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​ 91 Shekalim 6/6 & 7/1-3

(ו) האומר, הרי עלי עצים, לא יפחות משני גזרין. לבונה, לא יפחות מקמץ. זהב, לא יפחות מדינר זהב, ששה לנדבה. נדבה מה היו עושין בה, לוקחין בה עולות, הבשר לשם, והעורות לכהנים.זה מדרש דרש יהוידע כהן גדול, (ויקרא ה:יט) אשם הוא אשם אשם לה'. זה הכלל, כל שהוא בא משום חטא ומשום אשמה, ילקח בו עולות, הבשר לשם, והעורות לכהנים. נמצאו שני כתובים קימים, אשם לה', ואשם לכהנים, ואומר, (מלכים ב, יב:יז), כסף אשם וכסף חטאות לא יובא בית ה' לכהנים יהיו.

(6) If one says, "I take upon myself [the duty of offering] wood," he he may not bring less than two logs. [If he says he takes upon himself the duty of offering] frankincense, he may not offer less than three fingers-full [of frankincense]. [If he says he takes upon himself the duty of offering] gold, he may not bring less than a gold dinar. What was done with funds in the six [shofarot] for free-will offerings? They bought with them burnt-offerings, the flesh of which was for the Divine and the hides were for the priests. The following exposition was offered by Yehoyada, the High Priest: "It is a guilt offering; he is surely guilty before the Lord" (Leviticus 5:19). This is the rule: Whatever comes because of sin or guilt shall be used to purchase burnt-offerings, of which the meat was for the Divine, and the hides for the priests, thus two verses are fulfilled, as it is a guilt-offering (asham) for the Divine, and a guilt-offering for the priests. And it also states: “The money for guilt-offerings and the money for the sin-offerings was not brought to the House of the Lord; it was for the priests” (II Kings 12:17).

(א) מעות שנמצאו בין השקלים לנדבה, קרוב לשקלים יפלו לשקלים, לנדבה יפלו לנדבה, מחצה למחצה יפלו לנדבה. בין עצים ללבונה, קרוב לעצים יפלו לעצים, ללבונה יפלו ללבונה, מחצה למחצה יפלו ללבונה. בין קנין לגוזלי עולה, קרוב לקנין יפלו לקנין. לגוזלי עולה יפלו לגוזלי עולה, מחצה למחצה יפלו לגוזלי עולה. בין חלין למעשר שני, קרוב לחלין יפלו לחלין, למעשר שני יפלו למעשר שני, מחצה למחצה יפלו למעשר שני. זה הכלל, הולכים אחר הקרוב להקל, מחצה למחצה להחמיר.

(ב) מעות שנמצאו לפני סוחרי בהמה, לעולם מעשר. בהר הבית, חלין. בירושלים בשעת הרגל, מעשר, ובשאר ימות השנה, חלין.

(ג) בשר שנמצא בעזרה, אברים, עולות. וחתיכות, חטאות. בירושלים, זבחי שלמים. זה וזה תעבר צורתו ויצא לבית השרפה. נמצא בגבולין, אברים, נבלות. חתיכות, מתרות. ובשעת הרגל שהבשר מרבה, אף אברים מתרין.

(1) Money which is found between [the chests for] shekalim and free-will offerings, if it is closer to the [chest for] shekalim, it falls to the shekalim, if closer to the [chest for] free-will offerings, it falls to the free-will offerings, if it is in the middle, it falls to the free-will offerings. If it is found between the [chest for] wood and the [chest for] frankincense, if it is closer to the [chest for] wood, it falls to wood, if it is closer to the [chest for] frankincense it falls to frankincense, if it is in the middle it falls to frankincense. If it is found between the [chest for] nest offerings and the [chest for] young bird offerings, if it is closer to the [chest for] nest offerings, it falls to the nest offerings, if it is closer to the [chest for] young bird offerings it falls to the young bird offering, if it is in the middle it falls to the young bird offerings. If it is found between unconsecrated money and maaser sheini [in a person's possession], if it is closer to the unconsecrated money, it falls to the unconsecrated money, if it is closer to the maaser sheini it falls to the maaser sheini, if it is in the middle it falls to the maaser sheini. This is the general rule, the money goes to what is closer even to be more lenient. When it is in the middle, it goes to the more stringent.

(2) Money that is found in front of animal dealers, it is always considered maaser [sheini]. On the Temple Mount, it is considered unconsecrated. In Jerusalem during a festival, it is maaser [sheini]. During the rest of the days of the year, it is unconsecrated.

(3) If flesh was found in the Temple courtyard, and if it was [cut into] limbs, [they are assumed to be] burnt-offerings, but if it was [cut into] pieces [of flesh], they are assumed to be sin offerings. If found in Jerusalem, [they are assumed to be] peace-offerings. In either case, it must be left until its appearance changes [i.e., it becomes absolutely disqualified as an offering] and is then taken to the place of burning. If it was found in outlying areas, in limbs, [they are assumed to be] neveilah [improperly slaughtered]. If they are in pieces, they are permitted [to be eaten]. At the time of the [three pilgrimage] festivals, when meat is abundant, it is permitted, even when [cut into] limbs.

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