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Parashat Bo: Prayer in the Parashah
Learn about what younger people can learn from their seniors about prayer
Hadar Institute272 ViewsJanuary 4, 2024Devash,Prayer,Bo,Tefila,Parasha
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Parashat Toldot: Prayer in the Parashah
What does God's special name mean?
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Parashat Yitro: Prayer in the Parashah
Did you know that there is a teaching that says that we must say God's name in order for a blessing to "count?" How can we both be careful about using God's name but not so careful that we don't use it?
Save "Sheet 537854"
Parashat Shoftim: Prayer in the Parashah
Explore a midrash connecting birkat kohanim and the service in the Temple and how that relates to standing during prayers and blessings.
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Parashat Ha'azinu: Prayer in the Parashah
In our parashah, God is descried as one who causes death and life, a theme echoed in the Amidah. What exactly does this mean?
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Parashat Shelah: Prayer in the Parashah
Learn more about customs around using tzitzit during prayer
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Parashat Nitzavim: Prayer in the Parashah
Where does תְּשׁוּבָה (repentance) come up in our parashah and in our daily prayers?
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Parashat Re'eh: Prayer in the Parashah
We learn a lot about tzedakah from Parashat Re'eh, but do you know that tzedakah is also a part of the way we pray?
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Parashat Eikev: Prayer in the Parashah
These words might make you imagine God as a great miracle-worker, doing impressive things like creating the world or splitting the sea. But the words actually come from our parashah, and the context here is something else entirely.
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Parashat Va'ethanan: Prayer in the Parashah
Learn more about Shema, and what we mean when we say it
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Parashat Pinhas: Prayer in the Parashah
Learn more about how Pinhas stopped Beneu Yisrael from worshipping idols
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Parashat Devarim: Prayer in the Parashah
Learn about the connection between the wars Benei Yisrael fought against Sihon and Og and Hallel Hagadol that we say on Shabbat.
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Parashat Bemidbar: Prayer in the Parashah
Counting comes up a lot in Parashat Yitro and it’s a theme in tefillah as well. Learn a pasuk about counting that is part of Pesukei D’Zimra, the warmup section of Shaharit (the morning prayer).
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Parashat Balak: Prayer in the Parashah
Learn more about Mah Tovu, which come from this week's parashah
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Parashat Korah: Prayer in the Parashah
Who is holy? Korah argues that everyone is but a look at the weekday Amidah offers a different perspective.
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Parashat Aharei Mot: Prayer in the Parashah
Learn about the connection between the Yom Kippur prayer and service to this week's parashah, Aharei Mot.
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Parashat Mattot-Masei: Prayer in the Parashah
Learn about some of the stops on Benei Yisrael's journey through the desert, and the meaning of those names.
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Parashat Ki Teitzei: Prayer in the Parashah
Why should we remind ourselves daily of Miriam's tzara'at?
Hadar Institute562 ViewsAugust 23, 2023Prayer,Ki Teitze,Tzara’At,Devash
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Parashat Ki Tavo: Prayer in the Parashah
Why did Moshe want Benei Yisrael to pray on his behalf?
Hadar Institute533 ViewsSeptember 1, 2023Ki Tavo,Prayer,Devash
Save "Sheet 507978"
Parashat Noah: Prayer in the Parashah
How are windows important to Jewish prayer?
Save "Sheet 510619"
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