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Baal Shem Tov: When is Moshiach Coming?

Presented here is the famous letter the Baal Shem Tov wrote to his brother-in-law in the Holy Land, Rabbi Gershon of Kitov, in which he describes his encounter with the soul of the Mashiach, the latter giving him instructions as how to hasten his coming. This letter was first published in 1781 as an appendix to Ben Porat Yosef [p.128a] by Rabbi Yaakov Yosef of Polnoye, one of the Baal Shem Tov's chief disciples. Since then it has been republished many times in various books. This letter never reached its originally intended destination.

כתר שם טוב

העתק האגרת שכתב הרב הקדוש ר' ישראל בעש"ט זלה"ה לארץ הקדושה

בר"ה שנת תק"ז עשיתי השבעת עליית הנשמה כידוע לך, וראיתי דברים נפלאים במראה מה שלא ראיתי עד הנה מיום עמדי על דעתי, ואשר ראיתי ולמדתי <בעלותי> [בהעלות] לשם בלתי אפשרי לספר ולדבר אפי' פה אל פה, אך בחזירתי לג"ע התחתון וראיתי כמה נשמות החיים והמתים, הידועים לי ושאינם ידועים לי, בלי שיעור ומספר, ברצוא ושוב, לעלות מעולם לעולם דרך העמוד הידוע ליודעי חן, בשמחה רבה וגדולה אשר ילאה הפה לספר וכבד אוזן הגשמי משמוע, וגם רשעים רבים חזרו בתשובה ונמחל להם עונותיהם, באשר שהי' עת רצון גדול שגם בעיני יפלא מאד שכמה וכמה נתקבלו בתשובה, שגם אתה ידעת אותם, והיה ביניהם ג"כ שמחה רבה עד מאד ועלו ג"כ בעליות הנ"ל. וכולם כאחד בקשו ממני <והפצירו> [והרצו] בי עד בוש באמרם, לרום מעלת כבוד תורתך חננך ד' בבינה יתירה להשיג ולדעת מענינים האלה, עמנו תעלה להיות לנו לעזר ולסעד. ומחמת השמחה הגדולה שראיתי ביניהם, אמרתי לעלות עמהם. [וראיתי במראה כי הס"א עלה לקטרג בשמחה גדולה אשר לא היה כמוהו, ופעל פעולותיו גזירות שמד על כמה נפשות שיהרגו במיתות משונות, ואחזתני פלצות ומסרתי ממש נפשי], ובקשתי ממורי ורבי שלי שילך עמי, כי סכנה גדולה לילך ולעלות לעולמות העליונים, כי מיום היותי על עמדי לא עליתי בעליות גדולות כמוהו.

ועליתי מדריגה אחר מדריגה, עד שנכנסתי להיכל משיח ששם לומד משיח תורה עם כל התנאים והצדיקים וגם עם שבעה רועים, ושם ראיתי שמחה גדולה עד מאד, ואיני יודע לשמחה זו מה הוא עושה, והייתי סובר שהשמחה הזו ח"ו על פטירתי מהעוה"ז, והודיעו לי אח"כ שאיני נפטר עדיין כי הנאה להם למעלה כשאני מייחד יחודים למטה ע"י <תורתם> [תורותיהם] הקדושה, אבל מהות השמחה איני יודע עד היום הזה.

ושאלתי את פי משיח, אימת אתי מר, והשיב לי, בזאת תדע, בעת שיתפרסם למודך ויתגלה בעולם ויפוצו מעיינותיך חוצה מה שלמדתי אותך והשגת, ויוכלו גם המה לעשות יחודים ועליות כמוך, ואז יכלו כל הקליפות ויהיה עת רצון וישועה.

ותמהתי ע"ז, והי' לי צער גדול באריכות הזמן כל כך מתי זה אפשר להיות. אך ממה שלמדתי בהיותי שם שלשה דברים סגולות ושלשה שמות הקדושים, והם בנקל ללמוד ולפרש, ונתקרר דעתי, וחשבתי אפשר שעי"ז יוכלו גם אנשי גילי לבוא למדרגה ובחינה כמותי, דהיינו בהיותם יכולים לעליות נשמות וילמדו וישיגו כמו אני. ולא נתנה רשות כל ימי חיי לגלות זאת. ובקשתי עבורך ללמד אותך ולא הורשיתי כלל, ומושבע ועומד אני על זה.

אך זאת אני מודיעך והשם יהיה בעזרך לנכח ה' דרכך ואל יליזו, [ובפרט בארץ הקדושה], בעת תפלתך ולימודך וכל דיבור ודיבור ומוצא שפתיך תכוין לייחד שם, כי בכל אות ואות יש עולמות ונשמות ואלהות, ועולים ומתקשרים ומתייחדים זה עם זה, ואח"כ מתקשרים ומתייחדים האותיות <ונעשה> [ונעשים]תיבה ומתייחדים יחוד אמיתי באלהות, ותכלול נשמתך עמהם בכל בחינה ובחינה מהנ"ל, ומתייחדים כל העולמות כאחד ועולים, <ונעשה> [ונעשים] שמחה ותענוג גדול לאין שיעור, בהבינך בשמחת חתן וכלה בקטנות וגשמיות, וכ"ש במעלה העליונה כזאת. ובודאי ה' יהיה בעזרך ובכל אשר תפנה תצליח ותשכיל, תן לחכם ויחכם עוד.

