64 Pesachim 3/3-6

(ג) כיצד מפרישין חלה בטמאה ביום טוב, רבי אליעזר אומר: לא תקרא לה שם עד שתאפה. רבי יהודה בן בתירא אומר: תטיל בצונן. אמר רבי יהושע: לא זה הוא חמץ שמזהרים עליו בבל יראה ובבל ימצא, אלא מפרשתה ומניחתה עד הערב, ואם החמיצה, החמיצה.

(ד) רבן גמליאל אומר: שלש נשים לשות כאחת ואופות בתנור אחד זו אחר זו. וחכמים אומרים: שלש נשים עוסקות בבצק, אחת לשה ואחת עורכת ואחת אופה. רבי עקיבא אומר: לא כל הנשים ולא כל העצים ולא כל התנורים שוין. זה הכלל: תפח, תלטוש בצונן.

(ה) שאור ישרף, והאוכלו פטור. סדוק ישרף, והאוכלו חיב כרת. איזהו שאור, כקרני חגבים. סדוק, שנתערבו סדקיו זה בזה, דברי רבי יהודה. וחכמים אומרים: זה וזה האוכלו חיב כרת. ואיזהו שאור, כל שהכסיפו פניו כאדם שעמדו שערותיו.

(ו) ארבעה עשר שחל להיות בשבת מבערים את הכל מלפני השבת, דברי רבי מאיר. וחכמים אומרים: בזמנן. רבי אלעזר בר צדוק אומר: תרומה מלפני השבת וחלין בזמנן.

(3) How can we separate challah [a portion of a batch of bread dough given to a Kohen which becomes holy upon separation, and can only be consumed by Kohanim or their household] that is in [a state of] impurity [and so cannot be baked and will likely become chamets] on Pesach? Rabbi Eliezer says, "One should not give it a name [to consider it as challah] until after it has been baked;" Rabbi Yehuda ben Betera says, "One should take it [to separate it] in cold [water];" Rabbi Yehoshuah says, "This is not the chamets that we are admonished about with [the prohibition of], '[it] shall not be seen and [it] shall not be found;' rather one separates it and leaves it until the evening, and if it becomes leavened, it becomes leavened [and he need not be concerned].

(4) Rabban Gamliel says, "Three women may knead [their dough] at once, and bake it in the same oven, one after the other [on Pesach]." But the Sages say, "Three women may occupy themselves with their dough [at once, but in the following manner:] one kneads [it], one fashions [it] and one bakes [it];" Rabbi Akiva says, "Not all women, and not all wood, and not all ovens are the same. This is the general rule: if [the dough] becomes inflated, she pounds [it] with cold [water]."

(5) If [dough begins to become] leavened, it must be burned; but the one who eats it is exempt [from karet]. If [it] becomes cracked, it must be burned, and the one who eats it is obligated [to undergo] karet. What [dough] is [considered as commencing to become] leavened? [When it shows small cracks standing apart] like the horns [antennae] of locusts. [What is considered] cracked? When the cracks cross each other - these are the words of Rabbi Yehuda. But the Sages say, "Whoever eats either is obligated [to undergo] karet." What [dough] is [considered as commencing to become] leavened? When its surface has become [pale], like [the face of] a person whose hair stands on end [through fright].

(6) When the fourteenth [of Nissan] comes out on Shabbat, we must destroy all [chamets] before Shabbat - so says Rabbi Meir. But the Sages say, "[We destroy it at its [usual] time."; Rabbi Eliezer ben Tsadok says, "Terumah [a portion of a crop given to a Kohen which becomes holy upon separation, and can only be consumed by Kohanim or their household] before Shabbat, and chulin [produce, animals,or food permitted for general consumption] at its [usual] time."