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39 Eiruvin 2/4-6 & 3/1

(ד) רבי יהודה אומר: אם היתה דרך הרבים מפסקתן, יסלקנה לצדדין. וחכמים אומרים: אינו צריך. אחד בור הרבים ובאר הרבים ובאר היחיד - עושין להן פסין, אבל לבור היחיד עושין לו מחצה גבוהה עשרה טפחים, דברי רבי עקיבא. רבי יהודה בן בבא אומר: אין עושין פסין אלא לבאר הרבים בלבד, ולשאר עושין חגורה גבוהה עשרה טפחים.

(ה) ועוד אמר רבי יהודה בן בבא: הגנה והקרפף שהן שבעים אמה ושירים על שבעים אמה ושירים, מקפת גדר גבוה עשרה טפחים, מטלטלין בתוכה, ובלבד שיהא בה שומירה או בית דירה, או שתהא סמוכה לעיר. רבי יהודה אומר: אפלו אין בה אלא בור ושיח ומערה, מטלטלין בתוכה. רבי עקיבא אומר: אפלו אין בה אחת מכל אלו מטלטלין בתוכה, ובלבד שיהא בה שבעים אמה ושירים על שבעים אמה ושירים. רבי אליעזר אומר: אם היה ארכה יתר על רחבה אפלו אמה אחת, אין מטלטלין בתוכה. רבי יוסי אומר: אפלו ארכה פי שנים ברחבה, מטלטלין בתוכה.

(ו) אמר רבי אלעאי, שמעתי מרבי אליעזר: ואפלו היא כבית כור. וכן שמעתי ממנו: אנשי חצר ששכח אחד מהן ולא ערב, ביתו אסור מלהכניס ומלהוציא לו, אבל להם מתר. וכן שמעתי ממנו: שיוצאין בעקרבנין בפסח. וחזרתי על כל תלמידיו ובקשתי לי חבר, ולא מצאתי.

(4) Rabbi Yehuda said, "If a public thoroughfare intersects the pasin, one should move it to [one of] the sides." The sages say, "It is not necessary." It is the same [if it is a] public cistern or a public well or a private well, we [only need to] make pasin for them; but for a private cistern, we make a [full] mechitza [legal partition] of ten tefachim [a specific unit of length] - so says Rabbi Akiva. Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba says, "We can only make pasin for a public well, but for all others we [are required to] make a [full] partition ten tefachim high."

(5) Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba also said, "If a garden or karpef be seventy amot [specific unit of length] and a bit [long] by seventy amot and a bit [wide and] is encircled by a fence ten amot high, we [may] move [carry things] within it, but only if there is a guardbooth or dwelling within it, or if it is close to the town." Rabbi Yehuda said, "Even if there is nothing within it except a cistern or a ditch or a cave, we [may] move [carry things] within it." Rabbi Akiva says, "Even if there is not [even] one of all these [items] within it, we [may] move [carry things] within it, but only if it [is no more than] seventy amot and a bit [long] by seventy amot and a bit [wide]." Rabbi Eliezer said, "If its length exceeds its width by even a single amah, we do not move [carry things] within it [as it would be forbidden]." Rabbi Yose says, "Even if its length is twice its width, we [may] move [carry things] within it."

(6) Rabbi Elai said, "I heard from Rabbi Eliezer, 'Even [if a garden or a karpef is as large as] a beit kor [it is permitted to move things within it].' I also heard from him, 'If one of the householders of a courtyard had forgotten, and did not [participate in] the eruv [halachic merging of separate domains by means of setting aside an amount of food in a designated place], it is forbidden for him to carry any thing out of, or into, his house; but for them [the other residents of the courtyard] it is permitted [to do so].' I also heard from him, 'We [may] fulfill our obligation [to eat bitter herbs] on Passover with spleenwort.' And I searched among all his disciples and sought a companion [who had likewise heard him expound these positions], but I could not find [any one]."

(א) בכל מערבין ומשתתפים, חוץ מן המים ומן המלח. והכל נקח בכסף מעשר, חוץ מן המים ומן המלח. הנודר מן המזון, מתר במים ובמלח. מערבין לנזיר ביין ולישראל בתרומה. סומכוס אומר: בחלין. ולכהן בבית הפרס. רבי יהודה אומר: אפלו בבית הקברות, מפני שיכול לילך לחוץ ולאכול.

(1) We may use all [food and drink] to make an eruv [halachic merging of separate domains by means of setting aside an amount of food in a designated place] or a shituf [ the same as an eruv when connecting different alleys and streets], exception for water and except for salt. And all [food and drink] may be bought with money [that must be used on food or drink in place] of ma'aser [sheni] [the second tithe of produce, which must be taken to Jerusalem and consumed there], except for water and except for salt. Someone who has vowed [to abstain] from food is permitted [to partake] of water and salt. We [may] make an eruv for a nazir [a person who vows to avoid corpse impurity, refrain from cutting his hair and abstain from all grape products] with wine [even though he is prohibited from drinking it], and for a [common] Israelite with terumah [a portion of a crop given to a Kohen which becomes holy upon separation, and can only be consumed by Kohanim or their household][even though he is prohibited from eating it]. Sumchos said, "[We can only make an eruv for an Israelite] with chulin [produce or food permitted for general consumption]." And [we may place the eruv] of a Kohen [member of priestly caste, subgroup of tribe of Levi, uniquely responsible for maintaining and carrying out the sacrificial services in the Temple] in a Beit Haperas [a field in which a grave has been plowed over]. Rabbi Yose says, "[We can] even [place it] in a graveyard, because he [the Kohen] may go outside [the graveyard] and eat [it]."

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