון נוצרים באים מארץ מרחק האמור בירמיה שקרא אותם העם נוצרים על שם נבוכד נצר וידוע שצלם השמש היה בבבל ושכל עם נבוכדנצר היו עובדים לו. וכבר ידעת שהחמה משמשת ביום ראשון כענין ראשי ימים ומתוך כך היו קורין לאותו יום נצרי על שם שהיה קבוע לנבוכד נצר על צד ממשלת חמה שבו והדברים נראין וברורים:
Beit Habehirah (R. Menachem Ha-Meiri), Tractate Avodah Zarah 2a [MY TRANSLATION]
There are in these words a different opinion than the latter rabbis, which is those who interpret commerce, particularly when it comes to commerce. And their understanding of commerce is that it is never forbidden since there is not here a separate pronouncement re: exchanging goods for money.
And even when it comes to commerce regarding something suitable to be sacrificed, as the rabbis in the Gemara say, something which is not able to be sold to them, but also is not able to be acquired is considered to be a gift. However, this is not the case for "gift" (דורון) is the language of "receiving" (קבלה) not the language of "buying" (מקח) as the only time when the language of "buying" (מקח) is used is when something is acquired. All the more so in a place in which it is mentioned with the language of "selling" (מכר)!
And in any case, when it comes to borrowing and lending, [those rabbis] still agree that it is forbidden to buy and sell with idol worshippers - for no apparent reason and with strange explanationtions. And even when they bring proof to their words, it is nothing. and even for a few of these other rabbinic opinions on these issues, some are for the sake of explanation/teaching and some for the sake of making law. But the essence of the matter is as we wrote that even in those times, no person was careful about these issues at all, even on the day of the festivals [of idol worshippers] - no Gaon, no Rabbi, no Chacham, no student, no Chasid nor one who is becoming a Chasid. And a handful of interpreters wrote, as the reason for this behavior, that now they are not sacrificing to idolatry and thus there is no stumbling block. Indeed no transaction is viewed as having suspicion of being used to offer thanksgiving [to idolatry].
And there are those who come to this allowance because of fear of the enemy, as it says in the Gemara (Avodah Zarah 6b) "If I do not take the dinar from him, he will harbor enmity towards me!" And so too in chapter 2 (Avodah Zarah 26a), “And Rav Yosef said that a Jewish woman may deliver a Gentile child for payment due to fear of enmity” and even in the western Talmud [i.e. the Yerushalmi], “One who enters the Holy Land and finds [gentiles] being happy, be happy with them just so they can keep you in their good graces.” And thus it is also said in the Tosefta regarding [the mitzvah] “Do not give them quarter (Deuteronomy 7:2) - Do not give them free gifts” [to use for idolatry] (Avodah Zarah 20a), “what are these matters regarding? A non-Jew who you don’t know or who goes about from place to place, however one who is loved or is a neighbor, it is permissible [to sell to that person] since that person is known…
And in regards to the first reason, nevertheless this should be allowed because now they do not sacrifice nor do they give thanks [to their god] in these matters in the way we have written about.
There are those who disagree from the side that even if the individual item is nullified, the decree itself is not nullified. And the response [to this argument[ is that those [to whom we ascribe the decree] did not make a decree rather they saw what was in their places. As Shmuel said (Avodah Zarah 7b) "In the diaspora, it is only forbidden [to engage in business with non-Jews] on the day of their holiday" and the halakha follows him."
Therefore all those who seek in their particular place to permit even on the day of the holiday itself permit it. And the proof appears in the the final chapter (Avodah Zarah 65a) "Rava brought a gift to [a foreign minister named] Bar Sheshakh on their festival day, saying 'I know of him that he does not worship idols.'" All the more so the community at large is not able to abide by this [law] especially when there is loss to Israel that hinders them, such as when they go to town for the day in the market, and if not now when? And all of this is in regards to laws [related] to loss [of money] meaning because of their spirit to not take a loss in the price of their goods.
And perhaps you want to say that everything in regards to [financial] loss is because of our needs, thus our intention is not related at all to idolators giving thanks to their gods. As it says in the beginning of Moed Katan 10b, "Ravina had lent money to the residents of the fortress of Shanvata. He came before Rav Ashi and said to him: 'What is the halakha with regard to them now on the intermediates of the Festival, to collect my debt? Rav Ashi said to him: 'Since it is now that you will find them, whereas on other days you will not find them, this is treated like merchandise that will be lost, and it is therefore permitted."
And it is also taught (in Masechet) Avodah Zarah a similar case of non-Jewish "jackals" (i.e. fathers who refuses to care for their children) and you [take their children] as slaves and maidservants etc. since you are their savior. Today all the merchants are like jackals in that they conspire together to get the best price.
And in any case according to the sugya I have [from which] to judge, I do not find that these issues are permitted due to [the threat of] hostility rather that there is only a suspicion the idolator will offer praise. However in cases when one is concerned about preventing actual idol worship, one is not permitted.
And this is also the case outside the land of Israel in which it is permitted to [engage in commerce] prior to the holiday itself but not during the holiday itself. Thus the custom to allow people [to engage in commerce] on the holiday itself are cases like these [when there is only suspicion of idolators giving thanks to their gods].
All that is mentioned here [in Masechet Avodah Zarah] is in regards to those who worship false gods, and their statues, and their images, but in our day, it is fully permissible [to engage in business transactions with non-Jews].
And regarding what it says in the Gemara, that “it will always be forbidden [to engage] with Christians (i.e. Notzrim), I interpret the term “notzrim” to refer to those who came from a faraway land as mentioned in Jeremiah who called them “Notzrim” because of the name “Nebuchad Netzar.” And it is known that the idol “Shamash” was in Babylonia and that Nebuchadnezzar’s entire nation worshipped [Shamash]. And it was already known that the sun shown on the first day as the first of days, and from this they called the first day “The day of Notzri” (i.e. Sunday), since it was established by Nebuchadnezzar as a way to give homage to the sun. And these ideas are known and clear.
רבא אמטי ליה קורבנא לבר שישך ביום אידם אמר ידענא ביה דלא פלח לעבודת כוכבים אזל אשכחיה דיתיב עד צואריה בוורדא וקיימן זונות ערומות קמיה א"ל אית לכו כה"ג לעלמא דאתי א"ל דידן עדיפא טפי מהאי א"ל טפי מהאי מי הוה א"ל אתון איכא עלייכו אימתא דמלכותא אנן לא תיהוי עלן אימתא דמלכותא א"ל אנא מיהא מאי אימתא דמלכותא איכא עלי
The Gemara relates: Rava brought a gift to a minister named bar Sheshakh on their festival day. Rava said: I know of him that he does not worship idols. Rava went to him and found him sitting up to his neck in rose water, and naked prostitutes were standing before him. Bar Sheshakh said to him: Do you have anything as fine as this in the World-to-Come? Rava said to him: Ours is better than this. Bar Sheshakh said to him: Is there anything finer than this? Rava said to him: You have the fear of the government upon you; we will not have the fear of the government upon us in the World-to-Come. Bar Sheshakh said to him: As for me, in any event, what fear of the government is there upon me? I am a powerful man.
בית הבחירה למאירי מסכת עבודה זרה דף כ עמוד א
כבר ידעת כמה החמירה תורה להרחיק עובדי האלילים מארצנו ומגבולנו ומבינותינו ובכמה מקומות האריכה להזהירנו להתרחק ממעשיהם מכאן אמרו לא תחנם לא תתן להם חן ר"ל לשבח ענינם ומעשיהם ואפילו יפי צורתם ותבניתם וכן דרשו מכאן שלא נתן להם חנייה בקרקע כדי שלא להתמיד ישיבתם בינותינו וכן דרשו ממנו שלא ליתן להם מתנת חנם שלא לגזלה למי שאנו חייבים לה ביותר כגון גר תושב והוא בן נח הגמור לקיים שבע מצות כמו שאמרה תורה לגר אשר בשעריך תתננה ואכלה או מכור לנכרי ומ"מ פי' בתוספתא דוקא לגוי שאין מכירו או שהיה עובר ממקום למקום אבל אם היה שכנו או חברו מותר שהוא כמוכרן לו הא כל שהוא מן האומות הגדורות בדרכי הדתות ושמודות באלהות אין ספק שאף בשאין מכירו מותר וראוי וכבר אמרו שולח אדם ירך לנכרי:
Beit Habehirah La-Meiri Avodah Zarah 20a
It is already known how stringently Torah separates [us from] idolaters in our lands, our borders, and our business, and in certain places to separate us from their products...
...However, when it comes to your neighbor or to a friend it is permitted to sell to them anything, since all who are ntions delimitted by religions and who agree [to the existence of] God there is no doubt even if you don't know them. And thus it is allowed and appropriate [to sell them items] as it says "one may send a siactic nerve to a gentile" [without the fear they will sell it to a Jew] (M Chullin 7:2).
Parisian Sanhedrin, May 30th 1806
Can a Jewess marry a Christian, and a Jew a Christian woman? or does the law allow the Jews to intermarry only among themselves?
The law does not say that a Jewess cannot marry a Christian, nor a Jew a Christian woman; nor does it state that the Jews can only intermarry among themselves.
The only marriages expressly forbidden by the law, are those with the seven Canaanean nations, with Amon and Moab, and with the Egyptians. The prohibition is absolute concerning the seven. Canaanean nations: with regard to Amon and Moab, it is limited, according to many Talmudists, to the men of those nations, and does not extend to the women; it is even thought that these last would have embraced the Jewish religion, As to Egyptians, the prohibition is limited to the third genera. tion. The prohibition in general applies only to nations in idolatry. The Talmud declares for mally that modern nations are not to be considered as such, since they worship, like us, the God of heaven and earth. And, accordingly, there has been, at several periods, intermarriages between Jews and Christians in France, in Spain, and in Germany: these marriages were sometimes tolera ted, and sometimes forbidden by the laws of those sovereigns, who had received Jews into their dominions.
Unions of this kind are still found in France; but we cannot dissemble that the opinion of the Rabbies is against these marriages. According to their doctrine, although the religion of Moses has not forbidden the Jews from intermarrying with nations not of their religion, yet, as marriage, according to the Talmud, requires religious ceremonies called Kiduschim, with the benediction used in such cases, no marriage can be religiously valid unless these ceremonies have been performed. This could not be done towards persons who would not both of them consider these ceremonies as sacred; and in that case the married couple could separate without the religious divorce; they would then be considered as married civilly but not religiously.
Such is the opinion of the Rabbis, members of this assembly. In general they would be no more inclined to bless the union of a Jewess with a Christian, or of a Jew with a Christian woman, than Catholic priests themselves would be disposed to sanction unions of this kind. The Rabbis acknowledge, however, that a Jew, who marries a Christian woman, does not cease on that account, to be considered as a Jew by his brethren, any more than if he had married a Jewess civilly and not religiously.
For Meiri, Christians are not the same idolators as written in the Talmud because idolatry is defined by people who are immoral, and the Christians with whom he interacted were not immoral. What's more, the way to tell there is no concern that the people are immoral is because on the leadership and lay level, the Jewish community no longer has any concern in doing business with their gentile neighbors close to their holidays! Thus, when you want to know if something is wrong, look to the leaders and the people themselves to see if they show in their lack of reciminations that once-prohibited interactions are now OK.
So while "idolators" may no longer be immoral, what about the religious practice itself? Is it possible that what at one point was considered immoral or wrong belief is now not considered as such to the same degree?

שָׁאַל פְּרוֹקְלוֹס בֶּן פִלוֹסְפוֹס אֶת רַבָּן גַּמְלִיאֵל בְּעַכּוֹ, שֶׁהָיָה רוֹחֵץ בַּמֶּרְחָץ שֶׁל אַפְרוֹדִיטִי, אָמַר לוֹ, כָּתוּב בְּתוֹרַתְכֶם, וְלֹא יִדְבַּק בְּיָדְךָ מְאוּמָה מִן הַחֵרֶם. מִפְּנֵי מָה אַתָּה רוֹחֵץ בַּמֶּרְחָץ שֶׁל אַפְרוֹדִיטִי. אָמַר לוֹ, אֵין מְשִׁיבִין בַּמֶּרְחָץ. וּכְשֶׁיָּצָא אָמַר לוֹ, אֲנִי לֹא בָאתִי בִגְבוּלָהּ, הִיא בָאתָה בִגְבוּלִי, אֵין אוֹמְרִים, נַעֲשֶׂה מֶרְחָץ לְאַפְרוֹדִיטִי נוֹי, אֶלָּא אוֹמְרִים, נַעֲשֶׂה אַפְרוֹדִיטִי נוֹי לַמֶּרְחָץ. דָּבָר אַחֵר, אִם נוֹתְנִין לְךָ מָמוֹן הַרְבֵּה, אִי אַתָּה נִכְנָס לַעֲבוֹדָה זָרָה שֶׁלְּךָ עָרוֹם וּבַעַל קֶרִי וּמַשְׁתִּין בְּפָנֶיהָ, וְזוֹ עוֹמֶדֶת עַל פִּי הַבִּיב וְכָל הָעָם מַשְׁתִּינִין לְפָנֶיהָ. לֹא נֶאֱמַר אֶלָּא אֱלֹהֵיהֶם. אֶת שֶׁנּוֹהֵג בּוֹ מִשּׁוּם אֱלוֹקַּ, אָסוּר. וְאֶת שֶׁאֵינוֹ נוֹהֵג בּוֹ מִשּׁוּם אֱלוֹקַּ, מֻתָּר:
Proclos, son of a plosphos, asked Rabban Gamaliel in Acco when the latter was bathing in the bathhouse of aphrodite. He said to him, “It is written in your torah, ‘let nothing that has been proscribed stick to your hand (Deuteronomy 13:18)’; why are you bathing in the bathhouse of Aphrodite?” He replied to him, “We do not answer [questions relating to torah] in a bathhouse.” When he came out, he said to him, “I did not come into her domain, she has come into mine. People do not say, ‘the bath was made as an adornment for Aphrodite’; rather they say, ‘Aphrodite was made as an adornment for the bath.’ Another reason is, even if you were given a large sum of money, you would not enter the presence of your idol while you were nude or had experienced seminal emission, nor would you urinate before it. But this [statue of Aphrodite] stands by a sewer and all people urinate before it. [In the torah] it is only stated, “their gods” (Deuteronomy 12:3) what is treated as a god is prohibited, what is not treated as a deity is permitted.
(יג) כִּֽי־תִשְׁמַ֞ע בְּאַחַ֣ת עָרֶ֗יךָ אֲשֶׁר֩ ה' אֱלֹקֶ֜יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לְךָ֛ לָשֶׁ֥בֶת שָׁ֖ם לֵאמֹֽר׃ (יד) יָצְא֞וּ אֲנָשִׁ֤ים בְּנֵֽי־בְלִיַּ֙עַל֙ מִקִּרְבֶּ֔ךָ וַיַּדִּ֛יחוּ אֶת־יֹשְׁבֵ֥י עִירָ֖ם לֵאמֹ֑ר נֵלְכָ֗ה וְנַעַבְדָ֛ה אֱלֹקִ֥ים אֲחֵרִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹא־יְדַעְתֶּֽם׃ (טו) וְדָרַשְׁתָּ֧ וְחָקַרְתָּ֛ וְשָׁאַלְתָּ֖ הֵיטֵ֑ב וְהִנֵּ֤ה אֱמֶת֙ נָכ֣וֹן הַדָּבָ֔ר נֶעֶשְׂתָ֛ה הַתּוֹעֵבָ֥ה הַזֹּ֖את בְּקִרְבֶּֽךָ׃ (טז) הַכֵּ֣ה תַכֶּ֗ה אֶת־יֹ֥שְׁבֵ֛י הָעִ֥יר הַהִ֖וא לְפִי־חָ֑רֶב הַחֲרֵ֨ם אֹתָ֧הּ וְאֶת־כׇּל־אֲשֶׁר־בָּ֛הּ וְאֶת־בְּהֶמְתָּ֖הּ לְפִי־חָֽרֶב׃ (יז) וְאֶת־כׇּל־שְׁלָלָ֗הּ תִּקְבֹּץ֮ אֶל־תּ֣וֹךְ רְחֹבָהּ֒ וְשָׂרַפְתָּ֨ בָאֵ֜שׁ אֶת־הָעִ֤יר וְאֶת־כׇּל־שְׁלָלָהּ֙ כָּלִ֔יל לַה' אֱלֹקֶ֑יךָ וְהָיְתָה֙ תֵּ֣ל עוֹלָ֔ם לֹ֥א תִבָּנֶ֖ה עֽוֹד׃ (יח) וְלֹֽא־יִדְבַּ֧ק בְּיָדְךָ֛ מְא֖וּמָה מִן־הַחֵ֑רֶם לְמַ֩עַן֩ יָשׁ֨וּב ה' מֵחֲר֣וֹן אַפּ֗וֹ וְנָֽתַן־לְךָ֤ רַחֲמִים֙ וְרִֽחַמְךָ֣ וְהִרְבֶּ֔ךָ כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר נִשְׁבַּ֖ע לַאֲבֹתֶֽיךָ׃ (יט) כִּ֣י תִשְׁמַ֗ע בְּקוֹל֙ ה' אֱלֹקֶ֔יךָ לִשְׁמֹר֙ אֶת־כׇּל־מִצְוֺתָ֔יו אֲשֶׁ֛ר אָנֹכִ֥י מְצַוְּךָ֖ הַיּ֑וֹם לַעֲשׂוֹת֙ הַיָּשָׁ֔ר בְּעֵינֵ֖י ה' אֱלֹקֶֽיךָ׃ {ס}
(13) If you hear it said, of one of the towns that your God ה' is giving you to dwell in, (14) that some scoundrels from among you have gone and subverted the inhabitants of their town, saying, “Come let us worship other gods”—whom you have not experienced— (15) you shall investigate and inquire and interrogate thoroughly. If it is true, the fact is established—that abhorrent thing was perpetrated in your midst— (16) put the inhabitants of that town to the sword and put its cattle to the sword. Doom it and all that is in it to destruction: (17) gather all its spoil into the open square, and burn the town and all its spoil as a holocaust to your God ה'. And it shall remain an everlasting ruin, never to be rebuilt. (18) Let nothing that has been doomed stick to your hand, in order that ה' may turn from a blazing anger and show you compassion, and in compassion increase you as promised on oath to your fathers— (19) for you will be heeding your God ה', obeying all the divine commandments that I enjoin upon you this day, doing what is right in the sight of your God ה'.
(ג) וְנִתַּצְתֶּ֣ם אֶת־מִזְבְּחֹתָ֗ם וְשִׁבַּרְתֶּם֙ אֶת־מַצֵּ֣בֹתָ֔ם וַאֲשֵֽׁרֵיהֶם֙ תִּשְׂרְפ֣וּן בָּאֵ֔שׁ וּפְסִילֵ֥י אֱלֹֽהֵיהֶ֖ם תְּגַדֵּע֑וּן וְאִבַּדְתֶּ֣ם אֶת־שְׁמָ֔ם מִן־הַמָּק֖וֹם הַהֽוּא׃
(3) Tear down their altars, smash their pillars, put their sacred posts to the fire, and cut down the images of their gods, obliterating their name from that site.
(ו) אַף יֵשׁוּעַ הַנּוֹצְרִי שֶׁדִּימָה שֶׁיִּהְיֶה מָשִׁיחַ, וְנֶהֱרָג בְּבֵית דִּין, כְּבָר נִתְנַבֵּא בּוֹ דָּנִיֵּאל, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר "וּבְנֵי פָּרִיצֵי עַמְּךָ יִנַּשְּׂאוּ לְהַעֲמִיד חָזוֹן וְנִכְשָׁלוּ" (דניאל יא, יד). וְכִי יֵשׁ מִכְשׁוֹל גָּדוֹל מִזֶּה, שֶׁכָּל הַנְּבִיאִים דִּבְּרוּ שֶׁהַמָּשִׁיחַ גּוֹאֵל יִשְׂרָאֵל וּמוֹשִׁיעָם, וּמְקַבֵּץ נִדְחֵיהֶם וּמְחַזֵּק מִצְוָתָן, וְזֶה גָּרַם לְאַבֵּד יִשְׂרָאֵל בַּחֶרֶב, וּלְפַזֵּר שְׁאֵרִיתָם וּלְהַשְׁפִּילָם, וּלְהַחֲלִיף הַתּוֹרָה, וּלְהַטְעוֹת רוֹב הָעוֹלָם לַעֲבֹד אֱלוֹקַּ מִבַּלְעֲדֵי ה'.
(ז) אֲבָל מַחְשְׁבוֹת בּוֹרֵא עוֹלָם אֵין כּוֹחַ בָּאָדָם לְהַשִּׂיגָם, כִּי לֹא דְּרָכֵינוּ דְּרָכָיו וְלֹא מַחְשְׁבוֹתֵינוּ מַחְשְׁבוֹתָיו. וְכָל הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלּוּ שֶׁל יֵשׁוּעַ הַנּוֹצְרִי, וְשֶׁל זֶה הַיִּשְׁמְעֵאלִי שֶׁעָמַד אַחֲרָיו, אֵינָן אֶלָּא לְיַשֵּׁר דֶּרֶךְ לַמֶּלֶךְ הַמָּשִׁיחַ, וּלְתַקֵּן אֶת הָעוֹלָם כֻּלּוּ לַעֲבֹד אֶת ה' בְּיַחַד: שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר "כִּי אָז אֶהְפֹּךְ אֶל עַמִּים שָׂפָה בְרוּרָה לִקְרֹא כֻּלָּם בְּשֵׁם ה' וּלְעוֹבְדוֹ שְׁכֶם אֶחָד" (ראה צפניה ג, ט).
(ח) כֵּיצַד: כְּבָר נִתְמַלֵּא הָעוֹלָם כֻּלּוֹ מִדִּבְרֵי הַמָּשִׁיחַ, וּמִדִּבְרֵי הַתּוֹרָה וּמִדִּבְרֵי הַמִּצְווֹת, וּפָשְׁטוּ דְּבָרִים אֵלּוּ בְּאִיִּים רְחוֹקִים, וּבְעַמִּים רַבִּים עַרְלֵי לֵב; וְהֵם נוֹשְׂאִים וְנוֹתְנִים בִּדְבָרִים אֵלּוּ וּבְמִצְווֹת הַתּוֹרָה, אֵלּוּ אוֹמְרִים מִצְווֹת אֵלּוּ אֱמֶת הָיוּ, וּכְבָר בָּטְלוּ בַּזְּמַן הַזֶּה, וְלֹא הָיוּ נוֹהֲגוֹת לְדוֹרוֹת. וְאֵלּוּ אוֹמְרִים דְּבָרִים נִסְתָּרוֹת יֵשׁ בָּהֶם, וְאֵינָן כִּפְשׁוּטָן, וּכְבָר בָּא מָשִׁיחַ, וְגִלָּה נִסְתְּרֵיהֶם.
(ט) וּכְשֶׁיַּעֲמוֹד הַמֶּלֶךְ הַמָּשִׁיחַ בֶּאֱמֶת, וְיַצְלִיחַ וְיָרוּם וְיִינָשֵׂא, מִיַּד הֵם כּוּלָן חוֹזְרִין וְיוֹדְעִים שֶׁשֶּׁקֶר נָחֲלוּ אֲבוֹתֵיהֶם, וְשֶׁנְּבִיאֵיהֶם וַאֲבוֹתֵיהֶם הִטְעוּם.
(6) Even Jesus the Nazarene who imagined he would be the Messiah and was killed by the Court129Or, was handed over to the Romans who killed him as a revolutionary because he proclaimed himself the Messiah, King of Israel. was prophesized about by Daniel as it says, “and also the children of the violent among your people will lift themselves up to establish the vision, but they shall stumble” (Daniel 11:14). Was there ever a greater impediment than this one? All the Prophets spoke of the Messiah, Redeemer of Israel and Savior and Gatherer of the Exiles and Strengthener of the Commandments. But this one caused the ruin of Israel by the sword and the dispersal of its remnant and its humiliation and reversed130Or, changed. the Torah, and caused most of the world to err and worship a god other than HaShem (G-d).
(7) Nonetheless, the Thoughts of the Creator of the World are beyond any man’s understanding. For our ways are not His Ways, and our thoughts are not His Thoughts. And all the doings of Jesus the Nazarene and that of that Ishmaelite131I.e. Mohammed. The Rambam labels him “Meshugah” in his Igeress Teiman. who came after him are nothing but to pave the way for the King Messiah and prepare the entire world to worship G-d together, as it says, “For then132When they will realize that their Messiahs were false will they abandon them and turn to G-d’s true Messiah. I will turn to the peoples a pure language, that they may all call upon the Name of the Lord, to serve Him with one consent” (Zephania 3:9).
(8) How is this so? The world is now already filled with matters of the Messiah and matters of the Torah and matters of the Commandments. Knowledge of these matters have spread to the distant islands and to the many nations of those with uncircumcised hearts. They discuss these matters and the Commandments of the Torah. Some of them133As did Mohammed. say that these Commandments were once true, but have since been canceled for our times as they were not meant to be observed for all generations. Some of them say that these are secret matters and are not as simple as they would appear, and now the “Messiah”134Jesus. has come and revealed these secrets.
(9) But when the true King Messiah will rise and succeed, and he will be lifted up and raised aloft, they all will immediately return and will know that their fathers left them an erroneous legacy, and their fathers and prophets led them astray.
In M Avodah Zarah 3:4, Rabban Gamliel does not view bathing in a bathhouse with a sculpture of Aphrodite as coming close to idolatry. In making a differentiation between worshipping an idol as opposed to looking at an idol as an ornament or piece of art, he argued that the command is only to destroy idols that are used as gods (see Deuteronomy 12:3). Maimonides though takes this a step further - even considering idolatry in a religious sense may not include gentile religious like Islam and Christianity. This is because at the very least they accomplished the important job of spreading the idea of One God around the world to prepare for the arrival of the King Messiah. This leads me to wonder - is it ok to intermarry for the sake of uniting God?.

״וְהָיָה ה׳ לְמֶלֶךְ עַל כׇּל הָאָרֶץ בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא יִהְיֶה ה׳ אֶחָד וּשְׁמוֹ אֶחָד״. אַטּוּ הָאִידָּנָא לָאו אֶחָד הוּא? אָמַר רַבִּי אַחָא בַּר חֲנִינָא: לֹא כָּעוֹלָם הַזֶּה הָעוֹלָם הַבָּא. הָעוֹלָם הַזֶּה, עַל בְּשׂוֹרוֹת טוֹבוֹת אוֹמֵר: ״בָּרוּךְ הַטּוֹב וְהַמֵּטִיב״, וְעַל בְּשׂוֹרוֹת רָעוֹת אוֹמֵר: ״בָּרוּךְ דַּיַּין הָאֱמֶת״. לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא, כּוּלּוֹ ״הַטּוֹב וְהַמֵּטִיב״. ״וּשְׁמוֹ אֶחָד״. מַאי ״אֶחָד״? אַטּוּ הָאִידָּנָא לָאו שְׁמוֹ אֶחָד הוּא? אָמַר רַב נַחְמָן בַּר יִצְחָק: לֹא כָּעוֹלָם הַזֶּה הָעוֹלָם הַבָּא. הָעוֹלָם הַזֶּה, נִכְתַּב בְּיוֹד הֵי וְנִקְרָא בְּאָלֶף דָּלֶת. אֲבָל לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא כּוּלּוֹ אֶחָד, נִקְרָא בְּיוֹד הֵי וְנִכְתַּב בְּיוֹד הֵי. סְבַר רָבָא לְמִדְרְשַׁהּ בְּפִירְקָא, אֲמַר לֵיהּ הָהוּא סָבָא: ״לְעַלֵּם״ כְּתִיב. רַבִּי אֲבִינָא רָמֵי: כְּתִיב ״זֶה שְּׁמִי לְעֹלָם״ — ״וְזֶה זִכְרִי לְדוֹר דּוֹר״. אָמַר הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא: לֹא כְּשֶׁאֲנִי נִכְתָּב, אֲנִי נִקְרָא. נִכְתָּב אֲנִי בְּיוֹד הֵא, וְנִקְרָא אֲנִי בְּאָלֶף דָּלֶת.
The Gemara cites another verse from the prophecy at the end of the book of Zechariah: “And the Lord shall be King over all the earth, on that day shall the Lord be one and His name one” (Zechariah 14:9). The Gemara asks: Is that to say that now He is not one? Rabbi Aḥa bar Ḥanina said: The World-to-Come is not like this world. In this world, upon good tidings one recites: Blessed…Who is good and does good, and over bad tidings one recites: Blessed…the true Judge. In the World-to-Come one will always recite: Blessed…Who is good and does good. There will be only one mode of blessing God for tidings. The verse states: “On that day shall the Lord be one and His name one.” The Gemara asks: What is the meaning of the word one in this context? Is that to say that now His name is not one? Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak said: The World-to-Come is not like this world. In this world, God’s name that is written with the letters yod and heh is read as Adonai, which begins with the letters alef and dalet. God’s name is not pronounced in the same way as it is written. However, in the World-to-Come it will all be one, as God’s name will be both read with the letters yod and heh and written with the letters yod and heh. Rava thought to expound upon the correct punctuation and enunciation of the name of God during his public lecture before one of the Festivals. A certain old man said to him: The word forever is written in the verse: “This is My name forever [le’olam]” (Exodus 3:15) without the letter vav, such that it can be read le’alem, to conceal, meaning that the name should be concealed. Rabbi Avina raised a contradiction: It is written in the verse: “This is My name forever,” implying a requirement to conceal the name of God, and in the very next phrase it states: “And this is My memorial unto all generations” (Exodus 3:15), which indicates that the name of God is to be publicized and remembered by all. Rather, the Holy One, Blessed be He, said: I, i.e., My name, is not read as I am written. I am written with the letters yod and heh, and I am read with the letters alef and dalet.
