Save "62 Pesachim/3-6
62 Pesachim/3-6

(ג) נכרי שהלוה את ישראל על חמצו - אחר הפסח מתר בהנאה. וישראל שהלוה את הנכרי על חמצו - אחר הפסח אסור בהנאה. חמץ שנפלה עליו מפלת, הרי הוא כמבער. רבן גמליאל אומר: כל שאין הכלב יכול לחפש אחריו.

(ד) האוכל תרומת חמץ בפסח בשוגג - משלם קרן וחמש. במזיד - פטור מתשלומים ומדמי עצים.

(ה) אלו דברים שאדם יוצא בהן ידי חובתו בפסח: בחטים, בשעורים, בכסמין ובשיפון ובשבלת שועל. ויוצאין בדמאי, ובמעשר ראשון שנטלה תרומתו, ובמעשר שני והקדש שנפדו, והכהנים בחלה ובתרומה. אבל לא בטבל, ולא במעשר ראשון שלא נטלה תרומתו, ולא במעשר שני והקדש שלא נפדו. חלות תודה ורקיקי נזיר - עשאן לעצמו, אין יוצאין בהן. עשאן למכור בשוק, יוצאין בהן.

(ו) ואלו ירקות שאדם יוצא בהן ידי חובתו בפסח: בחזרת ובעלשין ובתמכא ובחרחבינא ובמרור. יוצאין בהן בין לחין בין יבשין, אבל לא כבושין ולא שלוקין ולא מבשלין. ומצטרפין לכזית. ויוצאין בקלח שלהן, ובדמאי, ובמעשר ראשון שנטלה תרומתו, ובמעשר שני והקדש שנפדו.

(3) If a gentile lent money to an Israelite upon [the security] of [the latter's] chamets [and he defaults on the loan], it is permitted to benefit from it after Pesach; but when an Israelite has lent money to a gentile upon [the security] of [the latter's] chamets [and he defaults on the loan], it is forbidden to benefit from it after Pesach; If chamets has been covered by fallen ruins, behold it is as if it is destroyed; Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says, "Only when [it is so covered that] a dog cannot search for it."

(4) [A common Israelite] who eats terumah [a portion of a crop given to a Kohen which becomes holy upon separation, and can only be consumed by Kohanim or their household] that is chamets on Pesach, [if it be] through error, he must pay the principal, and the fifth part [in addition]; but if [he did it] willfully, he is exempt from payments, and [even of paying] for the value of the wood [if the chamets were to have been used for fuel in the place of wood].

(5) These are the [grains] with which a person may discharge his [obligation to eat matsa] on Pesach: with wheat, with barley, with spelt, and with rye, and with oats. We may discharge [our obligation] with demai‎ [produce from which it is uncertain whether tithes were already taken], and with ma'aser rishon [the first tithe of produce, which must be given to the Levi] from which terumah has been taken; and with ma'aser sheni [the second tithe of produce, which must be taken to Jerusalem and consumed there] and hekdesh [property, living or inanimate, devoted by its owner for sacred purposes, by which action he ceases to be its owner] which have been redeemed; and for Kohanim [members of the priestly caste, a subgroup of tribe of Levi, which is uniquely responsible for maintaining and carrying out the sacrificial services in the Temple] with challah [a portion of a batch of bread dough given to a Kohen which becomes holy upon separation, and can only be consumed by Kohanim or their household], and with terumah. But [we may] not [discharge our obligation] with tevel [produce from which the various tithes have not yet been separated]; and not with ma'aser rishon, from which terumah has not been taken; or with ma'aser sheni and hekdesh which have not been redeemed; and not with the loaves of a thank-offering, and the thin cakes of the offering of a nazir [a person who vows to avoid corpse impurity, refrain from cutting his hair and abstain from all grape products], if one had made them for his own use; if [however] he had made them to sell in the market, we may discharge [our obligation] with them.

(6) These are the vegetables with which a person discharges his [obligation to eat bitter herbs] on Pesach: with lettuce, and with wild endive, and with garden endive, and with ‏field eryngo, and with bitter coriander; we may discharge [our obligation] with them whether they are fresh or dried, but not [if they are] pickled, boiled, or cooked. [These different vegetables] may combine [together] to [make up the required size of] a kazayit [a specific measure of volume]; and we may discharge [our obligation] with their stalks; and with demai‎, and with ma'aser rishon from which terumah has been taken; and with ma'aser sheni and hekdesh which have been redeemed.

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