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48 Eiruvin 6/5-8

(ה) בעל הבית שהיה שתף לשכנים, לזה ביין ולזה ביין, אינם צריכים לערב. לזה ביין ולזה בשמן, צריכים לערב. רבי שמעון אומר: אחד זה ואחד זה, אינם צריכים לערב.

(ו) חמש חבורות ששבתו בטרקלין אחד, בית שמאי אומרים: ערוב לכל חבורה וחבורה, ובית הלל אומרים: ערוב אחד לכלן. ומודים, בזמן שמקצתן שרויין בחדרים או בעליות, שהן צריכין ערוב לכל חבורה וחבורה.

(ז) האחין השתפין שהיו אוכלין על שלחן אביהם וישנים בבתיהם, צריכין ערוב לכל אחד ואחד. לפיכך, אם שכח אחד מהם ולא ערב, מבטל את רשותו. אימתי, בזמן שמוליכין ערובן במקום אחר, אבל אם היה ערוב בא אצלן, או שאין עמהן דיורין בחצר, אינן צריכין לערב.

(ח) חמש חצרות פתוחות זו לזו ופתוחות למבוי - ערבו בחצרות ולא נשתתפו במבוי, מתרין בחצרות ואסורין במבוי. ואם נשתתפו במבוי, מתרין כאן וכאן. ערבו בחצרות ונשתתפו במבוי, ושכח אחד מבני חצר ולא ערב, מתרין כאן וכאן. מבני מבוי ולא נשתתף, מתרין בחצרות ואסורין במבוי, שהמבוי לחצרות כחצר לבתים.

(5) If a householder was a partner in [one cask of] wine with two of his neighbors [residing in the same mavoy], they are not required to make an eruv [technically, a shituf, which is its equivalent, in order to carry into the mavoy]; if he is [a partner] with one in wine, and with one in oil, they are required to make an eruv. Rabbi Shimon says, "In the one [case] as in the other, they do not require an eruv."

(6) If five [different] groups took their Shabbat-rest in one chamber [large hall], Beit Shammai says, "A [separate] eruv should be made for each and every group." But Beit Hillel says, "One eruv [is sufficient] for [them] all." And [Beit Hillel] concedes, that when some of these groups occupy distinct rooms, or attics, [then] they require a [separate] eruv for each and every group.

(7) If brothers or partners eat at their father's [or at one] table, but [each] sleep in their [separate] homes [in the same courtyard], they are each and every one required to [individually participate in the] eruv. Therefore, if one of them forgot, and did not [participate in the] eruv, he [should] nullify his [rights to the common courtyard]. When [is this the case?] When they place their eruv in another place; but if the eruv has come to [have been placed with] them, or if there are no other dwellings in the courtyard, they need not [participate in or] make an eruv.

(8) If five courtyards open into one another, and [also] open into the mavoy, if they [the householders therein] made eruvin for the courtyards, but did not make a shituf [an eruv used to join together alleys and streets] for the mavoy, they are permitted [to carry to and from] the courtyards, but are prohibited [to do so] in the mavoy; but if they made a shituf in the mavoy, they are permitted in both [the courtyards and the mavoy]. If they made an eruv for the courtyards and a shituf for the mavoy, if one of the householders of the courtyards forgot and did not participate in the eruv, they are [nevertheless] permitted [to carry] in both [the courtyards and the mavoy]; if one of the householders of the mavoy forgot to participate in the shituf, they are permitted [to carry] in the courtyards, but are forbidden [to do so] in the mavoy, since the mavoy is [in the same relation] to the courtyards, as the courtyards [are] to the homes [within them].

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