(א) הִנֵּ֥ה יֽוֹם־בָּ֖א לַה' וְחֻלַּ֥ק שְׁלָלֵ֖ךְ בְּקִרְבֵּֽךְ׃ (ב) וְאָסַפְתִּ֨י אֶת־כׇּל־הַגּוֹיִ֥ם ׀ אֶֽל־יְרוּשָׁלַ֘͏ִם֮ לַמִּלְחָמָה֒ וְנִלְכְּדָ֣ה הָעִ֗יר וְנָשַׁ֙סּוּ֙ הַבָּ֣תִּ֔ים וְהַנָּשִׁ֖ים (תשגלנה) [תִּשָּׁכַ֑בְנָה] וְיָצָ֞א חֲצִ֤י הָעִיר֙ בַּגּוֹלָ֔ה וְיֶ֣תֶר הָעָ֔ם לֹ֥א יִכָּרֵ֖ת מִן־הָעִֽיר׃ (ג) וְיָצָ֣א ה' וְנִלְחַ֖ם בַּגּוֹיִ֣ם הָהֵ֑ם כְּי֥וֹם הִֽלָּחֲמ֖וֹ בְּי֥וֹם קְרָֽב׃ (ד) וְעָמְד֣וּ רַגְלָ֣יו בַּיּוֹם־הַ֠ה֠וּא עַל־הַ֨ר הַזֵּיתִ֜ים אֲשֶׁ֨ר עַל־פְּנֵ֥י יְרֽוּשָׁלַ֘͏ִם֮ מִקֶּ֒דֶם֒ וְנִבְקַע֩ הַ֨ר הַזֵּיתִ֤ים מֵֽחֶצְיוֹ֙ מִזְרָ֣חָה וָיָ֔מָּה גֵּ֖יא גְּדוֹלָ֣ה מְאֹ֑ד וּמָ֨שׁ חֲצִ֥י הָהָ֛ר צָפ֖וֹנָה וְחֶצְיוֹ־נֶֽגְבָּה׃ (ה) וְנַסְתֶּ֣ם גֵּיא־הָרַ֗י כִּי־יַגִּ֣יעַ גֵּֽי־הָרִים֮ אֶל־אָצַל֒ וְנַסְתֶּ֗ם כַּאֲשֶׁ֤ר נַסְתֶּם֙ מִפְּנֵ֣י הָרַ֔עַשׁ בִּימֵ֖י עֻזִּיָּ֣ה מֶלֶךְ־יְהוּדָ֑ה וּבָא֙ ה' אֱלֹקַ֔י כׇּל־קְדֹשִׁ֖ים עִמָּֽךְ׃ (ו) וְהָיָ֖ה בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֑וּא לֹֽא־יִֽהְיֶ֣ה א֔וֹר יְקָר֖וֹת (יקפאון) [וְקִפָּאֽוֹן]׃ (ז) וְהָיָ֣ה יוֹם־אֶחָ֗ד ה֛וּא יִוָּדַ֥ע לַה' לֹא־י֣וֹם וְלֹא־לָ֑יְלָה וְהָיָ֥ה לְעֵֽת־עֶ֖רֶב יִֽהְיֶה־אֽוֹר׃ (ח) וְהָיָ֣ה ׀ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֗וּא יֵצְא֤וּ מַֽיִם־חַיִּים֙ מִיר֣וּשָׁלַ֔͏ִם חֶצְיָ֗ם אֶל־קַיָּם֙ הַקַּדְמוֹנִ֔י וְחֶצְיָ֖ם אֶל־קַיָּ֣ם הָאַחֲר֑וֹן בַּקַּ֥יִץ וּבָחֹ֖רֶף יִֽהְיֶֽה׃ (ט) וְהָיָ֧ה ה' לְמֶ֖לֶךְ עַל־כׇּל־הָאָ֑רֶץ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֗וּא יִהְיֶ֧ה ה' אֶחָ֖ד וּשְׁמ֥וֹ אֶחָֽד׃ (י) יִסּ֨וֹב כׇּל־הָאָ֤רֶץ כָּֽעֲרָבָה֙ מִגֶּ֣בַע לְרִמּ֔וֹן נֶ֖גֶב יְרֽוּשָׁלָ֑͏ִם וְֽרָאֲמָה֩ וְיָשְׁבָ֨ה תַחְתֶּ֜יהָ לְמִשַּׁ֣עַר בִּנְיָמִ֗ן עַד־מְק֞וֹם שַׁ֤עַר הָֽרִאשׁוֹן֙ עַד־שַׁ֣עַר הַפִּנִּ֔ים וּמִגְדַּ֣ל חֲנַנְאֵ֔ל עַ֖ד יִקְבֵ֥י הַמֶּֽלֶךְ׃ (יא) וְיָ֣שְׁבוּ בָ֔הּ וְחֵ֖רֶם לֹ֣א יִֽהְיֶה־ע֑וֹד וְיָשְׁבָ֥ה יְרוּשָׁלַ֖͏ִם לָבֶֽטַח׃ {ס} (יב) וְזֹ֣את ׀ תִּהְיֶ֣ה הַמַּגֵּפָ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִגֹּ֤ף ה' אֶת־כׇּל־הָ֣עַמִּ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר צָבְא֖וּ עַל־יְרוּשָׁלָ֑͏ִם הָמֵ֣ק ׀ בְּשָׂר֗וֹ וְהוּא֙ עֹמֵ֣ד עַל־רַגְלָ֔יו וְעֵינָיו֙ תִּמַּ֣קְנָה בְחֹֽרֵיהֶ֔ן וּלְשׁוֹנ֖וֹ תִּמַּ֥ק בְּפִיהֶֽם׃ (יג) וְהָיָה֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא תִּהְיֶ֧ה מְהֽוּמַת־ה' רַבָּ֖ה בָּהֶ֑ם וְהֶחֱזִ֗יקוּ אִ֚ישׁ יַ֣ד רֵעֵ֔הוּ וְעָלְתָ֥ה יָד֖וֹ עַל־יַ֥ד רֵעֵֽהוּ׃ (יד) וְגַ֨ם־יְהוּדָ֔ה תִּלָּחֵ֖ם בִּירוּשָׁלָ֑͏ִם וְאֻסַּף֩ חֵ֨יל כׇּל־הַגּוֹיִ֜ם סָבִ֗יב זָהָ֥ב וָכֶ֛סֶף וּבְגָדִ֖ים לָרֹ֥ב מְאֹֽד׃ (טו) וְכֵ֨ן תִּהְיֶ֜ה מַגֵּפַ֣ת הַסּ֗וּס הַפֶּ֙רֶד֙ הַגָּמָ֣ל וְהַחֲמ֔וֹר וְכׇ֨ל־הַבְּהֵמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר יִֽהְיֶ֖ה בַּמַּחֲנ֣וֹת הָהֵ֑מָּה כַּמַּגֵּפָ֖ה הַזֹּֽאת׃ (טז) וְהָיָ֗ה כׇּל־הַנּוֹתָר֙ מִכׇּל־הַגּוֹיִ֔ם הַבָּאִ֖ים עַל־יְרוּשָׁלָ֑͏ִם וְעָל֞וּ מִדֵּ֧י שָׁנָ֣ה בְשָׁנָ֗ה לְהִֽשְׁתַּחֲוֺת֙ לְמֶ֙לֶךְ֙ ה' צְבָא֔וֹת וְלָחֹ֖ג אֶת־חַ֥ג הַסֻּכּֽוֹת׃ (יז) וְ֠הָיָ֠ה אֲשֶׁ֨ר לֹֽא־יַעֲלֶ֜ה מֵאֵ֨ת מִשְׁפְּח֤וֹת הָאָ֙רֶץ֙ אֶל־יְר֣וּשָׁלַ֔͏ִם לְהִֽשְׁתַּחֲוֺ֔ת לְמֶ֖לֶךְ ה' צְבָא֑וֹת וְלֹ֥א עֲלֵיהֶ֖ם יִהְיֶ֥ה הַגָּֽשֶׁם׃ (יח) וְאִם־מִשְׁפַּ֨חַת מִצְרַ֧יִם לֹֽא־תַעֲלֶ֛ה וְלֹ֥א בָאָ֖ה וְלֹ֣א עֲלֵיהֶ֑ם תִּֽהְיֶ֣ה הַמַּגֵּפָ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִגֹּ֤ף ה' אֶת־הַגּוֹיִ֔ם אֲשֶׁר֙ לֹ֣א יַעֲל֔וּ לָחֹ֖ג אֶת־חַ֥ג הַסֻּכּֽוֹת׃ (יט) זֹ֥את תִּהְיֶ֖ה חַטַּ֣את מִצְרָ֑יִם וְחַטַּאת֙ כׇּל־הַגּוֹיִ֔ם אֲשֶׁר֙ לֹ֣א יַעֲל֔וּ לָחֹ֖ג אֶת־חַ֥ג הַסֻּכּֽוֹת׃ (כ) בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֗וּא יִֽהְיֶה֙ עַל־מְצִלּ֣וֹת הַסּ֔וּס קֹ֖דֶשׁ לַה' וְהָיָ֤ה הַסִּירוֹת֙ בְּבֵ֣ית ה' כַּמִּזְרָקִ֖ים לִפְנֵ֥י הַמִּזְבֵּֽחַ׃ (כא) וְ֠הָיָ֠ה כׇּל־סִ֨יר בִּירוּשָׁלַ֜͏ִם וּבִיהוּדָ֗ה קֹ֚דֶשׁ לַה' צְבָא֔וֹת וּבָ֙אוּ֙ כׇּל־הַזֹּ֣בְחִ֔ים וְלָקְח֥וּ מֵהֶ֖ם וּבִשְּׁל֣וּ בָהֶ֑ם וְלֹֽא־יִֽהְיֶ֨ה כְנַעֲנִ֥י ע֛וֹד בְּבֵית־ה' צְבָא֖וֹת בַּיּ֥וֹם הַהֽוּא׃
(1) Lo, a day of the LORD is coming when your spoil shall be divided in your very midst! (2) For I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem for war: The city shall be captured, the houses plundered, and the women violated; and a part of the city shall go into exile. But the rest of the population shall not be uprooted from the city. (3) Then the LORD will come forth and make war on those nations as He is wont to make war on a day of battle. (4) On that day, He will set His feet on the Mount of Olives, near Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives shall split across from east to west, and one part of the Mount shall shift to the north and the other to the south, a huge gorge. (5) And the Valley in the Hills shall be stopped up, for the Valley of the Hills shall reach only to Azal; it shall be stopped up as it was stopped up as a result of the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah of Judah.—And the LORD my God, with all the holy beings, will come to you. (6) In that day, there shall be neither sunlight nor cold moonlight, (7) but there shall be a continuous day—only the LORD knows when—of neither day nor night, and there shall be light at eventide. (8) In that day, fresh water shall flow from Jerusalem, part of it to the Eastern Sea and part to the Western Sea, throughout the summer and winter. (9) And the LORD shall be king over all the earth; in that day there shall be one LORD with one name. (10) Then the whole country shall become like the Arabah, from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem.-h The latter, however, shall perch high up where it is, and -ishall be inhabited-i from the Gate of Benjamin to the site of the Old Gate, down to the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the king’s winepresses. (11) Never again shall destruction be decreed, and Jerusalem shall dwell secure. (12) As for those peoples that warred against Jerusalem, the LORD will smite them with this plague: Their flesh shall rot away while they stand on their feet; their eyes shall rot away in their sockets; and their tongues shall rot away in their mouths. (13) In that day, a great panic from the LORD shall fall upon them, and everyone shall snatch at the hand of another, and everyone shall raise his hand against everyone else’s hand. (14) Judah shall join the fighting in Jerusalem, and the wealth of all the nations round about—vast quantities of gold, silver, and clothing—shall be gathered in. (15) The same plague shall strike the horses, the mules, the camels, and the asses; the plague shall affect all the animals in those camps. (16) All who survive of all those nations that came up against Jerusalem shall make a pilgrimage year by year to bow low to the King LORD of Hosts and to observe the Feast of Booths. (17) Any of the earth’s communities that does not make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem to bow low to the King LORD of Hosts shall receive no rain. (18) However, if the community of Egypt does not make this pilgrimage, it shall not be visited by the same affliction with which the LORD will strike the other nations that do not come up to observe the Feast of Booths. (19) Such shall be the punishment of Egypt and of all other nations that do not come up to observe the Feast of Booths. (20) In that day, even the bells on the horses shall be inscribed “Holy to the LORD.” The metal pots in the House of the LORD shall be like the basins before the altar; (21) indeed, every metal pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holy to the LORD of Hosts. And all those who sacrifice shall come and take of these to boil [their sacrificial meat] in; in that day there shall be no more traders in the House of the LORD of Hosts.
(יג) וַיֹּ֨אמֶר מֹשֶׁ֜ה אֶל־הָֽאֱלֹקִ֗ים הִנֵּ֨ה אָנֹכִ֣י בָא֮ אֶל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵל֒ וְאָמַרְתִּ֣י לָהֶ֔ם אֱלֹקֵ֥י אֲבוֹתֵיכֶ֖ם שְׁלָחַ֣נִי אֲלֵיכֶ֑ם וְאָֽמְרוּ־לִ֣י מַה־שְּׁמ֔וֹ מָ֥ה אֹמַ֖ר אֲלֵהֶֽם׃ (יד) וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֱלֹקִים֙ אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֔ה אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה וַיֹּ֗אמֶר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לִבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה שְׁלָחַ֥נִי אֲלֵיכֶֽם׃ (טו) וַיֹּ֩אמֶר֩ ע֨וֹד אֱלֹקִ֜ים אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֗ה כֹּֽה־תֹאמַר֮ אֶל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵל֒ ה' אֱלֹקֵ֣י אֲבֹתֵיכֶ֗ם אֱלֹקֵ֨י אַבְרָהָ֜ם אֱלֹקֵ֥י יִצְחָ֛ק וֵאלֹקֵ֥י יַעֲקֹ֖ב שְׁלָחַ֣נִי אֲלֵיכֶ֑ם זֶה־שְּׁמִ֣י לְעֹלָ֔ם וְזֶ֥ה זִכְרִ֖י לְדֹ֥ר דֹּֽר׃ (טז) לֵ֣ךְ וְאָֽסַפְתָּ֞ אֶת־זִקְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל וְאָמַרְתָּ֤ אֲלֵהֶם֙ ה' אֱלֹקֵ֤י אֲבֹֽתֵיכֶם֙ נִרְאָ֣ה אֵלַ֔י אֱלֹקֵ֧י אַבְרָהָ֛ם יִצְחָ֥ק וְיַעֲקֹ֖ב לֵאמֹ֑ר פָּקֹ֤ד פָּקַ֙דְתִּי֙ אֶתְכֶ֔ם וְאֶת־הֶעָשׂ֥וּי לָכֶ֖ם בְּמִצְרָֽיִם׃
(13) Moses said to God, “When I come to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers’ [house] has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is [God’s] name?’ what shall I say to them?” (14) And God said to Moses, “Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh,”*Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh Meaning of Heb. uncertain; variously translated: “I Am That I Am”; “I Am Who I Am”; “I Will Be What I Will Be”; etc. continuing, “Thus shall you say to the Israelites, ‘Ehyeh*Ehyeh Others “I Am” or “I Will Be.” sent me to you.’” (15) And God said further to Moses, “Thus shall you speak to the Israelites: ה',*יהוה This name (y-h-w-h; traditionally read Adonai “the Lord”) is here associated with the verb hayah “to be.” the God of your fathers’ [house]—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you:This shall be My name forever,This My appellation for all eternity. (16) “Go and assemble the elders of Israel and say to them: ה', the God of your fathers’ [house]—the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—has appeared to me and said, ‘I have taken note of you and of what is being done to you in Egypt,
אָמַר רַב נַחְמָן בַּר יִצְחָק: גְּדוֹלָה עֲבֵירָה לִשְׁמָהּ מִמִּצְוָה שֶׁלֹּא לִשְׁמָהּ. וְהָאָמַר רַב יְהוּדָה אָמַר רַב: לְעוֹלָם יַעֲסוֹק אָדָם בְּתוֹרָה וּבְמִצְוֹת אֲפִילּוּ שֶׁלֹּא לִשְׁמָן, שֶׁמִּתּוֹךְ שֶׁלֹּא לִשְׁמָן בָּא לִשְׁמָן? אֶלָּא אֵימָא: כְּמִצְוָה שֶׁלֹּא לִשְׁמָהּ.
Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak said: Greater is a transgression committed for its own sake, i.e., for the sake of Heaven, than a mitzva performed not for its own sake. The Gemara questions this comparison: But didn’t Rav Yehuda say that Rav said: A person should always occupy himself with Torah and mitzvot even not for their own sake, as it is through acts performed not for their own sake that good deeds for their own sake come about? How, then, can any transgression be considered greater than a mitzva not for the sake of Heaven? Rather, one must emend the above statement and say as follows: A transgression for the sake of Heaven is equivalent to a mitzva not for its own sake.
(יב) וַיֹּ֙אמֶר֙ כִּֽי־אֶֽהְיֶ֣ה עִמָּ֔ךְ וְזֶה־לְּךָ֣ הָא֔וֹת כִּ֥י אָנֹכִ֖י שְׁלַחְתִּ֑יךָ בְּהוֹצִֽיאֲךָ֤ אֶת־הָעָם֙ מִמִּצְרַ֔יִם תַּֽעַבְדוּן֙ אֶת־הָ֣אֱלֹקִ֔ים עַ֖ל הָהָ֥ר הַזֶּֽה׃ (יג) וַיֹּ֨אמֶר מֹשֶׁ֜ה אֶל־הָֽאֱלֹקִ֗ים הִנֵּ֨ה אָנֹכִ֣י בָא֮ אֶל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵל֒ וְאָמַרְתִּ֣י לָהֶ֔ם אֱלֹקֵ֥י אֲבוֹתֵיכֶ֖ם שְׁלָחַ֣נִי אֲלֵיכֶ֑ם וְאָֽמְרוּ־לִ֣י מַה־שְּׁמ֔וֹ מָ֥ה אֹמַ֖ר אֲלֵהֶֽם׃ (יד) וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֱלֹקִים֙ אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֔ה אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה וַיֹּ֗אמֶר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לִבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה שְׁלָחַ֥נִי אֲלֵיכֶֽם׃ (טו) וַיֹּ֩אמֶר֩ ע֨וֹד אֱלֹקִ֜ים אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֗ה כֹּֽה־תֹאמַר֮ אֶל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵל֒ ה' אֱלֹקֵ֣י אֲבֹתֵיכֶ֗ם אֱלֹקֵ֨י אַבְרָהָ֜ם אֱלֹקֵ֥י יִצְחָ֛ק וֵאלֹקֵ֥י יַעֲקֹ֖ב שְׁלָחַ֣נִי אֲלֵיכֶ֑ם זֶה־שְּׁמִ֣י לְעֹלָ֔ם וְזֶ֥ה זִכְרִ֖י לְדֹ֥ר דֹּֽר׃ (טז) לֵ֣ךְ וְאָֽסַפְתָּ֞ אֶת־זִקְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל וְאָמַרְתָּ֤ אֲלֵהֶם֙ ה' אֱלֹקֵ֤י אֲבֹֽתֵיכֶם֙ נִרְאָ֣ה אֵלַ֔י אֱלֹקֵ֧י אַבְרָהָ֛ם יִצְחָ֥ק וְיַעֲקֹ֖ב לֵאמֹ֑ר פָּקֹ֤ד פָּקַ֙דְתִּי֙ אֶתְכֶ֔ם וְאֶת־הֶעָשׂ֥וּי לָכֶ֖ם בְּמִצְרָֽיִם׃
(12) And [God] said, “I will be with you; that shall be your sign that it was I who sent you. And when you have freed the people from Egypt, you shall worship God at this mountain.” (13) Moses said to God, “When I come to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers’ [house] has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is [God’s] name?’ what shall I say to them?” (14) And God said to Moses, “Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh,”*Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh Meaning of Heb. uncertain; variously translated: “I Am That I Am”; “I Am Who I Am”; “I Will Be What I Will Be”; etc. continuing, “Thus shall you say to the Israelites, ‘Ehyeh*Ehyeh Others “I Am” or “I Will Be.” sent me to you.’” (15) And God said further to Moses, “Thus shall you speak to the Israelites: ה',*יהוה This name (y-h-w-h; traditionally read Adonai “the Lord”) is here associated with the verb hayah “to be.” the God of your fathers’ [house]—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you:This shall be My name forever,This My appellation for all eternity. (16) “Go and assemble the elders of Israel and say to them: ה', the God of your fathers’ [house]—the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—has appeared to me and said, ‘I have taken note of you and of what is being done to you in Egypt,
(ד) מִ֤י עָלָֽה־שָׁמַ֨יִם ׀ וַיֵּרַ֡ד מִ֤י אָֽסַף־ר֨וּחַ ׀ בְּחׇפְנָ֡יו מִ֤י צָֽרַר־מַ֨יִם ׀ בַּשִּׂמְלָ֗ה מִ֭י הֵקִ֣ים כׇּל־אַפְסֵי־אָ֑רֶץ מַה־שְּׁמ֥וֹ וּמַֽה־שֶּׁם־בְּ֝נ֗וֹ כִּ֣י תֵדָֽע׃
(4) Who has ascended heaven and come down?Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of his hand?Who has wrapped the waters in his garment?Who has established all the extremities of the earth?What is his name or his son’s name, if you know it?
(ב) וידבר וכו' לך ר"ד (שמות לב ז). במדרש רז"ל (ברכות ל"ב ע"א) לך ר"ד מגדולתך. יש לפרש דבריהם ברמז, כי הנה ב' אותיות ר"ד בתורה הם גדולים מאותיות רבתים, היינו הר' בפסוק (שמות לד יד) כי לא תשתחוה לאל אחר, והד' דאחד (דברים ו ד). להורות שלא יטעו בני אדם בין אח"ד לאח"ר, כי לפעמים ידמה להאדם שעושה מצוה להש"י והוא עובד עבודה זרה, דהיינו בעשותו לשם איזה פניה וכיוצא, ולפעמים הוא בהיפוך דגדולה עבירה לשמה (נזיר כ"ג ע"ב), והבן.
וצריך לשקול מאוד ענייניו במאזני צדק שלא יטעה, על כן נכתב בתורה ב' אותיות הללו רברבין, שלא יטעה האדם דבקל יכול לטעות.
וזה נמשך מחטא אדם הראשון שעל ידי כך נפל לעץ הדעת טוב ורע, שמעורב בדעתו טוב ורע ויכול לטעות, כי לולא ההתערבות, היה דעתו דעת קדושים בלי נטות ימין ושמאל.
וז"ש הש"י לאדם וקו"ץ ודרד"ר תצמיח לך (בראשית ג יח), שעל ידי שנמשכת אחר דעת טוב ורע, בקל תוכל לבוא לידי טעות לעשות מד' ר' ומר' לד', שהחילוק שביניהם הוא קו"ץ (עיין באריכות בפרשת בראשית). והנה זה ידוע דמשה הוא סוד הדעת בקודש, ובבחינתו כתב הב' אתוון הללו רברבין וגדולים, כי על ידי הדעת דקדושה בל יטעו עוד הטעות הנ"ל.
והנה זה ודאי לא נעלם מכל משכיל שחטא עגל לא היה דמיון טפשות, לעשות עגל להשתחוות כאשר יעשו הפתאים. אבל היה הענין טעות באיזה מושכל, וכבר דיברו בזה המשכילים, וזה היה ממש חטא אדם הראשון טעות בעץ הדעת טוב ורע, שחשבו שזה יהיה איזה עבודה מוכשרת וזה היה עבודה זרה, ואם כן זה מיקרי טעות בין ר' לד' בין אח"ד לאח"ר.
(2) And he said etc. Hurry down (Exodus 32:7) According to the midrash (Berakhot 32a) “Descend from your greatness.” It is possible to explain this via remez, that the two letters reysh (ר׳) and dalet (ד׳) in the Torah are greater than a thousand letters. That is, the reysh in the verse “Do not bow to another god” (Exodus 34:14) and the dalet of echad [in “Hear O Israel the Lord is our God the Lord is One”] (Deuteronomy 6:4). This is to instruct us to not make a mistake between One/echad אח״ד (ending in a dalet) and Another/acher אח״ר (ending in a reysh), because sometimes it seems to humans that they are performing a mitzvah to God when instead they are worshipping idolatry. That is in doing some action or the like [in support of God], one sometimes does the opposite, as the Talmud says “The greatest sin is done for the sake of God” (Nazir 23b), and understand.
And it is important to weigh matters strongly on the side of righteousness so that one does not err, which is why these two letters are so great, so that someone does not make a mistake because it is easy to make a mistake.
And this flows from the sin of the original Adam who by virtue of this kind of mistake fell [to eat] of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that his knowledge of good and evil was mixed up and easily mistaken, because without this mixup, his mind would have been holy without wavering from right to left.
And this is why God said to Adam “Thorns (קו״ץ) and thistles (דרד״ר) shall it sprout for you” (Genesis 3:18), since flow flowing from the knowledge of good and evil, it is easy to make a mistake between a dalet (ד׳) and a reysh (ר׳) and vice versa, since the difference between them is a little corner (i.e. a kotz). And this is how it is known that Moses contains the secret of holy knowledge, because it is in that aspect he wrote the two great and important letters, since it is by knowledge of that which is holy that one will not make future mistakes.
And it should be clear to every maskil that the sin of the golden calf was not done out of stupidity, that it was done by gullible people. Rather the matter [we are discussing] are mistakes made with a certain wisdom/reason, as we have already discussed regarding the maskilim, and this is very much the sin of the Original Adam who committed the error of [eating] of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, since they thought that [the golden calf] was a form of proper worship, but instead it was a form of idolatry, and as such it is a mistake that is called between a reysh and a dalet, between echad and acher.
(יד) וּבָעִתִּ֣ים הָהֵ֔ם רַבִּ֥ים יַֽעַמְד֖וּ עַל־מֶ֣לֶךְ הַנֶּ֑גֶב וּבְנֵ֣י ׀ פָּרִיצֵ֣י עַמְּךָ֗ יִֽנַּשְּׂא֛וּ לְהַעֲמִ֥יד חָז֖וֹן וְנִכְשָֽׁלוּ׃
(14) In those times, many will resist the king of the south, and the lawless sons of your people will assert themselves to confirm the vision, but they will fail.
(ג) ינשאו. ירוממו א״ע להעמיד נבואה אבל יוכשלו כי ימותו ויאבדו בעבור זה והם השלוחים אשר ניבאו אז עליו שהוא המשיח האמיתי ועליו נבאו הנביאים והומתו בעבור זה:
(3) Assert themselves. They will raise themselves to confirm the prophecy, but they will fail because they will die and will be lost [because of this prophecy]. And they are the messengers that he is the true Messiah, the one prophesied by the prophets and died because of this.
The fact God's name is not completely known is why God is not fully One yet (Pesachim 50a), as hinted by the prophet Zechariah. Thus, we are liable to make mistakes in how we worship God. For Rav Nahman bar Yitzchak (Nazir 23b), this means that when we have good intentions our transgressions for the sake of heaven are greater than mitzvot we perform not for the sake of heaven (גדולה עבירה לשמה מן מצוה שלא לשמה)! However, Abarbanel and Agra de-la ki tissa warn Israel to be wary of making mistakes regarding God's name and Agra de-la ki-tissa takes particular pains to use Rav Nahman’s words as a prooftext that transgressions for the sake of heaven should NOT be lauded. On a separate but connected note, the prophet Daniel and the commentary Metsudat David emphasize how the mistakes of other nations (particularly Christianity) will help establish God's name as One, though they will ultimately fail in their particular endeavors (Daniel 11:14 and Metzudat David s.v. "yi-nas-u").

יוֹצְאָה בְסֶלַע שֶׁעַל הַצִּינִית. הַבָּנוֹת קְטַנּוֹת יוֹצְאוֹת בְּחוּטִין וַאֲפִלּוּ בְקִסְמִין שֶׁבְּאָזְנֵיהֶם. עַרְבִיּוֹת יוֹצְאוֹת רְעוּלוֹת, וּמָדִיּוֹת פְּרוּפוֹת, וְכָל אָדָם, אֶלָּא שֶׁדִּבְּרוּ חֲכָמִים בַּהֹוֶה:
She may go out with the sela on a callus. Young girls may go out with threads, and even with chips in their ears. Arabian women may go out veiled. Medean women may go out with their cloaks thrown over their shoulders. Indeed, all people [may do likewise] but that the sages spoke of prevailing custom.
הלך רבי ראובן בן איסטרובלי וסיפר קומי והלך וישב עמהם אמר להם מי שיש לו אויב יעני או יעשיר אמרו לו יעני אמר להם אם כן לא יעשו מלאכה בשבת כדי שיענו אמרו טבית אמר ליבטל ובטלוה
Rabbi Reuven ben Isterobeli went and cut his hair in a komei hairstyle,which was common only among the gentiles, and he went and sat with the gentiles when they were discussing these three decrees. He said to them: One who has an enemy, does he want his enemy to become poor or to become rich? They said to him: He wants his enemy to become poor. Rabbi Reuven ben Isterobeli said to them: If so, with regard to the Jewish people as well, isn’t it better that they will not perform labor on Shabbat in order that they will become poor? The gentiles said: That is a good claim that he said; let us nullify our decree. And they indeed nullified it.
אֲמַר לֵיהּ: קַמָּאֵי הֲווֹ קָא מָסְרִי נַפְשַׁיְיהוּ אַקְּדוּשַּׁת הַשֵּׁם, אֲנַן לָא מָסְרִינַן נָפְשִׁין אַקְּדוּשַּׁת הַשֵּׁם. כִּי הָא דְּרַב אַדָּא בַּר אַהֲבָה חַזְיַיהּ לְהַהִיא כּוּתִית דַּהֲוָת לְבִישָׁא כַּרְבַּלְתָּא בְּשׁוּקָא. סְבַר דְּבַת יִשְׂרָאֵל הִיא, קָם קַרְעֵיהּ מִינַּהּ. אִגַּלַּאי מִילְּתָא דְּכוּתִית הִיא. שַׁיְּימוּהָ בְּאַרְבַּע מְאָה זוּזֵי. אֲמַר לַהּ: מָה שְׁמִךְ? אֲמַרָה לֵיהּ: מָתוּן. אֲמַר לַהּ, מָתוּן — מָתוּן אַרְבַּע מְאָה זוּזֵי שַׁוְיָא.
Abaye said to Rav Pappa: The previous generations were wholly dedicated to the sanctification of God’s name, while we are not as dedicated to the sanctification of God’s name. Typical of the earlier generations’ commitment, the Gemara relates: Like this incident involving Rav Adda bar Ahava who saw a non-Jewish woman who was wearing a garment made of a forbidden mixture of wool and linen [karbalta] in the marketplace. Since he thought that she was Jewish, he stood and ripped it from her. It was then divulged that she was a non-Jew and he was taken to court due to the shame that he caused her, and they assessed the payment for the shame that he caused her at four hundred zuz. Ultimately, Rav Adda said to her: What is your name? She replied: Matun. In a play on words, he said to her: Matun, her name, plus matun, the Aramaic word for two hundred, is worth four hundred zuz.
תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן: אֵיזֶהוּ עַם הָאָרֶץ? — כֹּל שֶׁאֵינוֹ קוֹרֵא קְרִיאַת שְׁמַע עַרְבִית וְשַׁחֲרִית, דִּבְרֵי רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר. רַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ אוֹמֵר: כֹּל שֶׁאֵינוֹ מַנִּיחַ תְּפִילִּין. בֶּן עַזַּאי אוֹמֵר: כֹּל שֶׁאֵין לוֹ צִיצִית בְּבִגְדוֹ. רַבִּי נָתָן אוֹמֵר: כֹּל שֶׁאֵין מְזוּזָה עַל פִּתְחוֹ. רַבִּי נָתָן בַּר יוֹסֵף אוֹמֵר: כֹּל שֶׁיֵּשׁ לוֹ בָּנִים וְאֵינוֹ מְגַדְּלָם לְתַלְמוּד תּוֹרָה. אֲחֵרִים אוֹמְרִים: אֲפִילּוּ קָרָא וְשָׁנָה וְלֹא שִׁמֵּשׁ תַּלְמִידֵי חֲכָמִים הֲרֵי זֶה עַם הָאָרֶץ. אָמַר רַב הוּנָא: הֲלָכָה כַּאֲחֵרִים.
The Gemara cites a baraita with additional opinions with regard to the defining characteristics of an am ha’aretz: The Sages taught: Who is an am ha’aretz? One who does not recite Shema in the evening and morning. This is the statement of Rabbi Eliezer. Rabbi Yehoshua says: An am ha’aretz is one who does not don phylacteries. Ben Azzai says: An am ha’aretz is one who does not have ritual fringes on his garment. Rabbi Natan says: An am ha’aretz is one who does not have a mezuza on his doorway. Rabbi Natan bar Yosef says: An am ha’aretz is one who has children but who does not want them to study Torah, so he does not raise them to engage in Torah study. Aḥerim say: Even if one read the Bible and studied Mishna and did not serve Torah scholars to learn from them the meaning of the Torah that he studied, that is an am ha’aretz. Rav Huna said: The halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Aḥerim.
(ד) ד"א אף חובב עמים - מלמד שלא חלק הקב"ה חיבה לאומות העולם כדרך שחלק לישראל, תדע לך שכן הוא, שהרי אמרו: גזילו של נכרי מותר ושל ישראל אסור. וכבר שלחה מלכות שני סרדיטאות ואמר להם: לכו ועשו עצמיכם גרים וראו תורתן של ישראל, מה טיבה? הלכו להם אצל רבן גמליאל לאושה, וקראו את המקרא ושנו את המשנה, מדרש הלכות ואגדות. בשעת פטירתם אמרו להם: כל תורתכם נאה ומשובחת חוץ מדבר אחד: גזלו של גוי מותר ושל ישראל אסור - ודבר זה אין אנו מודיעים אותו למלכות:
(4) Variantly: "He also loved the peoples": We are hereby taught that the Holy One Blessed be He did not apportion love to the nations of the world in the manner that He did to Israel. Know this to be so for they said that the theft of a gentile is permitted, and, of a Jew, forbidden. And it, indeed, transpired that the monarchy once sent two commissioners, instructing them: Go and make yourselves converts and see what the Torah of Israel is like. (They did so) and they went to R. Gamliel to Usha, and studied Scripture, Mishnah, Medrash, halachoth, and aggadoth. Before dying they said: All of your Torah is beautiful and praiseworthy, except for one thing — the theft of a gentile is permitted, and that of a Jew, forbidden — but we will not reveal this to the monarchy.
אַנְטוּנִינוּס שָׁאַל לְרִבִּי. מָהוּ לִבְנוֹת מִזְבֵּחַ. אָמַר לֵיהּ. בְּנֵיהוּ וּגְנוֹז אֲבָנָיו. מַהוּ לַעֲשׂוֹת לוֹ קְטוֹרֶת. אָמַר לֵיהּ. חַסֵּר בָּהּ אַחַת מִסַּמְמָנֶיהָ. לֹא כֵן תַּנֵּי. לֹ֥א תַֽעֲשׂ֖וּ לָכֶ֑ם. לָכֶם אֵין אַתֶּם עוֹשִׂין [אֲבָל] עוֹשִׂין הֵם אֲחֵרִים לָכֶם. אָמַר רִבִּי חֲנַנְיָה. בְּגִין רִבִּי רוֹמַנוֹס דְּשַׁלְּחֵיהּ רִבִּי יַעַבְדִּינֵיהּ לֵיהּ. אִית מִילִּין אָֽמְרִין דְּאִתְגַּײַר (אַנְטוּלִינוּס) [אַנְטוּנִינוּס]. אִית מִילִּין אָֽמְרִין דְּלָא אִתְגַּײַר (אַנְטוּלִינוּס) [אַנְטוּנִינוּס]. רָאוּ אוֹתוֹ יוֹצֵא בְמִנְעַל פָּחוּת בְּיוֹם הַכִּיפּוּרִים. מַה אַתְּ שְׁמַע מִינָּהּ. שֶׁכֵּן אֲפִילוּ יְרֵיאֵי שָׁמַיִם יוֹצְאִין בְּכָךְ. (אַנְטוֹלִינוּס) [אַנְטוּנִינוּס] אֲמַר לְרִבִּי.. מֵייכְלָתִי אַתְּ מִן לִוְיָתָן לְעָֽלְמָא דַאֲתִי. אֲמַר לֵיהּ. אִין. אֲמַר לֵיהּ. מִן אִימֶּר פִּיסְחָא לָא אַייכְלְתָנִי וּמִן לִוְיָתָן אַתְּ מֵיכַל לִי. אֲמַר לֵיהּ. מַה נַעֲבִיד לָךְ וּבְאִימֶּר פִּיסְחָא כְתִיב וְכָל־עָרֵ֖ל לֹא־יֹ֥אכַל בּֽוֹ׃ כֵּיוָן דִּשְׁמַע כֵן אֲזַל וְגָזַר. אֲתַא לְגַבֵּיהּ. אֲמַר לֵיהּ. רִבִּי. חֲמִי גְזוּרָתִי. אֲמַר לֵיהּ. בְּדִידִי לָא אִיסְתַּכְּלִית מִן יוֹמוֹיּ אֶלָּא בְדִידָךְ. וְלָמָּה נִקְרָא שְׁמוֹ רַבֵּינוּ הַקָּדוֹשׁ. שֶׁלֹּא הִבִּיט בְּמִילָתוֹ מִיָּמָיו. וְלָמָּה נִקְרָא שְׁמוֹ נָחוּם אִישׁ קוֹדֶשׁ הַקָּדָשִׁים. שֶׁלֹּא הִבִּיט בְּצוּרַת מַטְבֵּעַ מִיָּמָיו. הָדָא אָֽמְרָה דְּאִתְגַּייֵר (אַנְטוּלִינוּס) [אַנְטוּנִינוּס]. מִילֵּיהוֹן דְּרַבָּנִן אָֽמְרִין. (לֹא) ניִתְגַּייֵר (אַנְטוּלִינוּס) [אַנְטוּנִינוּס]. דְּאָמַר רִבִּי חִזְקִיָּה רִבִּי אַבָּהוּ בְשֵׁם רִבִּי לָֽעְזָר. אִם בָּאִין הֵן גֵּירֵי הַצֶּדֶק לְעָתִיד לָבוֹא (אַנְטוּלִינוּס) [אַנְטוּנִינוּס] בָּא בְרֹאשָׁם.
Antoninus asked Rebbi, may I build an altar? He said to him, build it and hide its stones. May one make incense for him? He said to him, make it without one of its ingredients. Was it not stated, you may not make for yourselves? You may not make for yourselves [but] others may make for you. Rebbi Ḥanania said, this was for Rebbi Romanos whom Rebbi sent to make it for him. There are indications implying that (Antolinus) [Antoninus] converted; there are indications implying that (Antolinus) [Antoninus] did not convert. One saw him walking with a slight shoe on the Day of Atonement. What do you infer since even God-fearing people go outside thus? (Antolinus) [Antoninus] said to Rebbi, can I eat from the Leviathan in the World to Come? He said to him, yes. He told him, from the Passover lamb you would not let me eat, but from Leviathan you make me eat? He answered, what can we do for you since about the Passover lamb it is written that no uncircumcised man may eat from it. When he heard this, he went and circumcized. He came to Rebbi and said to him, look at my circumcision. He answered him, at mine I never looked, and at yours I should look? Why is he called our holy teacher? Because he never in his life looked at his circumcision. And why is his name Naḥum the holiest of holies? Because he never in his life looked at the figure on a coin. This implies that (Antolinus) [Antoninus] converted. The statement of the rabbis implies that (Antolinus) [Antoninus] did (not) convert, as Rebbi Ḥizqiah, Rebbi Abbahu in the name of Rebbi Eleazar said: When in the Future World the proselytes come, (Antolinus) [Antoninus] comes at the head of all of them.
"Whether or not circumcision is not an infallible or a usable indicator of Jewishness, there is no evidence that the Jews in antiquity ever actually used it as a means of detecting fellow Jews...True, Rabbi Judah the Patriarch was unusually abstemious in this matter, but it is striking that there is not a single attested case in antiquity of Jewish communal leaders checking the circumcision of a supposed Jew" (from Cohen, Shaye J.D.).
