(א) הדר עם הנכרי בחצר, או עם מי שאינו מודה בערוב, הרי זה אוסר עליו (דברי רבי מאיר). רבי אליעזר בן יעקב אומר: לעולם אינו אוסר, עד שיהו שני ישראלים אוסרין זה על זה.
(ב) אמר רבן גמליאל: מעשה בצדוקי אחד שהיה דר עמנו במבוי בירושלים, ואמר לנו אבא: מהרו והוציאו את הכלים למבוי עד שלא יוציא ויאסור עליכם. רבי יהודה אומר בלשון אחר: מהרו ועשו צרכיכם במבוי עד שלא יוציא ויאסור עליכם.
(ג) אנשי חצר ששכח אחד מהן ולא ערב, ביתו אסור מלהכניס ומלהוציא לו ולהם, ושלהם מתרין לו ולהם. נתנו לו רשותן - הוא מתר והן אסורין. היו שנים, אוסרין זה על זה, שאחד נותן רשות ונוטל רשות, שנים נותנים רשות, ואין נוטלין רשות.
(ד) מאימתי נותנין רשות, בית שמאי אומרים: מבעוד יום, ובית הלל אומרים: משחשכה. מי שנתן רשותו והוציא, בין בשוגג בין במזיד, הרי זה אוסר, דברי רבי מאיר. רבי יהודה אומר: במזיד אוסר, בשוגג אינו אוסר.
(1) Someone who dwells [together] in a courtyard with a gentile, or with someone who does not acknowledge [the validity of] an eruv [the halachic merging of separate domains by means of setting aside an amount of food in a designated place], behold [the residence there of] such [an individual] forbids hims [from carrying there] - so says Rabbi Meir. Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaacov says, "[Truly such an individual's residence] does not forbid him, until there are [also] two Israelites [the residence of which] forbid each other."
(2) Said Rabban Gamliel, "It happened that a Sadducee dwelt with us in a mavoy [an alleyway onto which courtyards open] in Jerusalem; and father said to us [on the Shabbat eve], 'Hurry and take out all the vessels into the mavoy, before [the Sadducee] brings out [his], and [by so doing] forbids it to you [to carry there].'" Rabbi Yehudah says [it] with a variation in the language: "Hurry and do [take care of] your needs in the mavoy, before [the Sadducee] brings out [his vessels], and [by so doing] forbids it to you [to carry there].'"
(3) If one of the householders of a courtyard forget, and not join in the eruv, it is forbidden for him and for them [the other residents of the courtyard] to carry into or out of his home; but their [homes] are permissible for him and for them [to carry into and out of]; if they [the other residents] gave him their [rights to the courtyard], he is permitted [to carry in and out of it], but they are forbidden [to do so]. If there were two [householders who have neglected to join in the eruv], they [by so doing] forbid each other [from carrying to and from their homes], since one [individual] can give [his rights to the courtyard], and can acquire [the rights of others to the courtyard]; but two [though they can jointly] give [their rights], cannot [jointly] acquire [the rights of others to the use of the courtyard].
(4) [Until] when may we give [our rights to the courtyard]? Beit Shammai says, "While it is still day [before the onset of Shabbat]." But Beit Hillel says, "[Even] from dusk." He who gives his [rights to the courtyard], and [afterwards] carries out [into or from the courtyard], whether inadvertently or intentionally, behold [by so doing] he forbids [the other residents of the courtyard from carrying into or out of it] - so says Rabbi Meir. Rabbi Yehuda says, "[If he does it] intentionally, he forbids [it for them]; inadvertently, he does not forbid [it]."