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55 Eiruvin 9/1-4

(א) כל גגות העיר רשות אחת, ובלבד שלא יהא גג גבוה עשרה או נמוך עשרה, דברי רבי מאיר. וחכמים אומרים: כל אחד ואחד רשות בפני עצמו. רבי שמעון אומר: אחד גגות ואחד חצרות ואחד קרפיפות - רשות אחת לכלים ששבתו לתוכן, ולא לכלים ששבתו בתוך הבית.

(ב) גג גדול סמוך לקטן - הגדול מתר והקטן אסור. חצר גדולה שנפרצה לקטנה - הגדולה מתרת והקטנה אסורה, מפני שהיא כפתחה של גדולה. חצר שנפרצה לרשות הרבים - המכניס מתוכה לרשות היחיד או מרשות היחיד לתוכה, חיב, דברי רבי אליעזר. וחכמים אומרים: מתוכה לרשות הרבים, או מרשות הרבים לתוכה - פטור, מפני שהיא ככרמלית.

(ג) חצר שנפרצה לרשות הרבים משתי רוחותיה, וכן בית שנפרץ משתי רוחותיו, וכן מבוי שנטלו קורותיו או לחייו - מתרין באותה שבת ואסורין לעתיד לבוא, דברי רבי יהודה. רבי יוסי אומר: אם מתרין לאותה שבת, מתרין לעתיד לבוא, ואם אסורין לעתיד לבוא, אסורין לאותה שבת.

(ד) הבונה עליה על גבי שני בתים, וכן גשרים המפלשים, מטלטלין תחתיהן בשבת, דברי רבי יהודה. וחכמים אוסרין. ועוד אמר רבי יהודה: מערבין למבוי המפלש. וחכמים אוסרין.

(1) All the roofs of a town [form] one domain, so long as there isn't a roof, ten [tefachim - a specific unit of length] higher or ten [tefachim] lower [than the rest] - so says Rabbi Meir. But the Sages say, "Each and every [roof] is a domain by itself." Rabbi Shimon says, "Roofs, as well as courtyards as well as karpefot [enclosed areas outside of a town or village] are [considered] one domain for [the carrying of] all [such] utensils [as were actually] therein [when] the Shabbat [began], but not for those utensils [which were] in the house [when] the Shabbat [began]."

(2) If a large roof adjoins onto a small one, the large [roof] is permitted [to carry from it to the house and from the house to it], but the small [roof] is prohibited [to do so]; if a large courtyard is breached [and now opens] onto a small one,[the residents of] the large [courtyard] are permitted [to continue carrying to and from the courtyard], but [the residents of] the small [courtyard] are prohibited [to do so], because it [the breach] is considered as an opening [doorway] to the large [courtyard or roof]. If a courtyard is breached [and now opens] onto the public domain, one who carries from [the courtyard] into a private domain, or from a private domain into [the courtyard] is guilty [of violating a Torah prohibition] - so says Rabbi Eliezer. But the Sages say, "[One who carries] from [the courtyard] into the public domain, or from the public domain into [the courtyard] is absolved [from having violated a Torah prohibition]; since [now as a result of the breach] the courtyard is like a karmelit [A rabbinically-defined domain which is neither a Biblically-defined public or private domain, in which and into which it is forbidden to carry on Shabbat]."

(3) If a courtyard is breached [on Shabbat and now opens onto the public domain] on two sides; or also if a house is breached [on Shabbat and now opens onto the public domain] on two sides; or also the entrance of a mavoy [an alleyway onto which courtyards open], the beams and lechayayim [A vertical strip at the side of an entrance to a mavoy which permits carrying on Shabbat in the mavoy] of which have been removed [and so remove the separation between it and the public domain], it is permitted [to continue carrying to and from these places] on that [particular] Shabbat; but it is prohibited [to do so] for the future, [on any subsequent Shabbat] - so says Rabbi Yehuda. But Rabbi Yose says, "If they are permitted on that [particular] Sabbath, they are [also] permitted for the future; and if they are prohibited for the future, they are also prohibited on that [particular] Sabbath."

(4) One who builds an attic over two houses [situated across from each other]; or also bridges which are open at both ends, we may carry under them on Shabbat - so says Rabbi Yehuda. But the Sages forbid it. And Rabbi Yehuda further said, "We can make an eruv [the halachic merging of separate domains by means of setting aside an amount of food in a designated place] in a mavoy that is open at both ends." But the Sages forbid it.

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