עַד שֶׁיֹּאמַר. בְּפָנַי נִכְתַּב בַּיּוֹם וְנֶחְתַּם בַּיּוֹם. עַד שֶׁיֹּאמַר. נִכְתַּב לִשְׁמָהּ וְנֶחְתַּם לִשְׁמָהּ. בְּעָא קוֹמֵי רִבִּי יוֹחָנָן. צָרִיךְ שֶׁיְּהֵא מַכִּיר שְׁמוֹתָן שֶׁל עֵדִים בִּשְׁעַת חֲתִימָתָן. אָמַר לוֹן. גּוֹיִם לוּקְיָן חֲתוּמִין עָלָיו. וְאַתֶּם אוֹמְרִין אָכֵין. מַתְנִיתָא מְסַייְעָא לְרִבִּי יוֹחָנָן. כָּל־הַגִיטִּין הַבָּאִין מִמְּדִינַת הַיָּם אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁשְּׁמוֹתָן כְּשֵׁם גּוֹיִם הֲרֵי אֵילּוּ כְשֵׁירִין מִפְּנֵי שֶׁיִּשְׂרָאֵל שֶׁבְּחוּצָה לָאָרֶץ שְׁמוֹתָן כִּשְׁמוֹת הַגּוֹיִם. לֹא אָמַר אֶלָּא שֶׁבְּחוּצָה לָאָרֶץ. הָא שֶׁבְּאֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל לֹא. מַאי כְדוֹן. רִבִּי בֵּבַי בְשֵׁם רִבִּי אִסִּי. עַד שֶׁיִּכְתּוֹב. בְּמָקוֹם יְהוּדָאִיקֵי. אִם אֵין שָׁם יְהוּדָאִיקֵי. בְּבֵית הַכְּנֶסֶת. אִם אֵין שָׁם בֵּית הַכְּנֶסֶת מְצָרֵף עֲשָׂרָה בְנֵי אָדָם. אָמַר רִבִּי אָבִין. נוֹחַ לִי לְקַייְמוֹ בְּחוֹתְמָיו וְלֹא לְצָרֵף עֲשָׂרָה בְנֵי אָדָם. מָאי כְדוֹן. אֲפִילוּ בַחֲנוּתָן שֶׁלְּיִשְׂרָאֵל.
Only if he says, it was written before me during the day and signed during the day; only if he says, it was written before me especially for her and signed expressly for her. It was asked before Rebbi Joḥanan: Does he have to know the names of the witnesses at the moment of their signing? He said to them, did the Gentiles Luciani sign it? And you say so? A baraita supports Rebbi Joḥanan: “All bills of divorce coming from overseas are valid even if their names sound Gentile since Jews outside the Land of Israel bear Gentile names.” He said only, outside the Land; therefore not in the Land of Israel. What about this? Rebbi Bevai in the name of Rebbi Issi: unless he writes, at a Jewish place. If there is no Jewish place, in the synagogue. If there is no synagogue, he assembles there ten people. Rebbi Abun said, it would be better to certify the signatures than to assemble there ten people. What about this? Even in a Jewish store.
"[This] passage of the Yerushalmi may imply that presence in a Jewish neighborhood is sufficient to establish a presumption of Jewishness" (Cohen, Shaye J.D.).
ההוא ארמאה דהוה סליק ואכיל פסחים בירושלים אמר כתיב כל בן נכר לא יאכל בו כל ערל לא יאכל בו ואנא הא קאכילנא משופרי שופרי אמר ליה רבי יהודה בן בתירא מי קא ספו לך מאליה אמר ליה לא כי סלקת להתם אימא להו ספו לי מאליה כי סליק אמר להו מאליה ספו לי אמרו ליה אליה לגבוה סלקא אמרו ליה מאן אמר לך הכי אמר להו רבי יהודה בן בתירא אמרו מאי האי דקמן בדקו בתריה ואשכחוהו דארמאה הוא וקטלוהו שלחו ליה לרבי יהודה בן בתירא שלם לך רבי יהודה בן בתירא דאת בנציבין ומצודתך פרוסה בירושלים
With regard to the investigation of the priestly lineage, the Gemara relates: A certain gentile would ascend on the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, claiming he was Jewish, and eat Paschal lambs in Jerusalem. He would then return home and boast about how he had tricked the Jews. He said: It is written: “This is the statute of the Paschal lamb; no foreigner may eat of it” (Exodus 12:43), and another verse says: “Any uncircumcised man shall not eat of it” (Exodus 12:48). And yet, I ate from the finest of the fine portions of the Paschal lamb. Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira said to him, in an attempt to thwart any repetition of this action: Did they feed you from the fat tail of the lamb? Do you really think they gave you the finest portion? The gentile was ignorant of the fact that the fat tail is sacrificed on the altar, not eaten. The gentile said to him: No. Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira replied: If so, when you ascend there next time, say to them: Feed me the fat tail. The next year when he ascended, he said to the other members of the group he joined: Feed me from the fat tail. They said to him: The fat tail is offered up to God. They said to him: Who said that to you, to ask for that portion? He said to them testily: It was Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira. They said: What is this incident that has come before us? Could Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira have told him to eat the fat tail? This matter must be investigated further. They investigated his background and found that he was a gentile, and they killed him. They sent a message to Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira: Peace unto you, Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira, as you are in Netzivin and your net is spread in Jerusalem. Despite your distance from Jerusalem, you enabled us to apprehend a person who deceived us.
אמר [ר"א בר צדוק מודים בית שמאי ובית הלל בערל זר שמקבל הזאה ואוכל] על מה נחלקו על ערל נכרי שבית שמאי אומרים טובל ואוכל פסחו לערב ובה"א הפורש מן הערלה כפורש מן הקבר אחד נכרי שמל ואחד שפחה שטבלה.
[Rabbi Elazar bar Tzadok] said [Beit Shammai & Beit Hillel agreed re: an uncircumcised stranger who sprinkled the blood of sacrifices and ate sacrifices]. On what did they disagree? On an uncircumcised non-Jew who Beit Shammai says immerses and eats the Passover at night, whereas Beit Hillel says it's regarding a dissident from the uncircumcised who is like a dissident from the grave - one is a non-Jewish man who circumcised and the other is a maid-servant who immerses in the mikveh.
Clothes cannot determine one's religion or ethnicity. Jews often dress as non-Jews (Mishnah Shabbat 6:6, Meilah 17a, Berakhot 20a) and fail to dress as Jews (Berakhot 47b). Meanwhile, there are many examples of non-Jews dressing as Jews to pass for them (Sifrei Devarim 344:4, JT Megillah 1:11, JT Gittin 1:1, Pesachim 3b, Tosefta Pesachim 7:9). What does this teach us about how Jews and non-Jews interacted together?

(י) כִּֽי־תֵצֵ֥א לַמִּלְחָמָ֖ה עַל־אֹיְבֶ֑יךָ וּנְתָנ֞וֹ ה' אֱלֹקֶ֛יךָ בְּיָדֶ֖ךָ וְשָׁבִ֥יתָ שִׁבְיֽוֹ׃ (יא) וְרָאִ֙יתָ֙ בַּשִּׁבְיָ֔ה אֵ֖שֶׁת יְפַת־תֹּ֑אַר וְחָשַׁקְתָּ֣ בָ֔הּ וְלָקַחְתָּ֥ לְךָ֖ לְאִשָּֽׁה׃ (יב) וַהֲבֵאתָ֖הּ אֶל־תּ֣וֹךְ בֵּיתֶ֑ךָ וְגִלְּחָה֙ אֶת־רֹאשָׁ֔הּ וְעָשְׂתָ֖ה אֶת־צִפׇּרְנֶֽיהָ׃ (יג) וְהֵסִ֩ירָה֩ אֶת־שִׂמְלַ֨ת שִׁבְיָ֜הּ מֵעָלֶ֗יהָ וְיָֽשְׁבָה֙ בְּבֵיתֶ֔ךָ וּבָ֥כְתָ֛ה אֶת־אָבִ֥יהָ וְאֶת־אִמָּ֖הּ יֶ֣רַח יָמִ֑ים וְאַ֨חַר כֵּ֜ן תָּב֤וֹא אֵלֶ֙יהָ֙ וּבְעַלְתָּ֔הּ וְהָיְתָ֥ה לְךָ֖ לְאִשָּֽׁה׃ (יד) וְהָיָ֞ה אִם־לֹ֧א חָפַ֣צְתָּ בָּ֗הּ וְשִׁלַּחְתָּהּ֙ לְנַפְשָׁ֔הּ וּמָכֹ֥ר לֹא־תִמְכְּרֶ֖נָּה בַּכָּ֑סֶף לֹא־תִתְעַמֵּ֣ר בָּ֔הּ תַּ֖חַת אֲשֶׁ֥ר עִנִּיתָֽהּ׃ {ס}
(10) When you [an Israelite warrior] take the field against your enemies, and your God ה' delivers them into your power and you take some of them captive, (11) and you see among the captives a beautiful woman and you desire her and would take her [into your household] as your wife, (12) you shall bring her into your household, and she shall trim her hair, pare her nails, (13) and discard her captive’s garb. She shall spend a month’s time in your household lamenting her father and mother; after that you may come to her and thus become her husband, and she shall be your wife. (14) Then, should you no longer want her, you must release her outright. You must not sell her for money: since you had your will of her, you must not enslave her.
כמאן אזלא הא דתניא (דברים כא, י) ושבית שביו לרבות כנענים שבחוצה לארץ שאם חוזרין בתשובה מקבלין אותן
In accordance with whose opinion is that which is taught in a baraita: The verse states: “When you go forth to battle against your enemies, and the Lord your God delivers them into your hands, and you take them captive” (Deuteronomy 21:10), implying that there is no obligation to destroy them, to include not only gentiles who are not Canaanites, but even Canaanites that are living outside of Eretz Yisrael, as, if they repent, they are accepted and allowed to live in Eretz Yisrael.
Taking a female captive as your wife was allowed. Does this mean intermarriage was allowed?

תניא נמי הכי לא תחנם לא תתן להם חנייה בקרקע דבר אחר לא תחנם לא תתן להם חן דבר אחר לא תחנם לא תתן להם מתנת חנם
This is also taught in a baraita: “You should not show them mercy”; this teaches that you should not give them a chance to encamp in the land of Eretz Yisrael. Another matter: “You should not show them mercy”; this indicates that you should not give them favor. Another matter: “You should not show them mercy”; this teaches that you should not give them an undeserved gift.
Contemporary Halakhic Problems, Vol II, Part II, Chapter XII Of Land, Peace and Divine Command (1, 12)
1) The Holy One, blessed be He, has many peoples; to the nations of the world He distributed fields and vineyards and to Israel He gave one orchard, i.e., the Land of Israel...
12) It may, of course, be objected that these considerations apply only to the initiation of armed conflict for the purpose of capturing or liberating sanctified territory. The stipulations requiring a king, Sanhedrin and urim ve-tumim certainly do not pertain to defensive war undertaken for the purpose of preserving Jewish lives. Neither, it may be argued, do they apply to military activity undertaken for the purpose of retaining territory already reconquered, particularly if the territory in question has been liberated by means that are consistent with the provisions of Jewish law. It should also be noted that it can—and has—been argued that surrender of territories is an infraction of the prohibition "lo teḥanem" (Deuteronomy 7:2), which, in talmudic exegesis, is rendered as "lo titen lahem ḥaniyahn be-karka—you shall not grant them permanent encampment." This talmudic dictum is formulated in association with a prohibition against conveying real property within the boundaries of the Land of Israel to a non-Jew. Yet a literal application of the terminology in which that prohibition is formulated would render it applicable to any action that would tend permanently to confirm non-Jewish residence in the Land of Israel. Sale of real estate would thus be but one example of activity having that effect; obviously, transfer of political sovereignty would be even more instrumental in engendering permanence of non-Jewish residence.
Author: J. David Bleich
Contemporary Halakhic Problems is a multi-volume book of halakhic (legal) reasoning on modern issues by Rabbi J. David Bleich, a distinguished bioethicist and professor of law and Talmud. Rabbi Bleich provides lucid summaries and analyses of classic halakhic questions alongside pioneering applications of Jewish law to current social, political, technological and religious issues. The work is not a practical halakhic guide, but is rather devoted to theoretical analysis.
Composed: New York (c.1983 - c.1989 CE)
(ב) וּנְתָנָ֞ם ה' אֱלֹקֶ֛יךָ לְפָנֶ֖יךָ וְהִכִּיתָ֑ם הַחֲרֵ֤ם תַּחֲרִים֙ אֹתָ֔ם לֹא־תִכְרֹ֥ת לָהֶ֛ם בְּרִ֖ית וְלֹ֥א תְחׇנֵּֽם׃
(2) and your God ה' delivers them to you and you defeat them, you must doom them to destruction: grant them no terms and give them no quarter.
(נו) "שָׁמְעוּ כִּי נֶאֱנָחָה אָנִי, אֵ֤ין מְנַחֵם֙ לִ֔י כׇּל־אֹ֨יְבַ֜י שָׁמְע֤וּ רָֽעָתִי֙ שָׂ֔שׂוּ כִּ֥י אַתָּ֖ה עָשִׂ֑יתָ הֵבֵ֥אתָ יוֹם־קָרָ֖אתָ וְיִֽהְי֥וּ כָמֹֽנִי" (איכה א, כא).
רַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ פָּתַר קְרָיָה בְּאַהֲרֹן, אַתְּ מוֹצֵא בְּשָׁעָה שֶׁמֵּת אַהֲרֹן הוּבְרְחוּ עַנְנֵי כָּבוֹד וְנִתְקַבְּצוּ כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל לְסָפְדוֹ, אָמְרוּ משֶׁה אָבֵל וְאֶלְעָזָר אָבֵל וּמִי לֹא יִתְאַבֵּל. מִיָּד מַה כְּתִיב תַּמָּן (במדבר כא, א): וַיִּשְׁמַע הַכְּנַעֲנִי מֶלֶךְ עֲרָד, וּכְתִיב: וַיִּלָּחֵם בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל וַיִּשְׁבְּ מִמֶּנּוּ שֶׁבִי.
וְרַבָּנָן פָּתְרִין קְרָיָה בְּחֻרְבַּן בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ, אַתְּ מוֹצֵא שֶׁכָּל מָקוֹם שֶׁבִּקְּשׁוּ יִשְׂרָאֵל לִבְרֹחַ הָיוּ מַסְגִירִין אוֹתָן, בִּקְּשׁוּ לִבְרֹחַ כְּלַפֵּי צָפוֹן וְלֹא הִנִּיחוּם, הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב (עמוס א, ו): עַל שְׁלשָׁה פִּשְׁעֵי עַזָּה וְעַל אַרְבָּעָה לֹא אֲשִׁיבֶנּוּ עַל הַגְּלוֹתָם גָּלוּת שְׁלֵמָה לְהַסְגִּיר לֶאֱדוֹם. בִּקְּשׁוּ לִבְרֹחַ כְּלַפֵּי מִזְרָח, וְלֹא הִנִּיחוּם, הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב (עמוס א, ט): עַל שְׁלשָׁה פִּשְׁעֵי צֹר וְעַל אַרְבָּעָה לֹא אֲשִׁיבֶנּוּ עַל הַסְגִּירָם גָּלוּת שְׁלֵמָה לֶאֱדוֹם וְלֹא זָכְרוּ בְּרִית אַחִים. בִּקְּשׁוּ לִבְרֹחַ כְּלַפֵּי מַעֲרָב, וְלֹא הִנִּיחוּם, דִּכְתִיב (ישעיה כא, יג): מַשָֹּׂא בַּעְרָב בַּיַּעַר בַּעְרַב תָּלִינוּ אֹרְחוֹת וְגו'.
"כִּי אַתָּה עָשִׂיתָ," מָשָׁל לְמֶלֶךְ שֶׁנָּשָׂא לְמַטְרוֹנָה, אָמַר לָהּ אַל תָּשִׂיחִי עִם חַבְרוֹתַיִךְ וְאַל תִּשְׁאֲלִי מֵהֶן וְאַל תַּשְׁאִילִי לָהֶן, לְיָמִים כָּעַס עָלֶיהָ הַמֶּלֶךְ וּטְרָדָהּ חוּץ לַפָּלָטִין, וְחָזְרָה עַל כָּל שְׁכֵנוֹתֶיהָ וְלֹא קִבְּלוּ אוֹתָהּ, וְחָזְרַת לַפָּלָטִין, אָמַר לָהּ הַמֶּלֶךְ אַקְשֵׁית אַפֵּיךְ, אָמְרָה הַמַּטְרוֹנָה לַמֶּלֶךְ, אֲדוֹנִי אִלּוּלֵי הָיִיתִי מַשְׁאִילָה לָהֶן, וְשׁוֹאֶלֶת מֵהֶן מָנָא, וַהֲוָה עֲבִידְתִּי גַבָּהּ, אוֹ עֲבִידְתָּהּ גַּבִּי, לָא הֲווֹן מְקַבְּלִין לִי. כָּךְ אָמַר הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא לְיִשְׂרָאֵל, אַקְשִׁיתוּן אַפֵּיכוֹן, אָמְרוּ לְפָנָיו רִבּוֹן הָעוֹלָמִים לֹא כָתַבְתָּ בְּתוֹרָתְךָ (דברים ז, ג): וְלֹא תִתְחַתֵּן בָּהֶם בִּתְּךָ לֹא תִתֵּן לִבְנוֹ וּבִתּוֹ לֹא תִקַּח לִבְנֶךָ, אִלּוּלֵי הֲוֵינַן מַשְׁאֲלִין לְהוֹן, וְנַסְבוּן מִינְּהוֹן וְאִינוּן מִינַן, וַהֲוֵית בְּרַתֵּיהּ גַּבִּי אוֹ בְּרַתִּי גַּבֵּיהּ, לָא הֲווֹ מְקַבְּלִים לִי, הֱוֵי כִּי אַתָּה עָשִׂיתָ. הֵבֵאתָ יוֹם קָרָאתָ וְיִהְיוּ כָמֹנִי, בְּצָרָה, וְלֹא כָמוֹנִי בִּרְוָחָה.
(56) “They heard that I sigh; there is no comforter for me; all my enemies heard of my misfortune, were glad because You acted. May You bring the day that You proclaimed, and they will be like me” (Lamentations 1:21).
“Because You acted,” this is analogous to a king who married a noblewoman. He said to her: ‘Do not speak to your friends. Do not borrow from them and do not lend to them.’ Sometime later the king grew angry at her and expelled her from the palace. She circulated among all her neighbors, but they did not receive her, so she returned to the palace. The king said to her: ‘You have been impudent!’ The noblewoman said to the king: ‘My lord, had I lent them or borrowed from them a vessel, and I would have grown friendly with them, would they not have received me?’ So too, the Holy One blessed be He said to Israel: ‘You have been impudent!’ They said before Him: ‘Master of the universe, did you not write in Your Torah: “You shall not marry them; your daughter you shall not give to his son, and his daughter you shall not take for your son” (Deuteronomy 7:3)? Had we lent them and taken from them and them from us, and his daughter would be with me or my daughter with him, would they not have received me?’ That is: “Because You acted.” “May You bring the day that You proclaimed, and they will be like me,” in distress, and not like me in relief.
(1) (א) ויאמר משה אל האלקים הנה אנכי בא אל בני ישראל וגו' עד לך ואספת את זקני וגו'. אחרי שהבטיח השם את משה שיהי' עמו להצילו מיד פרעה לא רצה להפציר עוד בדבר מצד פרעה ומצד מצרים אבל הקשה בענין ישראל.
(2) באמרו הנה אנכי בא אל בני ישראל ואמרתי להם אלקי אבותיכם שלחני אליכם ר"ל אחרי שאתה השם אלקים שולח אותי הנה אני אבוא אליהם ואומר מה ששמעתי מפיך שאלקי אבותם שלחני אליהם לחזקם ולבשרם בגאולה והנה הם בלא ספק יאמרו לי מה שמו הגידה נא לי מה אומר אליהם כי אתה לא אמרת לי אלא אנכי אלקי אביך אלקי אברהם אלקי יצחק ואלקי יעקב ולא הזכרת השם המיוחד שלך. והשם השיבו אהיה אשר אהיה.
(3) וכבר ידעת דעת הרב המורה ששאל מרע"ה שיאמת להם ראשונה מציאות האל ואח"כ יאמת נבואתו ושהודיעו השם אמתת מציאותו במאמר הקצר הזה אהיה אשר אהיה שהוא כולל התואר והמתואר במלה אחד בעצמה עם אות הקשר. והכוונה בו הנמצא אשר הוא נמצא כלומר שהוא נמצא לא במציאות נוסף על מהותו.
(4) וכמו שכתב הרמב"ן דחוק הוא מאד שנא' שיהיו זקני ישראל וחכמיו שואלים טענות ומופתים על מציאות האל או אם מציאותו אינו זולת מהותו כי הנה כאשר יקום בישר' נביא היו שואלים ממנו אותות ומופתים לאמת נבואתו אבל לא היו מבקשים ממנו מופתים פילוסופיים על מציאות האל ואחדותו.
(5) וכתב הראב"ע ששאל על השם הראוי לעשות בו את האותות. והרמב"ן פירש מה שמו אם היה שולחו במדת הדין או במדת רחמים ואיני רואה בתשובה שהשיבו דבר מזה.
(6) ובמדרש דרשו רבי יצחק אומר א"ל הקדוש ב"ה למשה אמור להם אני שהייתי ועכשיו אני הוא ואני הוא לעתיד לבוא לכך כתוב כאן אהיה שלשה פעמים. ר"ל שהיה זמן העבר והעתיד כלו בבורא יתברך הווה כי אין חליפות וצבא עמו.
(7) ולזה עצמו נטה הגאון רב סעדיה שכתב שאהיה אשר אהיה הוא אשר לא עבר ולא יעבור כי הוא ראשון והוא אחרון וכמ"ש הרמב"ן.
(8) ולכלם יקשה אמרו אחר זה כה תאמר אל בני ישראל אהיה שלחני אליכם שלא אמר אהיה כי אם פעם אחת.
(9) ולכן היותר נ"ל בדבר הזה נכון ומתישב הוא שמרע"ה חשש למה שראוי שיחששו ישראל והוא מאי זו מדרגה היתה נבואתו כי הנה בימים ההם היו אנשים מנבאים מכח השדים ומלאכי חבלה ומהם היו מתפארים שינבאו מכח הכוכבים כמו שמצינו נביאי הבעל שהוא השמש ונביאי האשרה שהיא הלבנה. ומהם היו מתפארים שישפיע עליה' השכל הנבדל וגם בזה היו מדרגות כפי מדרגות השכל הדובר בהם.
(10) ומפני זה בבוא משה עם דברי שליחותו היה ראוי שישאלוהו בני ישראל "מי הוא זה ואי זה הוא המשפיע עליו אותו נבואה" כי אם היה מנבא מהשדים או מהכוכבים לא יאבו לו ולא ישמעו אליו ולכן היה ראוי לשאול לו מה שמו שאין הכוונה על השם בלבד כי אם לדעת מי הוא זה ואי זהו הדובר בו לדעת אם יתחייבו לשמוע בקולו ולהשמר מפניו אם לאץ
(11) ועל דרך זה אמר שע"ה "מי עלה שמים?...מה שמו ומה שם בנו כי תדע?" (משלי ל:ד). רוצה לומר מי הוא זה ואין ספק שהיה מרע"ה שואל הדבר הזה לדעת מדרגת נבואתו ומי הוא השכל והמשפיע בה מכלל השכלים הנבדלים או מלאכי השרת המדברים בשם האל ומפני ענותנותו לא בקש הדבר מעצמו אבל תלה הדבר בעם שישאלוהו כן.
(12) וכבר כתב הרמב"ם בפתיחת פי' המשנה שלו "שבבוא נביא לנבאות לישראל היו שואלים ממנו 'מי הוא אשר דבר עמו?' ואם היה אומר שדבר אליו כוכב או א' מהאלהים אחרים מיד היו סוקלים אותו כי אין לשמוע נבואה כי אם בדבר השם." ולכן היתה שאלת העם כהוגן באמרם מה שמו לדעת מי הוא המנבא והמשפיע במשה.
(13) והוא יתברך השיבו אהיה אשר אהיה להודיעו שהמדבר אתו לא היה שר ומזל וכוכב בשמים ולא אחד ממלאכי עליון כי כלם הם איפשרי המציאות ומציאותם והויתם תלוי בזולתם אבל הוא היה המחוייב המציאות יתברך שמציאותו תלוי בעצמו ואינו תלוי בד"א.
(14) והוא אמרו אהיה אשר אהיה כי האלף מהאיתן כאומר אני אהיה בעבור שאהיה כי אין מציאותי תלוי בזולתי אלא בעצמי. אמנם כל נמצא זולתי אי איפשר שיאמר אהיה אשר אהיה לפי שמציאותם תלוי בזולתם אבל יאמר כל אחד מהם אהיה אשר הוא סבתי כי הוא איפשרי מצד עצמו ומחוייב מצד סבתו ואני אינני כן כי להיותי מחוייב המציאות מצד עצמי.
(15) יצדק אמרי אהיה אשר אהיה ובזה יבאר להם שהשולח אותו הוא הסבה הראשונה יתברך לא נברא מנבראיו ואחרי שהודיע השם הזה למשה לפי שהבין כוונתו שהיה רוצה לדעתו צוהו כה תאמר אל בני ישראל אהיה שלחני אליכם ר"ל מי שהוא נמצא מפאת עצמו ואינו מקבל מציאותו מד"א הוא אשר שלחני אליכם.
(16) והנה לא הוצרך לומר אהיה אשר אהיה שלחני אליכם לפי ששם המחוייב המציאות הוא בפני עצמו אהיה רוצה לומר מציאותי והויתי הוא מעצמי ולא מסבה אחרת.
(17) ובתחלה פי' לו הענין באמרו אהיה אשר אהיה ואחר כך נסתפק בשם ההוא הפשוט אהיה הכולל אותו מדע הנה התבאר מזה שהיתה זאת השאלה ראויה לאותו ענין ושלא היה מותר כלל ושהיה משה צריך לדעת זה בעצמו רוצה לומר מי הוא הדובר בו והעם גם כן היה ראוי שישאלו עליו ולכן השיבו יתברך אם לעצמו באמרו אהיה אשר אהיה ואם ללמד את העם באמרו כה תאמר אל בני ישראל אהיה שלחני אליכם.
(18) ולפי שאולי רבים מבני ישראל לא יבינו העיון הדק ההוא בא אחריו צווי אחר ויאמר עוד אלקים אל משה כה תאמר אל בני ישראל ה׳ אלקי אבותיכם אלקי אברהם אלקי יצחק ואלקי יעקב שלחני אליכם זה שמי לעולם וזה זכרי לדור דור רוצה לומר אם לא יבינו ענין חיוב המציאות מצד עצמי די בשידעו שהאלוה אשר בחר באברהם וגזר הגלות על זרעו והאלוק אשר בחר ביצחק והתחיל הגלות מיום הולדו והאלוק אשר בחר ביעקב וצוהו לרדת מצרים עם ביתו ובניו הוא אשר שלחהו אליהם והוא אשר יגאלם ויוציאם מגלותם ובזה ידעו ויאמינו מי הוא המדבר אתך.
(19) והנה אמר זה שמי לעלם וזה זכרי לדור דור להודיעו ששם אהיה הוא שמו בערך העולם כלומר שהוא מחוייב המציאות מצד עצמו ושאר הנמצאים כלם הם איפשריים בעצמם וז"א זה שמי לעלם על שם אהיה.
(20) ואמנם השם האחד שהוא אלקי אבותיכם הוא זכרי לדר דר שבכל אותם הדורות יזכרו שהאלהי' האדירים בחר באברהם ביצחק ויעקב ולא ישכח ברית האבות בכל הדורות. והותרו בזה השאלות הי"א והי"ב והי"ג והי"ד.
(21) ואפשר עוד לפרש שאהיה אשר אהיה שמפני ששאל משה מה שמו השיבו יתברך מה להם לשאול על שמי יהיה השם מה שיהיה אין להם עסק בנסתרות אבל כה תאמר להם מי שאמר על עצמו אהיה שהוא הנמצא הנעלם שלא יושג מהותו הוא שלחני אליכם ולבד מה שראוי שידעו הוא שאני אלקי אבותיהם אלקי אברהם אלקי יצחק ואלקי יעקב.
(22) ויתכן לפרש אהיה אשר אהיה שהוא מלשון כי אהיה עמך שאמר לו בתחלת הדברים יאמר למה זה תשאל לשמי הלא אמרתי אליך אהיה רוצה לומר אשר אהיה עמך וכן צוהו שיאמר אליהם אהיה שלחני אליכם כלומר מי שאמר לי אהיה כי אהיה עמך הוא אשר שלחני אליכם.
(23) וחז"ל (פסחים דף נ') דרשו זה שמי לעלם לעלם כתיב אמר הקדוש ב"ה לא כשאני נכתב אני נקרא נכתב ביו"ד ה"א ונקרא באל"ף דל"ת ביום ההו' יהיה ה׳ אחד האידנ' לאו שמו אחד. רבא סבר למדרשיה בפרקא אמר לי' ההו' סבא לעלם כתיב יהיה ה׳ אחד בעולם הזה על שמועות טובות אומר ברוך הטוב והמטיב ועל שמועות רעות אומר ברוך דיין האמת אבל לע"ה כלו הטוב והמטיב.
(24) וכך אמרו בפ' י' יוחסין (קידושין דף ע"א) אמר רבה בר בר חנה א"ר יוחנן שם בן ד' אותיות חכמים מוסרין אותו לתלמידיהם פעם אחת בשבת. ואמרי לה פעם אחד בשבוע ומסתברא כמ"ד פעם א' בשבוע דכתיב זה שמי לעלם לעלם כתיב
(25) נראה מדבריהם שהשם שלמד הב"ה למרע"ה במראת הסנה היה יחיד השם המפורש:
(1) (א) And Moses said to God "Here I came to children of Israel" etc. until "Go and assemble the elders" etc. (Exodus 3:13-16). After God promises Moses that He will be with him to save him from the hand of Pharaoh, [God] did not want to command him more regarding [how to deal with] Pharaoh and Egypt, rather to deal with the difficulty of the Israelites accepting Moses [as God's prophet].
(2) When Moses said [in Exodus 13:3] "When I come to the children of Israel and I will say to them that God of their fathers sent me," he means "After You, Hashem O God, send me I will come to them and say what I heard from Your lips, that the God of their ancestors sent me to strengthen them and inform them about their coming redemption. Without a doubt they will respond to me, 'What is God's name?' So please tell me what I should say to them since You only told me 'I am the god of your ancestors, the god of Abraham, the god of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' You did not tell me Your unique name. And God responded by saying "I will be what I will be."
(3) And you already know the opinion of the Rabbi, the Teacher (Ramban? Moshe Rabbeinu?), that Moshe Rabbeinu asked [God] how to prove first the existence of God and afterwards his (i.e. Moshe's) prophecy. [Rabbi, the Teacher] also [taught] that God explained His existence with this short saying - ehyeh asher ehyeh ("I will be that I will be") - since it contains the description and the one making the description in one word (i.e. ehyeh "I will be") with a connecting word. And the purpose of the connecting word, the intention being to mean "hanimtzah asher hu nimtzah - what is discovered is that which is discovered," as if to say that the existence of God is not discovered in any additional way outside of God's essence/nature.
(4) And as the Ramban wrote, he was very distressed since the Torah said the elders of Israel and their sages asked for claims and miracles proving the existence of God or if God's existence can be proven outside of God's essence, because as an Israelite prophet appears they asked for signs and miracles to the truth of his prophecy, but they did not ask from him philosophical proofs of God's existence and Unity.
(5) And Rabbi Ibn Ezra wrote that [Moshe Rabbeinu] asked [God] what is the appropriate name [for Moshe Rabbeinu] to use for the signs/miracles. And Ramban interpreted "What is His name?" to mean "did [God] send [Moses] by way of Judgement or Mercy?" And I have not seen an answer to this matter.
(6) And in the Midrash it is explained [as follows]: "Rabbi Isaac said, 'God said to Moses, 'Say to them 'I was, and now I am, and in the future I will be the one to come.'' Thus the text says 'ehyeh' three times." That is to say that all past and future are the present for the Creator because there is no change or division with him.
(7) And on this matter Rav Saadia Gaon taught "the text says 'ehyeh asher ehyeh' [to teach us] that God did not pass by nor will pass by because he is the first and the last, similar to what Ramban said.
(8) And for all [of these sages] it posed a difficulty that the text said "Thus shall you say to the children of Israel that 'Ehyeh' sent me to you," (Exodus 3:15) insofar as the text only says "Ehyeh" one time.
(9) And there it seems most likely to me that the correct way [to understand] this issue is that Moshe Rabbeinu apprehended why it was appropriate for Israel to suspect his prophecy, that is what is the level of his prophecy? Because during those days there were people who prophesied using demonic power and from angels of destruction. And from [these powers] they glorified themselves that they had the power of the stars as we find the prophets of Ba'al with the power of the sun, and the prophets of Ashera, with the power of the moon. And [these prophets] would be glorified that they had the ability of a different understanding, and also in regards to this there are different levels according to the levels of the mind by which the spoke.
(10) And out of this [context] Moses came with the words of God's message, thus it was appropriate for the children of Israel questioned Moses "Who is the one who bestowed upon him the ability to prophecy," because if he prophesied by way of demons or the stars they would not consent to abide by his prophecy. Thus it is appropriate to ask Moses "What is the name [of God]?" because the intention is not to know God's essence but rather to know if the person [prophesying] to them should be listened to, and to protect themselves if [he should] not [be listened to].
(11) And this is the point made by [King] Solomon when he said "Who went up to heaven?...What is his name and what is his son's name if you know it?" (Proverbs 30:4) to mean "who is this?" And there is no doubt that Moshe Rabbeinu asked this question to know the level of his prophecy and what part of the mind draws down prophecy among all the different parts of the mind, or if it is the serving angels who speak for God. And it is because of Moshe Rabbeinu's humility that he did not ask this of God directly but attached it to what the people would ask him [when he'd report his prophecy].
(12) And Rambam already wrote in the introduction of his Mishneh [Torah] that "When a prophet comes to prophecy to Israel they ask him 'Who spoke to you?' And if he said that a star spoke to him or it was from one of the other gods, they would immediately stone him because they do not listen to any prophecy except from HASHEM alone.' And therefore it is a logical question for the Israelites to ask Moses "What is God's name?" in order to know who gave him the ability to prophecy.
(13) And God responded [with] "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh" in order to indicate [to Moses] that the One who spoke with him is not ministering angel, or a mazel, or a star in the sky, and not one of the angels/gods on high because all of them have different essences, and their essence and existence is solely dependent upon the One whose esixence is necessary, i.e. God, since God's existence is dependent upon God's self and not upon anything else.
