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84 Shekalim 2/2-5

(ב) הנותן שקלו לחברו לשקל על ידו, ושקלו על ידי עצמו, אם נתרמה תרומה, מעל. השוקל שקלו ממעות הקדש, אם נתרמה תרומה וקרבה הבהמה, מעל. מדמי מעשר שני, מדמי שביעית, יאכל כנגדן.

(ג) המכנס מעות ואמר, הרי אלו לשקלי, בית שמאי אומרים, מותרן נדבה. ובית הלל אומרים, מותרן חלין. שאביא מהן לשקלי, שוין שמותרן חלין. אלו לחטאת, שוין שהמותר נדבה. שאביא מהן לחטאת, שוין שהמותר חלין.

(ד) אמר רבי שמעון, מה בין שקלים לחטאת? שקלים יש להם קצבה, וחטאת אין לה קצבה. רבי יהודה אומר, אף לשקלים אין להן קצבה, שכשעלו ישראל מן הגולה היו שוקלים דרכונות, חזרו לשקול סלעים, חזרו לשקול טבעין, ובקשו לשקל דינרים. אמר רבי שמעון, אף על פי כן, יד כלן שוה. אבל חטאת, זה מביא בסלע וזה מביא בשתים וזה מביא בשלש.

(ה) מותר שקלים, חלין. מותר עשירית האפה, מותר קני זבין, קני זבות, וקני יולדות, וחטאות ואשמות, מותריהן נדבה. זה הכלל, כל שהוא בא לשם חטאת ולשם אשמה, מותרן נדבה. מותר עולה, לעולה. מותר מנחה, למנחה. מותר שלמים, לשלמים. מותר פסח, לשלמים. מותר נזירים, לנזירים. מותר נזיר, לנדבה. מותר עניים, לעניים. מותר עני, לאותו עני. מותר שבויים, לשבויים. מותר שבוי, לאותו שבוי. מותר המתים, למתים. מותר המת, ליורשיו. רבי מאיר אומר, מותר המת, יהא מנח עד שיבא אליהו. רבי נתן אומר, מותר המת בונין לו נפש על קברו.

(2) One who gives his shekel to his fellow to donate on his behalf, and [his fellow] donates it for himself: if the terumah was set aside, he [has committed the sin of] misappropriation. One who donates his shekel from hekdesh [consecrated funds]: if the terumah was set aside, and an animal [bought from the funds] was already sacrificed, he [has committed the sin of] misappropriation. If [he drew his shekel donation] from ma'aser sheni [second-tithe] funds or shevi'it [seventh-year] funds, he must [redeem that money] and eat that amount.

(3) One who is accumulating coins and says, these are for my shekel, Beit Shammai says, the extra must be used as a free-will offering. Beit Hillel says that the extra is not consecrated [as a free-will offering]. [If one were to say that] I will bring from these for my shekel, they both agree that the extra is chullin [not consecrated]. [If one were to say that] these are for a chattat [sin-offering], they both agree that the extra must be used as a free-will offering. [If one were to say that] I will bring from these for a chattat, they both agree that the extra is chullin.

(4) Rabbi Shimon said, what is the difference between shekalim and the chattat offering? Shekalim have a fixed amount, while a chattat does not have a fixed amount. Rabbi Yehuda said, even shekalim don't have a fixed amount because when the Jews ascended [to Israel] from the [Babylonian] exile they would pay the shekel in darkonot [equivalent to 4 shekels]; then they paid in selaim [equivalent to 2 shekels]; then they paid in selaim [equivlant to 1 Mishnaic shekel or half a Toraitic shekel] and they sought to pay in dinarim [equivelant to 1/2 of a Mishnaic shekel]. Said Rabbi Shimon, even so, everyone would give an equal amount [at any given time period]. But [for a] chattat, this one brings [an offering worth] a sela, this one brings [an offering worth] two, and this one brings [an offering worth] three.

(5) The excess funds of [money set aside for] the shekalim is not sanctified. The excess funds [of money set aside for] the tenth of an eifah [of flour brought with a chattat offering], the excess funds of the offerings of zavim [males with abnormal genital discharge], the offerings of zavot [females with abnormal genital discharge], the offerings of women who gave birth, chattat offerings and asham [guilt] offerings, their excess funds must be given as a free-will offering. This is the general rule, everything that comes for the sake of a chattat or asham offering, their excess funds must be given as a free-will offering. The excess funds of an olah [burnt offering] is for an olah. The excess funds of a minchah [meal offering] is for a minchah. The excess funds of a shelamim [peace offering] is for a shelamim. The excess funds of the pesach offering is for a pesach offering. The excess funds for a nazirite's offering is for a nazirite's offering. The remainder for an individual nazirite must be given as a free-will offering. The excess funds [given] for the poor is for the poor. The excess funds [given] for an individual poor person is for that poor person. The excess funds [given] for captives is for captives. The excess funds [given] for a specific captive is for that specific captive. The excess funds [given] for the dead is for the dead. The excess funds for a specific dead person is for his inheritors. Rabbi Meir said, the excess funds for a specific dead person is set aside until Eliyahu comes. Rabbi Natan said, the excess funds for a specific dead person is used to build a gravestone on his grave.

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