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71 Pesachim 6/4-6 & 7/1

(ד) חגיגה היתה באה מן הצאן, מן הבקר, מן הכבשים ומן העזים, מן הזכרים ומן הנקבות. ונאכלת לשני ימים ולילה אחד.

(ה) הפסח ששחטו שלא לשמו בשבת - חיב עליו חטאת. ושאר כל הזבחים ששחטן לשם פסח, אם אינן ראויין - חיב, ואם ראויין הן - רבי אליעזר מחיב חטאת, ורבי יהושע פוטר. אמר רבי אליעזר: מה אם הפסח שהוא מתר לשמו, כששנה את שמו, חיב, זבחים שהן אסורין לשמן, כששנה את שמן, אינו דין שיהא חיב? אמר לו רבי יהושע: לא, אם אמרת בפסח ששנהו לדבר אסור, תאמר בזבחים ששנן לדבר המתר? אמר לו רבי אליעזר: אמורי צבור יוכיחו, שהן מתרין לשמן, והשוחט לשמן, חיב. אמר לו רבי יהושע: לא, אם אמרת באמורי צבור שיש להן קצבה, תאמר בפסח שאין לו קצבה? רבי מאיר אומר: אף השוחט לשם אמורי צבור - פטור.

(ו) שחטו שלא לאוכליו ושלא למנוייו, לערלין ולטמאין - חיב. לאוכליו ושלא לאוכליו, למנוייו ושלא למנוייו, למולין ולערלין, לטהורים ולטמאים - פטור. שחטו ונמצא בעל מום - חיב. שחטו ונמצא טרפה בסתר - פטור. שחטו ונודע שמשכו הבעלים את ידם, או שמתו או שנטמאו - פטור, מפני ששחט ברשות.

(4) The chagigah may come from the flock [of sheep], from the cattle, from the lambs, or from the goats; from the males or from the females; and it may be eaten [through the duration of] two days and one night.

(5) If one slaughtered a Pesach sacrifice [on the eve of Pesach] without specific intention for it, on Shabbat; he is obligated [to sacrifice] a chatat [an offering brought to expiate sin]. If he slaughtered any other sacrifices with the intention that they be a Pesach sacrifice; if the [animals] are not fit [for the requirements of a Pesach sacrifice], he is obligated; but if they are fit, Rabbi Eliezer obligates [him], but Rabbi Yehoshua exempts [him]. Said Rabbi Eliezer, "If concerning the Pesach sacrifice which, with specific intention for it, is permitted [to slaughter on Shabbat], one who has changed the name [intention of what sacrifice it should be], is deemed to be obligated; does it not follow logically that when he had changed the names of other sacrifices, which are prohibited [to be slaughtered on Shabbat even] with specific intention for them, that he would, a fortiori, be guilty?" Rabbi Yehoshua said [back] to him, "No, can you [apply what is affirmed in respect to] the Pesach sacrifice, when its name was changed to that which is forbidden [on Shabbat], to other sacrifices where the name has been changed to what is permitted?" Rabbi Eliezer said [back] to him, "The public [offerings] will determine [this case,] for they are permitted on Shabbat with specific intention for them; and [yet] if one slaughters [other offerings] with the specific intention for it [to be such a sacrifice], he is guilty." Rabbi Yehoshua said [back] to him, "No, can you [apply what is affirmed in respect to] the public [offerings], which have a determinate number, to the Pesach sacrifice which has no determinate number?" Rabbi Meir said, "Also he who slaughters [other offerings on Shabbat] with the intention that they be public [offerings] is exempt."

(6) If one slaughtered the Pesach sacrifice [on Shabbat] for those who are not [considered to be able to be] its eaters, or for those who are not designated for it, for those uncircumcised or for those impure, he is obligated [to sacrifice a chattat]; but if it had been slaughtered for those who are [considered to be able to be] its eaters and for those who are not [considered to be able to be] its eaters; or for those that are designated for it and for those that are not designated for it; or for those circumcised and for those uncircumcised; or for those impure and those pure, he is exempt. If one slaughtered it, and it was found to have a blemish, he is obligated; if, one slaughtered it, and it was found to be a ‏terefah‎ [an animal with a mortal condition such that it would die within one year] [due to a condition that is] in a hidden [location of the body], he is exempt. If one slaughters it and it [then] becomes known that the owners had withdrawn [themselves] from it, or died, or become impure, he is exempt, because he slaughtered it, when it had [still] been permitted.

(א) כיצד צולין את הפסח, מביאין שפוד של רמון, תוחבו מתוך פיו עד בית נקובתו, ונותן את כרעיו ואת בני מעיו לתוכו, דברי רבי יוסי הגלילי. רבי עקיבא אומר: כמין בשול הוא זה, אלא תולין חוצה לו.

(1) How must we roast the Pesach sacrifice ? We bring a spit [made of the wood] of a pomegranate-tree and jab it in at its mouth [of the lamb or kid] until [it comes out again at] the place of its [lower] opening; and one places its legs and its entrails inside of it - so says Rabbi Yose Haglili. Rabbi Akiva says, "This would be a kind of boiling; rather we suspend them outside [of the lamb]."

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