(14) And he said "ehyeh asher ehyeh" because the letter alef at the beginning [of the word] is as if to say "ani ehyeh" (i.e. "I am/will be") because my existence will be solely dependent on my essence. Indeed all that is discovered other than Me cannot say "ehyeh asher ehyeh" becasue their existence is dependent on something other than themselves. Rather they should say "ehyeh asher hu sabati" (i.e. "I am for the purpose deemed by God") because their existence is related to the purpose [I set for them]. But for me, there is no such thing rather my purpose is to just be.
(15) It is correct [for God to be called] "ehyeh asher ehyeh" so that [Moses] can explain to them (i.e. the children of Israel) that the One who sends him is the original reason [since] the One who is blessed was not created by his creations. And in order to explain His purpose so that Moses would understand, after God told Moses this name God commanded Moses "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel 'Ehyeh' sent me to you" (3:14), as if to say (i.e. "Ehyeh" means here...) The One who is discovered by his own essence, and does not receive His essence from something else - He is the one who sent me to you.
(16) And behold it is not necessary to say [the full name of] "'Ehyeh asher Ehyeh' sent me to you" since what is required by God's name is [to prove] God's essence derives [only] by way of God's self. [Thus, the name] Ehyeh" [by itself] means "My essence and My existence is only derived by Me and not by any other reason.
(17) And at first [God] explained the [meaning] of "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh" and afterwards utilized the simple name "Ehyeh" since it encompasses all that is included [in the threefold "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh"]. This [interpretation] explains [how "Ehyeh"] is the appropriate metaphor (in this case, metaphor is synonymous with a "name") to describe [how to call God] but it is not a general principle [of how to call God]. And given how Moses needed to know for himself who was speaking with him - as well as how it was appropriate for the children of Israel to ask Moses who sent him - thus God said for Moses' sake "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh," and for the sake of the children of Israel God said to Moses "speak to the children of Israel, Ehyeh sent me to you."
(18) And since many children of Israel would not understand the finer point (עיון הדק) of this name (i.e. "Ehyeh"), God also commanded Moses "Speak more to the children of Israel - thus said the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob sent me to you. This is My name forever and this is my remembrance throughout the generations." [God wanted Moses to tell this to the children of Israel[ as if to say "If they don't understand how My essence is only derived by Myself alone, it is enough that they know that the God who chose Abraham and decreed his children to be exiled, and the God who chose Isaac and began exile on the day of his birth, and the God who chose Jacob and commanded him to go down to Egypt with his household and his children, He is the God who sent them and who would redeem them and take them out of their exile. And by way of this [explanation] they (i.e. the children of Israel will know and believe the One who speaks to you (i.e. Moses."
(19) And now [God] said "This is my name forever (לעלם) and this is my remembrance for generation to generation (3:15)" to express that [God's] name "Ehyeh" is God's name for the entire world, that is to say [it is the name that expresses] how God's essence comes from God's self, and how all other essences are dependent on something different than themselves, and this [is what the Torah means by saying] "This is my name forever" - my name being "Ehyeh."
(20) And indeed God's first name is "God of your ancestors" is the [what the Torah means by] "remembrance from generation to generation" since in every generation they will remember it was Mighty God who chose Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and will never forget this covenant with the patriarchs for all generations [to come]. And this is more than enough for the first 4 questions.
(21) And it is also possible to explain that "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh" [as follows]: When Moses asked [God] his name, God responded "What does it mean that they would ask about my name? [My] name will be what it will be, and they (i.e. the children of Israel) don't need to engage in the hidden things [about Me]." However, thus you shall say to them 'The One who said I am as Himself - that He is concealed and whose existence is not conceivable is the one who sent me to you. But the only thing they need to know is that I am the God of their ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
(22) And it is possible to explain "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh" as language like "I will be with you," as God said to Moses at the beginning of this section (Exodus 3:12). God said, "Why are you asking Me about My name? Didn't I already tell you 'I will be,' that is to say 'I will be with you?" And thus God commanded Moses to say [to the children of Israel] "Ehyeh ("I will be") sent me, that is to say "The One who said to me Ehyeh - because I will be (i.e. "Ehyeh") with you - is the One who sent me.
(23) And the rabbis (Pesachim 50) explained "This is my name forever (לעלם)." It is written as concealed (לעלם). God said "Not as I am written shall I be called." [God's name] is written with yud and hey, but it is read as alef and dalet. "On that day God will be one" (Zechariah 14:9). Is that to say God's name is not One? Rava explained this section in the study hall [saying] '"forever" (לעלם) is written - God's name will be One in this world upon good tidings, one recites: Blessed...Who is good and does good, and upon bad timings one recites: Blessed...the true judge. However, in the World-to-Come one will always recite: Blessed...Who is good and does good.
(24) And thus it is written in Chapter 10 Yochasin (Kiddushin 71) Rabba bar bar Hana says that Rabbi Yohanan says: The Sages transmit the four-letter name of God to their students once a week, and some say once every 7 years. And the reason for once every seven years is because of what's written, "This is my name forever (לעלם)." [Though the last word is read as "forever,"] it is written as "hidden" (לעלם).
(25) It seems from the teachings of the sages that the name God taught to Moshe Rabbeinu when he saw the burning bush was the single name of God (i.e. the correct pronounciation of the Tetragrammaton).
Some Jewish texts indicate that Jews should not show mercy to non-Jews. Avodah Zarah (20b) and the teshuva from Rabbi David Bleich citing Deuteronomy 7:2 teach that Jews should not, at the very least, encourage non-Jews to reside permanently in the land of Israel. Meanwhile, Eikhah Rabbah (1:56) teaches in a more homiletic manner (connecting Lamentations 1:21 with the intermarriage ban from Deuteronomy 7:4-5) that God desired to separate the Jews from the other nations, which is why God will always take the Jewish people back - no matter what we do, we have nowhere else to go.

Sources Gleaned from Idolatry by Halbertal (p. 209 - ???)
שו"ת קול מבשר חלק ב סימן ח
ב"ה. בני - ברק, עש"ק ט' שבט תשי"ז.
לכבוד הגאונים הגדולים המפורסמים פארי ישורון, הרבנים הראשיים לישראל שליט"א בעה"ק ירושלים ת"ו. קבלתי את העתק השאלה מטעם רבנות העדה הספרדית בבואינוס איירס בענין נשואי תערובת וגירות, שנשלח לי בפקודת כהד"ג. והנה בענין שאלה כזו הארכתי הרבה זה כבר בתשובה אחת ורציתי להעתיקה עכשיו בשביל כהד"ג אבל כפי הנראה נאבדה ממני וחפשתי אחרי' ולא מצאתי, ומחמת רפיון בריאותי כעת קשה עלי לחדש הדברים שנית ומגמר בעתיקא קשה מחדתא, ובפרט קשה לי הכתיבה באריכות.
אבל קיצור הדבר הנוגע לדינא הוא כי בזמננו נשתנה המצב בעוה"ר שנתמעטו באופן מבהיל שומרי מצוה במחנה ישראל וממילא גם הגרים שמתכוונים לשם שמים הם מיעוטא דמיעוטא קרוב לאפס ואין לפסוק בזה הוראה כללית, רק לסמוך על דברי התוס' יבמות כ"ד ע"ב בההוא גר דבא לפני הלל ע"מ שיהי' כ"ג שגיירו משום דבטוח הי' דסופו לשם שמים והב"י והש"ך סוס"י רס"ת /רס"ח/ ביו"ד פסקו כן להלכה וסיימו דלפ"ז הכל תלוי לפי ראות עיני בית דין, ובכל מקרה של גירות צריכים הבי"ד לדון בכל פרט כשהוא לעצמו ולהבחין ולשום עינם ולבם (אחרי שיבטיח המתגייר להבי"ד שיקיים חוקי היהדות וביחוד שמירת שבת ונדה ומאכלות אסורות) אם לפי דעתם קרוב לודאי שיקיים המתגייר את הבטחתו, והבי"ד יהיו משוכנעים באומדן דעתם ע"ז כמו הלל הזקן הנ"ל ור"ח במנחות דף מ"ד.
Responsa of Kol Mevaser Section 2 Number 8 - B'nei Brak, 9th of Shevat 5717 (January 11th, 1957).
For the honor of the great and well known sages of Jeshrun, the chief rabbis of Israel in Jerusalem. I received a letter with a question from rabbis of the Sefardic community in Buenos-Aires asking about the issue of intermarriage and conversion that was sent to me at the time I led the community. I had already answered this question in great detail in a different teshuva and I wanted to copy it now for their new leader, however it seems like it is lost to me though I've serached for it and can't find it. And due to my declining health it is difficult for me to write a new teshuva a second time, and I am done in my difficult old age of writing new things, especially since it is difficult for me to write at great length.
However, the short of the matter as it pertains to making a ruling on the subject is that since in our time the situation has changed re: the sin of the generation (בעוה"ר = בעוון הדור) who have lessened their guardianship (i.e. performance) of mitzvot in the camp of Israel, let alone the number of converts [who come to Judaism strictly because they are] doing so for the sake of heaven is getting smaller, to the point of approaching zero. And it isn't necessary to make a general ruling regarding this matter, rather to rely upon the statement of the Tosafot on Yevamot 24b regarding the convert/stranger who came to Hillel on the condition of the principle that he will convert because of the assurance that at the end [of his conversion] he will do so for the sake of heaven. And thus it is ruled in Yoreh Deah and concluded there that everything depends on the eyes of the Beit Din, and that in every case of conversion the Beit Din require to judge in all matters themselves and to determin in their eyes and hearts (after the convert promises the Beit Din that they will uphold the laws of Judaism, in particular observing Shabbat, Niddah and Kashrut). If in their eyes it is close to certain that the convert will fulfill their promise, and the Beit Din should be humble in their estimation on this like Hillel the Elder.
Rabbi Meshulam Ruth (18th-19th Centuries, Poland/Israel) argues against Rabbi Amram that we should accept converts who previously intermarried. What's fascinating is the reason (in bold): it's because there are fewer and fewer true converts (i.e. converts coming before marriage) and that we are unlikely to stem this issue. So we should be more lenient!
שו"ת פסקי עוזיאל בשאלות הזמן סימן סא
אולם בנידון דידן: יש להסתפק בדבר מעיקרו אם זה נקרא סייג לדבר מצוה? הואיל ולעומת זאת יש צד חומרא שלא תנעול דלת בפני שבים בשערי תשובה ולהשאירם מתוך אונס באיסור נשג"ז =נדה שפחה גויה זונה= ולהרחיק את בניהם שאעפ"י שאינם קרויים בנים אבל זרע ישראל הם מצד האב ועלינו לקרבם אל היהדות ולא להרחיקם מתורת ישראל ומקרב היהדות לעולם. ומסופק אני מאד אם יש בזה גדר לרבים שעל ידי כן ימנעו מנשואי תערובת ואולי אדרבא בהיותם נואשים מלעשות בהיתר יעשו באסור ויגררו הם ובניהם לצאת מתורת ישראל וכנסת ישראל.
Responsa of Uzziel on Contemporary Questions
Number 61
However in regards to the case before us: Should we doubt that the main thing [at issue] is a fence around a Mitzvah? Maybe despite this there's a way to rule stringently that will not lock the door for people to return through the gates of repentance, and not to leave them behind due to the oppression of a forbidden sexual act (with a menstruating woman, a maidservant, a non-Jew, and an adulteress), nor to distance their children [from Jewish life] since even though they are not called children [of Israel] they are still the seed of Israel from their father, and it is incumbent upon us to bring them to Judaism and not to distance them from the Torah of Israel nor from Judaism as a whole. And I am very doubtful that by taking this stringent position that people will withhold themselves from intermarrying, on the contrary what they are desperate to do with permission they will do against a prohibition, which will cause them and their children to leave from the Torah and the Assembly of Israel.
PISKEI UZZIEL BI-SHE'ELOT HA-ZEMANRabbi Ben Zion Meir Chai Uzziel (Ouziel) was born in Jerusalem in 1880, and died in 1953. He was the son of the head of the Sephardic rabbinical court in Jerusalem. After studying and subsequently teaching in the yeshivot of Jerusalem, he became Chacham Bashi (the Turkish equivalent of chief rabbi) of Jaffa and the surrounding areas in 1911, and worked closely with the Ashkenazic rabbi of Jaffa, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook. Uzziel was exiled to Damascus by the Turkish authorities because of his activities on behalf of the Jewish population of Israel during World War I, although he eventually managed to return to Israel. In 1921 he was appointed chief rabbi of Salonika, and in 1923 he became chief rabbi of Tel Aviv. In 1939, he was appointed Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel. Active in Zionist and communal affairs, Uzziel was a prolific writer, and he wrote many responsa on contemporary issues.
שו"ת פסקי עוזיאל בשאלות הזמן סימן סג
אולם בדורנו זה שהפרצה מרובה בנשואי תערובת בדרך אזרחי נאלצים אנו במקרה רבים לגייר את האיש או את האשה כדי להציל מאסור בעל בת אל נכר, את האיש או את האשה מישראל, ולהציל גם את הבנים אשר יולדו להם, שהם אבודים מישראל, וסומכים בזה ע"ד רבינו ומאורינו הרמב"ם ז"ל שכתב: ואף כי הנטען על השפחה ונשתחררה אינו יכול לישאנה לכתחלה, כאשר פסקנו בדברים אלה שישחררנה וישאנה, פסקנו כך מפני תקנת השבים ואמרנו מוטב שיאכל רוטב ולא שומן עצמו, וסמכו על אומרם עת לעשות לה' הפרו תורתך, (תשובת פאר הדור סי' קל"ב).
Responsum of Uzziel on Contemporary Issues - Number 63
In our generation there is a great separation [among Jewish communal leaders] on dealing with intermarriage by urging Jews to, in many cases, convert their fiances in order to save [the Jewish partners] from committing the sin of having sexual relations with a non-Jew, whether it's with a man or a woman, and [as well] to save their children who would be lost to Israel.
And this approach is supported by the Rambam (Teshuvot HaRambam 211) who wrote: "When a man is reputed to have had relations with a maid-servant, and afterwards she was granted her freedom, or when [a man is reputed to have had relations] with a gentile woman, and afterwards she converted, he should not marry her" (Hilkhot Geirushin, 10:14) at first, but as we ruled in regarding to someone whom is freed and and then married, we ruled [it is allowed] by virtue of the decree [related to] return of captives, and we said that it is better to eat the meat juice (רוטב) than the fatty oil (שומן) of sacrifices (Yoma 82a)." And they relied [here] upon their saying: It is time to do for God by uprooting God's Torah (Teshuvat Pe'er HaDor Number 132).
If a pregnant woman craved consecrated meat or pig meat, you give her the gravy/juice (רוטב) before the fatty oil (שומן) because nothing should stand in the way of פקוח נפש.
שו"ת הרמב"ם סימן ריא
שאלה מה יאמר אדוננו בדבר בחור, שקנה שפחה יפת תואר והיא אצלו בחצרו, והחצר גדולה והוא דר עם אשת אביו ושלש בנותיה הקטנות. נפלו דין ודברים בינו ובין אחיו. תבעו (האח) אל השופט ואירעו ביניהם דין ודברים הרבה. אחר כך הלשין אחיו אותו אל השופט, שקנה שפחה נוצריה וגיירה והוא מתיחד עמה.
באה השפחה (לפני השופט), ושאלה השופט, מה היא, אמרה: יהודיה. הציע לה הפשעות וסרבה ואמרה: אני, יהודיה בת יהודיה אני. החזיר אותה לו השופט ולקחה לביתו ורננה עליו העיר והיא עכשו נשארה בביתו.
האם צריכים בית דין להוציאה מביתו משום יחוד, אף על פי שלא יתיחד עמה, משום שנאמר +במדבר ל"ב, כ"ב, פ"ן+ והייתם נקיים מי"י ומישראל, או נאמר, משום שאשת אביו עמו בחצר, איננו חייבים להוציאה מאצלו.
ואם בית דין צריכים להוציאה, מאיזה טעם תהיה הוצאתה, לפי שלא מצינו שאסרו אלא יחוד פנויה ויחוד בגויה, ומאיזה טעם נאסור ישיבתה בביתו? והאם לה דין יפת תואר אם לאו? יורנו רבינו ושכרו כפול מן השמים.
התשובה[אין לה דין יפת תואר], לפי שזאת נתייחדה בדין תורה, משום שהותר ליקחה לאשה באותה העת, ר"ל בעת הכבוש, כשהיא בגיותה, מפני שלא דברה תורה אלא כנגד היצר כמו שהותר להם באותה העת לאכול האסורים ובתים מלאים כל טוב אפילו קדלי דחזירי, ואין להקיש על זה.
וצריכים בית דין אחר זאת השמועה אשר לא טובה (לכפותו) להוציאה או ישחררה וישאנה לאשה, אעפ"י שיש בזה כעין עברה, לפי שהנטען על השפחה ונשתחררה אסור לו לישאנה לכתחלה, (משנה יבמות סוף פ"ב (כ"ד ב), הלכות גרושין פ"י הי"ד) לפי שכבר פסקנו פעמים אחדות בכגון אלו המקרים, שישחררה וישאנה. ועשינו זאת מפני תקנת השבים ואמרנו מוטב שיאכל רוטב ולא שומן עצמו. וסמכנו על דבריהם ז"ל עת לעשות לי"י הפרו תורתך.
ומסייעין לו לישאנה בעדינות וברוך, ויקבעו לו מועד לישאנה או להוציאה, כמו שעשה עזרא (עזרא י', י' - מ"ד) ע"ה. והאלקים יתעלה יתקן קלקולנו, כמו שהבטיח ואמר ואסירה כל בדיליך וכתב משה.
Responsum of Rambam - Number 211
Question: What does our master say about the matter of a young man who bought a beautiful maidservant (who was purported to be Muslim) and she was with him in his garden. The garden was large and he lived with the wife of his father and her three younger daughters. Things happened between and his brothers. The brothers brought their brother (i.e. the young man in this question) to the judge and raised many issues between them. Afterwards, the brothers slandered their brother to the judge, saying he bought a Christian maidservant and converted her so they could have sexual relations together.
The maidservant came (before the judge) and the judge asked, "What are you?" And she said: "I am a Jew." He suggested she was coaxed to transgressing, and she said: "I am a Jew, daughter of a Jew." The judge returned her to [the young man] and he took her into his household and the city was joyful, and she now remains in his his house.
Should the Beit Din require that she leave him because they had [improper] sexual relations, even if he did not have improper sexual relations, but due to the command in the Torah: "And you shall be clean before God and before Israel"? Or should the Beit Din rule that because of the wife of his father was with him in the garden (and thus there isn't any suspicion of improper sexual relations) that they do not have to make her leave him.
And if they Beit Din requires her to leave him, what is the reason for her leaving, since we do not find any particular forbidden sexual relationship with someone who is available nor with a non-Jew (given that if she was of a prior religion, it was Islam and not Christianity), and what is the reasoning for leaving her in his house? And is there a ruling regarding a beautiful woman or not? Please teach us our Master and may his reward from Heaven be doubled!
Answer: [There is not law regarding a beautiful woman] since this is solely a law from the Torah that refers to the permission to take a woman in the particular time [designated by the Torah], i.e. [a war captive] during the time the Israelites conquered the land, when as a non-Jewish woman [at that time] the only Torah was in regards to acknowleding the creator but it was allowed to eat forbidden food and their homes were full of the hindnecks of pigs. There is no connection [between that time and] this time.
And after hearing this testimony, the Beit Din should compel him to leave her if she is not desirable to him, or he should free her and marry her as a wife. [The ruling that he should free her and marry her as a wife should be made] even though it is an action similar to a sin, as [I have ruled in the Mishneh Torah] that someone who is reputed to [have sexual relations] with a maidservant and freed her is forbidden at first from marrying her (Hilkhot Geirushin 10:14). This ruling was only made because we already ruled a few times in similar instances that he should free the maidservant and marry her. And we did this because of the decree to redeem captives and we said, "It is better to eat the juice of [forbidden] meat than the fatty oil itself." And [for this ruling] we relied upon the teachings of the sages that, "It is time to do for God by uprooting the Torah."
And the should help him marry her with witnesses and blessing, and to make a festival for the wedding. Otherwise he should let her leave, as Ezra did (Ezra 10:10-42). And may God correct our errors, as God promised: "And God said, 'And I will remove all your slag (Isaiah 1:25).'" And thus wrote Moses (i.e. Maimonides).
פסקי דין - ירושלים דיני ממונות ובירורי יוחסין ז עמוד תד
ב. כבר הובא בפס"ד ירושלים כרך ג עמ' רצ תשו' הגר"ש ווזנר דבזמן הזה באלה שבאים מרוסיה שזה כמה דורות שאפס תורה ויחוס מהם, ונתערבו בהמוניהם בגויים ובפסולים, או אלה שבאים מסביבה של מדינה שכמעט רוב נאבד בנשואי תערובת ואיסור, האם כהנים אלה כהני חזקה יקראו שנאסר להם עכ"פ עפ"י הלכה פסולי כהונה? ונתיר נ"כ וכו',
ונהי דלמעשה מי שבא ואמר כהן אני (ונקרא ג"כ כהן) אפי' מאלה, גם אם אין מעלים אותו לכהונה, מ"מ שויא אנפשיה חתיכא דאיסורא ואוסר עצמו בגרושה וחללה ושאר פסולי כהונה, ואין אנו עושים עובדא להתירו אפי' לחלוצה דרבנן, כמבואר בפוסקים אבהע"ז סי' ג ס"א ועוד וכו'.
אבל היות בלא"ה (בלאו הכי) ריע חזקתייהו מאד מאד והם בחזקת מבולבלים מדורות, וכאשר כ' מהרש"ל בשעתו אפי' על הכהנים הצדיקים, ומאז עד מצבו של עם ישראל בזה"ז בפרט בארצות הנ"ל ירדנו פלאים בענין היחוס וכו', ומה דנקרא המשפחה כהן לא מעלה ולא מוריד בזה, דהחזיקו בשם אבל לא ביחוס. ע"כ.
Judgment Rulings - Jerusalem
Monetary Laws and Lineage Issues 7:404
2. The Jerusalem courts already ruled (Vol 3, Page 290, Responsa of HaGrash Wazner) that during these times and these immigrants from Russia, in which for many generations they had no Torah or any lineage [to Torah scholars] among them, and they mixed together with the majority non-Jewish populations and became impure (for purposes of kohanut), or those immigrants who came from the [Arab nations] surrounding the State [of Israel], in which nearly all of them were lost to intermarriage and transgression, are the kohanim from these immigrants eligible to claim the status of kohanut even though they are considered p'sulei kehunah (impure kohanim) by Halakha? And we allowed them [to be kohanim] in that case, etc.
And what is the practical case here - one who comes and says, "I am a kohen," even from these folks [mentioned above from Russia & the Arab nations]. Also, even if we do not let him ascend [to the bimah] as a kohen, in any case one who voluntarily takes upon himself to follow forbidden acts and he forbids himself from doing so in matters of divorce (גרושה) and profane items (חללה) and other acts that are impure for kohanim to perform (פסולי כהונה), and we do not do anything to permit these actions, even chalitzah [that is required via derabbanan] as it is explained in the Rulings of Even Ha-Ezer Number 3a and others, etc.
However, on the other side of the debate there is great anger held against this ruling and their view is due to the [principle] of mebulbalim medorot ("the confusion of the generations"). And as the Maharsal wrote in his time, even true kohanim [are doubtful kohanim]. And from that time until the situation of the people of Israel in our time, let alone in the nations mentioned [in this responsum] the chances of having a direct connection to the kohanut are minimal, etc. And what each family calls "kohen" does not raise them or lowers them from this role, since they hold by the name even if not by the relationship.
Let Russians who came to Israel still be considered kohanim even if they intermarried!
תשובות והנהגות כרך א סימן תעה
שאלה: כהן גר עם נכרית והיא רוצה להתגייר ולקיים מצוות
נשאלתי בכהן שומר מצוות רק יצרו תקפו וקשור ככלב לנכרית ר"ל (רחמנא ליצלן) והולידה לו בנים, ורב אחד התיר לגיירה אף שאז היא גיורת ואסורה לכהן מוטב שיעבור באיסור לאו דזונה ולא לעבור על איסור לאו דחיתון עם נכרית וחייב כרת מדברי קבלה וכמבואר ברמב"ם פי"ב מאיסו"ב הל' ו', (ועיין ש"ך יו"ד קנ"ז ס"ק י"ב דהבא על הנכרית הוא בכלל ג"ע דאמרינן ביה יהרג ואל יעבור וכמוש"כ הרמב"ן במלחמות סנהדרין עד ב), והוא ממשפחה חשובה וברור שיקיים המצות ויחנך בניו כשיתגיירו כדין, ונשאלתי לברר בזה דין תורה.
ולכאורה אמרתי להתיר עפ"י שיטת הרא"ם מובא בתוס' (סוף נדרים). שפירשו שהאשה אינה מוזהרת באיסורי כהונה, ואם כן יכולים לגיירה שתשמור כל המצות ואף שהיא זונה ואסורה לכהן אינה מוזהרת ע"ז וכמ"ש. ואין כאן איסור לפני עור שמכשילה אותו רק להיפך כאן מקילה בזה ממנו האיסור לנתקה מאיסור חמור דחיתון עם עכו"ם השוה בכל ויש בו כרת ללאו דפסול כהונה דאינו שוה בכל, ולכן ראוי לגיירה, וכן יש לצדד בכהני חזקה בזמנינו דקיל.
אמנם מלבד מה שדברי הרא"ם אינם ברורים, עי"ש בתוס' שחולקין עליו, ואם כן גם היא מוזהרת בזה ולא מקבלת עליה בגירות איסור זה, ויש כאן חסרון בקבלת המצוות שמעכב, והרי הכהן בשאט נפש חשקה נפשו בנכרית ואנו עוזרים לו ופותחים בזה פתח לזנות ונשואי תערובת ר"ל, וח"ו לגיירה ולסייע לו באיסור, [ועוד שבלא קידושין אסורה גם לישראל, ואם תעזבנו בגירותו לא יכשל בה ומכשילתו בלפני עור וע"ע באחיעזר ח"ג סי' כ"ו].
עיין רמ"א וגר"א וט"ז ביו"ד (ס"ס של"ד) שאפילו בנשתמד בית דין לא נמנעין לקיים בו דין תורה, ואף אם נאמר שבישראל כה"ג היו מתירין לגיירה, היינו מפני שמעכשיו יגורו בהיתר, משא"כ בכהן דאכתי יש כאן איסור כהונה, ואם בית דין יסייעו לו לעבור על איסור כהונה עוברים בזה על חובתם של "וקדשתו" שיסודו לכופו לקיים איסורי כהונה ופותחים פתח להריסת הדת ח"ו.
Answers and Directions - Section 1 Number 475
Question: A kohen lives with a gentile woman and she wants to convert and fulfill mitzvot
I was asked about a kohen who keeps the commandments other than his [evil] inclination controlling him and leading him to attach himself like a dog to a gentile woman (May God save him) and she bears him children. And one rabbi allows her to convert, even though once she is converted she is forbidden to marry a kohen, that it is better for him to transgress a sexual prohibition as opposed to transgressing a prohibition of marrying a gentile woman and thus requiring karet as we learn from tradition and as explained by Maimonides in Chapter 12 of Laws of Forbidden Sexual Relations Law #6, (and also look at Shulkhan Arukh Yoreh Deah 157:12 in which someone who has sex with a gentile woman is considered as transgressing "גילוי עריות" - "adulterous or incestuous sexual relations, as is similarly taught by Ramban in Milchemet Hashem on Sanhedrin 74b). And this person is from an important family and it is clear that he will uphold the mitzvot and will teach his his children who will be converted according to the law. And I was asked to figure out the Torah law on this matter.
Seemingly I said [this] should be allowed by virtue of the reasoning of Rabeinu Eliezer ben Rav Shmuel of Metz (Re'Em), a Tosafist (at the end of Nedarim). He explained that women do not need to be strict in following the prohibitions of the kehnua, and as such it is possible for a woman to convert in order to observe all of the mitzvot, and even if she is unfit to marry a kohen she is not strict about this. And here there is no prohibition of "do not place a stumbling block before the blind," rather the oppositte. Here we are lenient on this prohibition so that we can set aside (i.e. uphold) a more stringent prohibition of marrying an idolator who is prohibited for all and [by marrying such an idolator] affords the punishment of excision. [This rule re: intermarriage is in contradistinction from] the prohibition of impure kohanut which is not [forbidden] for all, and thus it is appropriate for her to convert. And thus we turn aside the [primary laws regarding] a true kohen in our day [to rule] leniently.
Indeed the only matter the Re'Em is not clear about, see the Tosafot who disagree with him, is that [if the Re'em is correct] then by virtue of marrying a kohen, a woman becomes strict [in matters of kohanut] despite the fact that as a convert she cannot [take on the obligations] of the prohibitions [of kohanut]. Thus we have a case here of a deficiency in accepting the commandements that comes to prevent [her ability to marry a kohen]. If this situation was allowed to occur then out of his soul's disgust, a kohen will desire a Christian and we would have helped him, and opened him to the possibility of improper sexual relations and intermarriage, that is to say he would never convert her, and [thus] we would be aiding in him committing a prohibitted act. [And another thing is that by virtue of a kohen marrying a non-Jew, they would be forbidden from marrying a Jew. And if we were to abandon him because of not wanting to put a stumbling block before the converted woman (re: following prohibitions of kohanut) then we are putting a stumbling block before the kohen himself! See more on this in Achiezer Chapter 3 Number 26].
See the Rema, Gra, and Taz in Yoreh Deah at the end of Number 334 - Even when it comes to a rebel the Beit Din does not prevent someone from upholding a law of Torah, even if it means that a Kohen Gadol could be allowed to marry a convert, that is because in our day we allow converts, something that was not allowed for kohanim who even this day must follow the prohibitions of kohanut. And if the Beit Din helps the Kohen to transgress the prohibition of the kehnuah, they do so because of the obligation of "making him holy," since the basis for reversing the need to uphold this prohibition is to prevent the destruction of the faith.
TESHUVOT VEHANHAGOTR. Moshe Sternbuch was born in London in 1926 into a rabbinic family, descending from the Vilna Gaon. He studied under R. Moshe Schneider in London and then in Yeshivat Chevron in Jerusalem, and was close to the leading rabbis of that city, especially the Brisker Rav. Later he relocated to Bnei Brak, and served as Rosh Kollel in Rosh haAyin. Upon receiving an invitation from the Orthodox community of Johannesburg, South Africa, he moved there to become its rabbi. In 1993 he returned to Israel, settling in Jerusalem, and establishing there a Torah center in the name of the Vilna Gaon, which he still heads to this day. In 1995 he was appointed a member of the rabbinical court of the Edah haCharedit, eventually becoming vice-president of the community. He authored many books, and is famous for his set Mo'adim uZemanim on tractates and laws dealing with the festivals. Later he published Teshuvot veHanhagot, a set of books containing brief responsa and halakhic decisions in all areas of the Shukhan Aruch, which also includes many oral traditions from the great deciders of the previous generation.
What does it mean to "to help someone commit a prohbition" (ולסייע לו באיסור)?
(מח) אם נידו לאדם אחד על שעבר עבירה וגזר השר עונש על מי שיחזיק הנידוי חייבים ליכנס בספק עונש כדי להחזיק דתינו אבל אם נידוהו על דברים שבינו לחבירו כגון שהוליכו לערכאות אין אנו חייבים ליכנס בסכנת העונש: הגה וע"ל סי' רכ"ח סמ"ז גם סי' רל"ב סעיף י"ב אע"פ שחייב אדם למחות בעוברי עבירה וכל מי שאינו מוחה ובידו למחות נתפס באותו עון מ"מ אין אדם חייב להוציא ממונו על זה ולכן נהגו להקל מלמחות בעוברי עבירה שיש לחוש שיהיו עומדין על גופינו ומאודנו (מהרי"ו סי' קנ"ז) :
(48) If a person is excommunicated for committing a sin and the minister decrees that anyone who encourages the excommunicant shall be punished, we are required to err on the side of doubt [in regard to a situation where someone might be punished] in order to strengthen our faith.
However, if the excoummunicant is excommunicated because of personal matters with another person, as in the legitimacy of their citizenship, we are not obligated to register the threat of punishment.
REMA: And look earlier at YD 228:47 and 232:12 that even though a person is obligated to erase his sins, and the one who does not erase his sins will be caught up in doing them again, in any case a person is not obligated to to pay money [to get out of his sins] and therefore we rule leniently in cases of cancelling sins in which we suspect [the situation of the sins] stands upon our bodies and strength (i.e. their ability to pay money).
(כג) ולכן נהגו להקל. גדולה מזאת כתוב בדרישה בשם מהרמ"ץ דמהר"מ כתב דבזמן הזה שהנדויין מקולקלין אין מנדין כל מי שראוי לנדות אף בעבירות גדולות דאפילו בשורת הדין לא החמירו חכמים פן ימנענו מלעשות תשובה כל שכן שבדורינו שנבלים מביישים את האדם על ככה ולפעמים אין האדם מושל ברוחו ויבא לידי שפיכות דמים כו' ע"כ לשונו:
And therefore our practice is to be lenient. More than this was written in a teaching in the name of HaRav Mishpat Tzedek that Rabbeinu Moshe/Meir wrote that during this time when judgments aren't heeded, we do not excommunicate anyone, even those who are liable to be excommunicated due to committing grave sins, since, when it comes to observing judgements, the sages did not rule stringently lest they would prevent [Jews] from performing teshuva. All the more so in our generation in which foolishness shames people on these matters, and at times people cannot control their spirit and come to do [sins] that would lead to the death penalty, etc.
