(ו) נטמא הקהל או רבו, או שהיו הכהנים טמאים והקהל טהורים - יעשה בטמאה. נטמא מעוט הקהל - הטהורין עושין את הראשון, והטמאין עושין את השני.
(ז) הפסח שנזרק דמו, ואחר כך נודע שהוא טמא - הציץ מרצה. נטמא הגוף - אין הציץ מרצה, מפני שאמרו: הנזיר ועושה פסח - הציץ מרצה על טמאת הדם, ואין הציץ מרצה על טמאת הגוף. נטמא טמאת התהום - הציץ מרצה.
(ח) נטמא שלם או רבו - שורפין אותו לפני הבירה מעצי המערכה. נטמא מעוטו, והנותר - שורפין אותו בחצרותיהן או על גגותיהן מעצי עצמן. הציקנין שורפין אותו לפני הבירה, בשביל להנות מעצי המערכה.
(ט) הפסח שיצא או שנטמא, ישרף מיד. נטמאו הבעלים, או שמתו - תעבר צורתו וישרף בששה עשר. רבי יוחנן בן ברוקה אומר: אף זה ישרף מיד, לפי שאין לו אוכלין.
(6) If the congregation or its majority became impure; or if the Kohanim were impure, but the congregation was pure, [the Pesach sacrifice may be brought] in [this state of] impurity. If [only] the minority of the congregation became impure, the pure [members of the congregation] shall [bring] the first [Pesach sacrifice at its proper time], and the impure [members] shall [bring] the second [Pesach sacrifice on Pesach Sheni].
(7) If, after the blood of a Pesach sacrifice had been sprinkled [on the altar], it became known that [its blood or meat] was impure, the forehead plate [worn by the Kohen Gadol] expiates [the sin]; but if the body [of its owner] became impure, the forehead plate does not expiate [it]; because [the Sages] said, "[In the cases of the sacrifices brought by] a nazir [a person who vows to avoid corpse impurity, refrain from cutting his hair and abstain from all grape products] and [someone with] a Pesach sacrifice, the forehead plate expiates [the sin caused by] the impurity of the [sacrifice's] blood; but it does not expiate [the sin that is a result] of the impurity of the body [of its owner]. It does, however, expiate, for [the sin caused by the so-called] impurity of the abyss [when someone became impure as a result of contact with a highly hidden corpse].
(8) If the entire, or majority [of the, Pesach sacrifice] became impure, it must be burned in front of the palace [the Temple] with wood from the arrangement [set up for the altar]. If the lesser part of it became impure, or [concerning] notar [a sacrifice that becomes unfit, due to being left unconsumed until after the time limit for its consumption], they must burn it in their [own] courts, or on their [own] roofs, with their own wood; avaricious persons, [however], may burn it in front of the palace [the Temple], in order [to allow] that they may derive benefit from the wood from the arrangement [set up for the altar].
(9) If a [slaughtered] Pesach sacrifice [was taken] out [beyond the walls of Jerusalem], or became impure, it must be burned immediately. If its owners became impure or died, [it must he left until] its form is [changed], and [then] must be burned on the sixteenth [of Nissan]. Rabbi Yochanan ben Beroka says, "This too must be burned immediately, since it has no [people that may eat it]."