There are three prayer services that we say every day: Shaharit in the morning, Minhah in the afternoon, and Maariv at night. How do they connect with our patriarchs?
Did you know that there is a teaching that says that we must say God's name in order for a blessing to "count?" How can we both be careful about using God's name but not so careful that we don't use it?
These words might make you imagine God as a great miracle-worker, doing impressive things like creating the world or splitting the sea.
But the words actually come from our parashah, and the context here is something else entirely.
Counting comes up a lot in Parashat Yitro and it’s a theme in tefillah as well. Learn a pasuk about counting that is part of Pesukei D’Zimra, the warmup section of Shaharit (the morning prayer).