(א) יִשְׂרָאֵל שֶׁבָּעַל עַכּוּ''ם מִשְּׁאָר הָאֻמּוֹת דֶּרֶךְ אִישׁוּת. אוֹ יִשְׂרְאֵלִית שֶׁנִּבְעֲלָה לְעַכּוּ''ם דֶּרֶךְ אִישׁוּת הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ לוֹקִין מִן הַתּוֹרָה שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (דברים ז ג) "לֹא תִתְחַתֵּן בָּם בִּתְּךָ לֹא תִתֵּן לִבְנוֹ וּבִתּוֹ לֹא תִקַּח לִבְנֶךָ". אֶחָד שִׁבְעָה עֲמָמִין וְאֶחָד כָּל אֻמּוֹת בְּאִסּוּר זֶה. וְכֵן מְפֹרָשׁ עַל יְדֵי עֶזְרָא (נחמיה י לא) "וַאֲשֶׁר לֹא נִתֵּן בְּנֹתֵינוּ לְעַמֵּי הָאָרֶץ וְאֶת בְּנֹתֵיהֶם לֹא נִקַּח לְבָנֵינוּ":
(ב) וְלֹא אָסְרָה תּוֹרָה אֶלָּא דֶּרֶךְ חַתְנוּת אֲבָל הַבָּא עַל הַכּוּתִית דֶּרֶךְ זְנוּת מַכִּין אוֹתוֹ מַכַּת מַרְדּוּת מִדִּבְרֵי סוֹפְרִים. גְּזֵרָה שֶׁמָּא יָבוֹא לְהִתְחַתֵּן. וְאִם יִחֲדָהּ לוֹ בִּזְנוּת חַיָּב עָלֶיהָ מִשּׁוּם נִדָּה וּמִשּׁוּם שִׁפְחָה וּמִשּׁוּם כּוּתִית וּמִשּׁוּם זוֹנָה. וְאִם לֹא יִחֲדָהּ לוֹ אֶלָּא נִקְרֵאת מִקְרֶה אֵינוֹ חַיָּב אֶלָּא מִשּׁוּם כּוּתִית [ג.] וְכָל חִיּוּבִין אֵלּוּ מִדִּבְרֵיהֶן:
(ג) בַּמֶּה דְּבָרִים אֲמוּרִים כְּשֶׁהָיָה הַבּוֹעֵל יִשְׂרָאֵל. אֲבָל כֹּהֵן הַבָּא עַל הַכּוּתִית לוֹקֶה מִן הַתּוֹרָה מִשּׁוּם זוֹנָה. וְאֶחָד זוֹנָה כּוּתִית וְאֶחָד זוֹנָה יִשְׂרְאֵלִית. וּבִבְעִילָה בִּלְבַד לוֹקֶה שֶׁהֲרֵי אֵינָהּ בַּת קִדּוּשִׁין:
(ד) כָּל הַבּוֹעֵל כּוּתִית בֵּין דֶּרֶךְ חַתְנוּת בֵּין דֶּרֶךְ זְנוּת אִם בְּעָלָהּ בְּפַרְהֶסְיָא וְהוּא שֶׁיִּבְעל לְעֵינֵי עֲשָׂרָה מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל אוֹ יֶתֶר אִם פָּגְעוּ בּוֹ קַנָּאִין וַהֲרָגוּהוּ הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ מְשֻׁבָּחִין וּזְרִיזִין [ו.] וְדָבָר זֶה הֲלָכָה לְמשֶׁה מִסִּינַי הוּא. רְאָיָה לְדָבָר זֶה מַעֲשֶׂה פִּינְחָס בְּזִמְרִי:
(ה) וְאֵין הַקַּנַּאי רַשַּׁאי לִפְגֹּעַ בָּהֶן אֶלָּא בִּשְׁעַת מַעֲשֶׂה כְּזִמְרִי שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (במדבר כה ח) "וְאֶת הָאִשָּׁה אֶל קֳבָתָהּ". אֲבָל אִם פֵּרַשׁ אֵין הוֹרְגִין אוֹתוֹ. וְאִם הֲרָגוֹ נֶהֱרַג עָלָיו. וְאִם בָּא הַקַּנַּאי לִטּל רְשׁוּת מִבֵּית דִּין לְהָרְגוֹ אֵין מוֹרִין לוֹ וְאַף עַל פִּי שֶׁהוּא בִּשְׁעַת מַעֲשֶׂה. וְלֹא עוֹד אֶלָּא אִם בָּא הַקַּנַּאי לַהֲרֹג אֶת הַבּוֹעֵל וְנִשְׁמַט הַבּוֹעֵל וְהָרַג הַקַּנַּאי כְּדֵי לְהַצִּיל עַצְמוֹ מִיָּדוֹ אֵין הַבּוֹעֵל נֶהֱרַג עָלָיו. וְהַבָּא עַל בַּת גֵּר תּוֹשָׁב אֵין הַקַּנָּאִין פּוֹגְעִים בּוֹ אֲבָל מַכִּין אוֹתוֹ מַכַּת מַרְדּוּת:
(ו) לֹא פָּגְעוּ בּוֹ קַנָּאִים וְלֹא הִלְקוּהוּ בַּיִת דִּין הֲרֵי עָנְשׁוֹ מְפֹרָשׁ בְּדִבְרֵי קַבָּלָה שֶׁהוּא בְּכָרֵת שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (מלאכי ב יא) "כִּי חִלֵּל יְהוּדָה קֹדֶשׁ ה' אֲשֶׁר אָהֵב וּבָעַל בַּת אֵל נֵכָר" (מלאכי ב יב) "יַכְרֵת ה' לָאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר יַעֲשֶׂנָּה עֵר וְעֹנֶה". אִם יִשְׂרָאֵל הוּא לֹא יִהְיֶה לוֹ עֵר בַּחֲכָמִים וְלֹא עוֹנֶה בַּתַּלְמִידִים וְאִם כֹּהֵן הוּא לֹא יִהְיֶה לוֹ מַגִּישׁ מִנְחָה לַה' צְבָאוֹת. הִנֵּה לָמַדְתָּ שֶׁהַבּוֹעֵל כּוּתִית כְּאִלּוּ נִתְחַתֵּן לְעַכּוּ''ם שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר "בָעַל בַּת אֵל נֵכָר וְנִקְרָא מְחַלֵּל קֹדֶשׁ ה':"
(1) When a Jew engages in relations with a woman from other nations, [taking her] as his spouse or a Jewess engages in relations with a non-Jew as his spouse, they are punished by lashes, according to Scriptural Law.1Licentious relations with a gentile man or woman are not included in the scope of this Scriptural prohibition, as stated in the following halachah. As [Deuteronomy 7:3] states: "You shall not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughter to his son, and do not take his daughter for your son."This prohibition applies equally to [individuals from] the seven [Canaanite] nations and all other gentiles.2Although the verse the Rambam cites as a prooftext refers to the seven Canaanite nations, all other gentiles are also included as reflected by the verse from Nechemiah.The Tur (Even HaEzer 16) differs with the Rambam, explaining that the verse should be understood within its limited context, referring only to the seven nations. (The Rambam's opinion has a source in the Sheiltot D'Rabbenu Achai Gaon, while that of the Tur is found in the Sefer Mitzvot Gadol) The crux of the difference is the exegesis of the continuation of the verse cited by the Rambam: "For he shall sway your son away." Kiddushin 68b quotes Rabbi Shimon as focusing on the motivating rationale for the verse and thus including all those who might sway a person's heart. Thus it refers to all gentiles. The Sages, however, do not accept this perspective. This was explicitly stated in Ezra3Although the verse is contained in the Book of Nechemiah, the Rambam considers Ezra and Nechemiah as one book. See Hilchot Sefer Torah 7:15. Similarly, Sanhedrin 93b states that none of the books of the Tanach are named after Nechemiah.The verse cited by the Rambam is part of the oath taken by the people to remain true to their faith upon their return to Zion. At that time, the gentiles living in the land were not Canaanites. [Nechemiah 10:31]: "That we will not give our daughters to the gentiles in the land and that we will not take their daughters for our sons."
(2) The Scriptural prohibition applies only to marital relations.4The Tur, loc. cit., differs with the Rambam concerning this point as well, stating that there is no concept of marriage between a Jew and non-Jew. When, by contrast, one engages in relations with a gentile woman with a licentious intent, he is given "stripes for rebellious conduct" according to Rabbinic Law. [This is a] decree, lest this lead to marriage.If [a Jew] designates [a gentile woman] for licentious relations, he is liable for relations with a niddah, a maid-servant, a gentile woman, and a licentious woman.5This was a decree passed by the court of the Hasmoneans when they saw that the Jews were sharing intimacy with Greek women (Avodah Zarah 36b). The transgressor is given stripes several times, once for each of the Rabbinic prohibitions he ignored. If he did not designate her for himself, but instead, [engage in relations with her] spontaneously, he is only liable for relations with a gentile woman. All of these liabilities are Rabbinic in origin.6According to Scriptural Law, if a Jew engages in relations with a gentile woman in public "the zealot may strike him," as stated in Halachah 4. The Hasmoneon's decree, however, applies even when relations were carried out in private.
(3) When does the above apply? When the man who engaged in relations was an Israelite. If, however, a priest engages in relations with a gentile woman, he is liable for lashes according to Scriptural Law, because of the prohibition against relations with a zonah.7The term zonah is generally translated as "prostitute." It has, however, a precise halachic definition, as stated in Chapter 18, Halachah 1. [This prohibition applies] both to a non-Jewish zonah and a Jewish one. He receives lashes for relations alone, for he cannot consecrate her.8Note the contrast to the laws applying to a Jewish zonah, as mentioned in Chapter 17, Halachah 2.
(4) Whenever a man has relations with a gentile woman in public, i.e., the relations are carried out in the presence of ten or more Jews, if a zealous person strikes him and kills him, he is considered praiseworthy and ardent.9The Ra'avad rules that the zealous person must warn the transgressor before striking him. The Maggid Mishneh states that the concept of a warning is relevant only with regard to execution by the court and not to the independent actions taken by a zealous person. The Rama (Choshen Mishpat 425:4) quotes the Ra'avad's view. [This applies whether the relations were] in the context of marriage or licentious in nature. This matter is a halachah conveyed to Moshe at Sinai.10I.e., a law which is not commanded by the Written Torah, yet communicated by the Oral Tradition. Support for this can be derived from Pinchas' slaying of Zimri.11As Numbers, ch. 25 relates, the Jews began worshiping idols, because they were lured to by Midianite women. Enraged Moses commanded that the worshipers be executed. Zimri, the prince of the tribe of Shimon, took a Midianite woman and confronted Moses, engaging in relations before him. When Pinchas saw this, he slew Zimri, giving expression to the law mentioned by the Rambam.
(5) The zealous person can strike [the fornicators] only at the time of relations, as was the case with regard to Zimri, as [Numbers 25:8] states: "[He pierced] the woman into her stomach."12Our Sages relate that Pinchas' javelin went through Zimri's back and into her gut, killing them both in the midst of relations. If, however, [the transgressor] withdraws,13Even if he transgressed already. he should not be slain. Indeed, if [the zealous person] slays him, he may be executed [as a murderer].14Needless to say, a warning must be given and two acceptable witnesses must observe the slaying.If the zealous person comes to ask permission from the court to slay him, they do not instruct him [to],15The initiative to slay the transgressor must be totally that of the zealous person. For the court has no obligation - and there no license - to exact such punishment. even if this takes place at the time [of relations]. Not only that, if the zealous person comes to kill the transgressor and he withdraws and kills the zealous person in order to save himself, the transgressor is not executed for killing him.16For the zealous person is considered as a rodef, pursuer, whom the intended victim has the right to slay, as stated in Hilchot Rotzeach, ch. 1.When a Jew has relations with the daughter of a resident alien,17As explained in Chapter 14, Halachah 7, this refers to a non-Jew who accepted the seven universal laws commanded to Noah and his descendants. In his Commentary to the Mishnah (Sanhedrin 9:6), the Rambam states that the woman herself - not only her father - must not be an idolater. the zealot may not strike him. [The transgressor] should, however, be given stripes for rebellious conduct.
(6) If the zealot did not strike him, nor did he receive stripes from the court,18The Maggid Mishneh writes that if he was given "stripes for rebellious conduct" by the court, he is no longer liable for kereit. Our Sages (Makkot 23b) state a similar concept with regard to a person who receives lashes for the violation of a Scriptural prohibition. The Rambam extends the idea to include a person who is punished on the basis of Rabbinic decree. his punishment is explicitly stated in the words of the prophetic tradition. He is liable for karet,19This applies even if relations are conducted in private. as [Malachi 2:11-12] states: "Judah desecrated that which is sacred to God, [by] loving and engaging in relations with the daughter of a foreign god. May God cut off from a man who does this any progeny and descendant." [Implied is]20As interpreted by Yevamot 22b, 23a. that if he is an Israelite, he will not have progeny among the wise who will raise issues, nor a descendant among the scholars who will respond. If he is a priest, he will not have [a descendant] who "presents an offering to the Lord of Hosts." Thus you have learned that a person who shares intimacy with a gentile woman is considered as if he married a false deity, as the verse states: "engaging in relations with the daughter of a foreign god." And he is called one who "desecrated that which is sacred to God."
(א) על איזה עבירות יהרג ואל יעבור. ובו ג' סעיפים:כל העבירות שבתורה חוץ מעבודת כוכבים וגלוי עריות ושפיכת דמים אם אומרים לו לאדם שיעבור עליהם או יהרג אם הוא בצינעה יעבור ואל יהרג ואם ירצה להחמיר על עצמו וליהרג רשאי אם העובד כוכבי' מכוין להעבירו על דת: הגה ואם יוכל להציל עצמו בכל אשר לו צריך ליתן הכל ולא יעבור לא תעשה (ר"ן פרק לולב הגזול ורשב"א וראב"ד וריב"ש סימן שפ"ז) ובמקום שאמרו כל מי שיש בידו למחות ואינו מוחה הוא נתפס באותו עון מכל מקום בדבר שיש חשש סכנה אין צריך להוציא ממונו על זה. (מהרי"ו סימן קנ"ו) ואם הוא בפרהסיא דהיינו בפני עשרה מישראל חייב ליהרג ולא יעבור אם העובד כוכבים מכוין להעבירו על דת (אפילו על ערקתא דמסאנא) (ב"י) אבל אם אינו מכוין אלא להנאתו יעבור ואל יהרג ואם הוא שעת הגזיר') (על ישראל לבדם) (ב"י בשם נ"י) אפילו אערקתא דמסאנא (פירוש רצועת המנעל) יהרג ואל יעבור: הגה ודוקא אם רוצים להעבירו במצות לא תעשה אבל אם גזרו גזרה שלא לקיים מצות עשה אין צריך לקיימו ושיהרג (ר"ן פרק במה טומנין ונ"י פרק סורר ומורה) מיהו אם השעה צריכה לכך ורוצה ליהרג ולקיימו הרשות בידו (מהרי"ק שורש פ"ח בשם הר"ן) ובעבודת כוכבים ג"ע ש"ד אפילו בצינעה ושלא בשעת הגזרה ואפי' אין העובד כוכבים מכוין אלא להנאתו יהרג ועל יעבור: הגה ודוקא כשאומרים לו לעשות מעשה כגון שאומרים לאיש לגלות ערוה או שיהרג אבל אם אונסים לאשה לבא עליה או שרוצים להשליכו על התינוק להרגו או שהוא כבר מוקשה ורוצים לאנס אותו לערוה אין צריך ליהרג (ב"י בשם תוספות ור"ן פרק כ"ש) וכל איסור עבודת כוכבים וג"ע וש"ד אע"פ שאין בו מיתה רק לאו בעלמא צריך ליהרג ולא לעבור אבל אלאו דלפני עור לא תתן מכשול יעבור ואל יהרג (ר"ן פרק כ"ש ופרק בן סורר ומורה) ועובד כוכבים הבא על בת ישראל אינו בכלל גילוי עריות (ב"י בשם הרמב"ן והפוסקים הנ"ל) עובדי כוכבים שאמרו לישראל תנו לנו אחד מכם ונהרגנו לא יתנו להם אחד מהם (משנה פ' ח' דתרומות והרמב"ם פ"ה מהלכות יסודי התורה) אלא א"כ יחדוהו ואמרו תנו לנו פלוני (ב"י בשם רש"י ור"ן) ויש אומרים דאפילו בכה"ג אין למסרו אא"כ חייב מיתה כשבע בן בכרי (רמב"ם פ' הנזכר) וכן נשים שאמרו להן עובדי כוכבים תנו לנו אחת מכם ונטמא אותה יטמאו כולם ולא ימסרו נפש אחת מישראל כל מקום שנאמר יהרג ואל יעבור אם עבר ולא נהרג אע"פ שחלל השם מכ"מ נקרא אנוס ופטור ודוקא שלא יוכל לברוח אבל אם יכול לברוח ואינו עושה הרי הוא ככלב שב על קיאו ונקרא עובר במזיד (ב"י בשם הרמב"ם פ"ה דיסודי התורה) :
(ב) אסור לאדם לומר שהוא עובד כוכבי' כדי שלא יהרגוהו אבל אם כדי שלא יכירוהו שהוא יהודי משנה מלבושו בשעת הגזר' מותר כיון שאינו אומר שהוא עובד כוכבי': הגה ואפי' לובש כלאים (נ"י פרק הגוזל בתרא) ואע"ג דאסור לומר שהוא עובד כוכבים מכ"מ יוכל לומר להם לשון דמשתמע לתרי אפין (נמוקי יוסף פ' הגוזל) והעובדי כוכבים יבינו שהוא אומר שהוא עובד כוכבי' והוא יכוין לדבר אחר וכן אם יוכל להטעותם שהם סוברים שהוא עובד כוכבים שרי (ת"ה סי' קצ"ז) וכן בדרך זה מי שלבו העלה טינא וחושק באשת איש אם תוכל אשתו לבא אליו ושיסבור שבא על הערוה שרי (שם בנ"י) וכל זה לא שרי רק במקום סכנה אבל שלא במקום סכנה כגון שילבש בגדי עובד כוכבים שלא יכירוהו שהוא יהודי ויעבור מכס או כדומה לזה אסור. (אשיר"י ונ"י פרק הגוזל בתרא ות"ה סימן קצ"ו ושאר פוסקים):
(ג) מי שנתחייב מיתה מותר לברוח לבית עבודת כוכבים ולהציל את עצמו (וי"א דבשעת הגזרה אסור (כל בו) ועיין לעיל סימן ק"נ):
(1) Shulchan Aruch: All of the transgressions which are in the Torah, with the exception of idolatry, sexual prohibitions, and murder: If someone is told to transgress them or he will be killed, so long as he is in private, he should transgress and not be killed. If he wants to be stringent upon himself and be killed, he may do so if the idolater intends to make him violate his religion. Rama: If he can save himself with all he has, he must give it all rather than transgress one of the negative commandments (Ran in Sukkah, Perek Lulav haGazul, and Rashba and Raavad and Rivash Siman 387). When they [Chazal] said that anyone who has the ability to protest and does not, he is seized in the same sin - here, where there is a chance of danger, he does not need to give up his money over this (Mahariv Siman 156). Shulchan Aruch: If he is in public - that is, in front of ten Jews - he must allow himself to be killed rather than transgress, providing the idolater intends to make him violate his religion (even if this is over a minhag such as the way one ties one’s shoes) (Beis Yosef). But if he [the idolater] intends only for his own benefit, he [the Jew] should transgress rather than be killed. If, however, it is a time of legislation (only against Jews) (Beis Yosef in the name of the Nimukei Yosef), even about the strap of one’s shoes he should be killed rather than transgress. Rama: And this is only if they wish to make him violate a negative commandment; if they made a law that one should not fulfill positive commandments, however, he does not need to fulfill it if he will be killed (Ran Shabbos Perek BaMeh Tomnin and Nimukei Yosef Sanhedrin Perek Sorer uMoreh). Nonetheless, if the hour requires it and he wishes to fulfill it and be killed, he may do so (Maharik Shoresh 88). Shulchan Aruch: And by idolatry, sexual prohibitions, and murder, even in private and not a time with legislation and even if the idolater intends it only for his own benefit, he must be killed rather than transgress. Rama: And this is only when they tell him to do an action: for instance, if they tell a man to transgress a sexual prohibition or he will be killed. If they force a woman to have sex or throw him over a child to murder it or he is already erect and they force him to have forbidden sex, he need not be killed (Beis Yosef in the name of Tosfos and Ran Psachim Perek Kol Sha’ah). All prohibitions of idolatry and sexuality and murder - even if they are not punishable by death, just prohibitions without explicit punishment - he must be killed rather than transgress. On the prohibition of “Do not put a stumbling block before the blind” he may transgress rather than be killed (Ran Psachim Perek Kol Sha’ah and Sanhedrin Perek Ben Sorer uMoreh). An idolater sleeping with a Jewish woman is not included as a sexual prohibition (Beis Yosef in the name of the Ramban and the authorities cited above). Idolaters who told a Jew, “Give us one of you so we may kill him” - they may not give him over unless they [the idolaters] singled him out and said, “Give us Ploni” (Mishnah Trumos 8, Rambam Yesodei haTorah 5). There are those who say that even in this case, one should not give him over unless he is already liable for death like Sheva ben Bichri (Beis Yosef in the name of Rashi and the Ran). Likewise, women who were told by idolaters, “Give us one of you so we may rape [lit. make impure] her” - they must all be raped rather than hand over one Jewish life (Rambam ibid). Any place where it is said, “Be killed rather than transgress,” if he transgressed and was not killed, even though he has desanctified the Name, nonetheless he is considered forced and is not liable. This is only where he could not have fled - if he could have fled, and did not do so, he is like a dog sitting on his vomit and is considered to have transgressed deliberately (Beis Yosef in the name of the Rambam Yesodei haTorah 5).
(2) Shulchan Aruch: It is forbidden for a man to claim that he is an idolater so that they will not kill him; if, however, so that they will not know he is a Jew, he changes his clothes during a time of legislation, this is permitted, since he does not say that he is an idolater. Rama: Even if he must wear shaatnez (Nimukei Yosef Bava Kama Perek haGozel (the second one)). Even though it is forbidden to say that he is an idolater, nonetheless he may say things that can be interpreted multiple ways (Nimukei Yosef Bava Kama Perek haGozel) and the idolaters will understand that he has said that he is an idolater while he means something else. Likewise, if he can trick them so that they will think he is an idolater, this is permitted (Trumas HaDeshen Siman 197). In the same vein, one who desires another man’s wife - if his wife can sleep with him such that he will believe he is sleeping with the forbidden woman, this is permitted (ibid in the Nimukei Yosef). All of this is permitted only where there is a danger, but where there is no danger - for instance, he wears idolaters’ clothes so they will not recognize that he is a Jew so that he can avoid the tax or suchlike - that is forbidden (Hagahos Ashiri and Nimukei Yosef Bava Kama Perek haGozel (the second) and Trumas haDeshen Siman 196 and other authorities).
(3) Shulchan Aruch: One who is liable for the death penalty may run to an idolatrous house of worship to save himself (some say that at a time of legislation this is prohibited (Kol Bo). See above Siman 150).
שו"ת ציץ אליעזר חלק ה סימן טו
רב מאד נכבד, אחדשו"ט (אחר דרישת שלומו וטובו): הנני מתכבד להציע לפני מעלתו לקוטים בענין המר והמכאיב את הלב של נשואי תערובת אשר יום יום הורס ונותץ היהדות מיסודו, ולא עוד אלא שחלילה, קודם עשר שנים אם לא נאזור מתנינו לעמוד על המשמר, לא ישאר לבנות ישראל כי אם לבחור גם הן עקלקלות גבעת הערלות או להמתין עד שילבין ראשן, שני דרכים מרים ממות.
Responsa of Tzitz Eliezer (Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg) Section 5 Number 15
Well respected Rabbi: With respect I'd like to suggest some gleaings on the bitter, and painful matter of intermarriage which daily breaks Judaism apart from its foundation, and there is nothing [more to it] other than "God forbid" [it should occur], within 10 years if we are not able to gird our loins and stand up at our posts [on this matter], there will not remain [husbands] for daughters of Israel other than to choose crooked [penises] from the hill of the uncircumcised, or to wait until their head turn white, both paths are worse than death.
TZITZ ELIEZERRabbi Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg was born in 1916 in Jerusalem. He studied in Yeshivat Etz Chaim and then in Yeshivat Chevron. At an early age he already stood out for his talent and his diligence. In 1935, before he turned 19, he already published a volume of his own original Talmud insights entitled Dvar Eliezer. Later he served as head of Yeshivat Sha'arei Zion. In 1945 he began to publish his volumes of responsa entitled Tzitz Eliezer, which became quite famous. His responsa deal with all aspects of Jewish Law, but most prominent are his responsa dealing with medical problems and new technologies. He especially dealt with these issues as a result of his becoming the Rabbi of Sha'arei Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem. R. Waldenberg was a dayyan and head the of a Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem, eventually becoming a judge on the Supreme Rabbincal Court in Jerusalem was considered an expert in the laws of divorce. After the establishment of the State of Israel, he authored a volume named Hilkhot Medinah ("Laws of State", Jerusalem 1952-55), in which he dealt with all aspects of Jewish Law concerning the management of a modern Jewish state. He passed away in the autumn of 2006 (5767), leaving 22 volumes of his responsa, Tzitz Eliezer (the last volume having been published in 1998).
אמנם כאשר יגרום החטא בהפסד ההסכמה והשלום בין הכתות המקבלים ויחלש חוט החסד המשוך עליהם כשיעור הסבה המניעה וכל שכן אם תספוק להפסיקו לגמרי אז ודאי ישתנו אצלו אלו התוארים הצירופיים עד שיהפך אליהם ממשפיע אל לא משפיע וממטיב אל לא מטיב ובבחינת אלו יאמר עליו לפעמים חנון ורחום ולפעמים קנוא ונוקם ויאמר שהוא פעם שמח ופעם עצב מבלי שיגיע שום שנוי וחלוף בעצמותו כלל אבל היה מפאת המקבלים כמו שביארנו ממשלי השמש והעמוד וכיוצא והוא עצמו מה שאמרו חז"ל מהוספת הכח ומתשישותו בכ"מ (איכה רבתי פ"א) כמו שכתבנו אצל מבלתי יכולת ה' שער ע"ז ובפרשת המשכן שער מ"ח והוא עצמו מה שהורגל בפי החכמים לומר הדרך עלן והדרן עלך זיוך עלן וזיון עלך וכו' ומה שאמרו שהוא נכסף למעש' ידיו (ש"ר פ' ל"ו) כמוזכר סוף שער מ"ט. ודומה לזה נמצא במדרש (ב"ר פרשת ל') פרשת תולדות נח את האלהים התהלך נח (בראשית ו׳:ט׳) רבי יוחנן אומר משל לרועה שהוא עומד ומביט בצאנו שלפניו. רשב"ל אמר משל לנשיא שהוא יושב וזקניו לפניו. על דעתיה דרבי יוחנן אנו צריכין לכבודו על דעתי' דרבי לוי הוא צריך לכבודנו. וידוע הוא כי ענין הצורך אשר המשיל לנשיא וזקניו הוא ליפות כחו לעשות גדולות ונוראות כענין הנשיא המפליא לעשות בעצות זקניו וחכמיו אשר הם לפניו כי על זה המשל נאמר התהלך לפני (שם י"ז) האלהים אשר התהלכו אבותי לפניו (שם מ"ח). ואולם כאשר יגרום החטא להתיש הכח כמו שאמרנו הנה בו יתברך יראה אלינו ההפסק תחלה כי הוא המקור העליון ומזה חייב ביטול השמחה והעונג הדבקים אל התמדת הטוב וקיומו ובאו תחתיו העצב והדאגה והוא טעם בוכה ומבכה להקב"ה עמה כי אין העצב והבכי באלו המשלים רק ההבטל מהפעולות השלמות המענגות. וזאת עצמה כוונתם במה שאמרו מקום יש לו להקב"ה ששם בוכה ומסתרים שמו (ז) ירצו שעם שעל דרך האמת אין בכיה לפניו יתברך ולא שום צער ודאגה כי הוא מספיק בעצמו ולא יחסר לו דבר שעליו יחרה או יתעצב הנה עכ"פ יש שום מקום גורם שיש לפניו עצב ובכיה בשום צד ומסתרים שמו ולא שהמקום הוא במסתרים אבל קרא מקום העיון בזה הענין דק כלומר שיאמר זה בענין נסתר ומושג בעיון הדק והוא מה שנופל שם השנוי הצירופיי הנזכר ממיטיב אל לא מיטיב וממשפיע אל לא משפיע בבחינת המקבלים כמו שאמרנו. והנה להעלם מליצת במסתרים שמו דמשמע שהוא תואר המקום ולא עומק הענין הקשה עליו מאמרו על דרך הביאור (ב) אמנם הקשה מדרב פפא ולא מן הכתוב לשתי סבות האחת דקראי אהדדי לא קשו מדאמרינן דברה תורה כלשון בני אדם. והשנית מפני ההפרש שיש בין המאמר המחייב השמחה לשולל את העצב ורב פפא הוא השולל את העצב לגמרי במה שאמר אין עצבות לפני המקום משמע בשום צד וענין. והנה אז פירש כונתו הראשונ' באומרו במסתרי' שמו ואמר הא בבתי גואי והא בבתי בראי , (ג) והכוונה כי בעיון האמתי והמפורסם אין עצבות לפניו אמנם בעיון פנימי ובחינה דקה כבר יש מקום נסתר ליחסה אליו יתב' כביכול ומפני שיובן מזה שאין הכתוב מיחס זה היחס אלא כשיפרש עצמו שיאמר על דרך הנסתר חזר והקשה ובבתי בראי ליכא עצבות והא כתיב ויקרא יי' אלהים וגומר. (ד) כלומר בשלמא לרב פפא ליכא עצבות כלל והאי קרא לאו הקב"ה קאמר לי' אלא דברי נביא הם א"כ דברי תור' כלשון בני אדם אלא לדידך דאמרת קרא דוקא שלכך הקפיד לבאר ולומר במסתרים ללמד על העיון הדק ההוא (ה) אם כן אמאי לא דייק הכי כשאמר בתכלית הביאור ויקרא יי' אלהים צבאות ביום ההוא לבכי ולמספד ולקרחה ולחגור שק ודאי היה לו לפרש דבענין נסתר קאמר ולא באופן אחר. ומשני שאני חרבן בית המקדש דאפי' מלאכי שלום בכו כי ענין ירושלים ובית המקדש גדול הוא מאד אצל הנמצאות הכוללות ויש לו קשר אמיץ וחזק בענינים העליונים כי בישוב ירושלם של מטה נתישבה ירושלם של מעלה וכן אמרו חכמינו ז"ל (תענית ה'.) אמר הקב"ה לא אבא בירושלם של מעלה עד שאבא בירושלם של מטה שנאמר בקרבך קדוש ולא אבא בעיר (הושע י״א:ט׳). והוא מבואר כי בהיות ירושלם של מטה בישובה ובית המקדש בבנינו וכהנים בעבודתם ולוים בדוכנם וישראל במעמדם היו כל צנורי המערכות על סדרן והיה השפע האלהי יורד מהמקור העליון דרך הצנורות כלם וימלא כבודו את כל הארץ ומתגדל ומתקדש שמו בעולם ויתרבו בפי הכל התוארים הנפלאים האלהיים ובהעלותם יסעו ונעשו הכל כחרשים ואין שבחו של בורא עולם נזכר בפי כל בריה ורבה העזובה וערבה כל שמחה ובאו יגון ואנחה ולזה הענין הנפלא ככתיב הקב"ה לעצמו בכי ומספד וקרחה ולא חשש לדקדק ולומר במסתרים לפי ששנוי המגיע בעולם מהענינים הנזכרים הוא נסתר ומגולה כמו שאמרו חז"ל (תנחומא פ' כי תצא) כל זמן שאין בית המקדש קיים אין הכסא שלם ולא השם שלם ואמרו (תענית ק"ז.) כל זמן שישראל בגלות שכינה בגלות שנאמר עמו אנכי בצרה (תלים צ) (א) ולזה לא הקפידו גם חז"ל לומר על זה הענין הכולל בוכה ומבכה להקב"ה עמה כי השנוי הצירופיי מבואר מאד בענין (ו) עד שאין צ"ל הוא יתברך שהוא הסבה הראשונ' אשר אליו יוחס הפסק השפע ראשונה מאלו המקבלים כי אפילו מלאכי שלום שהם אמצעיים להמשיך הטוב ממנו יתברך אל אשר תחתיהם בכו גם כן כי גם את הטוב ההוא לא יקבלוהו מאת האלהים ולא ישפיעוהו על זולתם ולזה לא יחוש בכאן להראות סתר הענין כמו בהשחתת העולם בכלל אמר ויתעצב אל לבו (בראשי' ו') ולא הקפיד והוא מה שביארו רבי שמואל בר נחמני באומרו מפני גאותה של מלכות שמים שכביכול במלכות שמים עצמה היתה השפלה ראוי לבכות עליה והוא קרוב הענין יותר ממי שאמר מפני גאותן של ישראל שניטלה מהם וכו' עם שהענינים קרובים ורבי אלעזר השלים באור הענין במה שאמר שלשה דמעות הללו למה אחת על מקדש ראשון וכו' כי המקדש הראשון בכאן הוא על דרך שאמר הכתוב כסא כבוד מרום מראשון מקום מקדשנו (ירמיהו י״ז:י״ב) והוא מקדש ה' כוננו ידיו בירושלם של מעלה כמו שאמרנו ראשונה. ומקדש שני הוא בית המקדש של מטה שמחרבנו נמשך הראשון ומחרבן שניהם נתחייב גלות ישראל ממקומם וראוי להוריד דמעות על שלשתן. הנה שנתבארו אלו המאמרים שהיינו עליהם וכלהו בשטה אחת נאמרו כי מה שאמרו בוכה ומבכה להקב"ה עמה הוא אסיפת שלומו על מה שנקרא מלך שהשלום שלו ומזה אמרו בוכה ומבכה למלאכי השרת עמה והוא כנגד השלום שנתן לירושלם של מעלה ואחר כן אמרו בוכה ומבכה לחמה ולבנה והוא סילוק השלום שנתן לשמים ואח"כ בוכה ומבכה שבעי' אומות והוא ביטול השלום שנתן לרחוק ולקרוב והכל לפי שלא נמצאו שם שלמים כפנחס שיותן להם ברית שלום אבל נמצאו עושי מעשה זמרי וכיוצא בו וחביב הוא השלום שלא נתן להם כמו שאמר ותזנח משלום נפשי נשיתי עובה (איכה ג׳:י״ז) כנזכר. ודוגמת זה עצמו אמר שם (איכה רבתי פ"א) בסגנון אחר:

כָּל מָקוֹם שֶׁיֵּשׁ קִדּוּשִׁין וְאֵין עֲבֵרָה, הַוָּלָד הוֹלֵךְ אַחַר הַזָּכָר. וְאֵיזֶה, זוֹ כֹהֶנֶת, לְוִיָּה וְיִשְׂרְאֵלִית שֶׁנִּשְּׂאוּ לְכֹהֵן וּלְלֵוִי וּלְיִשְׂרָאֵל. וְכָל מָקוֹם שֶׁיֵּשׁ קִדּוּשִׁין וְיֵשׁ עֲבֵרָה, הַוָּלָד הוֹלֵךְ אַחַר הַפָּגוּם. וְאֵיזוֹ, זוֹ אַלְמָנָה לְכֹהֵן גָּדוֹל, גְּרוּשָׁה וַחֲלוּצָה לְכֹהֵן הֶדְיוֹט, מַמְזֶרֶת וּנְתִינָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל, בַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל לְמַמְזֵר וּלְנָתִין. וְכָל מִי שֶׁאֵין לָהּ עָלָיו קִדּוּשִׁין אֲבָל יֶשׁ לָהּ עַל אֲחֵרִים קִדּוּשִׁין, הַוָּלָד מַמְזֵר. וְאֵיזֶה, זֶה הַבָּא עַל אַחַת מִכָּל הָעֲרָיוֹת שֶׁבַּתּוֹרָה. וְכָל מִי שֶׁאֵין לָהּ לֹא עָלָיו וְלֹא עַל אֲחֵרִים קִדּוּשִׁין, הַוָּלָד כְּמוֹתָהּ. וְאֵיזֶה, זֶה וְלַד שִׁפְחָה וְנָכְרִית:
There is a principle with regard to the hala-khot of lineage: Any case where there is betrothal, i.e., where the betrothal takes effect, and the marriage involves no transgression by Torah law, the lineage of the offspring follows the male, his father. And in which case is this applicable? For example, this is the case with regard to the daughter of a priest; or the daughter of a Levite; or the daughter of an Israelite, who married a priest, a Levite, or an Israelite. In all these cases the child’s lineage is established by his father’s family. And any case where there is a valid betrothal and yet there is a transgression, the offspring follows the flawed parent. And in which case is this applicable? For example, this is the case of a widow who is married to a High Priest, or a divorced woman or a ḥalutza who is married to a common priest, or a mamzeret or a Gibeonite woman who is married to an Israelite, or an Israelite woman who is married to a mamzer or to a Gibeonite. In these situations the child inherits the status of the blemished parent. And in any case where a woman cannot join in betrothal with a particular man, as the betrothal does not take effect, but she can join in betrothal with others, i.e., the woman is considered a member of the Jewish people and can marry other Jews, in these cases the offspring is a mamzer. And in which case is this applicable? This is one who engages in intercourse with any one of those with whom relations are forbidden that are written in the Torah. And in any case where a woman cannot join in betrothal with him or with others, the offspring is like her. He is not considered his father’s son at all, but has the same status as his mother. And in which case is this applicable? This is the offspring of a Canaanite maidservant or a gentile woman, as her child is a slave or a gentile like her. If he converts, he is not a mamzer.
