52 Eiruvin 7/11 & 8/1-3

(יא) נותן אדם מעה לחנוני ולנחתום כדי שיזכה לו ערוב, דברי רבי אליעזר. וחכמים אומרים: לא זכו לו מעותיו. ומודים בשאר כל אדם שזכו לו מעותיו, שאין מערבין לאדם אלא מדעתו. אמר רבי יהודה: במה דברים אמורים, בערובי תחומין, אבל בערובי חצרות מערבין לדעתו ושלא לדעתו, לפי שזכין לאדם שלא בפניו, ואין חבין לאדם שלא בפניו.

(11) A man may give [money] to a storekeeper or baker, in order that [the latter] acquire him rights in the eruv - so says Rabbi Eliezer. But the Sages say, "His money did not acquire him rights [in the eruv]." But they concede that [if he has given] his money to any other person [to be his agent], it will acquire for him rights [in the eruv; though in the case of a shopkeeper or baker it will not be effective] since we cannot [participate in] an eruv for [another] man without his knowledge. Rabbi Yehuda said, "To what does this [preceding law] apply? In eruvin of techumim [areas around individuals or communities within which it is permissible to travel on Shabbat]; but in eruvin of courtyards, we may [participate in] an eruv [for another man] with his knowledge or without his knowledge; since we may confer rights on a man not in his presence, whereas, we may not confer obligations on a man not in his presence"

(א) כיצד משתתפין בתחומין, מניח את החבית ואומר: הרי זה לכל בני עירי, לכל מי שילך לבית האבל או לבית המשתה. וכל שקבל עליו מבעוד יום - מתר. משתחשך - אסור, שאין מערבין משתחשך.

(ב) כמה הוא שעורו, מזון שתי סעודות לכל אחד. מזונו לחל ולא לשבת, דברי רבי מאיר. רבי יהודה אומר: לשבת ולא לחל. וזה וזה מתכונין להקל. רבי יוחנן בן ברוקה אומר: מככר בפנדיון מארבע סאין בסלע. רבי שמעון אומר: שתי ידות לככר משלש לקב. חציה לבית המנגע, וחצי חציה לפסול את הגויה.

(ג) אנשי חצר ואנשי מרפסת ששכחו ולא ערבו, כל שגבוה עשרה טפחים - למרפסת. פחות מכאן - לחצר. חלית הבור והסלע, גבוהים עשרה טפחים - למרפסת, פחות מכאן - לחצר. במה דברים אמורים, בסמוכה. אבל במפלגת, אפלו גבוהה עשרה טפחים - לחצר. ואיזו היא סמוכה, כל שאינה רחוקה ארבעה טפחים.

(1) How are techumin [the area around a person or community within which it is permissible to travel on Shabbat] to be combined? A man places a cask [of wine, oil or food], and says, "Behold this is for all my townsmen, for all who go to the house of mourning, or to the house of feasting." Whoever accepted upon himself [to make use of this and carry in the combined techumim] while it is yet day [before Shabbat], is permitted [to carry in the enlarged area; but if he does so ] after dark, he is forbidden [from doing so], because one cannot create an eruv [halachic merging of separate domains by means of setting aside an amount of food in a designated place] after dark.

(2) How much is its legal quantity [of food required to effect the combination of techumim]? Food for two meals for every one [who participates], for weekday meals, but not for Shabbat meals – so says Rabbi Meir. Rabbi Yehuda says, “For Shabbat meals, but not for weekday meals;” and both intend to render lenient decisions. Rabbi Yochanan ben Beroka says, “[It is sufficient to effect the combination if each person has] a loaf [that is sold] for a fundyon [a specific amount of money], when the price of four se'in [a specific unit of volume] of flour is one sela [a specific amount of money].” Rabbi Shimon says, “two-thirds of a loaf [such as is produced when making] three [loaves] with one kav [a specific unit of volume] of flour. [The time it takes to eat] half [of such a loaf is the time that it takes for someone’s clothes to become impure] in a leprous house; and [impure food that is] the half of a half [of the quantity needed to make such a loaf will suffice] to make the body [of a priest] unfit [for the consumption of terumah – a portion of a crop given to a Kohen which becomes holy upon separation, and can only be consumed by Kohanim or their household].”

(3) If the [other] inhabitants of a courtyard and the inhabitants of a gallery [in the courtyard] forgot to make an eruv [the halachic merging of separate domains by means of setting aside an amount of food in a designated place], whatever is above ten tefachim high [from the ground] is considered as belonging to the gallery; and whatever is less than ten tefachim high [from the ground] is considered as belonging to the courtyard. [If either] the ring of [dirt surrounding] a cistern, or a stone [be] ten tefachim high, [it belongs] to the gallery; [but if] less than this [it belongs] to the courtyard. When is this the case [that the ring or stone can be considered as belonging to the gallery]? When [the ring or stone is] close [to the gallery], but if [they are] separated, even though it is ten tefachim high, [it belongs] to the courtyard. What is [considered as] close? Whatever is less distant than four tefachim.