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93 Shekalim 8/1-4

(א) כל הרקין הנמצאים בירושלים טהורין, חוץ משל שוק העליון, דברי רבי מאיר. רבי יוסי אומר, בשאר ימות השנה, שבאמצע טמאין ושבצדדין טהורין .ובשעת הרגל, שבאמצע טהורין ושבצדדין טמאין, שמפני שהן מעטין מסתלקין לצדדין.

(ב) כל הכלים הנמצאין בירושלים דרך ירידה לבית הטבילה טמאין. דרך עליה, טהורין, שלא כדרך ירידתן עליתן, דברי רבי מאיר. רבי יוסי אומר, כלן טהורין, חוץ מן הסל והמגרפה והמרצה המיחדין לקברות.

(ג) סכין שנמצאת בארבעה עשר, שוחט בה מיד. בשלשה עשר, שונה ומטביל. וקופיץ, בין בזה ובין בזה שונה ומטביל. חל ארבעה עשר להיות בשבת, שוחט בה מיד. בחמשה עשר, שוחט בה מיד. נמצאת קשורה לסכין, הרי זו כסכין.

(ד) פרכת שנטמאת בולד הטמאה, מטבילין אותה בפנים ומכניסין אותה מיד. ואת שנטמאת באב הטמאה, מטבילין אותה בחוץ ושוטחין אותה בחיל. ואם היתה חדשה, שוטחין אותה על גג האצטבא, כדי שיראו העם את מלאכתה שהיא נאה.

(1) Any saliva found in Jerusalem is pure [i.e. assumed to not be from a zav, whose saliva defiles people or vessels], except that which is found in the upper market [since defiled persons would congregate there]; these are the words of Rabbi Meir. Rabbi Yosi says: During other times of the year, whatever saliva is found in the middle of the road is deemed [to be from] impure [persons], while saliva found at the sides of the road is deemed [to be from] pure [persons]. But in the season of the festivals, the saliva found in the middle of the road is assumed to be pure, whereas the saliva found on the sides of the road is assumed to be impure, since impure persons are in the minority at festival time, and because they are in the minority, they move over to the sides of the road.

(2) All vessels found in Jerusalem on the path leading down to the house of immersion are [assumed to be] impure, but those found on the path up are [deemed] pure. For the path leading down is not the same path leading up; these are the words of Rabbi Meir. Rabbi Yosi says: All vessels are [deemed to be] pure, except for the basket, shovel, and crusher which are reserved for use in burial-places.

(3) A knife which was found on the 14th [day of Nissan] can be used to slaughter [animals] immediately. If it were found on the 13th [day of Nissan] one must immerse it [in a mikvah] again. A cleaver, on either day [the 13th or 14th days of Nissan] must be immersed [in a mikvah] again. If the 14th [day of Nissan] fell on Shabbat, one may use [the cleaver] for slaughtering right away. If [the cleaver] were found on the 15th [day of Nissan], one could use it to slaughter right away. If it [the cleaver] were found tied to a knife, its status is the same as that of the knife.

(4) If the curtain [which separates the Holy from the Holy of Holies] became impure from a vlad hatumah [something rendered impure on a derivative level, by contact ultimately with an original source of impurity], it can be immersed [in a mikvah] inside [the Temple courtyard] and rehung immediately. If however it became impure from an av hatumah it is immersed outside the Temple and was spread out in the cheil [a low fence around the Temple, which served as a boundary, beyond which entry to those impure was prohibited]. If it was a new curtain it was spread out on the roof of the Colonnade so that the masses could see its workmanship, since it was beautiful.

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