גּוּפָא כִּי אֲתָא רָבִין אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן בָּאוּמּוֹת הַלֵּךְ אַחַר הַזָּכָר נִתְגַּיְּירוּ הַלֵּךְ אַחַר הַפָּגוּם שֶׁבִּשְׁנֵיהֶם
§ The Gemara discusses the aforementioned matter itself: When Ravin came from Eretz Yisrael, he said that Rabbi Yoḥanan says: With regard to the nations, if members of two different nations married when they were gentiles, follow the male to determine the status of their child. If they converted before marriage, follow the flawed lineage of the two.
כֹּל שֶׁאֵין לָהּ עָלָיו קִידּוּשִׁין מְנָא הָנֵי מִילֵּי דְּאָמַר רַבִּי חִיָּיא בַּר אַבָּא אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן וּמָטוּ בָּהּ מִשּׁוּם דְּרַבִּי יַנַּאי וְרַב אַחָא בְּרֵיהּ דְּרָבָא וּמָטוּ בָּהּ מִשּׁוּם רַבִּי יוֹסֵי הַגְּלִילִי אָמַר קְרָא וְיָצְאָה מִבֵּיתוֹ וְהָלְכָה וְהָיְתָה לְאִישׁ אַחֵר לַאֲחֵרִים וְלֹא לִקְרוֹבִים
§ The mishna teaches that in any case where a woman cannot join in betrothal with him, but she can join in betrothal with others, the offspring is a mamzer. The Gemara explains: From where are these matters derived? As Rabbi Ḥiyya bar Abba says that Rabbi Yoḥanan says, and some determined that it was said in the name of Rabbi Yannai; and Rav Aḥa, son of Rava, determined that it was said in the name of Rabbi Yosei HaGelili: The verse states with regard to a divorced woman: “And she departs out of his house, and goes and becomes another man’s wife” (Deuteronomy 24:2). This teaches that she can become the wife of others, but not of relatives, i.e., betrothal to forbidden relatives does not take effect.
אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן מִשּׁוּם רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן יוֹחַי דְּאָמַר קְרָא כִּי יָסִיר אֶת בִּנְךָ מֵאַחֲרַי בִּנְךָ הַבָּא מִיִּשְׂרְאֵלִית קָרוּי בִּנְךָ וְאֵין בִּנְךָ הַבָּא מִן הַנׇּכְרִית קָרוּי בִּנְךָ אֶלָּא בְּנָהּ
Rabbi Yoḥanan says in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai: As the verse states with regard to the same issue: “Your daughter you shall not give to his son…for he will turn away your son from following Me” (Deuteronomy 7:3–4). Since the verse is concerned that after one’s daughter marries a gentile, the father will lead his children away from the service of God, this indicates that your son, i.e., your grandson, from a Jewish woman is called “your son” by the Torah, but your son from a gentile woman is not called your son, but her son.
אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן מִשּׁוּם רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן יוֹחַי, אָמַר קְרָא: ״כִּי יָסִיר אֶת בִּנְךָ מֵאַחֲרַי״, בִּנְךָ מִיִּשְׂרְאֵלִית קָרוּי בִּנְךָ, וְאֵין בִּנְךָ הַבָּא מִן הַגּוֹיָה קָרוּי בִּנְךָ, אֶלָּא בְּנָהּ.
The Gemara answers: Rabbi Yoḥanan said in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai: The verse states: “Neither shall you make marriages with them: Your daughter you shall not give unto his son, nor his daughter shall you take unto your son, for he will turn away your son from following Me” (Deuteronomy 7:3–4). This teaches that your son born from a Jewish woman is called your son, but your son born from a gentile woman is not called your son, but her son. The verse teaches that since the son of a gentile woman is her son alone, he is not considered related at all to his Jewish father.
וְלֹ֥א תִתְחַתֵּ֖ן בָּ֑ם בִּתְּךָ֙ לֹא־תִתֵּ֣ן לִבְנ֔וֹ וּבִתּ֖וֹ לֹא־תִקַּ֥ח לִבְנֶֽךָ׃ כִּֽי־יָסִ֤יר אֶת־בִּנְךָ֙ מֵֽאַחֲרַ֔י וְעָבְד֖וּ אֱלֹהִ֣ים אֲחֵרִ֑ים וְחָרָ֤ה אַף־יְהֹוָה֙ בָּכֶ֔ם וְהִשְׁמִידְךָ֖ מַהֵֽר׃
You shall not intermarry with them: do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons. For they will turn your children away from Me to worship other gods, and ה's anger will blaze forth against you, promptly wiping you out.
אָמַר רָבִינָא, שְׁמַע מִינַּהּ: בֶּן בִּתְּךָ הַבָּא מִן הַגּוֹי קָרוּי בִּנְךָ. לֵימָא קָסָבַר רָבִינָא גּוֹי וְעֶבֶד הַבָּא עַל בַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל הַוָּלָד כָּשֵׁר? נְהִי דְּמַמְזֵר לָא הָוֵי — כָּשֵׁר נָמֵי לָא הָוֵי, יִשְׂרָאֵל פָּסוּל מִיקְּרֵי.
Ravina said: Conclude from here that the son of your daughter by a gentile father is nevertheless called your son, i.e., grandson. The Gemara asks: Shall we say that Ravina holds that if a gentile or slave engaged in intercourse with a Jewish woman, the offspring is of unflawed lineage? The Gemara answers: There is no conclusive proof from here, because granted, she is not a mamzer, but nevertheless she is still not of unflawed lineage; rather, she is called a Jew who is unfit to marry into the priesthood.
מלחמות השם על סנהדרין (רמב"ן) עד:ב
...והא דאמרי׳ גבי אסתר דלהנאת עצמן מותר משום דלאו ג״ע הוא וכדאקשי׳ בגמ׳ והא אסתר פרהסיא הואי ולא אקשי ג״ע הואי משום דלא מיקרי ג״ע אלא בנערה המאורסה שזנתה א״נ א״א אבל נכרי הבא על בת ישראל לא מיקרי ג״ע דלאו מיתות ולא חייבי כריתות נינהו לא אתיא מנערה המאורסה דקרא וחייבי לאוין כדמפורש בשמעתא לעיל מיהו מעובדא דאמרי׳ לעיל מסתברא דישראל הבא על הנכרית מיקרי ג״ע משום דקנאין פוגעין בו וה״ל כחייבי מיתות דשייך בהו מיתה וכרת כדאיתא לקמן במכילתין אבל הנבעלת מן הנכרי אין פוגעין בה קנאין ובפ׳ אין מעמידין אמרי׳ דבזנות בית דינו של שם גזרו ולא משכח ליה קרא אחרינא לאיסורא וכל אותו מעשה דרך זנות היה שהרי מקבץ הכל ובועל
והא אסתר פרהסיא הואי אמר אביי אסתר קרקע עולם היתה רבא אמר הנאת עצמן שאני
But wasn’t the incident involving Esther, i.e., her cohabitation with Ahasuerus, a public sin? Why then did Esther not surrender her life rather than engage in intercourse? The Gemara answers: Abaye says: Esther was merely like natural ground, i.e., she was a passive participant. The obligation to surrender one’s life rather than engage in forbidden sexual intercourse applies only to a man who transgresses the prohibition in an active manner. A woman who is passive and merely submits is not required to give up her life so that she not sin. Rava says that there is another justification for Esther’s behavior: When gentiles order the transgression of a prohibition not in order to persecute the Jews or to make them abandon their religion, but for their own personal pleasure, it is different. In such a situation there is no obligation to sacrifice one’s life, even when the sin is committed in public.
אֵין לִי אֶלָּא בָּאָרֶץ, בְּחוּץ לָאָרֶץ מִנַּיִן? תַּלְמוּד לוֹמַר: ״אִתְּךָ״ — בְּכׇל מָקוֹם שֶׁאִתְּךָ. אִם כֵּן, מָה תַּלְמוּד לוֹמַר ״בָּאָרֶץ״? בָּאָרֶץ — צָרִיךְ לְהָבִיא רְאָיָה, בְּחוּץ לָאָרֶץ — אֵין צָרִיךְ לְהָבִיא רְאָיָה, דִּבְרֵי רַבִּי יְהוּדָה. וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים: בֵּין בָּאָרֶץ בֵּין בְּחוּצָה לָאָרֶץ — צָרִיךְ לְהָבִיא רְאָיָה. בָּא הוּא וְעֵדָיו עִמּוֹ, קְרָא לְמָה לִי? אָמַר רַב שֵׁשֶׁת: דְּאָמְרִי: שָׁמַעְנוּ שֶׁנִּתְגַּיֵּיר בְּבֵית דִּין שֶׁל פְּלוֹנִי. סָלְקָא דַּעְתָּךְ אָמֵינָא לָא לְיהֵמְנִייהוּ, קָא מַשְׁמַע לַן. ״בָּאָרֶץ״ — אֵין לִי אֶלָּא בָּאָרֶץ. בְּחוּצָה לָאָרֶץ מִנַּיִן — תַּלְמוּד לוֹמַר: ״אִתְּךָ״, בְּכׇל מָקוֹם שֶׁאִתְּךָ. וְהָא אַפֵּיקְתֵּיהּ? חֲדָא מֵ״אִתְּךָ״ וַחֲדָא מֵ״עִמָּךְ״. וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים: בֵּין בָּאָרֶץ בֵּין בְּחוּצָה לָאָרֶץ צָרִיךְ לְהָבִיא רְאָיָה. וְאֶלָּא הָא כְּתִיב ״בָּאָרֶץ״! הַהוּא מִיבְּעֵי לֵיהּ, דַּאֲפִילּוּ בָּאָרֶץ מְקַבְּלִים גֵּרִים. דְּסָלְקָא דַּעְתָּךְ אָמֵינָא: מִשּׁוּם טֵיבוּתָא דְּאֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל קָמִגַּיְּירִי, וְהַשְׁתָּא נָמֵי דְּלֵיכָּא טֵיבוּתָא, אִיכָּא לֶקֶט שִׁכְחָה וּפֵאָה וּמַעְשַׂר עָנִי, קָא מַשְׁמַע לַן. אָמַר רַבִּי חִיָּיא בַּר אַבָּא אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן: הֲלָכָה, בֵּין בָּאָרֶץ בֵּין בְּחוּץ לָאָרֶץ צָרִיךְ לְהָבִיא רְאָיָה. פְּשִׁיטָא, יָחִיד וְרַבִּים הֲלָכָה כְּרַבִּים! מַהוּ דְּתֵימָא: מִסְתַּבַּר טַעְמָא דְּרַבִּי יְהוּדָה, דְּקָמְסַיְּיעִי לֵיהּ קְרָאֵי, קָא מַשְׁמַע לַן. תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן: ״וּשְׁפַטְתֶּם צֶדֶק בֵּין אִישׁ וּבֵין אָחִיו וּבֵין גֵּרוֹ״, מִכָּאן אָמַר רַבִּי יְהוּדָה: גֵּר שֶׁנִּתְגַּיֵּיר בְּבֵית דִּין — הֲרֵי זֶה גֵּר, בֵּינוֹ לְבֵין עַצְמוֹ — אֵינוֹ גֵּר. מַעֲשֶׂה בְּאֶחָד שֶׁבָּא לִפְנֵי רַבִּי יְהוּדָה, וְאָמַר לוֹ: נִתְגַּיַּירְתִּי בֵּינִי לְבֵין עַצְמִי. אָמַר לוֹ רַבִּי יְהוּדָה: יֵשׁ לְךָ עֵדִים? אָמַר לוֹ: לָאו. יֵשׁ לְךָ בָּנִים? אָמַר לוֹ: הֵן. אָמַר לוֹ: נֶאֱמָן אַתָּה לִפְסוֹל אֶת עַצְמְךָ, וְאִי אַתָּה נֶאֱמָן לִפְסוֹל אֶת בָּנֶיךָ. [וּמִי] אָמַר רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אַבָּנִים לָא מְהֵימַן? וְהָתַנְיָא: ״יַכִּיר״ — יַכִּירֶנּוּ לַאֲחֵרִים. מִכָּאן אָמַר רַבִּי יְהוּדָה: נֶאֱמָן אָדָם לוֹמַר ״זֶה בְּנִי בְּכוֹר״, וּכְשֵׁם שֶׁנֶּאֱמָן לוֹמַר ״זֶה בְּנִי בְּכוֹר״, כָּךְ נֶאֱמָן לוֹמַר: ״בְּנִי זֶה בֶּן גְּרוּשָׁה הוּא״, אוֹ ״בֶּן חֲלוּצָה הוּא״. וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים: אֵינוֹ נֶאֱמָן! אָמַר רַב נַחְמָן בַּר יִצְחָק, הָכִי קָאָמַר לֵיהּ: לִדְבָרֶיךָ גּוֹי אַתָּה, וְאֵין עֵדוּת לְגוֹי. רָבִינָא אָמַר, הָכִי קָאָמַר לֵיהּ: יֵשׁ לְךָ בָּנִים? הֵן. יֵשׁ לְךָ בְּנֵי בָנִים? הֵן. אָמַר לוֹ: נֶאֱמָן אַתָּה לִפְסוֹל בָּנֶיךָ, וְאִי אַתָּה נֶאֱמָן לִפְסוֹל בְּנֵי בָנֶיךָ. תַּנְיָא נָמֵי הָכִי, רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר: נֶאֱמָן אָדָם לוֹמַר עַל בְּנוֹ קָטָן, וְאֵין נֶאֱמָן עַל בְּנוֹ גָּדוֹל. וְאָמַר רַבִּי חִיָּיא בַּר אַבָּא אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן: לֹא קָטָן קָטָן מַמָּשׁ, וְלֹא גָּדוֹל גָּדוֹל מַמָּשׁ. אֶלָּא, קָטָן וְיֵשׁ לוֹ בָּנִים — זֶהוּ גָּדוֹל. גָּדוֹל וְאֵין לוֹ בָּנִים — זֶהוּ קָטָן. וְהִלְכְתָא כְּווֹתֵיהּ דְּרַב נַחְמָן בַּר יִצְחָק. וְהָתַנְיָא כְּווֹתֵיהּ דְּרָבִינָא! הָהוּא, לְעִנְיַן ״יַכִּיר״ אִיתְּמַר. תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן: גֵּר שֶׁבָּא לְהִתְגַּיֵּיר בִּזְמַן הַזֶּה, אוֹמְרִים לוֹ: מָה רָאִיתָ שֶׁבָּאתָ לְהִתְגַּיֵּיר? אִי אַתָּה יוֹדֵעַ שֶׁיִּשְׂרָאֵל בִּזְמַן הַזֶּה דְּווּיִים, דְּחוּפִים, סְחוּפִים וּמְטוֹרָפִין, וְיִסּוּרִין בָּאִין עֲלֵיהֶם? אִם אוֹמֵר: יוֹדֵעַ אֲנִי, וְאֵינִי כְּדַאי — מְקַבְּלִין אוֹתוֹ מִיָּד. וּמוֹדִיעִין אוֹתוֹ מִקְצָת מִצְוֹת קַלּוֹת וּמִקְצָת מִצְוֹת חֲמוּרוֹת, וּמוֹדִיעִין אוֹתוֹ עֲוֹן לֶקֶט שִׁכְחָה וּפֵאָה וּמַעְשַׂר עָנִי. וּמוֹדִיעִין אוֹתוֹ עׇנְשָׁן שֶׁל מִצְוֹת. אוֹמְרִים לוֹ: הֱוֵי יוֹדֵעַ שֶׁעַד שֶׁלֹּא בָּאתָ לְמִדָּה זוֹ, אָכַלְתָּ חֵלֶב — אִי אַתָּה עָנוּשׁ כָּרֵת. חִלַּלְתָּ שַׁבָּת — אִי אַתָּה עָנוּשׁ סְקִילָה. וְעַכְשָׁיו, אָכַלְתָּ חֵלֶב — עָנוּשׁ כָּרֵת, חִלַּלְתָּ שַׁבָּת — עָנוּשׁ סְקִילָה. וּכְשֵׁם שֶׁמּוֹדִיעִין אוֹתוֹ עׇנְשָׁן שֶׁל מִצְוֹת, כָּךְ מוֹדִיעִין אוֹתוֹ מַתַּן שְׂכָרָן. אוֹמְרִים לוֹ: הֱוֵי יוֹדֵעַ שֶׁהָעוֹלָם הַבָּא אֵינוֹ עָשׂוּי אֶלָּא לְצַדִּיקִים, וְיִשְׂרָאֵל בִּזְמַן הַזֶּה אֵינָם יְכוֹלִים לְקַבֵּל
I have derived only that a convert is accepted in Eretz Yisrael; from where do I derive that also outside of Eretz Yisrael he is to be accepted? The verse states “with you,” which indicates that in any place that he is with you, you should accept him. If so, what is the meaning when the verse states: In the land? This indicates that in Eretz Yisrael he needs to bring evidence that he is a convert, but outside of Eretz Yisrael he does not need to bring evidence that he is a convert; rather, his claim is accepted. This is the statement of Rabbi Yehuda. And the Rabbis say: Whether he is in Eretz Yisrael or whether he is outside of Eretz Yisrael, he needs to bring evidence. The Gemara analyzes the baraita: In the case when he came and brought witnesses to his conversion with him, why do I need a verse to teach that he is accepted? In all cases, the testimony of witnesses is fully relied upon. Rav Sheshet said: The case is where they say: We heard that he converted in the court of so-and-so, but they did not witness the actual conversion. And it is necessary to teach this because it could enter your mind to say that they should not be relied upon; therefore, the verse teaches us that they are relied upon. As cited above, the latter clause of the baraita states: “With you in your land” (Leviticus 19:33). I have derived only that a convert is accepted in Eretz Yisrael; from where do I derive that also outside of Eretz Yisrael he is to be accepted? The verse states: “With you,” which indicates that in any place that he is with you, you should accept him. The Gemara asks: But didn’t you already expound that phrase in the first clause of the baraita to teach that one doesn’t accept the claims of an individual that he is a valid convert? The Gemara explains: One of these halakhot is derived from the phrase “with you” in the verse cited, and the other one is derived from the phrase “with you” in a subsequent verse (Leviticus 25:35). The baraita states: And the Rabbis say: Whether he is in Eretz Yisrael or whether he is outside of Eretz Yisrael, he needs to bring evidence. The Gemara asks: But isn’t “in your land” written in the verse? How can the Rabbis deny any distinction between the halakha inside and outside of Eretz Yisrael? The Gemara explains: That phrase is necessary to teach that even in Eretz Yisrael, the Jewish people should accept converts, as it could enter your mind to say that it is only for the sake of benefiting from the goodness of Eretz Yisrael, and not for the sake of Heaven, that they are converting, and therefore they should not be accepted. And it could also enter your mind to say that even nowadays, when God’s blessing has ceased and there is no longer the original goodness from which to benefit, one should still suspect their purity of motives because there are the gleanings, the forgotten sheaves, and the corners of fields, and the poor man’s tithe from which they would benefit by converting. Therefore, the verse teaches us that they are accepted even in Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Ḥiyya bar Abba said that Rabbi Yoḥanan said: The halakha is that whether a convert is in Eretz Yisrael or whether he is outside of Eretz Yisrael, he needs to bring evidence. The Gemara asks: Isn’t this obvious; in all disputes between an individual Sage and many Sages the halakha is in accordance with the opinion of the many Sages. The Gemara explains: It is necessary to state this lest you say that Rabbi Yehuda’s reason is more logical, being that the verse supports him when it states: “In your land.” Therefore, it is necessary for Rabbi Yoḥanan to teach us that the halakha is not in accordance with his opinion. The Sages taught: The verse states that Moses charged the judges of a court: “And judge righteously between a man and his brother, and the convert with him” (Deuteronomy 1:16). From here, based on the mention of a convert in the context of judgment in a court, Rabbi Yehuda said: A potential convert who converts in a court is a valid convert. However, if he converts in private, he is not a convert. The Gemara relates: There was an incident involving one who was presumed to be Jewish who came before Rabbi Yehuda and said to him: I converted in private, and therefore I am not actually Jewish. Rabbi Yehuda said to him: Do you have witnesses to support your claim? He said to him: No. Rabbi Yehuda asked: Do you have children? He said to him: Yes. Rabbi Yehuda said to him: You are deemed credible in order to render yourself unfit to marry a Jewish woman by claiming that you are a gentile, but you are not deemed credible in order to render your children unfit. The Gemara asks: But did Rabbi Yehuda actually say that with regard to his children he is not deemed credible? But isn’t it taught in a baraita: The verse states: “He shall acknowledge [yakir] the firstborn, the son of the hated, by giving him a double portion of all that he has” (Deuteronomy 21:17). The phrase “he shall acknowledge” is apparently superfluous. It is therefore expounded to teach that the father is deemed credible so that he can identify him [yakirenu] to others. From here Rabbi Yehuda said: A man is deemed credible to say: This is my firstborn son, and just as he is deemed credible to say: This is my firstborn son, so too, a priest is deemed credible to say: This son of mine is a son of a divorced woman and myself, or to say: He is a son of a ḥalutza and myself, and therefore he is disqualified due to flawed lineage [ḥalal]. And the Rabbis say: He is not deemed credible. If Rabbi Yehuda holds that a father is deemed credible to render his children unfit, why did he rule otherwise in the case of the convert? Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak said that this is what Rabbi Yehuda said to him: According to your statement you are a gentile, and there is no testimony for a gentile, as a gentile is a disqualified witness. Consequently, you cannot testify about the status of your children and render them unfit. Ravina said that this is what Rabbi Yehuda said to him: Do you have children? He said: Yes. He said to him: Do you have grandchildren? He said: Yes. He said to him: You are deemed credible in order to render your children unfit, based on the phrase “he shall acknowledge,” but you are not deemed credible in order to render your grandchildren unfit, as the verse affords a father credibility only with respect to his children. This opinion of Ravina is also taught in a baraita: Rabbi Yehuda says: A man is deemed credible to say about his minor son that he is unfit, but he is not deemed credible to say about his adult son that he is unfit. And in explanation of the baraita, Rabbi Ḥiyya bar Abba said that Rabbi Yoḥanan said: The reference to a minor son does not mean one who is literally a minor, who has not yet reached majority, and the reference to an adult son does not mean one who is literally an adult, who has reached majority; rather, a minor who has children, this is what the baraita is referring to as an adult, and an adult who does not have children, this is what the baraita is referring to as a minor. The Gemara concludes: And the halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak. The Gemara asks: But isn’t it taught in the baraita in accordance with the opinion of Ravina? If there is a baraita that supports his opinion, the halakha should be in accordance with his opinion. The Gemara explains: That baraita was stated concerning the matter of “he shall acknowledge,” that a father is deemed credible to render his son unfit; however, if one claims he is a gentile, he is not deemed credible to say the same about his son. § The Sages taught in a baraita: With regard to a potential convert who comes to a court in order to convert, at the present time, when the Jews are in exile, the judges of the court say to him: What did you see that motivated you to come to convert? Don’t you know that the Jewish people at the present time are anguished, suppressed, despised, and harassed, and hardships are frequently visited upon them? If he says: I know, and although I am unworthy of joining the Jewish people and sharing in their sorrow, I nevertheless desire to do so, then the court accepts him immediately to begin the conversion process. And the judges of the court inform him of some of the lenient mitzvot and some of the stringent mitzvot, and they inform him of the sin of neglecting the mitzva to allow the poor to take gleanings, forgotten sheaves, and produce in the corner of one’s field, and about the poor man’s tithe. And they inform him of the punishment for transgressing the mitzvot, as follows: They say to him: Be aware that before you came to this status and converted, had you eaten forbidden fat, you would not be punished by karet, and had you profaned Shabbat, you would not be punished by stoning, since these prohibitions do not apply to gentiles. But now, once converted, if you have eaten forbidden fat you are punished by karet, and if you have profaned Shabbat, you are punished by stoning. And just as they inform him about the punishment for transgressing the mitzvot, so too, they inform him about the reward granted for fulfilling them. They say to him: Be aware that the World-to-Come is made only for the righteous, and if you observe the mitzvot you will merit it, and be aware that the Jewish people, at the present time, are unable to receive their full reward in this world;
שו"ת משנה הלכות חלק ג סימן קכה
בסוגיא דנתגיירתי ביני לבין עצמי
בגמ' יבמות מ"ז ע"א מעשה באחד שבא לפני ר' יהודה ואמר ליה נתגיירתי ביני לבין עצמי א"ל ר"י יש לך עדים א"ל לאו יש לך בנים א"ל הן א"ל נאמן אתה לפסול עצמך ואי אתה נאמן לפסול את בניך וכתבו התוס' והרא"ש והריטב"א ז"ל לפסול עצמו היינו שאסור לישא ישראלית משום דשוויה אנפשיה חתיכה דאיסורא ע"ש.
ובס' חמדת שלמה הקשה להגאון בית מאיר האיך שייך לומר שווי' אנחד"א לאסור בישראלית הא אין ב"נ מצווה רק על א"א של ישראל משא"כ בפנויה אינו מוזהר כמ"ש הר"מ בהלכות מלכים וא"כ לדידיה אין כאן איסור כלל והיא מותרת בו דהיא אינה צריכה להאמינו כמו בניו שהם כשרים וכן הקשה בערוך לנר והניח בצ"ע ע"ש.
והב"מ ז"ל השיב דלאו משום דשאנחד"א כמו בעלמא דאמרינן אף דאינו נאמן לעלמא אבל לנפשיה מהימן אבל הכא י"ל כמו דקיי"ל ע"א נאמן באיסורין בדבר שהוא תחת ידו ה"ה הכא נאמן לעשות עצמו איסור לכל העולם כמו שנאמן לומר נתנסך יינו והח"ש תמה עליו שהרי כתבו התוס' להדיא דאינו פוסל בביאתו לכהונה ואי נימא כהב"מ כמו שיוכל לאסור נפשו לבת ישראל משום שנאמן בכך ה"נ יהיה פוסל בביאתו א"ו דלאו משום נאמנותו הוא אלא משום שוויה אנפשיה חד"א וע"כ כ' התוס' שפיר והדרא קושיא לדוכתא וכבר אמרתי קושיא זו לפני גדולי חקרי לב ולא מצאו מענה עכ"ל. והגאון ז"ל תי' משום דעכו"ם הבא על בת ישראל קנאין פוגעין בו נמצא מכשילה וממילא יש בו איסור ע"ש.
ולא ידענא מאי קאמר שהרי ודאי כה"ג שאין נאמן לגבי בנים משום דשוי' אנפשיה חתיכה דאיסורא ודאי אין קנאין פוגעין בו דלגבי דידן אנן לא מהימנינן ליה וא"כ שוב ליכא איסור לבת ישראל נמי משום דקנאין פוגעין בו והבן. ולכאורה עלה בדעתי לומר דמה שאמרו התוס' לאסרו בבת ישראל הוא לפי שלדידן אנן מחזקינן ליה בישראל וא"כ כשישא אשה אנן מחזקינן לה בא"א גמורה והבא עליה במיתה וזה פשוט ומעתה אף שבאמת עכו"ם אינו נזהר על הפנויה אבל הרי מיד כשיקדש אשה פנויה נעשית א"א גמורה לדידן כיון דאנן לא מהימנינן ליה דעכו"ם הוא וכיון דלדידן אשתו הוי א"א גמורה א"כ כיון שהוא עכו"ם לשיטתו אסור באשתו כיון שהיא א"א לשיטתנו אנו שאין מאמינין לו א"כ כל בת ישראל שיקדש לו לאשה תעשה א"א לדידן ותאסר ליה לשיטתו דעכו"ם הוא ואסור בא"א דכל בת ישראל שיקדש נעשה א"א בקידושין שלו ואסורה עליו והבן כי זה דבר חריף בס"ד.
לאחר זמן מצאתי לרבינו ירוחם נתיב כ"ג וז"ל ואם בא ואמר נתגיירתי ביני לבין עצמי נאמן הוא לפסול עצמו ואינו נאמן לפסול בניו ולפי דבריו גוי הוא ואין עדות לגוי ע"כ וזה ראי' גדולה לדברינו.
שו"ת משנה הלכות חלק יז סימן רנא
ומה שרצה לדייק למה לא מנו הך בהדי אינך קנאין פוגעים בו, לאחר הסליחה שגה בזה דלדעת הרמב"ם והחינוך אין זה דין של קנאין, אלא חיוב על כל יחיד מישראל ככל מצות עשה ומה זה ענין לקנאין, דא חדא. ובר מן דין דין של קנאים פוגעים בו הוא ענין של ישראל כשרואה ישראל אחר עובר עבירה, אבל אין זה ענין בעכו"ם והלכה זו של קנאין פוגעין בו ליכא לענין עכו"ם, והא דהבא על ארמית קנאין פוגעין בו והורגין אותה ג"כ הוא מטעם שהכשילה את ישראל, ובאמת דעת הרבה פוסקים דבא על בת ישראל אין קנאין פוגעין בו ואיני רוצה להאריך בזה אבל פשוט דאין זה ענין לעכו"ם כלל.
MISHNEH HALACHOTRabbi Menashe Klein [sometimes appears HaKatan] was born in Ungvar, Slovakia in 5685 (1925 CE) to a rabbinical family. He learned Torah from his father, and in the yeshivot in his city. He was the only one of his family to survive the Holocaust, which he spent in the concentration camps. After the war, he first moved to a DP camp in France, and then to the United States, where he continued his Torah studies. He received ordination to decide halachic questions from the Sanz- Klausenberger Rebbe and other Torah giants, and began to teach and decide halacha. In 5718 (1958 CE) he published the first volume of his responsa Mishne Halachot, of which 17 volumes have appeared to date. He established the Ungvar community in Boro Park, New York, with all its institutions, including the yeshiva Beit She'arim. In 5747 (1987 CE) he established Kiryat Ungvar in the Ramot section of Jerusalem, where he served as the Rebbe of Ungvar. He died in 2011.
