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(א) האשה בזמן שהיא בבית בעלה, שחט עליה בעלה ושחט עליה אביה, תאכל משל בעלה. הלכה רגל ראשון לעשות בבית אביה, שחט עליה אביה ושחט עליה בעלה, תאכל במקום שהיא רוצה. יתום ששחטו עליו אפטרופסים, יאכל במקום שהוא רוצה. עבד של שני שתפין לא יאכל משל שניהן. מי שחציו עבד וחציו בן חורין, לא יאכל משל רבו.

(ב) האומר לעבדו: צא ושחוט עלי את הפסח - שחט גדי יאכל, שחט טלה יאכל, שחט גדי וטלה יאכל מן הראשון. שכח מה אמר לו רבו, כיצד יעשה, ישחוט טלה וגדי ויאמר: אם גדי אמר לי רבי, גדי שלו וטלה שלי. ואם טלה אמר לי רבי, טלה שלו וגדי שלי. שכח רבו מה אמר לו, שניהם יצאו לבית השרפה, ופטורין מלעשות פסח שני.

(ג) האומר לבניו: הריני שוחט את הפסח על מי שיעלה מכם ראשון לירושלים - כיון שהכניס הראשון ראשו ורבו, זכה בחלקו ומזכה את אחיו עמו. לעולם נמנין עליו עד שיהא בו כזית לכל אחד ואחד. נמנין ומושכין את ידיהן ממנו עד שישחוט. רבי שמעון אומר: עד שיזרוק עליו את הדם.

(ד) הממנה עמו אחרים בחלקו, רשאין בני חבורה לתן לו את שלו, והוא אוכל משלו והן אוכלין משלהן.

(1) If a woman is living in her husband's home and her husband slaughters [a Pesach sacrifice] for her [to eat from], and her father [also] slaughters [a Pesach sacrifice] for her [to eat from], she must eat from that of her husband. If she went to pass the first festival [after her marriage] at her father's home, and her father slaughters [a Pesach sacrifice] for her [to eat from], and her husband [also] slaughters [a Pesach sacrifice] for her [to eat form], she may eat at the place that she wants. If [several] guardians of an orphan slaughtered [Pesach sacrifices] for him [to eat from], he may eat at the place that he wants. If a slave belongs to two masters, he may not eat from [a Pesach sacrifice] of [either one]. One who is half a slave and half a free man, may not eat from [a Pesach sacrifice] of his master.

(2) One who says to his slave, "Go and slaughter the Pesach sacrifice for me," if he slaughtered a goat, [the owner] may eat [it]; if he slaughtered a lamb, [the owner] may [also] eat [it]; if he slaughtered a goat and a lamb, he must eat from that [which was slaughtered] first. If he forgot what his master said [concerning which animal to use], how is he to act? He should slaughter a lamb and a goat, and say, "If my master said [I should take] 'a goat,' the goat is for him, [and] the lamb is for me; but if he said 'a lamb,' then the lamb is for him and the goat is for me." If the master forgot what he said to him, both [animals] go out to the House of Burning, and they are exempt from making [a Pesach sacrifice] on Pesach Sheni.

(3) One who says to his sons, "Behold I am slaughtering the Pesach sacrifice for whichever of you gets up first to Jerusalem;" [as soon] as the first brings his head and the majority of his body into [Jerusalem], he [thereby] acquires [a right to] his own share, and acquires [the same] for his brothers [together] with him. Truly, we may designate [as many people] to partake of a Pesach sacrifice until [we reach the point] that there would [only] be [enough meat to have] one kazayit [a specific unit of volume] for each person. We may designate [eaters] and withdraw [from the company] up to [the time] when the Pesach sacrifice is slaughtered. Rabbi Shimon says, "[They may do so], until [its] blood is sprinkled."

(4) When a person has designated others to partake with him of his share [of the Pesach sacrifice], the [other] members of his company are allowed to give him his [share, that] he eat it [separately with his own guests]; and they may eat their own share [apart from him and his guests].

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