Tisha B'Av Learning
החליל חמשה וששה.זהו החליל של בית השואבה , שאינו דוחה לא את השבת ולא את יום טוב.אמרו, כל מי שלא ראה שמחת בית השואבה, לא ראה שמחה מימיו.
The pipes [were played sometimes on] five [days], and [sometimes on] six days. This means, the pipes [music] played on during the water-drawing, which does not supersede either the Sabbath or the festival. They [the sages] said, "He who has not witnessed the rejoicings at the water-drawing, has, throughout the whole of his life, witnessed no [real] rejoicing."
1: Ask the kids what their ideal party would have? Big or small? Food? Music? A lot of people? Where would it be?
Try to convey to them that the parties and the gatherings at the Beit Hamikdash were like no parties they have ever been to and that when the Beit Hamikdash was destroyed there were no more parties.

מבלאי מכנסי כהנים ומהמיניהן מהן היו מפקיעין, ובהן היו מדליקין, ולא היתה חצר בירושלים שאינה מאירה מאור בית השואבה.
The cast-off breeches and belts of the priests were torn into shreds for wicks, which they lighted. There was not a court in Jerusalem that was not illuminated by the lights of the water-drawing.
חסידים ואנשי מעשה היו מרקדים לפניהם באבוקות של אור שבידיהן, ואומרים לפניהן דברי שירות ותשבחות.והלוים בכנורות ובנבלים ובמצלתים ובחצוצרות ובכלי שיר בלא מספר, על חמש עשרה מעלות היורדות מעזרת ישראל לעזרת נשים, כנגד חמשה עשר שיר המעלות שבתהלים, שעליהן לויים עומדין בכלי שיר ואומרים שירה.ועמדו שני כהנים בשער העליון שיורד מעזרת ישראל לעזרת נשים, ושתי חצוצרות בידיהן.קרא הגבר , תקעו והריעו ותקעו.הגיעו למעלה עשירית , תקעו והריעו ותקעו.הגיעו לעזרה, תקעו והריעו ותקעו.היו תוקעין והולכין , עד שמגיעין לשער היוצא מזרח.הגיעו לשער היוצא ממזרח, הפכו פניהן למערב, ואמרו, אבותינו שהיו במקום הזה אחוריהם אל היכל ה' ופניהם קדמה, והמה משתחוים קדמה לשמש, ואנו ליה עינינו.רבי יהודה אומר, היו שונין ואומרין, אנו ליה, וליה עינינו.
Pious and distinguished men danced before the people with lighted flambeaux in their hands, and sang hymns and lauds before them;, and the Levites accompanied them with harps, psalteries, cymbals, and numberless musical instruments. On the fifteen steps which led into the women's court, corresponding with the fifteen songs of degrees, stood the Levites, with their musical instruments and sang. At the upper gate, which leads down from the court of the Israelites to the court of the women, stood two priests, with trumpets in their hands. When the cock [first] crowed they blew a blast, a long note and a blast. This they repeated when they reached the tenth step, and again [the third time] when they got into the court. They went on, blowing [their trumpets] as they went, until they reached the gate that leads out to the east. When they reached the gate that leads out to the east, they turned westward [with their faces towards the Temple], and said, "Our ancestors, who were in this place, turned their backs on the Temple of the Lord, and their faces towards the east; for they worshipped the Sun towards the east: 4 but we lift our eyes to God." R. Jehudah saith, they repeated again and again, "We belong to God, and raise our eyes to God."
2. Ask the kids how they show happiness? Sadness? Ask them what the happiest time in their life was so far? Ask them what the saddest time in their life was so far? Explain to them the joy the Beit Hamikdash brought to so many people and how it was a gathering place for all Jews. Then explain to them that the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash was the saddest event that happened in Jewish history and how today we our mourning for it.

3. Ask the kids what they think would help bring the rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash. This leads into the Mishna in Pirkei Avot below. Explain to them that even though we don't have the Beit Hamikdash we are not helpless and can still do many mitzvot and by davening and doing acts of kindness we are slowly helping with the rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash. (This goes with the brick that they will receive at the end of the learning session)
שמעון הצדיק היה משירי כנסת הגדולה.הוא היה אומר, על שלשה דברים העולם עומד, על התורה ועל העבודה ועל גמילות חסדים.
Shimon the Tzadik was of the last of the Great Assembly. He has said, On three things the world stands– On the Torah, and on the Avodah, and on Deeds of Loving kindess.
ועל העבודה- On the service [of G-d]. This refers to the sacrificial service [generally performed in the Beit Hamikdash].Upon the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, this service was supplanted by prayer and study of the laws regarding the Temple service.

The word Chessed means to go beyond established boundaries. Hence a Chassid is one who goes beyond the letter of the law. Why is the term Chessed appropriate for acts of kindness? Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld explained: A person is by nature egocentric, only concerned with his own personal needs and desires. Only when one can go beyond the boundaries of his self-ccenteredness is he ready ti do Chessed.
The term Gmilut Chassadim litereally means the repaying of a favor. Even when one does a favor for someone he never met before, he is repaying the favors that Hashem does for him. There is really no way to pay Hashem back; the only thing we can do is attempt to make it up to Him by helping his children or creatures (R' A.C Feuer)