אָמַר רַבָּה בַּר בַּר חָנָה אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן: הַכֹּל מוֹדִים בְּעֶבֶד וְגוֹי הַבָּא עַל בַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל שֶׁהַוָּלָד מַמְזֵר. מַאן ״הַכֹּל מוֹדִים״ — שִׁמְעוֹן הַתִּימְנִי. דְּאַף עַל גַּב דְּאָמַר שִׁמְעוֹן הַתִּימְנִי אֵין מַמְזֵר מֵחַיָּיבֵי לָאוִין — הָנֵי מִילֵּי מֵחַיָּיבֵי לָאוִין דְּתָפְסִי בְּהוּ קִדּוּשִׁין, אֲבָל הָכָא, גּוֹי וְעֶבֶד, כֵּיוָן דְּלָא תָּפְסִי בְּהוּ קִדּוּשִׁין — כְּחַיָּיבֵי כָּרֵיתוֹת דְּמֵי. מֵיתִיבִי: גּוֹי וְעֶבֶד הַבָּא עַל בַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל — הַוָּלָד מַמְזֵר. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר: אֵין מַמְזֵר אֶלָּא מִמִּי שֶׁאִיסּוּרוֹ אִיסּוּר עֶרְוָה וְעָנוּשׁ כָּרֵת. אֶלָּא אָמַר רַב יוֹסֵף: מַאן ״הַכֹּל מוֹדִים״ — רַבִּי, אַף עַל גַּב דְּרַבִּי אוֹמֵר: אֵין הַדְּבָרִים הַלָּלוּ אֲמוּרִים אֶלָּא לְדִבְרֵי רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא, שֶׁהָיָה עוֹשֶׂה חֲלוּצָה כְּעֶרְוָה, וְלֵיהּ לָא סְבִירָא לֵיהּ, בְּגוֹי וְעֶבֶד מוֹדֶה. דְּכִי אֲתָא רַב דִּימִי, אָמַר רַב יִצְחָק בַּר אֲבוּדִימִי מִשּׁוּם רַבֵּינוּ: גּוֹי וְעֶבֶד הַבָּא עַל בַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל — הַוָּלָד מַמְזֵר. רַבִּי אַחָא שַׂר הַבִּירָה וְרַבִּי תַּנְחוּם בְּרֵיהּ דְּרַבִּי חִיָּיא אִישׁ כְּפַר עַכּוֹ פְּרוּק הָנְהוּ שְׁבוּיָיתָא דַּאֲתוֹ מֵאַרְמוֹן לִטְבֶרְיָא. הֲוָה חֲדָא דְּאִעַבַּרָא מִגּוֹי, וַאֲתוֹ לְקַמֵּיהּ דְּרַבִּי אַמֵּי, אֲמַר לְהוּ: רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן וְרַבִּי אֶלְעָזָר וְרַבִּי חֲנִינָא דְּאָמְרִי: גּוֹי וְעֶבֶד הַבָּא עַל בַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל — הַוָּלָד מַמְזֵר. אָמַר רַב יוֹסֵף: רְבוּתָא לְמִחְשַׁב גַּבְרֵי?! הָא רַב וּשְׁמוּאֵל בְּבָבֶל, וְרַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בֶּן לֵוִי וּבַר קַפָּרָא בְּאֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל, וְאָמְרִי לַהּ חַלּוֹפֵי בַּר קַפָּרָא וְעַיֹּילֵי זִקְנֵי דָרוֹם, דְּאָמְרִי: גּוֹי וְעֶבֶד הַבָּא עַל בַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל הַוָּלָד כָּשֵׁר! אֶלָּא אָמַר רַב יוֹסֵף: רַבִּי הִיא. דְּכִי אֲתָא רַב דִּימִי אָמַר רַבִּי יִצְחָק בַּר אֲבוּדִימִי: מִשּׁוּם רַבֵּינוּ אָמְרוּ: גּוֹי וְעֶבֶד הַבָּא עַל בַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל — הַוָּלָד מַמְזֵר. רַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בֶּן לֵוִי אוֹמֵר: הַוָּלָד מְקוּלְקָל. לְמַאן? אִילֵימָא לַקָּהָל — הָא אָמַר רַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ: הַוָּלָד כָּשֵׁר! אֶלָּא לִכְהוּנָּה, דְּכוּלְּהוּ אָמוֹרָאֵי דְּמַכְשְׁרִי — מוֹדוּ שֶׁהַוָּלָד פָּגוּם לִכְהוּנָּה. מִקַּל וְחוֹמֶר מֵאַלְמָנָה: מָה אַלְמָנָה לְכֹהֵן גָּדוֹל, שֶׁאֵין אִיסּוּרָהּ שָׁוֶה בַּכֹּל — בְּנָהּ פָּגוּם, זוֹ שֶׁאִיסּוּרָהּ שָׁוֶה בַּכֹּל — אֵינוֹ דִּין שֶׁבְּנָהּ פָּגוּם. מָה לְאַלְמָנָה לְכֹהֵן גָּדוֹל שֶׁכֵּן הִיא עַצְמָהּ מִתְחַלֶּלֶת! הָכָא נָמֵי, כֵּיוָן שֶׁנִּבְעֲלָה — פְּסָלָהּ. דְּאָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן מִשּׁוּם רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן: מִנַּיִן לְגוֹי וְעֶבֶד הַבָּא עַל הַכֹּהֶנֶת וְעַל הַלְּוִיָּה וְעַל הַיִּשְׂרְאֵלִית שֶׁפְּסָלוּהָ — שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: ״וּבַת כֹּהֵן כִּי תִהְיֶה אַלְמָנָה וּגְרוּשָׁה״, מִי שֶׁיֵּשׁ לוֹ אַלְמְנוּת וְגֵירוּשִׁין בָּהּ, יָצְאוּ גּוֹי וְעֶבֶד שֶׁאֵין לָהֶם אַלְמְנוּת וְגֵירוּשִׁין בָּהּ. אֲמַר לֵיהּ אַבָּיֵי: מַאי חָזֵית דְּסָמְכַתְּ אַדְּרַב דִּימִי — סְמוֹךְ אַדְּרָבִין! דְּכִי אֲתָא רָבִין, אָמַר: רַבִּי נָתָן וְרַבִּי יְהוּדָה הַנָּשִׂיא מוֹרוּ בַּהּ לְהֶיתֵּירָא. וּמַאן רַבִּי יְהוּדָה הַנָּשִׂיא — רַבִּי. וְאַף רַב מוֹרֵה בַּהּ [לְ]הֶיתֵּירָא. דְּהָהוּא דַּאֲתָא לְקַמֵּיהּ דְּרַב, אֲמַר לֵיהּ: גּוֹי וְעֶבֶד הַבָּא עַל בַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל, מַהוּ? אָמַר לֵיהּ: הַוָּלָד כָּשֵׁר. אֲמַר לֵיהּ: הַב לִי בְּרַתָּךְ. לָא יָהֵיבְנָא לָךְ. אָמַר שִׁימִי בַּר חִיָּיא לְרַב, אָמְרִי אִינָשֵׁי: גַּמְלָא בְּמָדַי אַקַּבָּא רָקְדָא. הָא קַבָּא, וְהָא גַּמְלָא, וְהָא מָדַי — וְלָא רָקְדָא! אֲמַר לֵיהּ: אִי נִיהְוֵי כִּיהוֹשֻׁעַ בִּן נוּן — לָא יָהֵיבְנָא לֵיהּ בְּרַתִּי. אָמַר לֵיהּ: אִי הֲוָה כִּיהוֹשֻׁעַ בִּן נוּן, אִי מָר לָא יָהֵיב לֵיהּ — אַחֲרִינֵי יָהֲבִי לֵיהּ, הַאי אִי מָר לָא יָהֵיב לֵיהּ — אַחֲרִינֵי לָא יָהֲבִי לֵיהּ. לָא הֲוָה קָאָזֵיל מִקַּמֵּיהּ. יְהֵיב בֵּיהּ עֵינֵיהּ וּשְׁכֵיב. וְאַף רַב מַתְנָה מוֹרֵה בַּהּ לְהֶיתֵּירָא, וְאַף רַב יְהוּדָה מוֹרֵה בַּהּ לְהֶיתֵּירָא. דְּכִי אֲתָא לְקַמֵּיהּ דְּרַב יְהוּדָה, אֲמַר לֵיהּ: זִיל אִיטַּמַּר, אוֹ נְסֵיב בַּת מִינָּךְ. וְכִי אֲתָא לְקַמֵּיהּ דְּרָבָא, אֲמַר לֵיהּ: אוֹ גְּלִי, אוֹ נְסֵיב בַּת מִינָּךְ.
§ The Gemara considers the status of other children born from forbidden unions: Rabba bar bar Ḥana said that Rabbi Yoḥanan said: All agree with regard to a slave or a gentile who engaged in intercourse with a Jewish woman that the offspring born from such a union is a mamzer. The Gemara clarifies: Who is included by saying: All agree? It is Shimon HaTimni, as although Shimon HaTimni said that the offspring of relations for which one is liable for violating a prohibition is not a mamzer, this applies only to forbidden relations for which one is liable for violation of a prohibition concerning which a betrothal between the couple would take effect. However, here, with regard to a gentile and a slave, since their betrothal of a Jewish woman would not take effect, a union with them is comparable to forbidden relations for which one is liable to receive karet, and therefore the offspring of such a union will be a mamzer. The Gemara raises an objection from a baraita: In the case of a gentile or a slave who engaged in intercourse with a Jewish woman, the offspring born from such a union is a mamzer. Rabbi Shimon ben Yehuda says: The offspring is a mamzer only if born from relations with one who is forbidden by a prohibition of forbidden relations that are punishable by karet. It is apparent from the baraita that one who holds, as does Shimon HaTimni, that only the offspring from forbidden relations for which one is liable to receive karet is a mamzer, nevertheless holds that the offspring of a slave or gentile and a Jewish woman is not a mamzer. Rather, Rav Yosef said: Who is included by saying: All agree? It is Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, as although Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi says in a baraita (52b) concerning the mishna (50a–51b) that states that a levirate betrothal between a yavam and a yevama with whom he had already performed ḥalitza is ineffective: This statement was said only according to the statement of Rabbi Akiva, as he would consider a ḥalutza like a forbidden relative such that if the yavam betrothed her it would not take effect. And although Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi himself does not hold accordingly with regard to that issue, with regard to the offspring of a union with a gentile or a slave he concedes that the offspring is a mamzer. As, when Rav Dimi came from Eretz Yisrael, he said that Rav Yitzḥak bar Avudimi said in the name of our Master, i.e., Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi: With regard to a gentile or a slave who engaged in intercourse with a Jewish woman, the offspring is a mamzer. The Gemara cites a related incident: Rabbi Aḥa, lord of the capital, and Rabbi Tanḥum, son of Rabbi Ḥiyya, the man of Akko village, redeemed those captives who came from Armon to Tiberias. One of them had been impregnated by a gentile, and they came before Rabbi Ami to ask what the offspring’s status would be when born. He said to them that Rabbi Yoḥanan and Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Ḥanina all say: With regard to a gentile or a slave who engaged in intercourse with a Jewish woman, the offspring is a mamzer. Upon hearing this, Rav Yosef said: Is it so great to enumerate men? The fact that several great Sages held this opinion does not prove that their opinion is the accepted halakha. But there are Rav and Shmuel in Babylonia, and Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi and bar Kappara in Eretz Yisrael, and some say to remove bar Kappara from this list and insert instead the Elders of the South, who all say: With regard to a gentile or a slave who engaged in intercourse with a Jewish woman, the lineage of the offspring is unflawed, and he or she may marry into the congregation of Israel. Rather, Rav Yosef said the halakha is in fact that the offspring is a mamzer because this is Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi’s opinion, as when Rav Dimi came from Eretz Yisrael he said that Rav Yitzḥak bar Avudimi said in the name of our Master, i.e., Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, that they say: With regard to a gentile or a slave who engaged in intercourse with a Jewish woman, the offspring is a mamzer. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi says: The lineage of the offspring is sullied, and if the child is a girl she is restricted in whom she may marry. The Gemara asks: To whom is she prohibited from marrying? If we say it is to the congregation of Israel, but didn’t Rabbi Yehoshua himself say that the lineage of the offspring is unflawed and he or she may marry into the congregation of Israel? Rather, the offspring is prohibited to marry into the priesthood, as all of the amora’im who render the offspring fit to enter the congregation of Israel agree that the offspring has flawed lineage and is forbidden to marry into the priesthood. This is derived from an a fortiori inference from the halakha of a widow, as follows: Just as in the case of a widow who is married to a High Priest, where the prohibition that pertains to her is not equally applicable to all Jews, i.e., only a High Priest is prohibited from marrying a widow, and nevertheless her child from that union will have flawed lineage, then so too with regard to this woman who engaged in relations with a gentile or slave, where the prohibition that pertains to her is equally applicable to all Jews, isn’t it logical that her child from that union will have flawed lineage? And if one would say that the logic of this a fortiori inference could be refuted by claiming that what is true with regard to a widow who is married to a High Priest, where her union with him is what makes her herself disqualified from subsequently marrying any priest and, if she is the daughter of a priest, from eating teruma, is not true with regard to the prohibition against a Jewish woman engaging in relations with a gentile or a slave. This is not correct, because here, too, once he has engaged in intercourse with her, he thereby renders her unfit to marry into the priesthood. As Rabbi Yoḥanan said in the name of Rabbi Shimon: From where is it derived with regard to a gentile or a slave who engaged in intercourse with a daughter of a priest or with a female Levite or with a female Israelite that they thereby render her unfit to marry into the priesthood? As it is stated: “But a priest’s daughter when she will become a widow, or a divorcée, and have no child, she returns to her father’s house as in her youth” (Leviticus 22:13). The verse indicates that she returns to her father’s house and enjoys the rights of the priesthood only in a case where she engaged in intercourse with one to whom widowhood and divorce can apply, i.e., one with whom her marriage would be valid and would be broken only through death or divorce. Excluded from this is a union with a gentile or a slave, to whom neither widowhood nor divorce can apply, as no marriage bond can be formed with them. Abaye said to Rav Yosef: What did you see that you rely upon Rav Dimi and his tradition that Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi holds that the offspring of a gentile or a slave and a Jewish woman is a mamzer? Rely instead upon Ravin, as when Ravin came from Eretz Yisrael he said that Rabbi Natan and Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi both rule that the offspring is permitted to marry into the congregation of Israel. And who is the Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi referred to in Ravin’s report? It is the one who is simply referred to as Rabbi, the redactor of the Mishna, whose opinion is accepted as the halakha. The Gemara notes: And even Rav rules that the offspring is permitted, as is evident from an incident involving a certain individual who came before Rav and said to him: With regard to the offspring of a gentile or a slave who engaged in intercourse with a Jewish woman, what is its halakhic status? Rav said to him: The lineage of the offspring is unflawed. The individual who asked the question was himself such a child, and he said to Rav: If so, give me your daughter in marriage. He said to him: I will not give her to you. Shimi bar Ḥiyya, Rav’s grandson, said to Rav: People often say that a camel in Medes can dance upon a small space that holds only a single kav of produce. However, clearly that is an exaggeration, since if one would go to Medes one could demonstrate that this is a space that holds a kav, and this is a camel, and this is Medes, and yet the camel is not dancing, i.e., the truth of a statement becomes apparent when it is put to the test. So too, it would appear that you do not truly believe in your ruling because when put to the test, you are unwilling to rely on it. He said to him: Even if he were as great as Joshua, son of Nun, I would not give him my daughter in marriage. My refusal to give her to him in marriage is not that I do not stand by my ruling; it is for other reasons. He said to him: If he were as great as Joshua, son of Nun, then even if the Master would not give him his daughter, others would still give him their daughters. However, with regard to this man, if the Master does not give him his daughter, others will not give him their daughters either out of fear of damaging the family lineage. Nevertheless, Rav remained unwilling to give his daughter to that individual. That individual would not go from standing before Rav and continued to plead with him. Rav placed his eyes upon him and he died. The Gemara adds: And even Rav Mattana rules that the offspring is permitted, and even Rav Yehuda rules that the offspring is permitted, as is evident from the fact that when a child of a gentile or slave and a Jewish woman came before Rav Yehuda, he said to him: Go and conceal your paternal lineage so that people will not refrain from giving you their daughters in marriage, as it is permitted for you to marry into the congregation of Israel, or otherwise, marry a woman of your own kind, i.e., a woman of similar lineage. And similarly, when such a person came before Rava, he said to him: Either go into exile to a place where your lineage is unknown, so that others will give you their daughters in marriage, or marry a woman of your own kind.
(כג) וַיָּחֶל הָעָם לִזְנוֹת אֶל בְּנוֹת מוֹאָב (במדבר כה, א), בּוֹא וּרְאֵה מַה כְּתִיב בִּיצִיאָתָן מִמִּצְרַיִם (שמות יד, ב): דַּבֵּר אֶל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְיָשֻׁבוּ וְיַחֲנוּ לִפְנֵי פִּי הַחִירֹת, מַהוּ פִּי הַחִירֹת, מָקוֹם קָבוּעַ לִזְנוּת הָיָה, וּלְפִי שֶׁהִצְנִיעוּ עַצְמָן בִּיצִיאָתָן מִמִּצְרַיִם נִקְרָא פִּי הַחִירֹת, וְאֵלּוּ שֶׁהִפְקִירוּ עַצְמָן לַאֲנָשִׁים, כְּתִיב: וַיָּחֶל הָעָם לִזְנוֹת, וַיָּחֶל הָעָם, כָּל מָקוֹם שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר הָעָם, לְשׁוֹן גְּנַאי הוּא, וְכָל מָקוֹם שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר יִשְׂרָאֵל, לְשׁוֹן שֶׁבַח הוּא, (במדבר יא, א): וַיְהִי הָעָם כְּמִתְאֹנְנִים. (במדבר כא, ה): וַיְדַבֵּר הָעָם בֵּאלֹקִים וּבְמשֶׁה. (במדבר יד, א): וַיִּבְכּוּ הָעָם בַּלַּיְלָה הַהוּא. (במדבר יד, יא): עַד אָנָה יְנַאֲצֻנִי הָעָם. (שמות לב, כה): וַיַּרְא משֶׁה אֶת הָעָם כִּי פָרֻעַ הוּא. (שמות לב, א): וַיִּקָּהֵל הָעָם עַל אַהֲרֹן, וְכֵן כֻּלָּם. וַיָּחֶל הָעָם לִזְנוֹת, זְרֹק מַטֶּה לָאֲוִיר לְעִקָּרוֹ נוֹפֵל, מִי שֶׁפָּתַח בִּזְנוּת תְּחִלָּה, הִשְּׁלִים לְבַסּוֹף, אִמּוֹתֵיהֶם הִתְחִילוּ בְּזִמָּה (בראשית יט, לא לד): וַתֹּאמֶר הַבְּכִירָה אֶל הַצְּעִירָה, לְכָה נַשְׁקֶה אֶת אָבִינוּ יַיִן וְנִשְׁכְּבָה, וַיְהִי מִמָּחֳרָת וַתֹּאמֶר הַבְּכִירָה אֶל הַצְּעִירָה הֵן שָׁכַבְתִּי אֱמֶשׁ, לִמְּדַתָּה אֲחוֹתָהּ, וּלְפִיכָךְ חָסַךְ הַכָּתוּב עַל הַצְּעִירָה וְלֹא פֵּרְשָׁהּ, אֶלָּא (בראשית יט, לה): וַתִּשְׁכַּב עִמּוֹ, וּבַגְּדוֹלָה כְּתִיב (בראשית יט, לג): וַתִּשְׁכַּב אֶת אָבִיהָ. אוֹתָהּ שֶׁפָּתְחָה בִּזְּנוּת תְּחִלָּה הִשְׁלִימוּ בְּנוֹתֶיהָ אַחֲרֶיהָ לִזְנוֹת אֶל בְּנוֹת מוֹאָב. (במדבר כה, ב): וַתִּקְרֶאןָ לָעָם לְזִבְחֵי אֱלֹהֵיהֶן, שֶׁהָלְכוּ בַּעֲצָתוֹ, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (במדבר לא, טז): הֵן הֵנָּה הָיוּ לִבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל בִּדְבַר בִּלְעָם לִמְסָר מַעַל בַּה'. עָשׂוּ לָהֶם קְלָעִים וְהוֹשִׁיבוּ בָּהֶם זוֹנוֹת וּבִידֵיהֶן כָּל כְּלֵי חֶמְדָה, וְהָיְתָה זְקֵנָה יוֹשֶׁבֶת מִבַּחוּץ וּמְשַׁמֶּרֶת לַיַּלְדָה שֶׁהָיְתָה לִפְנִים מִן הַחֲנוּת, כְּשֶׁיִּשְׂרָאֵל עוֹבְרִין לִטֹּל חֵפֶץ בַּשּׁוּק זְקֵנָה אוֹמֶרֶת לוֹ בָּחוּר אִי אַתָּה רוֹצֶה כְּלִי פִּשְׁתָּן שֶׁבָּא מִבֵּית שְׁאָן, וְהָיְתָה מַרְאָה לוֹ וְאוֹמֶרֶת לוֹ הִכָּנֵס לִפְנִים וְתִרְאֶה חֲפָצִים נָאִים, הַזְּקֵנָה אוֹמֶרֶת לוֹ בְּיוֹתֵר, וְיַלְדָה בְּפָחוֹת, מִכָּאן וָאֵילָךְ אוֹמֶרֶת לוֹ יַלְדָה הֲרֵי אַתָּה כְּבֶן בַּיִת שֵׁב בְּרֹר לְעַצְמְךָ, וְצַרְצוּר יַיִן מֻנָּח אֶצְלָהּ וַעֲדַיִן לֹא נֶאֱסַר יַיִן שֶׁל גּוֹיִם, נַעֲרָה יוֹצְאָה מְקֻשֶּׁטֶת וּמְבֻסֶּמֶת וּמְפַתָּה אוֹתוֹ וְאוֹמֶרֶת לוֹ לָמָּה אָנוּ אוֹהֲבִין אֶתְכֶם וְאַתֶּם שׂוֹנְאִין אוֹתָנוּ, טֹל לְךָ כְּלִי זֶה חִנָּם, הֲלוֹא (בראשית מב, יא): כֻּלָּנוּ בְּנֵי אִישׁ אֶחָד, בְּנֵי תֶּרַח אֲבִי אַבְרָהָם, אֵין אַתֶּם רוֹצִים לֶאֱכֹל מִזִּבְחוֹתֵינוּ וּמִבִּשׁוּלֵינוּ, הֲרֵי לָנוּ עֲגָלִים וְתַרְנְגוֹלִים שַׁחֲטוּ כְּמִצְוַתְכֶם וְאִכְלוּ, מִיָּד מַשְׁקַתּוּ הַיַּיִן וּבוֹעֵר בּוֹ הַשָֹּׂטָן, הָיָה נִשְׂטֶה אַחֲרֶיהָ, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (הושע ד, יא): זְנוּת וְיַיִן וְתִירוֹשׁ יִקַּח לֵב, וְיֵשׁ אוֹמְרִים בִּלְעָם צִוָּה אוֹתָם שֶׁלֹא לְהַשְׁקוֹתָם, שֶׁלֹא יִדּוֹנוּ כִּשְׁתוּיֵי יַיִן אֶלָּא כִּמְזִידִין. כֵּיוָן שֶׁהָיָה תּוֹבְעָהּ אוֹמֶרֶת לוֹ אֵינִי נִשְׁמַעַת לָךְ עַד שֶׁתִּשְׁחַט זֶה לִפְעוֹר וְתִשְׁתַּחֲוֶה לוֹ, וְהוּא אוֹמֵר לַעֲבוֹדַת כּוֹכָבִים אֵינִי מִשְׁתַּחֲוֶה, וְאוֹמֶרֶת לוֹ אֵין אַתָּה אֶלָּא כִּמְגַלֶּה עַצְמְךָ, וְהוּא נִשְׂטֶה אַחֲרֶיהָ וְעוֹשֶׂה כֵן. זוֹ שֶׁאָמְרוּ חֲכָמִים הַפּוֹעֵר עַצְמוֹ לְבַעַל פְּעוֹר זוֹ הִיא עֲבוֹדָתוֹ, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (במדבר כה, ב): וַיִּשְׁתַּחֲווּ לֵאלֹהֵיהֶן, וַיִּצָּמֶד יִשְׂרָאֵל לְבַעַל פְּעוֹר (במדבר כה, ג), בַּתְּחִלָּה הָיוּ נִכְנָסִין בְּצִנְעָה, וּלְבַסּוֹף נִכְנָסִין צְמִידִים צְמִידִים, זוּגוֹת, כְּעִנְיָן שֶׁל צֶמֶד בָּקָר. דָּבָר אַחֵר, כְּאָדָם צָמִיד בִּמְלַאכְתּוֹ, וַיִּצָּמֶד, כִּצְמִידִים עַל יָדֶיהָ, רַבִּי לֵוִי אָמַר זוֹ גְזֵרָה קָשָׁה מִן הָעֵגֶל, דְּאִלּוּ בָּעֵגֶל כְּתִיב (שמות לב, ב): פָּרְקוּ נִזְמֵי הַזָּהָב, וּבְכָאן, וַיִּצָּמֶד, כִּצְמִידִים. בָּעֵגֶל נָפְלוּ שְׁלשֶׁת אֲלָפִים, וְכָאן עֶשְׂרִים וְאַרְבָּעָה אֶלֶף. (במדבר כה, ד): וַיֹּאמֶר ה' אֶל משֶׁה קַח אֶת כָּל רָאשֵׁי הָעָם וְהוֹקַע אֹתָם, רַבִּי יוּדָן אָמַר רָאשֵׁי הָעָם תָּלָה עַל שֶׁלֹא מִיחוּ בִּבְנֵי אָדָם. רַבִּי נְחֶמְיָה אָמַר לֹא תָּלָה רָאשֵׁי הָעָם, אֶלָּא אָמַר לוֹ הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא לְמשֶׁה הוֹשֵׁב לָהֶן רָאשֵׁי סַנְהֶדְרִיּוֹת וְיִהְיוּ דָּנִים כָּל מִי שֶׁהָלַךְ לִפְעוֹר. אָמַר, מִי מוֹדִיעָן, אָמַר לוֹ אֲנִי מְפַרְסְמָן, כָּל מִי שֶׁטָּעָה הֶעָנָן סָר מֵעָלָיו וְהַשֶּׁמֶשׁ זוֹרַחַת עָלָיו בְּתוֹךְ הַקָּהָל, וְיִהְיוּ הַכֹּל יוֹדְעִין מִי שֶׁטָּעָה וְיִתְלוּ אוֹתוֹ, תֵּדַע לְךָ שֶׁהוּא כֵּן (במדבר כה, ה): וַיֹּאמֶר משֶׁה אֶל שֹׁפְטֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל הִרְגוּ אִישׁ אֲנָשָׁיו וגו'.
(23) 23 (Numb. 25:1) “The people began to go whoring unto the daughters of Moab.” Come and see what is written in their leaving from Egypt: (In Ex. 14:2,) “Tell the Israelites to turn back and encamp before Pi-Hahiroth (which sounds like liberty, heiruth).” What is the meaning of Pi-Hahiroth? It was a place that was fixed for unchastity. And because they sheltered themselves [from it] in their leaving, it was called Pi-Hahiroth. But these [Moabite women] because they made themselves available to the people, it is written, (in Numb. 25:1), “the people began to go whoring [unto the daughters of Moab].” (Numb. 25:1) “The people began”: Every place that “the people” is mentioned, it is an expression of shame; but every place that “Israel” is mentioned, it is an expression of commendation: (In Numb. 11:1,) “Now the people were as murmurers [speaking evil in the ears of the Lord]”; (in Numb. 21:5,) “So the people spoke against God and against Moses”; (in Numb. 14:1,) “and the people wept on that night”; (in Numb. 14:11), “Until when will the people anger Me”; (in Exod. 32:25,) “And Moses saw that the people were wild”; (in Exod. 32:1,) “and the people gathered together against Aaron”; and similarly in all of them. (Numb. 25:1) “The people began to go whoring.” Throw a stick into the air, [and] it falls to its place of origin (i.e., its root). The one who had begun with the whoredom at first, finished with it in the end. Their matriarchs (i.e., the matriarchs of Ammon and Moab) began with whoredom (according to Gen. 19:31-34), “And the first-born said to the younger, ‘Let us give our father to drink […].’ So it came to pass on the next day that the first-born said unto the younger […].” She (the first-born) had instructed her in whoredom, and for that reason the Holy One, blessed be He, had pity on the younger and did not expose her. Rather (according to vs. 35), “and she slept with him”; but with reference to the elder, it is written (in vs. 33), “and slept with her father.” In the case of the one who began in whoredom at first, her daughters (i.e., the daughters of Moab) went after her to finish [it, as stated (in Numb. 25:1), “the people began] to go whoring unto the daughters of Moab.” (Numb. 25:2) “And they invited the people to the sacrifices for their gods”: Thus they (i.e., daughters of Moab) were going by the counsel of Balaam, as stated (in Numb. 31:16), “Here these women at the bidding of Balaam made the Children of Israel.” They made themselves curtained stalls and installed harlots in them with every object of delight in their hands. Now a girl would have an old woman as an agent, for an old woman would be in front of the shop. During the time that Israel was passing by on the way to the marketplace, the woman would say to him, “Young man, surely you want objects of linen which have come from Beth-Shean!” Then she would show them to him and say to him, “Come inside and you will see fine things”; and when the old woman would tell him a high price, the girl would [give him] a lower one. From then on the girl would tell him, “You are like one of the family. Sit down and choose for yourself.” Now a jug of wine was placed by her, since the wine of gentiles had not yet been forbidden. Then out comes the girl, perfumed and adorned, and seduces him and says to him, “Why do you hate us, when we love you? Take for yourself this article gratis. We all are children of a single man, children of Terah, the father of Abraham. So do you not want to eat from our sacrifices and from our cooking? Here are calves and cocks for you; slaughter them according to your own precepts, and eat.” Immediately she has him drink the wine, and then the Satan burned within him, so that he became a fool for her, as stated (in Hos. 4:11), “Harlotry, wine and young wine sway the heart.” There are also those who say [that] Balaam commanded them not to have them drink the wine, so that they would not be judged as those who are drunk, but as willful sinners. When he sought her out, she said to him, “I am not listening to you until you slaughter it [as a sacrifice] to Peor and bow down to it.” But he would say, “I am not bowing down to idolatry.” And she would say to him, “You only need to reveal yourself to it.” And [since] he had become a fool for her, he would do so. This is what the masters said, “One who reveals himself (to defecate) to Baal Peor – this is its worship” (Sanh. 64a). It is so stated (Numb. 25:2), “and they bowed down to their gods.” (Numb. 25:3) “Thus Israel was joined (rt.: tsmd) to Baal Peor”: At the beginning, they went in chastely, but at the end they went as many teams of pairs, like a pair (tsemed) of oxen. Another explanation: Like a man tied to his work; joined (rt.: tsmd) [to Baal Peor] like bracelets (rt.: tsmd). R. Levi said, “This was more serious than the [sin of the golden] calf, for while in reference to the calf, it is written (in Exod. 32:2), ‘Take off the gold rings,’ here [it is written] (in Numb. 25:3), ‘was joined (rt.: tsmd) [to Baal Peor,]’ like bracelets (rt.: tsmd)]. Because of the calf about three thousand fell, but here (according to Numb. 25:9) [the number fallen is] twenty-four thousand.” (Numb. 25:4) “[…] Take all the heads of the people, and impale them [before the Lord in the sun].” R. Judan said, “He hanged the heads of the people, because they had not protested about the people.” R. Nehemiah said, “He did not hang them. Rather the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, ‘Appoint Sanhedrin heads for them, and let them judge whoever went to Peor.’ He said to him, ‘But who will make such a one known?’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘I will expose them. In the case of whoever has gone astray, the cloud shall be peeled back from upon him, and the sun shall shine upon him in the midst of the congregation. Then they will know anyone who has gone astray and hang him.’” You know for yourself that it is so, as stated (in Numb. 25:5), “So Moses said unto the judges of Israel, ‘Each of you kill [those of] his own people [who have been joined to Baal Peor].’”
(טז) הֵ֣ן הֵ֜נָּה הָי֨וּ לִבְנֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ בִּדְבַ֣ר בִּלְעָ֔ם לִמְסׇר־מַ֥עַל בַּה' עַל־דְּבַר־פְּע֑וֹר וַתְּהִ֥י הַמַּגֵּפָ֖ה בַּעֲדַ֥ת ה'׃
(16) Yet they are the very ones who, at the bidding of Balaam, induced the Israelites to trespass against ה' in the matter of Peor, so that יהוה’s community was struck by the plague.
(י) אֲבָל יִשְׂרָאֵל הַבָּא עַל הַכּוּתִית בֵּין קְטַנָּה בַּת שָׁלֹשׁ שָׁנִים וְיוֹם אֶחָד בֵּין גְּדוֹלָה בֵּין פְּנוּיָה בֵּין אֵשֶׁת אִישׁ וַאֲפִלּוּ הָיָה קָטָן בֶּן תֵּשַׁע שָׁנִים וְיוֹם אֶחָד כֵּיוָן שֶׁבָּא עַל הַכּוּתִית בְּזָדוֹן הֲרֵי זוֹ נֶהֱרֶגֶת מִפְּנֵי שֶׁבָּא לְיִשְׂרָאֵל תַּקָּלָה עַל יָדֶיהָ כִּבְהֵמָה. וְדָבָר זֶה מְפֹרָשׁ בַּתּוֹרָה שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (במדבר לא טז) "הֵן הֵנָּה הָיוּ לִבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל בִּדְבַר בִּלְעָם" (במדבר לא יז) "וְכָל אִשָּׁה יֹדַעַת אִישׁ לְמִשְׁכַּב זָכָר הֲרֹגוּ":
(10) If, by contrast, a Jewish male enters into relations with a gentile woman, when he does so intentionally, she should be executed. She is executed because she caused a Jew to be involved in an unseemly transgression, as [is the law with regard to] an animal. [This applies regardless of] whether the gentile women was a minor of three years of age, or an adult, whether she was single or married. And it applies even if [the Jew] was a minor of nine years old, [she is executed].This [punishment] is explicitly mentioned in the Torah, as [Numbers 31:16-17] states: "Behold they were [involved] with the children of Israel according to the advice of Balaamו. Execute any woman fit to know a man through lying with a male."
(א) פס'. הן הנה היו לבני ישראל בדבר בלעם. נתן להם עצה להעמיד נשיהם ובנותיהם לזמה כדי שיכעוס עליהם הקדוש ברוך הוא שכל זמן שישראל עושין רצון המקום הוא נלחם באויביהם שנאמר (שמות יד) ה' ילחם לכם ואתם תחרישון. ובזמן שאין עושין רצונו ויהפך להם לאויב והוא נלחם בם:
שו"ת בית שערים חלק יורה דעה סימן שסא - נדון יהודי שנשא גויה כפי חוקי המדינה [געריכטליכע ציווילעהע] וילדה לו בן שהניח למול בלי הוראות רב ומורה ומחזרת מכבר להתגייר אם מקבלין אותה.
...ותמה אני עליך שכתבת שאפילו בעניני או"ה היא מתנהגת בתוך ביתה בדת יהודית, חדא מי מעיד על זה והיא אינה נאמנת דגויה היא ועוד מה אפילו והלא בשאר דברים היא מכשלת אותו שנבעלה לו ועיין ברמב"ן בחומש פרשת בראשית בפסוק מה זאת עשית מכאן נוכל ללמוד עונש למחטיאין אדם בדבר וכו' ורמב"ם פי"ב מהלכות א"ב ה"י כתב ישראל הבא על עכו"ם וכו' כיון שבא על העכו"ם בזדון הרי זו נהרגה מפני שבא לישראל תקלה על ידיה כבהמה ודבר זה מפורש בתורה שנאמר וכו' וא"כ אפילו בדת בני נח אינה נוהגת, ואילו היתה יד ישראל תקיפא היה אפשר לתלות גירותה בזה כדי שתפטור מן המיתה כדאמרינן בסנהדרין ע"א ע"ב בן נח שבירך את השם ואח"כ נתגייר פטור הואיל ונשתנה דינו נשתנה מיתתו וכ"פ הרמב"ם פ"י ממלכים ה"ד ובישראל אין דינו במיתה לפי שבא לישראל אחר תקלה ע"י כדמוכח בסנהדרין נ"ה דקטנה בת ג' שנים ויום אחד אם בא עליה אחד מכל העריות מומתין ע"י והיא פטורה.
וגם מ"ש שראוי להזדקק לגיירה כדי שלא יעבור תמיד על נשג"ז הרי אין אומרים לאדם חטא בשביל שיזכה חבירך כדאמרינן שבת ד' אלא באם עושה איסור חמור ע"י וכאן הא אינו עובר איסור נשג"ז על ידינו רק על ידי יצרו הרע וג"ז רק בלא פשע כמ"ש כ"ז תוס' שם ובעירובין ל"ב ובכ"ד וכאן הרי הוא פושע ומורד ועובר במזיד, ואפשר נמי כיון שהוא חשוד על נשג"ז שהוא חמור בעיני הבריות חשוד לקל ממנו בעיני הבריות ועיין ש"ך סי' קי"ט סקי"ב ובגיותה ליכא איסור נדה מדאורייתא כמ"ש תוס' נדה ל"ב ד"ה ר' מאיר הוא מהא דנדה ל"ד ושבת פ"ג ולכשתתגייר יעברו על איסור נדה דאורייתא שהוא בכרת ועיין ברמב"ם פי"ב מא"ב ה"ב וה"ו וה"ז:
ועוד אני חוכך בזה מהא דאמרינן בבכורות ל' ע"ב עכו"ם שבא לקבל ד"ת חוץ מדבר אחד אין מקבלין אותו ר' יוסי ב"ר יהודא אומר אפילו דקדוק אחד מדברי סופרים ופסק כן רמב"ם פי"ד מהלכות א"ב ה"ח ועיין מ"מ שם ובעו"ה בדור פרוץ עוברים כמה עבירות ושנו בה ונעשה להם כהיתר כמו נשים הולכות פרוע ראש בשוק ולילך בבתי טרטיאות וריקוד ומחולות אנשים ונשים ויד ליד לא ינקה וכדומה הרבה וקשה להאמין שאיש אשר ייחד לו גויה בזנות כמה שנים ועתה נתקשר עמה עפ"י חוקי המדינה בנישואין ואפשר הוסיף בזה חטא על פשע דאולי זה מיקרי דרך חתנות עיין רמב"ם פ"ב מאי"ב ועדיין לא שב מטעותו כי אפילו לא יקבלו אותה להתגייר ידור עמה כאיש עם אשתו שיניח אותה לקבל באמת כל הנ"ל ושאר דקדוקים מדברי סופרים וא"כ אין כאן גירות כלל:
שו"ת בית שערים חלק יורה דעה סימן שסב - עוד בענין הנ"ל אם נכרי או נכרית שבאו בברית מישעהע עם בני עמינו ובאים אח"כ להתגייר ולהנשא עדתוה"ק אם מקבלים אותם.
