Despite having a dedicated Mesechta to the topic, Bikkurim is discussed in numerous other Mishnayos throughout Shisha Sidre Mishnah. This sheet looks to collect those Mishnayos so the interested learner can appreciate the full breadth of the Mishnah's teachings on this topic.
This source sheet will serve as an introduction to the basic concepts of Tumah and Taharah (Purity and Impurity) as discussed in various Mishayos.
This is not meant as a comprehensive review of all the rules. It is simply a brief overview to familiarize the student with the basics paradigms.
This running commentary is an amalgam of various commentaries, including my own. Text of the Mishna is from Sefaria. Translations and commentaries used include: Sefaria, R"AV, Tosfos Yom Tov, Peirush HaRamBam L'Mishnayos, Mishna im peirush Siyata D'ishmaya, Yochin uBoaz, Mishna Mefureshes; Mishna with commentary by Chanoch Albeck, Artscroll/Yad Avrohom, Mishnayos im Biur HaMishna, Mishnayos Tosfos Yom Tov HaMevuar, Mishnas Eretz Yisroel (Safrai), Mishnat Yomi by Rabbi Dr. Joshua Kulp, Yaakov Nagen, Nishmat HaMishnah (Hebrew), R' Yosef Shlomo Zevin, Hamoadim B'Halacha (Hebrew), J. Tabory, Moadei Yisroel B'Tekufas HaMishna v'Hatalmud (Hebrew), Saul Lieberman, Tosefta Kepshutah,. In addition, I have made use of numerous articles by Rav Prof. Avram Walfish on Mesechtas Rosh HaShana. All mistakes are my own. Any comments and/or questions can be sent to [email protected]. If you would like the accompanying powerpoint presentation please email me as well.