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45 Eiruvin 5/2-5

(ב) נותנין קרפף לעיר, דברי רבי מאיר. וחכמים אומרים: לא אמרו קרפף, אלא בין שתי עירות, אם יש לזו שבעים אמה ושירים, ולזו שבעים אמה ושירים, עושה קרפף לשתיהן להיותן כאחת.

(ג) וכן שלשה כפרים המשלשין: אם יש בין שנים החיצונים מאה וארבעים ואחד ושליש, עשה אמצעי את שלשתן להיותן כאחד.

(ד) אין מודדין אלא בחבל של חמשים אמה, לא פחות ולא יותר. ולא ימדוד אלא כנגד לבו. היה מודד והגיע לגיא או לגדר, מבליעו וחוזר למדתו. (הגיע להר, מבליעו וחוזר למדתו), ובלבד שלא יצא חוץ לתחום. אם אינו יכול להבליעו - בזו אמר רבי דוסתאי בר רבי ינאי משום רבי מאיר: שמעתי שמקדרין בהרים.

(ה) אין מודדין אלא מן הממחה. רבה למקום אחד ומעט למקום אחר, שומעין למקום שרבה. רבה לאחד ומעט לאחר, שומעין למרבה. אפלו עבד, אפלו שפחה, נאמנין לומר: עד כאן תחום שבת, שלא אמרו חכמים את הדבר להחמיר אלא להקל.

(2) We give [an allowance for] a karpef [an enclosed area outside of a town or village] to [extend the boundaries of] a town - so says Rabbi Meir. But the Sages say, "[The Rabbis] didn't say [that there is an allowance for a] karpef except [when it would be] between two towns; if the one has [up to] seventy and a fraction amot [a specific unit of length] outside of it and the other one [also] has [up to] seventy and a fraction amot outside of it [such that there is one hundred and forty one and a third amot from the end of one town to the other; in that case] one makes [the allowance of] a karpef for both of them, so that they become as one."

(3) And so too, if three villages form a triangle, and the two outer ones have one hundred and forty one and a third amot between them, the [third] one between them [makes] the three of them become as one.

(4) They are not to measure [the techum - the area around an individual or community within which it is permissible to carry on Shabbat], except with a rope [exactly] fifty amot, not shorter and not longer; and he [who measures] must not measure except from in front of his heart [his chest]. If he was measuring and reached a valley or [an obstruction], he incorporates it [by measuring above it in a straight line] and resumes his [standard procedure of] measurement; if he reached a mountain, he incorporates it [by measuring above it in a straight line] and resumes his [standard procedure of] measurement, so long as he does not step out of the techum [in doing so]. If he cannot incorporate it [by measuring above it in a straight line because it is too high], Rabbi Dostai bar Yannai said of such [a circumstance] in the name of Rabbi Meir, "I have heard that they [who measure] cut straight through mountains."

(5) We don't measure except [by using] an expert [surveyor. If the techum has been measured] farther in one place, and closer in another, we follow the farther [measurement]. If one [surveyor has measured the limit] farther and another [has measured it] closer, we follow the farther [measurement]. Even a slave or a maidservant is [considered] reliable [if either] say, "Until here is the techum of Shabbat;" for the Rabbis did not say the matter [the laws of techumim] to be strict but [rather] to be lenient.

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