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65 Pesachim 3/7-8 & 4/1-2

(ז) ההולך לשחוט את פסחו, ולמול את בנו, ולאכול סעודת ארוסין בבית חמיו, ונזכר שיש לו חמץ בתוך ביתו - אם יכול לחזור ולבער ולחזור למצותו, יחזור ויבער. ואם לאו - מבטלו בלבו. להציל מן הגיס, ומן הנהר, ומן הלסטים, ומן הדלקה, ומן המפלת - יבטל בלבו. ולשבות שביתת הרשות - יחזור מיד.

(ח) וכן מי שיצא מירושלים ונזכר שיש בידו בשר קדש, אם עבר צופים - שורפו במקומו, ואם לאו - חוזר ושורפו לפני הבירה מעצי המערכה. ועד כמה הן חוזרין, רבי מאיר אומר: זה וזה בכביצה. רבי יהודה אומר: זה וזה בכזית. וחכמים אומרים: בשר קדש בכזית, וחמץ בכביצה.

(7) If one is walking to go and slaughter his Pesach sacrifice, [or] to circumcise his son, [or] to attend a betrothal meal at the home of his father-in-law, and he remembers that he has chamets in his home; if he can return, destroy [it], and return to his mitzva, he should return and destroy [it]; and if not, he must annul it in his heart. [If one is walking to go and] save [people] from armed foes, or from the [flooding of a] river, or from robbers, or from fire, or from the collapse of ruined buildings, he must annul [the chamets] in his heart; and if [he is walking to go and] set up his optional Shabbat rest [so as to allow for himself a different area within which he may walk on Shabbat], he must return immediately [to destroy his chamets.

(8) And so too, one who went out of Jerusalem and remembered that he is carrying meat that is holy [consecrated]; if he has passed [Mt.] Scopus, he must burn it on the spot; and if not, he must return and burn it in front of the castle [the Temple], with wood from the arrangement [set up for the altar]. For up to how much must one return? Rabbi Meir says, "For a kebeitsah [a specific unit of volume] in both cases [of chamets and of holy meat]." Rabbi Yehuda says, For a kazayit in both cases." But the Sages say, "[In the case of] holy meat, for a kazayit and [in the case of] chamets, for a kebeitsah."

(א) מקום שנהגו לעשות מלאכה בערבי פסחים עד חצות - עושין, מקום שנהגו שלא לעשות - אין עושין. ההולך ממקום שעושין למקום שאין עושין, או ממקום שאין עושין למקום שעושין, נותנין עליו חמרי מקום שיצא משם וחמרי מקום שהלך לשם. ואל ישנה אדם, מפני המחלקת.

(ב) כיוצא בו: המוליך פרות שביעית

ממקום שכלו למקום שלא כלו, או ממקום שלא כלו למקום שכלו - חיב לבער. רבי יהודה אומר: אומרים לו, צא והבא לך אף אתה.

(1) [In] a place where [the inhabitants] were accustomed to do work on the eve of Pesach until noon, we may do [so]; [in] a place where [the inhabitants] were accustomed not to do [so], we may not do [so]. One who goes from a place where they do [work], to a place where they do not do [work], or from a place where they do not do [work] to a place where they do [work], we place upon him the stringencies of the place he came from, [or] the stringencies of the place that he went to. And a man should not deviate [from the established customs of a place], on account of [the] disagreement [to which such conduct may lead].

(2) Similarly to this, one who brings fruits of the sabbatical year, from a place where [these type of fruit] have ceased [to be found in the fields], to a place where they have not [yet] ceased, or form a place where they have not [yet] ceased [to be found in the fields] to a place where they have ceased, he is obligated to destroy [them]. Rabbi Yehuda says, "We say to [such a person], 'You too, [just see if you can] go out and bring yourself [similar fruit from the field]!'"

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