וע"ד הענין שבעל חקור דבר רוצה להתיר שנכרי או נכרית שבאו בברית מיש - עהע עם בני עמינו ובאים אח"כ להתגייר ולהנשא עפ"ד תוה"ק לקבלם לגרים הנה זה שנתים נשאלתי בנידון כזה והשבתי לאיסור [בסי' הקדום] ועל משמרתי אעמוד וכעת לא באתי רק לעורר במה שנתעוררתי בעברי בין בתרי הקונטרסים חקור דבר וקונטרס הנכבד משיב דבר:
Excerpts of these responsa from Rabbi Amram ben Rabbi Isaac Bloom (Hungary, 19th century) speaks to the point that classical, halakhic Judaism has no history of responding to questions of intermarriage. The subjects of these two responsa - non-Jewish women who married Jewish men in a civil court but now want to convert - indicate that the author is NOT answering a question about accepting an intermarriage. Indeed, in one of the quotes mentioned in the first teshuva, there is an understanding that the civil marriage was "wrong" in all ways. In other words, it is clear that the classic rabbinic assumption forbids intermarriage though it is never prohibited directly.
(א) וַתִּקְרַ֜בְנָה בְּנ֣וֹת צְלׇפְחָ֗ד בֶּן־חֵ֤פֶר בֶּן־גִּלְעָד֙ בֶּן־מָכִ֣יר בֶּן־מְנַשֶּׁ֔ה לְמִשְׁפְּחֹ֖ת מְנַשֶּׁ֣ה בֶן־יוֹסֵ֑ף וְאֵ֙לֶּה֙ שְׁמ֣וֹת בְּנֹתָ֔יו מַחְלָ֣ה נֹעָ֔ה וְחׇגְלָ֥ה וּמִלְכָּ֖ה וְתִרְצָֽה׃ (ב) וַֽתַּעֲמֹ֜דְנָה לִפְנֵ֣י מֹשֶׁ֗ה וְלִפְנֵי֙ אֶלְעָזָ֣ר הַכֹּהֵ֔ן וְלִפְנֵ֥י הַנְּשִׂיאִ֖ם וְכׇל־הָעֵדָ֑ה פֶּ֥תַח אֹֽהֶל־מוֹעֵ֖ד לֵאמֹֽר׃ (ג) אָבִ֘ינוּ֮ מֵ֣ת בַּמִּדְבָּר֒ וְה֨וּא לֹא־הָיָ֜ה בְּת֣וֹךְ הָעֵדָ֗ה הַנּוֹעָדִ֛ים עַל־ה' בַּעֲדַת־קֹ֑רַח כִּֽי־בְחֶטְא֣וֹ מֵ֔ת וּבָנִ֖ים לֹא־הָ֥יוּ לֽוֹ׃ (ד) לָ֣מָּה יִגָּרַ֤ע שֵׁם־אָבִ֙ינוּ֙ מִתּ֣וֹךְ מִשְׁפַּחְתּ֔וֹ כִּ֛י אֵ֥ין ל֖וֹ בֵּ֑ן תְּנָה־לָּ֣נוּ אֲחֻזָּ֔ה בְּת֖וֹךְ אֲחֵ֥י אָבִֽינוּ׃ (ה) וַיַּקְרֵ֥ב מֹשֶׁ֛ה אֶת־מִשְׁפָּטָ֖ן לִפְנֵ֥י ה'׃ {פ}(ו) וַיֹּ֥אמֶר ה' אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֥ה לֵּאמֹֽר׃ (ז) כֵּ֗ן בְּנ֣וֹת צְלׇפְחָד֮ דֹּבְרֹת֒ נָתֹ֨ן תִּתֵּ֤ן לָהֶם֙ אֲחֻזַּ֣ת נַחֲלָ֔ה בְּת֖וֹךְ אֲחֵ֣י אֲבִיהֶ֑ם וְהַֽעֲבַרְתָּ֛ אֶת־נַחֲלַ֥ת אֲבִיהֶ֖ן לָהֶֽן׃ (ח) וְאֶל־בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל תְּדַבֵּ֣ר לֵאמֹ֑ר אִ֣ישׁ כִּֽי־יָמ֗וּת וּבֵן֙ אֵ֣ין ל֔וֹ וְהַֽעֲבַרְתֶּ֥ם אֶת־נַחֲלָת֖וֹ לְבִתּֽוֹ׃ (ט) וְאִם־אֵ֥ין ל֖וֹ בַּ֑ת וּנְתַתֶּ֥ם אֶת־נַחֲלָת֖וֹ לְאֶחָֽיו׃ (י) וְאִם־אֵ֥ין ל֖וֹ אַחִ֑ים וּנְתַתֶּ֥ם אֶת־נַחֲלָת֖וֹ לַאֲחֵ֥י אָבִֽיו׃ (יא) וְאִם־אֵ֣ין אַחִים֮ לְאָבִיו֒ וּנְתַתֶּ֣ם אֶת־נַחֲלָת֗וֹ לִשְׁאֵר֞וֹ הַקָּרֹ֥ב אֵלָ֛יו מִמִּשְׁפַּחְתּ֖וֹ וְיָרַ֣שׁ אֹתָ֑הּ וְֽהָ֨יְתָ֜ה לִבְנֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ לְחֻקַּ֣ת מִשְׁפָּ֔ט כַּאֲשֶׁ֛ר צִוָּ֥ה ה' אֶת־מֹשֶֽׁה׃ {פ}
(1) The daughters of Zelophehad, of Manassite family—son of Hepher son of Gilead son of Machir son of Manasseh son of Joseph—came forward. The names of the daughters were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. (2) They stood before Moses, Eleazar the priest, the chieftains, and the whole assembly, at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, and they said, (3) “Our father died in the wilderness. He was not one of the faction, Korah’s faction, which banded together against ה', but died for his own sin; and he has left no sons. (4) Let not our father’s name be lost to his clan just because he had no son! Give us a holding among our father’s kinsmen!” (5) Moses brought their case before ה'. (6) And ה' said to Moses, (7) “The plea of Zelophehad’s daughters is just: you should give them a hereditary holding among their father’s kinsmen; transfer their father’s share to them. (8) “Further, speak to the Israelite people as follows: ‘If a householder dies without leaving a son, you shall transfer his property to his daughter. (9) If he has no daughter, you shall assign his property to his brothers. (10) If he has no brothers, you shall assign his property to his father’s brothers. (11) If his father had no brothers, you shall assign his property to his nearest relative in his own clan, who shall inherit it.’ This shall be the law of procedure for the Israelites, in accordance with יהוה’s command to Moses.”
אָמַר רָבָא אָמַר קְרָא מִמִּשְׁפַּחְתּוֹ וְיָרַשׁ אֹתָהּ מִשְׁפַּחַת אָב קְרוּיָה מִשְׁפָּחָה מִשְׁפַּחַת אֵם אֵינָהּ קְרוּיָה מִשְׁפָּחָה דִּכְתִיב לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָם לְבֵית אֲבֹתָם וּמִשְׁפַּחַת אֵם אֵינָהּ קְרוּיָה מִשְׁפָּחָה
Rava said in response that the verse states: “Then you shall give his inheritance to his kinsman who is next to him of his family, and he shall inherit it” (Numbers 27:11), emphasizing that “kinsman” is referring specifically to someone who is of his family, and it is the father’s family that is called one’s family, while one’s mother’s family is not called one’s family. Proof for this is found in another verse, as it is written: “By their families, by their fathers’ houses” (Numbers 1:2).
דאורייתא ז' אומות אבל שאר עובדי כוכבים לא ואתו אינהו וגזור אפילו דשאר עובדי כוכבים ולר"ש בן יוחי דאמר (דברים ז, ד) כי יסיר את בנך מאחרי לרבות כל המסירות מאי איכא למימר אלא דאורייתא אישות דרך חתנות ואתו אינהו גזור אפילו דרך זנות זנות נמי בבית דינו של שם גזרו דכתיב (בראשית לח, כד) ויאמר יהודה הוציאוה ותשרף אלא דאורייתא עובד כוכבים הבא על בת ישראל דמשכה בתריה אבל ישראל הבא על העובדת כוכבים לא ואתו אינהו גזור אפי' ישראל הבא על העובדת כוכבים ישראל הבא על העובדת כוכבים הלכה למשה מסיני היא דאמר מר הבועל ארמית קנאין פוגעין בו א"ל דאורייתא בפרהסיא וכמעשה שהיה ואתו אינהו גזור אפילו בצינעא בצינעא נמי בית דינו של חשמונאי גזרו [דכי אתא רב דימי אמר ב"ד של חשמונאי גזרו] ישראל הבא על העובדת כוכבים חייב משום נשג"א כי אתא רבין אמר משום נשג"ז כי גזרו בית דינו של חשמונאי ביאה אבל ייחוד לא ואתו אינהו גזור אפי' ייחוד ייחוד נמי בית דינו של דוד גזרו דאמר רב יהודה באותה שעה גזרו על ייחוד אמרי התם ייחוד דבת ישראל אבל ייחוד דעובדת כוכבים לא ואתו אינהו גזרו אפי' אייחוד דעובדת כוכבים ייחוד דבת ישראל דאורייתא היא דאמר ר' יוחנן משום ר"ש בן יהוצדק רמז לייחוד מן התורה מנין שנאמר (דברים יג, ז) כי יסיתך אחיך בן אמך וכי בן אם מסית בן אב אינו מסית אלא בן מתייחד עם אמו ואין אחר מתייחד עם כל עריות שבתורה ייחוד דאורייתא דאשת איש ואתא דוד וגזר אפי' אייחוד דפנויה ואתו תלמידי בית שמאי ובית הלל גזור אפי' אייחוד דעובדת כוכבים
The Gemara explains: By Torah law intermarriage is prohibited only with the seven Canaanite nations, but intermarriage with the other nations of the world is not prohibited, and the students of Shammai and Hillel came and decreed that intermarriage is prohibited even with the other nations. The Gemara asks: And according to the opinion of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai, who says that the subsequent verse: “For he will turn away your son from following Me” (Deuteronomy 7:4) serves to include all who turn away one’s son from God, i.e., all gentiles, what is there to say? Rather, by Torah law only sexual relations by way of marriage are prohibited, and they came and decreed that sexual relations are prohibited even by way of licentiousness. The Gemara raises an objection: Licentious sexual intercourse was also prohibited earlier, as they decreed a prohibition in this regard in the court of Shem, as it is written: “It was told to Judah, saying: Tamar your daughter-in-law has played the harlot; and moreover, behold, she is with child by harlotry. And Judah said: Bring her forth, and let her be burned” (Genesis 38:24). This proves that the prohibition against licentious intercourse with a gentile was in force long before the time of the students of Shammai and Hillel. The Gemara explains: Rather, the prohibition prescribed by Torah law applies to the case of a gentile who engaged in intercourse with a Jewish woman, as she is drawn after him toward idolatry, but the case of a Jew who engaged in intercourse with a gentile woman is not included in the prohibition by Torah law. And the students of Shammai and Hillel came and decreed that the prohibition applies even to a Jew who engaged in intercourse with a gentile woman. The Gemara rejects this: The prohibition concerning a Jew who engaged in intercourse with a gentile woman is a halakha transmitted to Moses from Sinai, not a rabbinic ordinance. As the Master said: With regard to one who engages in intercourse with an Aramean woman, zealots may attack him, as Pinehas did to Zimri in the wilderness (see Numbers 25:6–8). He said to him: By Torah law intercourse with a gentile is prohibited in public, and only in situations like the incident that occurred, as described in Numbers, chapter 25. And the students of Shammai and Hillel came and decreed that the prohibition applies even in private. The Gemara raises another difficulty: This was also prohibited in private, as the court of the Hasmoneans decreed that it is prohibited. As when Rav Dimi came from Eretz Yisrael to Babylonia, he said: The court of the Hasmoneans decreed that a Jew who engaged in intercourse with a gentile woman bears liability for transgressing four prohibitions, represented by the mnemonic: Nun, shin, gimmel, alef. These letters stands for: Menstruating woman [nidda], maidservant [shifḥa], gentile [goya], and married woman [eshet ish]. By rabbinic law, a man who engages in intercourse with a gentile woman is considered to have violated the prohibitions involved in having intercourse with all four of these women. And when Ravin came from Eretz Yisrael to Babylonia, he said: He bears liability for four prohibitions represented by the mnemonic: Nun, shin, gimmel, zayin, which stands for: Menstruating woman [nidda], maidservant [shifḥa], gentile [goya], and prostitute [zona]. In any case, it is apparent that this decree was in force before the time of the students of Shammai and Hillel. The Gemara answers: When the court of the Hasmoneans decreed, they prohibited only sexual intercourse, but with regard to seclusion with a gentile woman, no, they did not prohibit that. And the students of Shammai and Hillel came and decreed that even seclusion with a gentile woman is prohibited. The Gemara raises an objection: Seclusion was also prohibited earlier, as the court of King David decreed that with regard to this matter. As Rav Yehuda says: At that time, after the incident involving Amnon and Tamar (see II Samuel 13:1–19), they decreed with regard to seclusion. The Sages said in response to the objection: There, in David’s court, seclusion with a Jewish woman was prohibited, but seclusion with a gentile woman was not prohibited. And the students of Shammai and Hillel came and decreed a prohibition even with regard to seclusion with a gentile woman. The Gemara raises yet another difficulty: Seclusion with a Jewish woman is prohibited by Torah law, as Rabbi Yoḥanan says in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yehotzadak: Where is there an allusion in the Torah to the prohibition against seclusion? As it is stated: “If your brother, the son of your mother, entices you” (Deuteronomy 13:7). And does only a half brother who is the son of a mother entice one to sin, whereas the son of a father does not entice? Rather, there is a greater concern that a maternal half brother might entice one to sin, as a son secludes himself with his mother, and no other may seclude himself with any of those with whom relations are forbidden by the Torah. Since an individual and his maternal half brother both seclude themselves with their shared mother, they are frequently together in private, and this facilitates enticement. In any case, it is clear that the prohibition against seclusion with a Jewish woman preceded King David. The Gemara explains: The prohibition against seclusion prescribed by Torah law applies specifically to a married woman, and David came and decreed a prohibition even with regard to seclusion with an unmarried woman. And later the students of Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel came and decreed even with regard to seclusion with a gentile woman.
וַתֹּ֗אמֶר הִנֵּה֙ שָׁ֣בָה יְבִמְתֵּ֔ךְ אֶל־עַמָּ֖הּ וְאֶל־אֱלֹהֶ֑יהָ שׁ֖וּבִי אַחֲרֵ֥י יְבִמְתֵּֽךְ׃
So she said, “See, your sister-in-law has returned to her people and her gods. Go follow your sister-in-law.”
וַתִּשַּׁק עָרְפָּה לַחֲמוֹתָהּ, כָּל נְשִׁיקָה שֶׁל תִּפְלוּת בַּר מִן תְּלָת, נְשִׁיקָה שֶׁל גְדֻלָּה, וּנְשִׁיקָה שֶׁל פְּרָקִים, וּנְשִׁיקָה שֶׁל פְּרִישׁוּת. שֶׁל גְּדֻלָּה, דִּכְתִיב (שמואל א י, א): וַיִּקַּח שְׁמוּאֵל אֶת פַּךְ הַשֶּׁמֶן וַיִּצֹּק עַל רֹאשׁוֹ וַיִּשָּׁקֵהוּ. שֶׁל פְּרָקִים, דִּכְתִיב (שמות ד, כז): וַיִּפְגְּשֵׁהוּ בְּהַר הָאֱלֹהִים וַיִּשַּׁק לוֹ. שֶׁל פְּרִישׁוּת, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: וַתִּשַּׁק עָרְפָּה לַחֲמוֹתָהּ. רַבִּי תַּנְחוּמָא אָמַר אַף נְשִׁיקָה שֶׁל קְרִיבוּת, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (בראשית כט, יא): וַיִּשַּׁק יַעֲקֹב לְרָחֵל, לָמָּה, שֶׁהָיְתָה קְרוֹבָתוֹ. וַתֹּאמֶר הִנֵּה שָׁבָה יְבִמְתֵּךְ וגו', כֵּיוָן שֶׁשָּׁבָה אֶל עַמָּהּ שָׁבָה אֶל אֱלֹהֶיהָ.
“Orpa kissed her mother-in-law.” All kisses are of licentiousness, except for three: A kiss of greatness, a kiss of absence, and a kiss of parting. A kiss of greatness, as it is written: “Samuel took a flask of oil, and poured it on his head, and kissed him” (I Samuel 10:1). Of absence, as it is written: “He met him at the mountain of God at Ḥorev [and he kissed him]” (Exodus 4:27). Of parting, as it is stated: “Orpa kissed her mother-in-law.” Rabbi Tanḥuma said: Even a kiss of closeness, as it is stated: “Jacob kissed Rachel” (Genesis 29:11). Why? It is because she was his relative.“She said: Behold, your sister-in-law has returned to her people, and to her god; return after your sister-in-law” (Ruth 1:15).“She said: Behold, your sister-in-law has returned [to her people, and to her god]…” – once she returned to her people she returned to her god.
אֵין הוֹלְכִין בְּחֻקּוֹת הַגּוֹיִים, וְלֹא מִתְדַמִּים לָהֶם, לֹא בְמַלְבּוּשׁ וְלֹא בְשֵׂעָר וְכַיּוֹצֵא בָהֶם, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר, וְלֹא תֵלְכוּ בְּחֻקּוֹת הַגּוֹי. וְנֶאֱמַר, בְּחֻקּוֹתֵיהֶם לֹא תֵלֵכוּ. וְנֶאֱמַר, הִשָּׁמֵר לְךָ פֶּן תִּנָּקֵשׁ אַחֲרֵיהֶם. לֹא יִלְבַּשׁ מַלְבּוּשׁ הַמְּיֻחָד לָהֶם לְשׁוּם גֵּאוּת וְהוּא מַלְבּוּשׁ שָׂרִים, וּלְדֻגְמָא הָא דְּאָמְרֵינָן בַגְּמָרָא, דְּאָסוּר לְיִשְֹרָאֵל לְהִתְדַּמּוֹת לָהֶם אֲפִלּוּ בִרְצוּעוֹת הַמִּנְעָל. שֶׁאִם הָיָה דַרְכָּם לִקְשֹׁר כָּךְ וְדֶרֶךְ יִשְֹרָאֵל בְּעִנְיָן אַחֵר אוֹ שֶׁהָיָה מִנְהָגָם לִהְיוֹת לָהֶם רְצוּעוֹת אֲדֻמּוֹת וְשֶׁל יִשְֹרָאֵל שְׁחוֹרוֹת מִשּׁוּם דְּצֶבַע שָׁחוֹר מוֹרֶה עַל עֲנָוָה וְשִׁפְלוּת וּצְנִיעוּת, אָסוּר לְיִשְֹרָאֵל לְשַׁנּוֹת. וּמִזֶּה יִלְמַד כָּל אָדָם לְפִי מְקוֹמוֹ וְשַׁעְתּוֹ, שֶׁהַמַּלְבּוּשׁ הֶעָשׂוּי לְיוּהֲרָא וּפְרִיצוּת לֹא יַעֲשֶׂה הַיִשְֹרָאֵל כֵּן, אֶלָּא מַלְבּוּשָׁיו יִהְיוּ עֲשׂוּיִים בְּעִנְיָן הַמּוֹרֶה עַל הַכְנָעָה וּצְנִיעוּת. הָכֵי אָמְרִינָן בְּסִפְרֵי, שֶׁלֹּא תֹאמַר הוֹאִיל וְהֵן יוֹצְאִין בְּאַרְגָּמָן אַף אֲנִי אֵצֵא בְּאַרְגָּמָן, הוֹאִיל וְהֵן יוֹצְאִין בְּקוֹלְסִין (פֵּרוּשׁ, כְּלֵי זַיִן) אַף אֲנִי אֵצֵא בְּקוֹלְסִין, שֶׁדְּבָרִים הַלָּלוּ דִבְרֵי שַׁחַץ וְגַאֲוָה הֵם, וְלֹא כְאֵלֶּה חֵלֶק יַעֲקֹב, אֶלָּא דַּרְכָּם לִהְיוֹת צְנוּעִים וַעֲנָוִים, וְלֹא לִפְנוֹת אֶל רְהָבִים. וְכֵן כָּל דָּבָר שֶׁנָּהֲגוּ לְמִנְהָג וּלְחֹק דְאִכָּא לְמֵיחָשׁ שֶׁיֵּשׁ בּוֹ שֶׁמֶץ עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה, לֹא יַעֲשֶׂה הַיִשְֹרָאֵל כֵּן. וְכֵן לֹא יְגַלַּח וְלֹא יְגַדֵּל שַעֲרוֹת רֹאשׁוֹ כְּמוֹהֶם, אֶלּא יְהֵא מֻבְדָּל מֵהֶם בְּמַלְבּוּשָׁיו וּבְדִבּוּרוֹ וּבִשְׁאָר מַעֲשָׂיו כְּמוֹ שֶׁהוּא מֻבְדָּל מֵהֶם בְּמַדָּעוֹ וּבְדֵעוֹתָיו. וְכֵן הוּא אוֹמֵר, וָאַבְדִּיל אֶתְכֶם מִן הָעַמִּים.
We are not permitted to follow the ways of the gentiles, nor adopt their styles in dress or in hair style or similar things, as it is said: "You shall not follow the ways of the gentile." It is [also] said: "In their ways you shall not follow" It is [also] said: "Guard yourself lest you be ensnared to follow them." You should not wear a garment which is specifically worn by them as a symbol of ostentation, such as a garment of high-ranking officers. For example, the Talmud states: that it is forbidden for a Jew to be similar to them even in regard to shoelaces; if their practice was to tie one way and the practice of Jews to tie another way, or if their practice was to wear red shoelaces and Jews wear black shoelaces because the color black indicates humility, submissiveness and modesty. [In all such instances] it is forbidden for a Jew to deviate. From these examples everyone should learn how to apply these standards to his time and place. A garment designed for showiness or immodesty must not be worn by a Jew, but rather his clothing should be made in a style which suggests humility and modesty. The following is mentioned in Sifrei: You should not say that since they go out with scarlet I shall go out with scarlet, since they go out with kulsin (the word kulsin meaning weaponry) I also shall go out with kulsin, because these practices are indicative of arrogance and haughtiness which are not the heritage of Jacob. Rather, our heritage demands of us to be modest and humble, and not be influenced by the haughty. Similarly, any custom or statute of which there is a suspicion of idolatrous intent or background should be avoided by Jews. Similarly, you should not cut your hair or style your hair as they do, but rather you should be distinct, in your clothing and speech and all other endeavors just as you are distinct in your perspectives and concepts. Similarly, it is said: "I have set you apart from the nations."
והא קאחזינן דאיכא אימא אין רוב עובדי כוכבים מינין סבר לה כי הא דאמר ר' חייא בר אבא א"ר יוחנן נכרים שבחוצה לארץ לאו עובדי עבודת כוכבים הן אלא מנהג אבותיהן בידיהן
The Gemara asks: But don’t we see that there are? The Gemara answers: Say the majority of the people of the nations of the world are not heretics, and with regard to slaughter one follows the majority. The Gemara notes: Rabba bar Avuh holds in accordance with that which Rabbi Ḥiyya bar Abba says that Rabbi Yoḥanan says: The status of gentiles outside of Eretz Yisrael is not that of idol worshippers, as their worship is not motivated by faith and devotion. Rather, it is a traditional custom of their ancestors that was transmitted to them.
מין - זה האדוק בעבודת כוכבים ומין ישראל חמור ממומר לעבודת כוכבים שהמין אדוק בה וכל מחשבותיו לה:
אָמַר רַבָּה בַּר בַּר חָנָה, אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן: שֵׁם בֶּן אַרְבַּע אוֹתִיּוֹת חֲכָמִים מוֹסְרִין אוֹתוֹ לְתַלְמִידֵיהֶן פַּעַם אַחַת בְּשָׁבוּעַ, וְאָמְרִי לַהּ פַּעֲמַיִם בְּשָׁבוּעַ. אָמַר רַב נַחְמָן בַּר יִצְחָק: מִסְתַּבְּרָא כְּמַאן דְּאָמַר פַּעַם אַחַת בְּשָׁבוּעַ, דִּכְתִיב: ״זֶה שְּׁמִי לְעֹלָם״, ״לְעַלֵּם״ כְּתִיב. רָבָא סָבַר לְמִידְרְשֵׁיהּ בְּפִירְקָא. אֲמַר לֵיהּ הָהוּא סָבָא: ״לְעַלֵּם״ כְּתִיב.
§ The above statement, concerning a matter that the Sages transmitted privately and infrequently, leads the Gemara to teach a similar halakha: Rabba bar bar Ḥana says that Rabbi Yoḥanan says: The Sages transmit the correct pronunciation of the four-letter name of God to their students once every seven years, and some say twice every seven years. Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak says: It stands to reason in accordance with the one who says that they transmit it once every seven years, as it is written: “This is My name forever [le’olam]” (Exodus 3:15), which is written so that it can be read le’alem, to hide. This indicates that the Divine Name must remain hidden. The Gemara relates: Rava planned to expound and explain the proper way to say the name in a public discourse. A certain elder said to him: It is written so that it can be read le’alem, indicating that it must stay hidden.
תניא רבי יהודה גר זכר שנשא בת ישראל כבת חלל שנשא ישראל שפסולה לכהונה והדין ניתן כו' עד מצרי שני יוכיח פירוש שנשא בת ישראל שאין יצירתו בעבירה ובתו פסולה לכהונה ואתיא כר"ל. כדפיריש' לעיל ונכון אבל רש"י ז"ל מפרש והוא מצרי שבא על מצרית ראשונה יוכיח שבתו פסולה לכהונה לדברי הכל והשתא ליכא למיפרך מה להצד השוה שבהן שכן יש בהן צד עבירה דמצרי במצרית ליכא שום עבירה. ולית הלכתא כותיה אלא כרבי אליעזר דדריש מזרע ואפי' מקצת זרע כדלקמן ולא עביד האי ק"ו דר"י משום קרא דכתיב מזרע מפיק מיניה אי נמי דרבי יהודה מייתי ליה במה הצד דגר פוסל בביאתו ורבי אליעזר לא סבר ליה דגר פוסל בביאתו כדאמרינן בסמוך ורש"י ז"ל נותן טעם אחר בדבר ואינו נכון תניא רשב"י אומר גיורת פחות' מבת ג' שנים ויום א' כשרה לכהונה פירש"י ז"ל דלא מפסל' משום זונה ולכאורה נראה מדבריו דרבנן דפסלי היינו משום דמחזקי לה שנבעלה לעכו"ם בגיותה והויה זונה ול"נ חדא דהא ביאתה לאו ביאה היא בשום מקום ולא בעריות לחיובא ותו דהא בדאורייתא פליגי ואלו האי איסורא דרבנן הוא דחיישי לה שנבעלה לפי שסתם כותית הם זונות ועוד דהא"ר יוחנן וכלן מקרא א' דרשו ובמשמעות הכתוב פליגי ומשום גזירת הכתוב אתו עלה זה לכשרות וזה לפסלות ואף על גב דמקרא זה דברי קבלה הוא מכל מקום דאורייתא נינהו אלא דאתא יחזקאל ופירש וכדאמרינן בעלמא הא עד דאתא יחזקאל מאן אמרה אלא דאורייתא ואתא יחזקאל ופירש וזה מבואר ותו לא מידי אבל י"ל לפי' רש"י ז"ל דודאי מה שפי' יחזקאל היינו משום דאשמועינן דזו בכלל זונה ולא מפני שנבעלה אלא כל שנולד' בגויית חל עליה שם זונה שהרי אין הדעת נותנת שיחזקאל איסורי כהונה שלא נאמרה בתורה כלל בענין זה שהאריך בו הכתוב כ"כ:
Justinian Digest - Book 23
16. Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXV.
It is provided by a Rescript of the Divine Marcus that, if the daughter of a Senator should marry a freedman, the marriage will be void; and this was followed by a Decree of the Senate to the same effect.
23. The Same, Digest, Book XXX.
It is provided by the Lex Papia that all freeborn men, except Senators and their children, can marry freedwomen.
31. Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book VI.
Where a Senator is permitted to marry a freedwoman by the consent of the Emperor, she will be his lawful wife.
42. Modestinus, On the Rite of Marriage.
In unions of the sexes, it should always be considered not only what is legal, but also what is decent.
(1) If the daughter, granddaughter, or great-granddaughter of a Senator should marry a freedman, or a man who practices the profession of an actor, or whose father or mother did so, the marriage will be void.
44. Paulus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I.
It is provided by the Lex Julia that: "A Senator, or his son, or his grandson, or his great-grandson by his son, or grandson, shall not knowingly or with malicious intent become betrothed to, or marry a freedwoman, or a woman whose father or mother practices, or has practiced the profession of an actor. Nor shall the daughter of a Senator, or a granddaughter by his son, or a great-granddaughter by his grandson marry a freedman, or a man whose father or mother practices, or has practiced the profession of an actor, whether they do so knowingly, or with malicious intent. Nor can any one of these parties knowingly, or with malicious intent become betrothed to, or marry the daughter of a Senator."
10. Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXV.
It is doubtful what course to pursue where the father is absent, and it is not known where he is, or even whether he is still alive. If three years should elapse from the time when the father's whereabouts or whether he was living began to be unknown, his children of both sexes will not be prevented from legally contracting marriage.
34. Papinianus, Opinions, Book IV.
(3) Where the daughter of a Senator marries a freedman, this unfortunate act of her father does not render her a wife, for children should not be deprived of their rank on account of an offence of their parent.
35. The Same, Opinions, Book VI.
A son under paternal control, who is a soldier, cannot contract matrimony without the consent of his father.
Our children, begotten in lawful marriage, are in our power.
1. Marriage, or matrimony, is a binding together of a man and woman to live in an indivisible union.
2. The power which we have over our children is peculiar to the citizens of Rome; for no other people have a power over their children, such as we have over ours.
3. The child born to you and your wife is in your power. And so is the child born to your son of his wife, that is, your grandson or granddaughter; so are your greatgrandchildren, and all your other descendants. But a child born of your daughter is not in your power, but in the power of its own father.
12. If persons unite themselves in contravention of the rules thus laid down, there is no husband or wife, no nuptials, no marriage, nor marriage portion, and the children born in such a connection are not in the power of the father. For, with regard to the power of a father, they are in the position of children conceived in prostitution, who are looked upon as having no father, because it is uncertain who he is; and are therefore called spurii, either from a Greek word sporadan, meaning “at hazard,” or as being sine patre, without a father. On the dissolution of such a connection there can be no claim made for the demand of a marriage portion. Persons who contract prohibited marriages are liable also to further penalties set forth in our imperial constitutions
From Women breadwinners in Gypsy socio-professional groups of pre-industrial Wallachia (2003) Wallachia virtually all Gypsies married and, for women in particular, the purpose was to have children as per the pattern issued from the Code of Justinian (promulgated in 529) ducere uxorem liberorum gerendorum causa (to marry a woman with the purpose of having children).
Marriage in Roman Law, Yale Law Journal, Vol XVI No. 5 (March 1907)
Another object of Roman marriage, the most important, was the propagation of the species; hence the well-known formula: uxorem ducere liberorum quaerendorum gratia. To become a father, seemed to the Romans the motive and justification of marriage; it was a public and a sacred duty" (p. 309).
55. Again, a man has power over his own children begotten in civil wedlock, a right peculiar to citizens of Rome, for there is scarcely any other nation where fathers are invested with such power over their children as at Rome; and this the late Emperor Hadrian declared in the edict he published respecting certain petitioners for a grant of Roman citizenship to themselves and their children; though I am aware that among the Galatians parents are invested with power over their children.
56. A Roman citizen contracts civil wedlock and begets children subject to his power when he takes to wife a citizen of Rome or a Latin or alien with whom a Roman has capacity of civil wedlock; for as civil wedlock has the effect of giving to the children the paternal condition, they become by birth not only citizens of Rome, but also subject to the power of the father.
57. And for this purpose veterans often obtain by imperial constitution a power of civil wedlock with the first Latin or alien woman they take to wife after their discharge from service, and the children of such marriages are born citizens of Rome and subject to paternal power.
58. But it is not any woman that can be taken to wife, for some marriages are prohibited.
As in respect of property or dominion we find in Roman law the distinction of Quiritary and Bonitary, that is, of civil and gentile, ownership, so in respect of the conjugal relation we find the distinction of Roman or civil marriage (connubium, justae nuptiae, justum matrimonium) and gentile marriage (nuptiae, matrimonium), of which the former alone was valid at civil law (connubium est uxoris jure ducendae facultas, Ulpian, 5, 3; ‘connubium is the capacity of marriage valid by civil law’) and capable of producing patria potestas and agnatio, though the latter produced legitimate children (justi as opposed to naturales liberi) and cognatio or natural relationship.
Capacity of civil marriage (connubium) is (a) absolute and (b) relative. (a) Only citizens have the absolute capacity of civil marriage, and such Latins and aliens as are specially privileged, � 56: slaves are incapable both of civil and gentile marriage. (b) Capacity of civil marriage is, however, always relative to another person who forms the other party to the union. A citizen only has connubium with a citizen or with such Latins and aliens as are specially privileged; and, before the lex Papia Poppaea was passed, a freeborn citizen (ingenuus) had no connubium with a citizen by manumission (libertinus). Lege Papia cavetur omnibus ingenuis, praeter senatores eorumque liberos libertinam uxorem habere licere, Dig. 23, 2, 23. ‘The lex Papia permits all freeborn citizens, except senators and their children, to marry freedwomen.’
Sexual Life in Ancient Rome, by Otto Kiefer (2012)
For many centuries marriage meant tot he Romans a severe and pure, but prosaic union; it was under the firm authority of the husband, who had little feeling for the subtler possibilies of sex. Besides marriage, there was in Rome from early times a coarse and unpleaseant type of prostitution, directed more less exclusively to the satisfaction of purely sensual desires. There is a significant passage in Horace's satires. He says (i, 2, 116):
"And when your lust is hot, surely
if a maid or pageboy's handy, to attack
instanter, you won't choose to grin and bear it?
I won't! I like a cheap and easy love!"
Ulpian, Tituli 5
3. Conubium is the right of marrying a wife.
4. Roman citizens have conubium with Roman citizens; but with Latins [residents of Central Italy who were not Roman citizens] and foreigners only when there has been a special grant to that effect.
5. With slaves there is no conubium.
6. Between ascendants and descendants in any degree without limitation there is no conubium...
7. If any man marry a woman whom he is prohibited to marry, he contracts an incestuous marriage, and therefore his children do not come under his potestas [authority], but are spurious [illegitimate], like those born out of wedlock.
8. If there be conubium between the parents, the children always follow the father; if there be not conubium they follow the condition of the mother; excepting anyone born from a foreigner and a Roman woman, for he is a foreigner from his birth, inasmuch as the Lex Mensia orders that a child sprung from a foreigner on either side shall follow the condition of his inferior parent.
9. The offspring of a Roman citizen and a Latin woman is a Latin from his birth, and that of a free man and a slave woman is a slave; for there being no conubium in these cases, the offspring follows the mother.
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