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16 Shabbat 10/3-6

(ג) המוציא בין בימינו בין בשמאלו, בתוך חיקו או על כתפו - חיב, שכן משא בני קהת. כלאחר ידו, ברגלו, בפיו ובמרפקו, באזנו ובשערו, ובפנדתו ופיה למטה, בין פנדתו לחלוקו, ובשפת חלוקו, במנעלו, בסנדלו - פטור, שלא הוציא כדרך המוציאין.

(ד) המתכון להוציא לפניו ובא לו לאחריו, פטור. לאחריו ובא לו לפניו, חיב. באמת אמרו: האשה החוגרת בסינר, בין מלפניה ובין מלאחריה - חיבת, שכן ראוי להיות חוזר. רבי יהודה אומר: אף מקבלי פתקין.

(ה) המוציא ככר לרשות הרבים, חיב. הוציאוהו שנים, פטורין. לא יכל אחד להוציאו והוציאוהו שנים, חיבים, ורבי שמעון פוטר. המוציא אכלין פחות מכשעור בכלי, פטור אף על הכלי, שהכלי טפלה לו. את החי במטה, פטור אף על המטה, שהמטה טפלה לו. את המת במטה, חיב. וכן כזית מן המת וכזית מן הנבלה וכעדשה מן השרץ - חיב, ורבי שמעון פוטר.

(ו) הנוטל צפרניו זו בזו, או בשניו, וכן שערו, וכן שפמו, וכן זקנו, וכן הגודלת, וכן הכוחלת, וכן הפוקסת - רבי אליעזר מחיב, וחכמים אוסרין משום שבות. התולש מעציץ נקוב - חיב, ושאינו נקוב - פטור. ורבי שמעון פוטר בזה ובזה.

(3) [If] one carries out [an object] either with his right hand or with his left hand, or in his lap, or on his shoulder, he is liable [the latter] being the carrying [method] of the Kehat family. But if one carries [an object] on the back of his hand, or with his foot, or in his mouth, or with his elbow, or in his ear, or in his hair, or in his belt facing downwards, or between his belt and his shirt, or in the hem of his shirt, or in his shoe, or in his sandal, he is exempt because he did not carry in the way people [usually] carry.

(4) [If] one intends to carry out [an object] in front of him and it gets behind him, he is exempt; [if he intends to carry it] behind him and it gets in front of him, he is liable. In truth they [the Sages] said: [If] a woman carries out something in her petticoat [underskirt] she is liable, whether [she carries it] in front of her or behind her since it is liable to shift. Rabbi Yehudah says: The same [applies to] letter-carriers.

(5) [If] one man carries a loaf into the public domain he is liable; if two carry it they are exempt. [If] one is not able to carry it [alone] and two carry it out, they are liable. But Rabbi Shimon exempts [them]. [If] one carries out foods [that are] less than the [prescribed] quantity in a vessel, he is exempt even for [carrying] the vessel since that [the vessel] is an accessory to it [the food]. [If one carries out] a living person on a bed he is exempt even for [carrying] the bed since that is an accessory to him [the person]. [If one carries out] a corpse on a bed he is liable. And similarly [if one carries out] an olive bulk's worth of a corpse, or an olive bulk's worth of a Nevelah [an improperly slaughtered animal of a permitted species], or a lentil size's worth of a creeping thing, he is liable. But Rabbi Shimon deems him exempts.

(6) [If] an individual pares his nails with his hand or with his teeth; or pulls his hair [from his head], or his mustache, or his beard; or [if a woman] braids her hair, or paints [her eyelids], or parts her hair Rabbi Eliezer deems [these individuals] liable. But the Sages prohibit these [actions as violating the doctrine of] Shevut [a rabbinic stricture aimed at enhancing Shabbat's quality as a day of rest] the Sabbath rest. [If] one plucks [part of a plant growing in] a perforated flowerpot he is liable; [but if the flowerpot] is not perforated he is exempt. Rabbi Shimon deems him exempt in either case.

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