The second of the sefirot, following Keter, this sefira is characterized by the essence of giving and bestowal from the Creator to the created beings – or, in other words, the first level or phase of the supernal light, or direct light, that emanates from the essence of the Creator, which is characterized by the will to give and is also called the “light of wisdom” (each of the five main sefirot are often described as levels, with Keter serving as the “root” level (the zero point) and the next four sefirot representing levels one through four). It is called Ḥokhma, or Wisdom, because it emanates all the wisdoms in existence. Additionally, it represents the concept of the unbounded mind and intellect, undefined and unrestricted, of the as yet undefined first flash of awareness. This sefira is present at the head of every level and partzuf. Each of the five primary sefirot is parallel to one of the five worlds that form existence. The parallel world to this sefira is the world of Atzilut which is united with the Creator and has no limitations or boundaries. Each of the five primary sefirot is also parallel to one of the five partzufim. The partzuf that is parallel to this sefira is called Abba, or “Father.” Certain lower levels of existence are also referred to as the sefira of Ḥokhma. This is because they all share a basic characteristic: They are all derivatives of the first level of the supernal light, or the light of wisdom.