To my beloved brother-in-law, my friend who is dear to me as my own heart and soul, the exalted rabbi and Chasid, renowned for his Torah scholarship and fear of Heaven, our master, Rabbi Avraham Gershon, may his light shine. Peace unto him and his family, his modest wife, Bluma, together with all their children; may they be blessed with life, amen, sela.

I received the letter written by your holy hand, which you sent by means of the emissary from Jerusalem, at the fair of Luka in the year 5510 (1750 c.e.). It was written with extreme brevity, explaining that you had already written at length to each of us individually and had sent those letters by means of a certain man en route to Egypt. However, the letters never arrived, and I was sorely grieved that I never saw the work of your holy hand which was written in greater detail. Assuredly this is due to the calamitous state of the many lands in which the plague has spread because of our many transgressions. Not far from our region the pestilence has reached the holy community of Mohilev, as well as Wallachia and Turkey.

[Your letter] also states that the Torah teachings and mystical revelations which I sent you through the rabbi and preacher of the holy community of Polonoye did not reach you; this, too, caused me great distress. It certainly would have given you great joy if they had reached you. I have since forgotten many [of those teachings]. However, the few details I still remember I will write to you in brief.

On Rosh Hashanah of the year 5507 (1746 cue.), I made a [Kabalistic] oath and elevated my soul in the manner known to you. I saw wondrous things in a vision, the like of which I had never witnessed since the day my mind first began to awaken. The things which I saw and learned when I ascended there would be impossible to communicate, even if I could speak to you in person. When I returned to the lower Garden of Eden, I saw many souls, both living and dead, some known to me and others unknown-their number was beyond reckoning. They were hastening to and fro in order to ascend from one world to another through the Column known to those initiated into the Mysteries. Their joy was too great for the mouth to express or the physical ear to hear. Also, many evil-doers were repenting, and their sins were being forgiven, since it was a special time of Divine favor. Even to me, it was amazing how many of them were accepted as penitents, a number of whom you also know. There was great joy among them, too, and they ascended in he same manner.

Together they begged and implored me unceasingly, “Because of the glory of your Torah, G_d has granted you an additional measure of understanding to grasp and to know these matters. Ascend with us so that you can be our help and support.”

Because of the great joy that I beheld among them, I agreed to go up with them… And I besought my master (Achiyah HaShiloni) to accompany me, for the ascent to the Supernal Worlds is fraught with danger. From the day of my birth until now, I never experienced such an ascent as this.

I went up from level to level until I entered the Palace of Moshiach, where Moshiach studies with the Tannaim and tzaddikim, as well as the Seven Shepherds. There I found extremely great rejoicing, but I did not know the cause of this delight. At first I thought that it might be due to my having passed away from the physical world, G_d forbid. Later they told me that I had not yet died, for they have great pleasure on high when I effect mystical unifications in the world below through their holy Torah. However, to this very day, the nature of their joy remains unknown to me.

I asked Moshiach, “When will you come, master?” And he replied, “By this you shall know: it will be a time when your teachings become publicized and revealed to the world, and your well-springs have overflowed to the outside. [It will be when] that which I have taught you-and that which you have perceived of your own efforts-become known, so that others, too, will be able to perform mystical unifications and ascents of the soul like you. Then all the evil klippos will be destroyed, and it will be a time of grace and salvation.”

I was amazed at this and greatly troubled, since a long time must pass for this to be possible. But while I was there I learned three segulos and three Holy Names which are easy to learn and explain. My mind was then set at ease, and I thought that with these teachings the people of my own generation might attain the same spiritual level and state as myself. They would be able to elevate their souls and to learn and perceive just as I do. However, I was not granted permission to reveal this during my lifetime. I pleaded for your sake to be allowed to teach you; but I was denied permission altogether and took an oath to that effect.

Yet this I can tell you, and may G_d assist you, that your way may pleasant to the Lord, and that you do not go astray (particularly in the Holy Land). Whenever you pray or study-and with every utterance your lips-intend to bring about the unification of a Divine Name. For every letter contains worlds and souls and G_dliness, and they ascend and combine and unite with one another. Then the letters combine and unite to form a word, and they are actually unified with the Divine essence-and in all these aspects, your soul is bound up with them. All [the worlds become unified as one, and they ascend and bring about great joy and delight without measure. Consider the joy of a bridegroom and bride in this lowly physical world, and you will realize how much greater is the joy on such a lofty spiritual level.

G_d will surely help you. Wherever you turn, you will succeed and become enlightened. “Give wisdom to the wise, and he will become wise all the more.” Please pray for my sake, that I might be privileged to dwell in G_d’s land during my lifetime; and pray for the remnant of our people who still remain in the Diaspora.

These are the words of your brother-in-law who longs to see you face-to-face, who prays that length of days be granted to you and your wife and children, and who wishes you peace “all your days-including the nights, for many good years, amen, sela.

Israel Baal Shem Tov of the Holy Community of Medzhibuzh

The Path of the Baal Shem Tov
By David Sears Jason Aronson Inc.

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