We are returning to Kensington Retirement Home on Dec. 19 to bring Chanuka Holiday Spirit to the residents.
- You are to prepare a source sheet with a partner using www.sefaria.org
- You must have sources on your source sheet from the sources below:
- At least 2-3 Laws from the Rambam’s Laws of Chanuka
- At least one part of either the Gemara or the Al Hanissim
- At least 1 paragraph from one of the articles on Chanuka
- This assignment will be graded in 3 stages:
- Tues. Nov. 29- Study and ‘pick’ 3 sources- and ask questions on each one (10 points)
- Tues. Dec. 6- Prepare and complete source sheet (10 points)
- Tues. Dec. 13- Deliver class presentation on source sheet (10 points)
- You will work with a partner for this source sheet, BUT you will receive an individual grade based on the work that you do in class.
Here are a list of sources:
- Laws of Chanuka:
b) History of Chanuka:
c) Meaning of Chanuka in 2016:
Other Chanuka Article from the internet (with my approval)